Archive for the 'English Section'

Thus spake Zarathustra

Saturday 03 November 2012

The Seven Seals.

(Or: the Yea and Amen-song.)


If I am a soothsayer and full of yon soothsayerish ghost, that wandereth on high to yoke atween two seas, -

foregone atween and futurous wandereth grave as a cloud, -

foe to sultry lows and all, that is weary and can not starve nor live:

aready for the flash in a dark bosom and the beam of light for loosening, gravid of lightning that Yea! say, Yea! laugh, for soothsayerish beams of lightning: -

- But so is the seely pregnant! And verily, long must as a grave weather hang at the mount, who once the light of the future shall tind! -

oh how should I not be ruttish aft Eternity and aft the high-timely Ring of Rings, Ring of the Come-Again!

N'er yet I found the wife, from whom I wanted children, then this wife be it, that I love: for I love thee, O Eternity!

For I love thee, O Eternity!

Higher Consciousness

Wednesday 17, October 2012

X is not Z, as is Y.

Thus, as we do not need to know German, Which is a language too complicated for logic anyway, we may surmise that even an A to be as irrelevant as X.

This easily leads us to the conclusion that the euro is greedy beneficiary only for Germany.

So, we may thereupon grasp that Iceland is in Iceland.

Doubt, no doubt, is a great gift. It helps in unimaginable ways.

But then, to overestimate it Constitutes the worst of sins in science.

Its brother is deviation, its sister is disbelief. (more ...)

A Tale from Teletherion

Sunday 26th, August 2012

First, know Yer language.

Second, identify Yer adversaries.

Then, their X-ray methods.

There Upon You expose their language and their methods.

That will, most likely, You bring in danger.

The best shield is constant word. (more ...)

How to order?

Wednesday 30, May 2012

Each Abrahamic faith is a mental disorder made.

(Any one is one abrahamitic was induced mental disorder.)

Writing "For Our Time"?

Saturday 19 May 2012

If one is gifted for, and does pursue, the writing of good novels, the question if he be writing "in our time" may be secondary. (It was, certainly, not so for Cervantes.)

Not quite the same is true for authors of essays and satire.

If their income is ok, their reputation there with (or, mostly the same thing, Thereby, at least with their wives and relatives), they may not even consider the problem.

Otherwise though, in the half-desert of some reception and little or no money earned, it is, at least for the better, more ambitious ones Necessary to ask: "Am I doing this righteously, mainly, just for" our time "?

Or, is it not wiser, adapter given to this fate, Merely to take up some traits of the ruling spirit of the times, now and then poking some swine-snooted, dough-sooted, nonchalantly picking them up to go for goals beyond the now?

Can we not, we should not exactly, who are given the leisure (or rob it somewhere) to write what does not even pay for wine and cigs, let alone rent and health insurance, give a darned sh .. on what is the latest babble of some petty politician, half-naked celebrity, pseudo-philosophical talk show nitwit, the bankster whores, the blatant "research" lies of the shallow waters of the "expert" circus of the bigshot plutocrat pissoirs? Continue ( ...)

Insignificant Thoughts (Irrelevant Thoughts)

Thursday 10, May 2012

If it continues like this here, it may well be that I'm finally in almost seven years, was withdrawing from civic life.

As I tell not now have, then also show yet.

I will certainly not work hard for the fulfillment of the ESM treaty, to me the scoop falls out of hand, if I'm not forcing. And then maybe just not right.

The plutocrats have never had pleasure in me. And I remember my older days not change. Since they can get green and Salafists FDPler to my conversion, whatever they can think of to Endabsatz else: I am no longer to cull for their store.

I do not know (doubt it forever), if it were the Zinsverknechtern succeeded in recent years for me to bind to them, they would have only made me a better deal. Maybe so. But apparently they was always too expensive. (more ...)

Paul Craig Roberts, "The Matrix"

Sunday 06 May 2012

Titled "Disinformation On Every Front" will report here again the conservative U.S. commentator Paul Craig Roberts about the lies of the "Matrix" (sung by all political camps) to speak.

I will now only two quotes pulled out (interesting that "education lie"): (more ...)

Thine to take the lead

Tuesday 24th, April 2012

As we have found out to a point far beyond utmost clarity, the abyss of misunderstanding progenerates freely in our world, Weening itself informed anywhere, on anything, anytime.

The systematic undervelopment of competent readership skills forms the basis of that.

Let's not be equivocal about it: Sure there are the conductors of the MSM, and they still have clout, but the crux of the sake is a lack of will, wisdom and subtlety on the part of the many, even on the one of many of the few.

On many things we are not supposed to know, grasp connect, it is a mere mass of dead alleys, sidepaths, red herrings, esoteric and spiritual deviation that puts major landmarks in its crap, and, of course, "Truthers" may even be paid disinformants, sheer agents. (more ...)

