There is only one Nichtantisemiten in the world: His name is Henryk M. Broder.
Archives for the month of February 2010
Sunday, February 28, 2010So far, the Federal Foreign Minister not publicly declared that he would accept a woman as a partner, which he has undoubtedly continued his human rights gender duty even grossly violated: why this man is also in terms of gender equality, the German scandal in itself.
Grace is not to give here.
Beer festival
Saturday, February 27, 2010Today at noon I asked each of my sons again teasingly, which is why I for beer beverage (after I explained, I'm here so noodles for all, for all brush etc. and demanded something in return: I would do so only for myself).
Law unwisely I answered that it was indeed true, but beer is now times the liquid bread for adults, especially for dads, at least for yours.
Immediately tipped the thing a bit, as I told them bread is, so to speak her alcoholic beer festival.
Saturday, February 27, 2010Yesterday I read on the net that irgendsoein climate cheese Kasper Reverend thought of and science (its name, which stands for all the gossips of this kind, I will not honor here by reference), he was pretty confident that we would know in about 20-30 years whether the earth actually Heat.
Where this Master Augur from the chair of all seers, soothsayers, and prophets Mantiker this ingenious, irrefutable perspective probably has come from?
Already permanently drunk makes a glass of Himalayan glacier melt water, we provided only enough believe in it?
When may we perceive the recent revelations, the definitive Deliria this pseudo-scientific brandy noses?
White Wall Streets Westie that?
Friday, February 26, 2010For current Westerwelle:
Even in Jane Austen (late 18th century) was "liberal" in its primary meaning synonymous with "generous", "generous"; "A liberal man" was insonderheit a Wealthy, who had a thing for the lower orders, and personally took care in his home environment and nature for their welfare.
Nietzsche then said, liberal, which is a synonym for mediocre (as I recall, he referred to the British).
In the late twentieth century, then was called liberal, that you can not spank gays and imprison.
Now in the twenty it means that you voluntarily freezes for banks and starved, so that the entire liberal system does not in itself would collapse.
In the twenty-second, the adjective should be for those who prefer not equal more like incarnate on earth here below not possibly even having to endure the company of other liberal until exitus.
PPP (past participle passive?)
Friday, February 26, 2010Who is naughty as a celebrity and then directs a Phaeton, either zerhaidert or cheese processing: ie if the truck does not fall apart by itself, the police come.
Technique aghast (death leap through technology)
Friday, February 26, 2010Although I own for a few years no car, had it before but managed personally and professionally conditioned, everything to get over twenty years without an accident pretty much once under her butt, which may be moved without the truck or bus driver's license, of the old Kastenente about pretty much all car brands and types of any size and engine, to the Methuselah 7.5 tonner, old, worn-out platform tubs, often with a trailer ... (my preferences I name them now like, but this is not the place for advertising).
Which Mobile me, the famous wild horses not behind the wheel would bring, not even if the Pope next prayed for us, those are the modern luxury sedans that not only have power steering, cruise control, ABS and such useful facilities, but on an on-board computer, the GAS OR BRAKE THERE WHEN HE (!) THE RIGHT FOR KEEPS!
Not since the death of Jörg Haider (more ...)
Artist name
Wednesday, February 24, 2010With my younger son (9) who wants to be an actor, I came yesterday evening to speak on the topic of artists' names, and he also go equally powerful and wrote within a few minutes, take the following as for him in question:
Sorokoni Bobon
Kiro Sosonbon
Joni Kasonnero Mibolen
Simon Rain
Fabio Hobertus
Tim Ronokio
Kaa Sinor
Pitt Baboso
Rock Rubobambole
Kisame Sibobon
Rogono Arinera
Mamamia Sonigo
Seiged Ronirominoraino
Vilino Karinarino
Sodelo Arikusus
Zelonel Karibigkini
Selo Kulikwasi
Hipototelrus Schlembake
Teim Sevekula
Bobobo Roninabo
Then he suddenly had no desire, because the famine was stronger than the desire for poetry.
Greedy as the Father.
We see, however, that even the Japanese comics fantasy smaller Germanic can stimulate quite.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010I have now of my laziness and my Suebian Heizgeiz: By not anschürte yesterday, the fireplace is thawed and thus gets wet, which is why the kitchen stove does not want to tackle now and smokes.
The me, after twenty years of inciting even the abgefacktesten bulky waste-Studentenöfen by versottete fireplaces dating from the eighteenth century!
If the donkey is running against the wall, then he gets it back the same way.
Note stress
Wednesday, February 24, 2010Bruised, shredded, run down, deprived of all lightness, I suddenly reached today good March: The strictest of all my readers, of which I have customer, delighted me with a statement that had to indicate at least a Dreibisvier, so the clear path from the displacement hazard out; wofern that's not a kind of three-Plus should have been hinted at all, because I have developed myself but constantly striving hard.
