Archive for the 'tutoring'

Google does not yet Allah

Saturday, February 15, 2014

By Google under my Image Search to Magnus Goeller still assigns a Hitler image, while the other search result is still more ridiculous and irrelevant, I was told very firmly that I should not be sitting on me, I should, no, I had the "Report inappropriate photo" in Google at least report the better send equal a juicy e-mail, even better, with lawyer threat.

I beg your pardon? What should I do?


At the company, the German free tutoring takes many years for me, me for me initially quite weighed (as I said, until recently was little to complain about in the classifieds), now treated as a Unterpariah of Netzsubprekariats?

Should I beg these wayward giant squid about? (more ...)

Alice in Goldmanland

Monday 03 February 2014

No, I think this rumor which could be tuned.

Namely, that Alice Schwarzer shortly woman officer at Goldman Sachs will.

For a long time the Bank suffers so at their macho image.

Black is now on sale.

Why should not slam the God improvement there?

Holds nor any of the stupid for that?

Rhetorical question.

The sympathy of the Bank will soon blow each measurement scale. (more ...)


Monday, January 20, 2014

I can not bear the whole trauma concept. It is not logical.

Because no one knows what a - psychological - Trauma is.

Very often, when trauma talk, I wonder whether the traumatic moment was not only a special kind of sudden attention, a false anchor, if you will, as the Traumatic actually much earlier, otherwise occurred, perhaps even was feared from then on.

Ultimately, it's all about learning and forgiveness and joy.

Primitive, as I'm that, said: He who eats well and drink, and the bed nice and warm, forgets his trauma by itself. They dissolve in the famous pleasure.

All other remedies I think comparatively doubtful.

Like a drug, give a good therapy for a while the feeling that things turned for the better. Perhaps the so-evoked euphoria turns things even for the better. Sometimes it even seems permanently to work.

But it seems only. Most. (more ...)

Darkness casts no shadow (II)

Sunday 05 May 2013

After the first part of "darkness casts no shadow" to a sometimes heated debate led to even enjoyable, I feel an opportunity to reload.

That only light, but not darkness, to to produce shadows in a position, therefore, is evident as explained sufficiently.

In yin and yang symbols you can see very well how light and shadow are mutually penetrate. As per a germ of a plugged in the other. This throws light also the inevitable shadow. And only the shade makes the light visible.

The Esoterem "light casts no shadow" but is obviously so sweetly, that it is not even like licking. It is also clear why. It suggests a paradise.

It is a kind verzückender spell that relieves the world. Alltriumph of light.

Actually, I could not care this saying. Just as "My kingdom is not of this world".

Yes, it could be me regardless. (more ...)

My respect, Mr. Schmidt-Salomon!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Under the title " Respect? Of what for ? ", the spokesman of the Giordano Bruno Foundation, Michael Schmidt-Salomon, presented a text at the time, in which he eloquently and well founded precisely my thesis represents, that those even against all unbelievers more than just disrespectful Muslims, Jews and Christians basically can not happen too much satire.

A quote from it:

"Respect for Irreverent?

The absurdity of the current debate is reflected not least in that respect is precisely demanded towards those who have sufficiently proved that they lack any respect for dissenters. This deficit is not surprising, if you know the Holy Scriptures. "

(Here I would have liked that he was "the Holy Scriptures" would have said.) (more ...)

From what we need less

Sunday, December 11, 2011

First studied social education

Either you can deal with people, or you can not. A training of half a year to learn and Terms of bureaucratic needs, rich.

2 bankers

A Volksbank enough.

3 psychologists

Only - generous set - 10% of which itself has no significant income and can something.

4th economists

What have been done, sensed the blind man with the stick.

5 journalists

As a Westi before Wursti dpa & Co write off that anyone can high school students. (more ...)

The good guys win! (II)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Meanwhile, I am even convinced - half a glass of wine needed it for but still -., That the good guys want completely free humanity from its greatest load (more ...)

New higher philosophy

Monday, October 10, 2011

My position is that I am positionslos.

For something to be, that would be too stressful, and even more so against something.

It's enough that I'm there!

