Archives for the month of June 2010

Gauck and Wulff: Atlantic Bridge has himself defeated

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It's official: The Atlantic Bridge candidate is the Atlantik-Brücke candidates failed just after a heroic struggle.

An Eighty million people held until the end of the breath.

It is said to have been responsible citizens, who suffered with tension nervous breakdowns and blackouts.

So much democracy never was.

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"Oil Spill Syndrome": word poison counter BP

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

In the USA it has so linguistically creative and elegant as always, invented a new disease for the sheep media and their consumers: the "Oil Spill Syndrome".

In German eg "Ölverschüttsyndrom".

This is obviously as ridiculous as the matter otherwise is sad, (more ...)

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Scenarios of oil disaster

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Who still wants to give a very good overview regarding possible scenarios for the oil disaster in English, will find here:

Who likes to see two videos with interesting Personnel and oddities (also in English): (more ...)

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Gauck and Wulff: Atlantic Bridge Seftel

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I have stayed here twice pointed out that the choice between Wulff and Gauck is a farce, because both of you are in league with the same US-lobby-club "Atlantic Bridge".

Therefore, this choice of a rice straw broom I feel so schietegal, as if in Blankenese not even fall over.

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Correctly on the computer

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

This page is now not of classical Ratgeberei á la "How I cook a borsch that the hardest Russian is weak? '.

But what computing is concerned, without warranty, liability and warranties, I recommend, especially if you work creatively, turn it off just five minutes.

Completely, finishing off.

Afterwards comes the new idea like as if a dolphin would jump happily out of the water.

I do not know why.

Moreover has proved its worth for many months from the dim light a candle next to the keyboard; maybe I'm crazy not alone (and would not care if it would help), and the light combination of modern and classic screen wick is very good and durable compatible for others.

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Aphorisms 141

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

If I were happy Englishman, I could even be an educated adult "Do not do that!" Say without me thereat his hand rüfte the addressee mitohne rhyme or reason to the order.

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Aphorisms 140

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

There is certainly one that I did talk, if I knew where and who he is.

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Ungodly tuition

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Soon I will try the last secondary school students this season on the Bavarian Math Quali best set up for tomorrow.

Because I am weak in the faith as a faith strong regularly blaming and me - at least in religious terms - applicable holds up, I'll have to limit myself to mathematical content, the necessary soul Massage, commonly known as motivation, as well as the usual honest fixed fingers crossed and the best of these to make limited experience has shown, however, yet again demanded qualities seek.

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Look into hell

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The set of the zeitgeist-Beck colleague at the following date Post video from the Gulf of Mexico is shocking indeed:

"Concussive Video: In the airplane over the Gulf of Mexico"

Or just right "BECKlog" button.

Then two clicks, and you do a glance into hell.

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Youth language

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"Emo", "aggro" or "depri", that is the question here.

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Aphorisms 139

Monday, June 28, 2010

Anti-Semitism was invented in the Arabian Peninsula by a Semite named Mohammed and is growing in popularity.

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Aphorisms 138

Monday, June 28, 2010

Meanwhile the newspapers from their no longer existing readers.

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Monday, June 28, 2010

I hereby solemnly prophesy that some prophecies will soon meet again.

Plus, this one is from me, and in contrast to all others, except the same from one talks, just my guarantee, signed and sealed.

With the amount of prophecies of the Hopis and Mayans and John the non drunkard and Nostradamus and all the founders of religions, charlatans, medieval wheeler, interest vultures and other Hinzen and Kunzen that ever the edge aufbekamen just about anything, it can even purely statistical point of view could not be otherwise, than that many of them ever met, some even more than once, depending on the viewing angle and Gusto.

We wrote now not stupidly 2010 instead of 2012, so the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico for according to believers of beating or rather spurting proof of the reliability of the Mayan prophecy would be long without Tsunami etc., (not to mention the fact that even the best Swiss clock is not equipped with a perpetual calendar, without the master watchmaker therefore equal to one of the various world sunsets, Armageddone - the plural I sit now times unchecked - would have to believe one of the inevitable day of judgment or the relevant apocalypses, because its clock one day will predictably give up the ghost, or even the date).

