Archive for the month of July 2011

The Neanderthals comes back

Sunday, 31 July 2011

The Neanderthals had a two hundred cubic centimeters larger than the brain and quickly recognized Mr. sapiens, that he could survive when outnumbered only by a crossing.

So this sly guy has made ​​us a hybrid before there was a decent lab. (more ...)

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Stricter Berlin

Saturday 30 July 2011

The airline is as good as ever, but it has me now for two days continuously on the head and drizzling rain, as it is quite unusual for this city.

Meanwhile I was still in the largest second-hand department store in Germany to replace deficits clothing if too hasty departure.

And we were in a really funky store.

There's the hottest chili sauces in the world.

It starts with Dark Devil, then comes Extra Strong, then Slow Death, Sudden Death, Death and Beyond Ultra Death.

Something like that. (more ...)

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Bad thing

Thursday 28 July 2011

Wortgewürm This should be a text?

Subject, predicate, object, that's it?

Do you write off on your hamster?

Ever was heard of strokes, prosody, from tone of voice?

Of more than ifs and Then?

Of primitive binary causal links?

Is your brain a worn plate vibrator?

An electrical box with braised?

A clump of old Aufwischlappen? (more ...)

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What? You are a Breivikianer!

Wednesday 27 July 2011

It actually seems to work: everything is hereby conservative, "right", and therefore is Breivik incitement to mass murder and prepares such a front.

I have not read Breivik pamphlet, it will not do too well because I am not particularly interested, but learned from several reliable sources that he is a total turn against multiculturalism and so on.

So now is for Left (and the state terrorists of NATO) anyone of much of what is happening, is not thrilled, cheap one Breivikianer: words would be weapons, it means that every patriotism, not for NATO Rumbomben over half the world stands, is a Nazi, mass murder mental preparation. (more ...)

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Heinrich von Kleist

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Dismiss the human spirit, but would also obliterate Kleist.

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Gifted and death and life

Wednesday 27 July 2011

I introduced earlier conversation, which may discuss among other things, why so many highly talented students will find a whole and also in the context of my and my interlocutor to a premature end or were without a coach would be rolled away on them or that they even directly hand applied to the have.

The Can not Forgive soon became the focus of our speech.

As the fundamental weakness, which could in any variety evil force to thrust an already ailing or indirectly to bring directly to the final stretch.

The strife is the gifted dangerous thing.

He paralyzes their creative forces, thus weakening them further and further opens the gate for malevolent powers. (more ...)

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Goethe was a scoundrel

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Goethe was a highly talented, mendacious, arrogant bastard.

This was once said.

Who does not even after reading the "Wilhelm Meister" realizes he is not to help.

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Breivik: A Masons as "Manchurian Candidate"?

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

On the occasion of the massacre in Norway, I wonder yet again whether it is actually possible to "Manchurian Candidates" breed, so bombers who unknowingly at the required time, practically, but work with all the cleverness and determination, such as a button.

(The fact that it looks very unlikely, Breivik have the whole thing made ​​solely on the legs, Gerhard Wisnewski has a part, including through textual analysis of the assassin left behind by the Manifesto been convincingly demonstrated .)

We all know that religious fanaticism or other people can move to any kind of atrocity, from laborers to statesmen.

But one man really fully programmable? (more ...)

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Masonic song

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

There was once a bricklayer

He lived as an Acid

The shirt is always invigorated

Binder noted the exact

Strutting 'he Duch, the town

Noted 'the girls he probably

Alone, alone

It could not 'be

Because there was still his masterpiece (more ...)

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Masonic Terror in Norway: Too stupid to count?

Monday 25 July 2011

Now come in news, it probably had twenty or thirty deaths have been less than previously reported.

Can we in Norway are not actually in three days to one hundred and determine whether the enumerated are actually dead?

Home to only Masonic jerks, especially the police and medical professions cynical?

I mean, if you would have discovered even more deaths, it would probably understand if there were somewhere still undiscovered corpses in the woods or something similar.

But less?

A lot less?

Who has since officially counted in several deaths, which did not exist? (more ...)

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Breivik: The Freemasons, who is no (more)

Monday 25 July 2011

Is about the Norwegian Breivik bombers in the German media sheep pretty much tells everything: except that it is Freemason , or was.

The page that contained this morning, even maudlin Maurergewäsch (also, on the German side, officially), also, that he had been excluded, is now deleted.

(Unfortunately I was too little caution, store it immediately,. If anyone has the text, please specify here)

After all, he is the master degrees have been obtained; this one must usually show up more than once in the box and there, some frippery participate.

Since in the case of Freemasonry among the "brothers" we all know is about belief and character education, this connection would actually be very interesting for police and public in such a psychopath. (more ...)

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Reincarnated as an animal with a trunk?

Sunday, 24 July 2011

The talk of the eternal soul of me is mighty upon the mind.

