Archive for the 'Media'

From the transformation now

Wednesday 02 April 2014

The transformation is noticeable.

The lies of "the West", "the international community", "The Europeans", "the world community" are exactly those increasingly believed that one needs to maintain the same essential.

There are those "petty bourgeois" as they now have cynically-jokingly called himself, which at least still grudging assent to the system critically important.

In short, a large part of the thinking power carrier fails not only audible but turns off.

Man has learned powerful.

Meanwhile, there are complaints overwhelmingly no longer on the corporate media units, any censorship practices: It mocks.

The media mind control is Defunkt.

The warmongering is exposed.

The last two years have brought the breakthrough. (more ...)

Turkey and Syria: More war why and for whom?

Saturday, March 29, 2014

If you read these two pieces with Turkey or its Syria policy, one can almost dizzy.

Turkey has now actually burned through all their weapons supplies and other support for anti-Assad forces in Syria, fueling the civil war there own ass?

What forces are there, let the Turkish government now considers that direct intervention in the Syrian civil war?

Know about anybody?

A handful of irregulars it may be unlikely.

And he who hears the Turkish government not only by phone, is even able to bring most secret deliberations to the public?

The Mossad? The CIA? The Russians?

Are suddenly so threatening perceived forces - the apparent absence of Assad - out of the box Qatar and Saudi Arabia funded?

Would that without the goodwill of the Americans? (more ...)

Do you want to be ... all Nazis?

Thursday, March 20, 2014

By now even the FAZ publisher Berthold Kohler Putin alternately (!) Hernimmt with Hitler and Stalin comparisons, its editorial staff to ensure Geert Wilders, who asked his supporters at a campaign event, whether in this city they (the Hague) and the Netherlands, more or less Moroccans wanted, nor a specialty:

'The question also recalls the famous Sports Palace speech of the Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, in which he had called 1943 a similar formula for "total war".'

"Will you ...?"

So that's enough again for the Nazi comparison.

Savoury mind, however, that Wilders an ardent admirer of Israel, a prominent member of the pro-Zionist Euro-pseudo rights. (As in Germany, PI, the defunct party "Freedom".)

There is no problem that a Lebanese-Dutch rapper a simulated execution video, clearly targeted Wilders, posted online in the new NATO-coup government in Kiev people a formation sit ("Freedom" - "freedom" - among other things, the Attorney General, which would explain the events on Maidan ...), whose chief bluntly to the murder of Russians, Germans and "Judensäuen" calls. In one breath! (more ...)

Till the evil Putin came

Friday, March 14, 2014

For once, I refer here only now, resentful, yes, I am sometimes, to a post of myself, the remaining half timeliness:

Arms Schafsschrappler!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The thing with Ukraine is a warning sign.

Or a clarion call.

Under Brzezinski Doctrine violent encirclement of Russia, China, ultimately, operate, Putin called arsonists, the facts simply put on the head, seem to think that because they have separate synchronized media, no one noticed.

Or they feel already as lying ensure that they do not care how many remember that?

Meanwhile, irony of history, talk some people, such as the Forum of the FAZ, already of Putin as his fifth column, an armada installed in paid writers, and there was probably mass morons, the lemming way went the Russian propaganda machine on the glue.

Alas! (more ...)

No right to speak Schröder and Merkel

Thursday, March 13, 2014

"The European Parliament deplores the statements made ​​by the former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder on the crisis in Ukraine, said that he should not make any public statements on issues related to Russia, since it because of its relationship with the company Gazprom, which is one of the most important foreign policy instruments representing Russia, located in a unique conflict of interest. "

Thus, a common Amendment by Conservatives and Greens.

Wonderful. Allow the pants down completely. Or take off your gloves. As you want.

Once you have prepared and supported the violent coup in Ukraine by all means, will now get a speaking ban the former chancellor.

Well, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, alswelche in Kiev in association with Western services mitmischte strong, but is well - as the latter are - somehow attributable to our Chancellor, they also alswomit is in a clear conflict of interest. Ukraine so also should keep his mouth shut when it comes afterwards.

By bringing different sheep media - the media system - hardly ever so obvious as to the events in Ukraine, as if that was not enough, censorship and self-censorship everywhere, even that.