The situation is different with prophecies of decent intelligent people (more ...)

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Trowel in the basement

Monday, June 28, 2010

I discovered in my fridge überwintertes a swine flu virus that looked as if it could still infect a geezer dangerous to such a degree that it would have to be conducted on the day to the toilet once more.

There was good advice, of course, initially expensive, because the plague police in the house that I wanted because not. (more ...)

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Network policy point Knork

Monday, June 28, 2010

A few months ago meant a fairly well-known, but moderately successful publisher, the only German blog of real relevance is

Not that that would have made me particularly, for the Lord himself writes mostly moderate, sometimes even passible at best good times or bad unfortunately; but his attitude is a common, for obvious reasons, in the literal sense.

In fact, many blogs are boring or amateurish.

But it is also a sheep media campaign, (more ...)

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WM & Lao-Tse & FDP: defeat would win

Sunday, June 27, 2010

If after Germany knocked out at the World Cup, calls the FDP determined less more tax increases.




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Corexit ego shoot Easy Going - oil flow implausible

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Postgraduate (here comes from a classic sheep medium times really are remarkable!) To massive use of the poison Corexit 9500 in the Gulf of Mexico can be found here (among other things, that the toxicity of an oil-Corexit mixture could be higher by orders of magnitude even by solar radiation, detected as long under laboratory conditions):

The article also a video titled AIR FORCE DELIVERING WIDE SPREAD AERIAL SPRAYING OF COREXIT is included, where you can see how the matter is handled from the air - the nature and extent of use under the sea we know - BoPama thank - little to nothing (you are too, however, the toxin directly deploy more or less solid at the exit point).

For this video - the most likely to be a fake at this point barely - is also evident, that all the chatter of official U.S. agencies directed against the giant Corexit-use (especially the EPA, the National Environmental Authority) must represent pure Ohrenwischerei, smooth disinformation because there clearly flies the Air Force of the United States (or have made about themselves?).

The aviator types are so super cool (more ...)

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Oil Spells

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Beholding the well gone bad

A void of news

On the seafloor mad

Round our neck a noose

Nay, there might also then be

Some sort of spree


More than trickling

As a threat

Never met

In life

Neveronebody tells




We just get



On the dire spells

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Sunday, June 27, 2010

"Disability is often underestimated".

I was just reading (2.05 clock) or as bedtime of of the title company as an advertising slogan.

After all, I am one of probably again not to the most.

This has affected me directly cosmic.

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Sheep Medial

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Now, for example methane hydrate in the environment of the hole disaster in the Gulf of Mexico - - as much or little as it is in the FAZ sheep Medial it when in the Bild newspaper on significant topics is.

Sheep Medial it, if the annual Bilderberg hard is first kept out by any means from the media sheep, and if it no longer is, after all the Verschafskunst is trivialized.

Sheep are the lies medial to the wars in which we have been Preference provides and.

Medial sheep was the whole treatment of swine flu shit.

Sheep Medial is the climate hoax.

Sheep Medial is the gender dirt.

Sheep is the medial side apologetic Israeliterei.

Sheep Medial uncritical glorification of Islam is the same.

Medial sheep was Obamania.

Was sheep Medial and is 9.11.

Sheep Medial not give a shit.

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Simple logic for Total

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Now, I was once again complicit, they say.

But you also.

We all höhö.

After all, who needs energy, z. B. noodles from Aldi, so at least indirectly oil that can ride a bike as much as he wants, which is a kind of mini-BP, auxiliary Bush, Obama half, quarter or two-thirds Stalin Hitler.

We would then once again our fat away; I am co-concentration camp guard, my children Mithenker, Mitgenitalverstümmler, Mitlebende.


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