This is stressful enough.

I would do something else, so I would bring the order, if possible.

Are you about anti-social? (more ...)

"Euro-savior" and the constraint

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Love "Euro-savior"!

Your supposes to know what is a constraint?

An indispensable even?

By itself you have the thing that will force us all now brought about, with all power and all coercion, against all reason?

You're not even powdered with the clamp bag.

Your brain floats for years in cold, rancid cooking oil.

English, in which it has been baked together as alternating Gammel fish, pork parts and flour potatoes until that black Klump chunks stick around the brain boiler on the wall, that they only wegbekommt again with the roughing a Flex. (more ...)

Einstein churches hit by the Hyper flash of light: Science priest goes the jitters

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Now goes all the science priests the jitters that their Einstein churches, commonly known as physical institutions, could soon become godless.

So one but bad luck also.

Since comes over me but the very big pity.


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Rudi the privateer has of course caught me with his Supernetzkäscher immediately and did not find it funny, what I reported here completely truthful. (When it comes to its network affairs, he holds obviously not a lot of transparency. There are thousands Rudis, and I have nothing else betrayed by him.)

Now he has abgemailt me ​​as follows:

"@ Mg

You mise rate, D1E IP I'll plat - r "

I wrote him back as follows: (more ...)

Speed ​​of light: God Einstein falls

Saturday, September 24, 2011

With the speed of light, Einstein God falls.

So one of our brain speed limits.

This is fatal.

Blogs: Göllers arcane knowledge

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

You want to earn good money with a blog, without much to do?

In the world a star network, although you can not write? (more ...)

Today, everyone has a full voice!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

If possible, I will this coming Saturday at the rally of the Action Alliance Direct democracy under the slogan "No EURO bailout madness! Referendum now " read as Mitdemonstrant on the Kleiner Schlossplatz Stuttgart the following brief greeting. (more ...)

The federal government is: conspiracy theorist receive care

Tuesday 06 September 2011

A significant, at least from the symbolism ago step to save our country is to be reported.

Every respectable German can from 11.9. Apply for funding for the care of a state-approved conspiracy theorist.

Under the - preliminary - "Action MoinMoin" motto to socially and democratically engaged citizens pay for conspiracy theorists regular home visits, help them in the mail, they also run times in the city park. (more ...)

9.11: Riesenreichsvergewese

Friday, September 02, 2011

Slowly but surely what is really going on in the Hos'.

I want the boys to pieces 9/11, I have seen performed in the last two or three days - and it was certainly only a tiny part of all - do not cite exhaustively here.

At least I know now that Larry Silverstein is the real hero of the whole story, according to Hamburger Upper Sheep medium.

I still feel better misinformed daily, so fiddle. (more ...)

Gold: With a cubic centimeter you are rehabilitated!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Speaking of gold.

Yesterday I read in Wiki (Maybe it's yes again crap. But in such matters they do not lie too well, so I sometimes take it serious about.) That valued worldwide in the entire human history of about 5 billion ounces of gold had been promoted.

That would be so per Inzwischenrumlaufnase about twenty grams.

And herewith would mean that if the total gold socialism were to break out, so we are, as always, a few others have more than you, you would be entitled as a cubic inch of it.

By which allocation then all would sure as hell handle or met your transactions and savings.

Of course a practical matter the. (more ...)

Eggs Wollmilchsau children?

Thursday 07 July 2011

The following video is about parenting to teaching, to language and language learning, to subject the modern education delusion, even very young children a turbo training program.

Mossad times "alternative"

Monday, May 23, 2011

I just read a "report" of the now well common German "alternative" network side to war in Libya.

In "editorial" was. (more ...)


Thursday, May 12, 2011

My fairy praised me.

They said that I had just made it in time, not to let me whether the poet native generosity lead away like a circus beef.

She also told me that for several thousand years, largely the same souls are, often suddenly wanted poets to the leather.

These souls are caught in a separate loop until they finally learned to laugh. (more ...)

Please censorship in their own Mentalkral

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Who persists here with demands for prosecution of expressions of opinion, which Gelump is deleted ansatzlos. (more ...)

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