Yes no notice, is not it? (more ...)

Trolls: FAZ only know of psychopaths - Press Council plans Troll Code text

Sunday 09 March 2014

"Trolls, so people who swear on the Internet for no apparent reason, insult, inciting people against each other or just mindless things secrete (on FAZ.NET, by the way), are driven by emotional coldness, self-righteousness and selfishness."

So the FAZ on Shrove Tuesday, on Canadian "scientists" Invoking.

Sadists, psychopaths are, the trolls. Although scum, scum, sediment is not there, probably for the sake of humanity, or political correctness, but it can easily read out.

Completely suppressed or not treated here is that the most dangerous trolls just act not only from personal motives, also very cool, level-headed and focused.

They act voluntarily namely in terms of ideology (veganism, Islam, feminism ... You name it), or they work for money, out or even both.

White the topic chosen for this FAZ editor Florian Siebeck not know that there are those people, not a few, whether bestallt of intelligence or of other stakeholders? (more ...)

White heterosexuals: Even the women cultureless, forever yesterday pigs Pack

Saturday 08 March 2014

Here it is again, the anti-white racism, direct, unadorned.

The mirror again, this time, how often: A (! White) feminist is like it.

"I have not worked me my status as superior, heterosexual white man hard. He was just there. But it is better than what is with you just because. "

So Sybille mountain over another Sybille, who, whether justified or not does not care, homophobia accused.

Strange now, Fraunberg that homosexuality as I know no country is punishable with white majority population. (more ...)

Maidan Sniper: On the lodges?

Wednesday 05 March 2014

Here you can see how people wake up in rows, which is already a strand comment now!

It is close to the liberators of Ukraine.

Trolls: It's time to get full Absahnen

Sunday 02 March 2014

I think that there is currently no labor market where the real demand for skilled workers exceeds supply in such a way as to that of the Troll engineering, Netzdesinformanten.

A real growth industry. Is enough money there, and if need be also. What workers want? (more ...)

From the upcoming aristocratic revolution (III)

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The aristocratic revolution comes forward to even more softly asked my soles.

She spreads as I know, already under the oh-so underrated youth from.

You can tell already there as a Totalversklavung wollentlich set to the factory.

Still potter people like Julie toe or Sascha Lobo helplessly in the matter.

But partly also set the already signs that, like these two, sheep media have spread.

This, of course, they have only because they do not touch the core, the core of the matter.

Well, yeah. (more ...)

From the upcoming aristocratic revolution (II)

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Recently, I got it with, one was convicted because he had probably somehow linked to our besatzten enemy state of the United Nations not agreeable side, while the one who supplied the content remained unmolested.

It was no accident that was a signal.

Who links may at any time drape, even if you do not beikommt the author of the material does not want to get at. (It would have been the author probably may well get at, in the case mentioned. It sits apparently not in North Korea.)

The real fear mongering so. (more ...)

Not yet Allah Google

Saturday, February 15, 2014

By the Google me under Image Search to Magnus Göllerlifte still assigns a picture of Hitler, while the other search sequence is still ridiculous and irrelevant, I was told very firmly that I could never let sit on me that I should, no, I had the "Report abuse images" in Google, at least notify the better send the same email a juicy, even better, with lawyer threat.

I beg your pardon? What should I do?


At the company, the German free tutoring takes many years for me, me for me initially quite weighed (as I said, until recently, little was objectionable to the classifieds), now treated as a Unterpariah of Netzsubprekariats?

Should I beg these wayward giant squid about? (more ...)

Circumcision of boys: Breeding a sick, steerable warrior caste

Thursday 06 February 2014

"Otherwise, the baby roar because of lack of or no anesthesia performed mutilation not worth mentioning to the fact that the thus maimed for life are deprived of a part of your sexuality and punished with partial insensibility."

The just wrote earlier the laudable loyal reader and commentator "Anonymous" to the circumcision of boys, in the pre-Range commenting.

He mentioned the topic of censorship.

This is because, of course, of course.

We're not even to get to that we say to all mankind the truth about such a big part of themselves!