Indirect False Flag / Indirect False Flag

Saturday 24, March 2012

I mean that in the previous post be made ​​mystery was solved by readers Dude easiest possible way. (more ...)

Hetzer and spin doctors among themselves

Sunday 12th, February 2012

It is these things that define our time considerably, which is why it does not help to ignore them. (more ...)

Global war and hunger porn on the road to Fat City

Friday 03 February 2012

"Global War and hunger Porn on the way to Fat City": What this text arrives, it is my first matter who actually wrote it.

A "must read", as the Anglo-Saxons say.

I will confine myself to comment on it in this case, to quote a few passages and add my German version.

"Were you up for it anyway, you who bring the unwilling world to the doorstep of global war? You who are arranging the tableau, like a dinner table for the damned, ferrying ships bound for salvage, evidence to be in yet another false flag waving blood red above the burning bodies of the duped and deluded who went into combat for bankers. The pens move and fire the weapons. Iran has done nothing to you. Their restraint has been admirable. In the mountains, ordinary human beings are skiing. They are walking through the pistachio orchards. They are dreaming their individual dreams, within the parameters of the collective dream. They are people like you and I. They have children, families and friends. They are not making was. We are. "

(Did you have it anyway before that you bring the recalcitrant world to the emerging global war? Ye that the panel prepared, like a Nachtmahltisch for the damned, the rescue certain ships sending out again proves sake false flag, which bloodred the burning bodies the for bankers into battle drawn cheated and deceived blows. Springs move and fire the weapon. Iran has done you nothing. Their restraint is admirable. in the mountains run ordinary people ski. stroll through the pistachio gardens. They dream their personal dreams, all within the framework of the common dream. They are people like you and me. you have kids, families and friends. Not to make war. Instead we.)

"The most powerful agency for calculated death and destruction is the fundamentalist Christian right. Their sanctimonious demagogic preachers, whip them into a lather of self righteous hate, manipulated and inspired by the very ones who committed the crimes that others are blamed for. "

(The most powerful organ calculated for death and destruction is the fundamentalist Christian right. Their hypocritical, volksaufhetzenden priest whip them into a self-righteous foaming hatred instilled and operated by just those who committed the crimes with which others are accused.)

"Their missionaries go off to Africa, where they paint sugarwater under the eyes of starving children, so that the flies will countryside there during the photo op They are the merchants of hunger Porn."

(Your missionaries to Africa, where they emphasize sugar water under the eyes of starving children, so the flies land during the photo session there. They are the distributors of pornography hunger.) (more ...)

English For Everybody

Monday 05 December 2011

We are some of any kind of origin.

That means us all

Occupation Movement: So much Icke must be!

Sunday 23th, October 2011

In this video, David Icke explains whole ground as it runs from his perspective and why he fears that the Besatzerbewegung exactly could play into the hands of those that contradict what she gets up apparently.

That should not be missed.

Späßle annoy the Left

Thursday 20th, October 2011

"Right is bright, Left bereft"

(My version of - questionable - Proverbs "Right is right, and Left is Wrong")

Göllers house brand

Thursday 20th, October 2011

"Hyper Tera Beyond Imaginable Ultimate Sudden Instant Enddeath"

(My chili sauce in mild spicy, world marketable description)

Google is not mighty

Sunday 18th, September 2011

Google is as mighty as your dog.

Stock Around The Glock

Tuesday 06 September 2011

The Americans buy weapons than ever.

Increasingly effective weapons.

Among other 9-millimeter pistols with up to 33 rounds. (more ...)

Liberation is Nigh

Monday 05 September 2011

The UFOs are coming in day and night.

Their transmissions are crystal clear.

This is Liberation. (more ...)

9/11: Hirngfiggede (The Brain-Fucked)

Saturday 03 September 2011

I better just hanging no a baar Daeg to zom elfda Sebdember, I caught on derwäga jedsd amol oh, odder, translated to ford the dadom.

(We have only a few days left till September 11, and therefore, I shall begin now, or better, continue corncerning that date.)

As i elsewhere Schdell scho gsagd han ish fir mi, at ällene suschdige ohklärde Sacha rond om 9/11, three more vo dr Aischdurz Riasahochheiser s'Entscheidende.

(As I've said elsewhere, even with all the other things unclear around 9/11, to me, the collapse of these giant skyscrapers is The decisive issue.) (more ...)

Ron Paul on Libya

Thursday 01 September 2011

These recent submissions Ron Paul on Libya are worth to me a separate entry:

Paul sounds a little tired, but the content is so precise as ruthless with the U.S. war policy in court.

Prominent politicians in this country who says things like Paul?

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