From the new beginning end

05. April 2014

This blog is from this - last post has only been pointing comment - at least in the longer term.

This means that all contributions continue to be called, opened the comment, I will respond, where appropriate.

After more than five years and more than 4000 articles, it is time.

My special heart felt thanks to all who here manchesmal a lot of effort, often very stimulating involved.

It may well be that here - or anderwo, perhaps also in printed form - will eventually appear in my view, a compilation of the most important published texts.

As everyone can imagine easily that knows me, I will not set allzumal literary creation.

Also, I will earnestly still take care of my zeitgeist-print column or on the side write something. Read more »

Only the other into the fire

04. April 2014

An interesting aspect are the people who only ever send you into the fire.

Be sure not just get suitable.

They themselves, however, have the Born eccentricity is required.

That is now times destiny.

So we advise for and sends before.

Always secure the rear. Read more »

Muslims times the other way

04. April 2014

Of one who no longer was good for me, I thereat also not good, I heard a story that nevertheless newsworthy.

It was about Muslim immigrants.

I tell the story from memory as well as I can.

He had a Außeinandersetzung reprimanded with a friend who demanded still more tolerance and understanding of our Muslim fellow citizens in this regard him as unduly diskriminös.

Thereupon he (as I said, from memory): "Just imagine that would mass-looking here all their wives made the local men mercilessly, just the opposite, anytime legs wide, but Castles their husbands totally gone, disguises the fact that you never herankämest to them, at best, only on the face where you were trying to make it, would you have even the most tolerant and so much for still more immigration of those? Huh? I do not believe! "


Therefore reproduced here.

From free death and the cowardly hypocrites

04. April 2014

Among Christians, and many others, attach the crude religions, suicide is a grave sin, a mortal sin at all (laughs).

So I know that too from the usual reincarnation believers who are indeed more likely to avoid the concept of sin, but about talking about a crime, will against itself as the cosmic order, which is then too bitter to pay for the one who bitterly to repent ,

Now, I want to be fair: I can not prove that they are all wrong.

One for Bedenk I give to but. And if it should penetrate only glued ears. Read more »

Osho's bare Krämpflingen

04. April 2014

This Osho had really from a wheel. At least one.

Now I got to read from it that the male inhabitants of the earth around the age of fourteen was developing his sexuality, which indeed may roughly tackle well, then, though, when he had twenty-eight years gevö good ... t, ie at 42, his sexuality transcend properly.

I do not know where this specialist herhat its findings; but what. in a marriage with a marriage should normally happen if, say, thirty-eight, not yet completely brainless and wanstverspeckte she will have to look at that, because I've heard so my opinion on

You will transcend their sexuality in a different bed, and when they should abkriegen no mid-thirties, so it assumes also a nichtranszendierten mid-forties, definitely. Read more »

Let's see (II)

04. April 2014

However, it should not be relied on the fact that I only Hinsch rub certain things when I no longer live.

Let's see

04. April 2014

Sometimes it would be better if you were already dead.

You could write down things that you should not write down lebicht.

Maybe I'll even old enough that I can escape this rule.

From Toleranzgeschwafel

03. April 2014

Anyone who can do something that sets itself apart from also. Toleranzgeschwafel.

This is a stratagem

03. April 2014

Even the most primitive animism is more human mind and also flows through love than all the so-called world religions. That is evident. Why this is so, it is rätsele times. I will not be so easily discovered. This is a stratagem.

Of the Abhubern

03. April 2014

We do not actually stand in an actual Gegentume to all the Abrahamic, Hindu and Buddhist Abhubern and now not further designated obscurantist rest of a similar nature.

It only looks at times like this.

In fact, we go to them all over.


What does this teach us a false quote by Goethe

03. April 2014

The history of this post I put here are known.

Two things in the matter are interesting.

First, that even - or especially? - Shortened, torn out of context quote Goethe but to - in my opinion - quite relevant considerations led.

Secondly, we have learned along it, how careful one should deal with quotations.

Jermain it took just a collection (You dessenthalben enough ashes scattered upon your head, dear Jermain!), And I took it, the quote judgmental, though it seemed so strange an angle, then hinwiederum simply by his side.

It is Jermaine's credit that he then precisely nachsuchte that the fraud was uncovered.

So we both did at first, though not wollentlich, Goethe wrong, put things in the world, as attributed to him in consideration of the original passage could not withstand.


That will be a lesson to me.

The Prime Directive of NATO and the EU

03. April 2014

Who does not mitlügt is original sin, even the fights, endschuld. Any similarities with the Bible and the Koran is entirely coincidental.

Among the most miserable

02. April 2014

The most miserable only want to Merry.

From the transformation now

02. April 2014

The transformation is noticeable.

The lies of "the West", "the international community", "The Europeans", "the world community" are exactly those increasingly believed that one needs to maintain the same essential.

There are those "petty bourgeois" as they now have cynically-jokingly called himself, which at least still grudging assent to the system critically important.

In short, a large part of the thinking power carrier fails not only audible but turns off.

Man has learned powerful.

Meanwhile, there are complaints overwhelmingly no longer on the corporate media units, any censorship practices: It mocks.

The media mind control is Defunkt.

The warmongering is exposed.

The last two years have brought the breakthrough. Read more »

I will depart from

02. April 2014

I break out.

Not clear.

Not from.

But on.

I see you.

Freedom grows.

He who speaks honestly?

Who embraces the world?

Where flying memorial and performing mental?

Once again Willi from Berlin ...

March 30, 2014

Just called me to Willi from Berlin.

So exactly he actually knew myself do not know why.

He had pressured speech but still.

And finally, he knew it.

Or I zuwenigst. Read more »

From my philosophical taste

March 30, 2014

I have - as Oscar Wilde in eating and drinking - even in philosophy a very simple tastes: I want only the best of everything.

From the modern philosophy Retro

March 30, 2014

After the poor finally had read Nietzsche, was too much for it to them. So they crawled back to the pyramids, Moses, Jesus Christ, and astrology, reincarnation their wishes and - o salvation! - The Holy Santa speed of light.

Of the modern Esos

March 30, 2014

The typical current Eso is a bastard of Subjude and half Indian.

Osho: Likewise decadent like UG Krishnamurti

March 30, 2014

I am reading a little Osho. In Spanish. So I learn anything about it back at least once again.

Already in the first pages became clear to me where the fascination stirred whose philosophy.

Alleged absolute freedom and self-determination.

A philosophy but that has no children, so they this as - front hires free - for now.

Ultimately, an individual Monastery philosophy.

Socrates, as a shining example, let drank the hemlock, could have mention either staying in Athens, or go into exile.

This he did, not shrinking from death, not this lighthouse human freedom and self-determination.

Yes, without responsibility for children. So ultimately the transmission of life.

So, as Osho. Read more »

Turkey and Syria: More war why and for whom?

March 29, 2014

If you read these two pieces with Turkey or its Syria policy, one can almost dizzy.

Turkey has now actually burned through all their weapons supplies and other support for anti-Assad forces in Syria, fueling the civil war there own ass?

What forces are there, let the Turkish government now considers that direct intervention in the Syrian civil war?

Know about anybody?

A handful of irregulars it may be unlikely.

And he who hears the Turkish government not only by phone, is even able to bring most secret deliberations to the public?

The Mossad? The CIA? The Russians?

Are suddenly so threatening perceived forces - the apparent absence of Assad - out of the box Qatar and Saudi Arabia funded?

Would that without the goodwill of the Americans? Read more »

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