"Satisfactory" is for itself in our mines strewn Gender time already a dangerous word; to even one more "Plus" seemed almost racist or at least a little misogynistic, so I'd rather not venture to pursue the idea in more detail.
Alone, I can not help it, the mind is weak. (more ...)
Franken cooks
Tuesday, February 23, 2010I stood today stunned before long most visible signs of global warming: The digital temperature panel of local savings bank, so one establishment that I, as money changers institution although traumatized does not in principle, but must nevertheless be regarded with mixed feelings, was also from personal experience, believe it or not seven magical degree of Celsius, so a value indeed appeared hardly credible, but could correspond emotion term ate quite the reality.
Immediately grabbed for my innate laziness, coupled with the associated altschwäbischen avarice, owned by me (more ...)
Holose III
Tuesday, February 23, 2010The Holose goes so far that anyone has anything against any group of people, can always be assumed that he was planning something like the Holocaust.
One speaks of "mental Holocaust", "mental Holocaust", "intellectual Holocaust", "spiritual Holocaust," even "symbolic Holocaust".
Each verholocaustet each as good or as bad as he can.
Deeper we can not fall in this respect well.
Therefore, it goes up again from the last letter used for this purpose here.
Holose II
Tuesday, February 23, 2010The Holose, hence the neurosis, everyone and everything one does not fit into a Nazi and thus to provide Holocaust comparison, is endemic in fact.
Whether it comes to the Israeli treatment of Palästineser, Darfur, Tibet, insulted Muslims, gay discrimination in sub-Saharan Africa, Iran anyway, the health policy of Obama, in counter part then the U.S. Republicans, the persecution of dissidents in Sonstnochwo, always has the Holocaust comparison serve, of but should otherwise stand for something so unique that this had to be compared with any Schandtatenanhäufung of human history, and not even with tens of millions of deaths in the Soviet Union or Red China itself only in the approaches.
Just as untruthful, so generally disturbed, looks a mass psychosis.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010Half the world now suffers under Holose.
In almost no matter what political discussion now grips the Godwinsche law, and the one who has put his opponent as the first in a Nazi Holocaust comparison, obtained the advantage, because the riposte "itself Nazi!" Then acts naturally placed reflexively and artificially fed and weak.
Hence the constant temptation to resort to this means, as neurotic seeks way when another is to be branded as reprehensible.
After all, who even denies being a Nazi, must be a yes.
How does a mass psychosis.
However, this is made and hereby broken in the bud.
Because of Islam and tolerance
Monday, February 22, 2010The trick with the "injured the religious feelings" of Muslims is part of the sublime in the face of their practices at home (and not only there!) And the laws of Islam, a bright, sly, tough-calculated stratagem in war against the west Determined effeminate idiots.
A Mohammed cartoon to be worse than severed hands, stoning and millions religion according to battered women?
Höhö because lachichma, albeit bitterly!
And the German feuilleton are also his green light Mustard to this Saubande: Who offends these Mohammedan saints, by showing what they do and how they think is to blame if he is murdered by them.
The Saints then can not do anything else, because their religious feelings were hurt naughty.
So are finally murderers to thoroughly pity, and the Left is celebrating its sociological final triumph over reason and existence.
And moreover, the victims are guilty of the murders, alswelches the playful icing on Zuckert dessert.
Iran War III
Monday, February 22, 2010I want to correct me. Or let's say better still introduce another aspect on Iran war.
A guided against Iran attack would have indicated in my previous articles on the topic set consequences that such a normally rendering unlikely. For a third world war would be the likely consequence.
Perhaps this is exactly planned Third World War.
There is some evidence for it unfortunately.
I wanted this not true also long, the possibility must be here now but lead.
If you take this threat seriously, so I advise you not gold, but oil, coal, wood, noodles, flour, potatoes, vorzuhalten edible oil etc..
Monday, February 22, 2010To clarify: I would never try, a soldier who defends his homeland, to be called stupid or minimize somehow.
Quite the contrary: such a man may "soldier" are mentioned, but not fighting for a pay; Rather, he is ready to brave to give everything for His own, that as his life.
A soldier, however, who is only willing to pay, so money to cover other peoples with death and misery is blinded in the best case and stupid; otherwise simply a hired assassin.
Even easier
Monday, February 22, 2010"It is even more stupid than it should even allow the Soldatei?"
(The one with the personal and may hurt religious feelings, as always.)
Too easy
Sunday, February 21, 2010Today I played with my boys Wörterrraten and had a spontaneous idea, please let him offend anyone or hurt even in his religious feelings:
"He is stupid and runs with 'nem gun' rum."
The little one screamed like a shot: "Soldier"
(The rate fun for soldiers I let me think, so things get changed to meet here as always.)