Not an idiot would think not from something. Odder? (more ...)

From worst vermin

Sunday 02 February 2014

So, as it stands, knew the most prestigious media authority of the planet, the BBC, almost man and mouse knows what their star Savile drove with children of thousands, twenty or more years.

It will also come close to the magical heart of the matter.

Of course, I should not say that. (more ...)

Kiffen is conservative (II)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Over a hundred criminal law professors declare publicly that the prohibitive, consumers criminalizing drug policy was in her estimation failed.

Portugal has long continued, Uruguay legalized hemp partially, Holland no longer pursued pothead for a long time in the US runs in California a mean farce because of "medical" application (which can easily any claim for themselves), Colorado has just released Wahsington State wants to follow.

In Berlin, but silence in the forest. Similarly, in the sheep media. Although we are told, but suggests no debate. No one dares. Or does one said anything, I just did not heard?

You duck again cowardly away. You will obviously have avoided the debate itself.

That CSU and CDU not cut the line, is hardly surprising. Because they are also long no more conservative parties. Since the rest especially decadent, you hear nothing else.

What are they all fear? (more ...)

The neoclassical relegated on the net

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Now he threatens whether all the disobedient to close the comment function and even the whole website, offended and talkative of sheer frustration and terrible here, that, for every critic is a troll or a near-miss or a real Nazi or otherwise a (journalistic) enemy ,

It is absolutely tolerant and also, clearly, against censorship, but you may now really can not stand each saddle pad with a different opinion, and criticism, yes, the only totally destroy him anyway, who wants to.

The man's been exemplary. His logic does not fit front and back, and the entgegenschlagen more relevant it answers to the more he is insulted and even biting mare.

The neo-classical descent in the network.

No, I will not name the page, not who I'm talking about. Recognizes him one just like that, so that speaks for itself.

Come under pressure, the arms just yet, the fürchtersam persecuted, he told himself dumb and dumber around his neck, does not notice. Apparently internally tells him that no one, because no one notices it, or no one dares or he hears it not easy. (more ...)

Welcome to the Black Empire

Thursday, January 16, 2014

In the meantime - it is this is not entirely new - is increasingly being hawked, the German National Socialists had anticipated the EU, designed something like the EU, and longed finally helped vigorously as they arise.

But they were obviously willing to lose on the back of her people the Second World War. Finally, there were socialists. Since the National is always advancing.

The Nazis have therefore lost the Second World War in appearance only. You now gain via Brussels.

What a Konkokt!

The war came after six years.

If you want to us Germans now even more so, the EU reindrehen behind your back, the euro, all the shite who served there?

Yeah, I hear it already trapsen, so after Scientologenmanier: German psychiatrists are to blame for everything.

And I always thought the Nazis were just trying to build flying discs that never flew.

After all, but what falls to me. I am specifically when I resist the EU introduce myself, but at least something similar to a noble Antifa.

You can not follow me?

Welcome to the Black Empire!

Because here is a Pike, there is crying Goethe's mind about him behind because, in the glimmer of laughs an avatar of Aleister Crowley over the tomb of Coudenhove-Kalergi.

Sticking on the wall also Elohim, what's left of them, sometimes they whisper to the mask of Aten. Always particularly liked when Isis does not delete it just is.

Gabriel is driving it, meanwhile, with all sorts of chimeras; the Saturnalia not a little; Jaguar in that there lies the spirit of Azkuatepetl.

And, behold, all they dance around small pyramids.

Except for me.

Therefore, I can guide you safely through the Black Empire.

Over there, they bet on it already, friends Pluto's how long to bet on the theory of relativity was still!

Here on the left you will see the players who rely on aliens. An even looser rabble.

If any one gets on the mouth, then you know that he has cheated stupid.

Normal loser does not exist here.

Do not forget you are in the Black Empire.

They wanted to see it.

Otherwise you would not followed me this far.

I told you so far shown only a small part of it.

Glorification of homosexuality ...

Friday, January 10, 2014

Now they rotate through completely.

This is so great with homosexuality that any a kicker who "outed" himself, is everywhere hinanstilisiert erstseitig hero.