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"Smileys" and their half-brothers and neighborhood

Sunday, 24 July 2011

I find it already on for some time that people in any network that uses "smiley face" symbol, and even here somehow standardized general (?) Express something about what either the verbal or mental strength or courage, or simply the everything together does not seem to suffice.


It's ridiculous.

Language has words and words.

There are even Abtönungspartikeln.


All that needs the writers thinking.

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Christ versus money

Sunday, 24 July 2011

I just said, asked about matters of faith, money in the game previously, spontaneously to my sons, "You can if you like, if you want to believe in Jesus Christ. But to think about money, that's the lowest thing there is. "

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The unedited man

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Last night I was after I had said the same thing in recent years have not quite uneducated men multiple times, from a no longer happily married woman whose husband apparently earned enough to explain that a man must nunmal, especially at my age, with some money the woman chasing: Behind the men's race since it would necessarily, but of course also see the money in order to land.

What's going wrong with them?

It is now the man about money and the race will be reduced Afterward, the woman or that she expected such a miserable conduct of any potential suitor?

Who will be reduced by such statements more?

First, the man

The no money and has not run.

But much more the woman who is expecting that the man has money and she runs after (carefully, tender, sensitive, etc. He should also be even, was explained to me).

So a Erbaffe. (more ...)

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Thanks for the encouragement

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Regard with the greatest joy of my present actions has given me a spirit totally non rusted (I may say so ex negative?) Made a retired German teacher, who himself bravely active than Entrosterin and vigorous markets by buying and told me they enjoy my articles regularly, and rejoice, moreover, especially my neologisms.

Express my thanks to you for it in this way.

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Westphalia harder than Swabia?

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Yesterday I met a frank and critical SchwabenQuellen clearly know this but also a warm friendly SchwabenQuellen Westphalia, and we drank a beer or two together.

He finally told me after it had fallen into conversation geisteslastigere otherwise, that any decent man with a beer bottle caps rid of any hard object that in its native people there who manages to do at all with the eye, if nothing else dasei.

Finally, the eye had to patch in doubt, yes.

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Sackabschwitzschabracken (Onderhosa)

Sunday, 24 July 2011

The other day I came to the King Street past a sports palace, rather, I went for a pure, to admire a few things, and, because see, still not even on the ground floor around the corner, I peeked a handsome bay with "ergonomic underwear" to . (That is well, everything should fit in well.)

The times I had to take in more than appearances (my faithful readers know that I'm a bit of yesterday).

Gave a Abschwitzunterhemd's for a mere € 40, the men's pants even for only for 25

Now, material science and in my hobby-horse barn stands and whinnies from time to time, I wore such a Edelschlüpferkassiber (the package would probably have been worth as much as the content) to the right there against nearby counter and asked the handsome young lady, because I nowhere to discover the large box of an indication of the material composition of the contents had been able, because of what this would be fine petticoat. (more ...)

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Terror in Norway: Sheep media selbstverschaft

Sunday, 24 July 2011


This Norwegian named Breivik, said to have up there now zugschlagen would have been at best an Islamist, or at least a Nazi.

Now he will be with the Freemasons have been active, a Knight Templar, a Muslim-hater, friend of Israel, an ultranationalist anti-Nazi (!). (more ...)

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Poet happiness IV

Sunday, 24 July 2011

The poet is simply human.

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Fortunately poet III

Sunday, 24 July 2011

And the poet has well beyond anything that he himself and his word.

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Poet's fortune II

Sunday, 24 July 2011

The poet has so well that all the loose women he has going on.

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Poet's fortune

Sunday, 24 July 2011

The poet has it good. Everyone thinks he is a jerk so senseless as insignificant, that he, except ridicule can be at rest. Herewith, the poet needs only enough bread.

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Stuttgart 21: moody and ill-tempered from Swabia

Saturday 23 July 2011

Yesterday evening, zeitgeist-regional meeting after our longtime columnist Dr. Telor (an eighty-six, very dedicated S-21 opponents, even by tabloid photo carried away with out stretched tongue of the law enforcement officers becoming famous has become), where it not only profound, but before everything was very well received by funny, I still rode in my local pub, to authorize me a beer cozy.

Now there was just neighborhood street festival, resulting in all sorts of people, which otherwise rarely seen there, or not at all, even on my brain einfand parking space, so there was that of the usual peacefulness hardly be discussed.

When it still had a little quieter ward - I had been on non-performance slide to exit a bar stool get hold of - I looked once at my new Kleist's total output is a bit of hustle and defiant, I saw a tall young man, just beer order favorably, whether it probably a little odd that my dünkenden activity rather askance from the side, waiting for his refreshment. (more ...)

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Stupidity as a virtue and the Half

Saturday 23 July 2011

Ward once said stupidity to virtue

Half of the moves like in the case

And yonder feels plump and well

For thus he is tormented by no courage

He Findt his soft pillow

What he rests ohn conscience

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