It is so great that to be soon declared in Baden-Württemberg school children not only in biology, but in all subjects. Of course, incidentally transgender and so on.

If you do not find class, which is, well siewissenschon or so.

The mirror speaks of baiting whether a petition against the plans of the rainbow err in Stuttgart; in it there is no trace of agitation in my opinion.

Even the FAZ condemned the petition ... they are distorted again ...

In the new quota republic in which only about nichtabrahamitische (possibly Christian) white straight men jokes may not be made ​​without a disability, an interesting solution offers: The Muslims must practice with the girls and the rainbow alone socialization.

At high school course.

The rest comes towards special education needs math, science and geography, so get punishment for his other altgestrige Privileged awareness there even old Spachen is so deservedly intellectual precarity.

This is then later clean the toilets on the equality bodies on the faculties of Gender Studies, etc., the scruffy tofu carry away, outside the mosque sweep the street.


I fear gays? Even before lesbians?

How come?

The more gay men there are, the more hetero women are free, and the more lesbians are available to the less hetero women are newly released. That should balance each other yet.

I do not envy the teachers who should prevail from 2015 areas in the state, which, in sun.

Although I am not state schoolmaster, but the trade, and so I know teaching situations as well as today's youth, which will be fully umgegendert hardly up to one year.

Enjoy reeducation.

The Romans are crazy.


It will be interesting to see if the Jews who can not afford private school, will send their children prefer to special schools or on the rainbow high schools, where they learn with Goymädchen and Muslims and other All kinds of gay and trans, etc. instead of German, Maths and English to.

And many Muslims is not out yet and if they will prefer to send their children on Regenbogengymmi, or would you prefer a good special school: even if there are more Jews.

So the Muslim elite with the poor Jews and the normal German guys will land on the special schools.

Unless you denied Muslim and Jewish boys access to the special school.

Otherwise it will not go well.

2014 as the next Yottajahren

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Now even a minimal positive views of the Year 2014th

For the horse-copers in the network could crack a tough year.

I mean first not Facebook, Apple, Google, NSA & Cie.

There are paid submarine writers in the forums, there are especially those "alternative" Pages that an increasingly adult audience faced with that certainly still looks and grade the gift horse in the mouth.

Although more and more money is cyber armies who work with texts and videos with comments and denigration, output, you do not sleep, refines the decomposition and disinformation methods, the disavowal of pages and authors, but it looks but not look, such as whether they made too much progress in this area. On The Contrary.

Where to conduct its own pages, will offer an interactive communication, most aptly must therefore allow comments, because you are usually exposed, at least by some success occurs through censorship carried out as soon as really critical questions arise.

And if you now have great among the little ones, then speaks the already very quickly around. Let's see who is 2014, earning the title of being the "alternative TIME" than that publication, the censored at three stupid test.

Censorship in "alternative" media comes of course from genuine ideological reasons masse before. Then there are but special religious and esoteric and somewhat sparkling sides, rather no major platforms.

A whole lot of exposure could occur because without GPS Schmerzphonortung without account number along with fingerprint, simply by way of the called integrity. The youngest of all the virtues, as it identifies Nietzsche's Zarathustra.

A orderd text is reported if not ordered in the sense that a Dostoijewski can keep his gambling addiction only by delivery of sequels his story in the newspaper about viable to recognize very quickly as only one such. At least then a text string.

How many professional trolls will probably be busy world?

No Idea.

But the really good one has, depending on the quality scale, at most a few thousand.

The rest can usually not much more than those who simply beyond the normal programs, practically saying work.

The problem for a peak troll or whose principal is that he must indeed deliver some point results, orders may accept only after preliminary examination, rather declines when he knows he here, even with a lot of hard work, even suddenly hard on the nose fall or even could be pushed to the brink of happening, too negligent to put his reputation on the line.

It is in fact quite like that experienced Mitforisten, nor do under the umbrellas of a trained administrators of a troll in a class at the end of a relative buffoon, yet is without this previously noted his voltes and appeals to the best seasoning of the debate beiziehend with Plaisir.

Who do you need, what you need, when Troll in a class?

Basically you need one, which it almost does not exist. He was supposed to be at best an apparent and an excellent scholar who knows more and so to pose as a bit stupid if necessary, to linguistic and on the level of content that does not notice nor the Gewitzteste. Cervantes was something. He had, however, not just studying but also fencing lost against the Turks an arm and then already learned as a young man in captivity in Algiers under the daily death. It does not matter. To my knowledge, he's way or not available.

There are also 2014 not decide if any bits and bytes.

This is true anyway, at least, for the coming Yottajahre.

Erdogan "victims of Zionist conspiracy"?

Thursday, December 26, 2013

"Still sitting in Turkey thousands of journalists, intellectuals, opposition politicians in jail - often with no chance of due process." - How to read today on SPON .

But that seems even now, as in Turkey, an opaque power struggle within the Islamic new elite rages (the Gülen movement and Erdogan seem to compete against each other), does not seem to care or bother.

Erdogan sees itself - ie Turkey - now once again exposed to foreign conspiratorial powers, and he probably believes that not only itself, but is also more than a grain of truth in it. Without condoning the West, at least in the USA, the Gülen living there is a strong network and his troops have hardly set against the "Sultan" in transition. Toleration can of course quite possible with approval, support, yes even a view as semantically hardly be distinguished on behalf of action.

Why now but that?

Turkey has under Erdogan - many say the boom of recent years is purely financed by debt, based on a construction and real estate bubble - but lately a lot of the dirty work in the attack on Syria made in the spirit of the United States, Britain, France, Saudi Arabia and Qatar: What did the evil perpetrated now at once?

I do not think it really comes to the most massive corruption and taking advantage of the ACP squad, because that was certainly not only rumored lately.

That it is now but probably not really about them, helps Erdogan also not much should a major proportion of the allegations are correct, have been applied. He is a lot of pressure, trying with great effort to crack.

Puzzling me is how several hundred specialists should have identified so secret even against Prime sons and other Untouchables without Erdogan time got wind of it and could intervene.

"As this is true for Zionism, anti-Semitism and fascism, it is essential to consider Islamophobia as a crime against humanity." - So Erdogan at a UN conference to promote dialogue between religions and peoples in Vienna in February. The outrage was great.

And in November 2012, he had referred to Israel as a terrorist state who carries out ethnic cleansing in Gaza.

Something not you say now times himself as Sultan prefer. Considerably definitely the chutzpah to presuppose that Zionism would considered a crime against humanity, fascism (so einbegreifend in the internationally accepted diction even and especially Nazism) for comparisons zoom pulling, and even anti-Semitism, then, to ask Islamophobia next door ,

Yes, outraged, shocked they were all. But she did not quite know what to say. You could Erdogan's not consign equal to the Pats or show trial in The Hague.

No, Mr Erdogan, Your time useful, but not something you do. It does not help anything that your statement is logically inconsistent abundant in itself. First, will you not lead the people in this case rather in mind, and secondly, the Zionists leave of the grace of the Prime Minister, to a considerable extent in the first place on the post which he held, such insubordination already not go out of principle because there could indeed come soon everyone.

So far, therefore Erdogan also influential Jewish circles behind its current problems - as well as those already with the Gezi Park - suspected he may have something to definitely right.

But it will not contribute MSM medium of the West so easily into play, as AIPAC calls itself, although itself as the most influential political lobby in the United States, but not every Tom, Dick and Harry must also say that, especially not on special occasions.

Yes, I am afraid, Mr. Erdogan, as you face "to the world", "the world community" lost cause.

In our example in Germany. B., at around the Springer press, there is no job or a contract conditional termination for people who not stand up for Israel and of course the Zionist ideology. Because you ever expect no sympathy or understanding.

It has even raised the issue of Iran / embargo break / money laundering in connection with taking advantage into play. The US intelligence and the Mossad will know what went. The only question is what they deliver. If want to get what they want on the same day on Reuters, dpa, etc.

Perhaps it is supposed to be only a violent fillip, and you can continue to govern you, you wofern be properly cleansed in the important things behave.

You can treat you and your people then continued generous forms of bribes, that's not a particular problem.

Yes. Or is it just really is crunch time for you. Then you have my opinion, as far as I can tell from the outside, bad cards.

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