Archives for the month of February 2014

From the authentics and from Bohrschwurbeln

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Yes, now I tend to age clemency.

Whether chopped me the computer how far even the orchestrated coup in Ukraine, I like often no more, not even obviously suspicious suspects yet to clearly condemn Convicted.

Of course, I do not tend to age clemency.

That was a blatant swindle small, if you like, so it was also an embarrassing flirtation.

In reality I befleißige me a completely different science, first and foremost.

It is extremely challenging.

Told you, it states that it is pragmalinguistics, so that would not fundamentally wrong, the usual understandings ago but considered quite problematic.

The task is, we want to let out, is not this time to find the idiot savant, but the dignified fool. (more ...)

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Monday, February 17, 2014

Well then, it moves something, it goes.

German large companies begin to protect their employees from their pain-speakers.

A sick or dead people is just not a good employee.

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Affair Edathy: Does it get any more absurd?

Monday, February 17, 2014

This really had an article, the comment string to read worthwhile.

How absurd is the affair Edathy get?

Is there anything else?

Coming soon the real UFOs? (more ...)

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From the upcoming aristocratic revolution (III)

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The aristocratic revolution comes forward to even my more leis made soles.

It spreads as I know, already under the oh-so-underrated youth from.

You can tell already there as a Totalversklavung wollentlich set to the factory.

Still potter people like Julie toe or Sascha Lobo around helplessly in the matter.

But partly also set the already signs that, like these two, Sheep media have spread.

These have of course only because they do not touch the core, the core of the matter.

Already clear. (more ...)

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From the upcoming aristocratic revolution (II)

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Recently, I got it with, one was convicted because he had probably somehow linked to our besatzten enemy state the UN not agreeable side, while the one who supplied the content, remained unmolested.

That was no accident, this was a signal.

Who linked, may at any time drape, even if you do not beikommt the author of the material, do not want to get at. (It would have been the author probably may well get at, in the case mentioned. He sits apparently not in North Korea.)

The right fear mongering so. (more ...)

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From the upcoming aristocratic revolution

Sunday, February 16, 2014

It's all on the head.

In business, the bankers are the masters of the world, the work of God verrichtend by creating anything real.

When it comes to information, the world network, the administrator, distributor, Verhunzer Verzwunzer and apply those more than those who actually deliver information.

Even the semi're most electrical box fuzzy feeling, measured even on a veritable productive artist, as Hermes Trismegistus.

Whole skyscrapers full of trolls, Abschakale, Hacker: As the masters of this world.

That will not last. (more ...)

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From Pädopfuhle and perverse law

Sunday, February 16, 2014

To me it is only a few days ago happened that I opened a power unknown to me, because I showed my utility that came from there hits on my, wanted to see where it came from.

First, some which confused babble, I was displayed shortly before pushing away because I saw a picture there, not naked, but showed a girl of about ten years in a costume that suggested Relevant.

I immediately went out. Having the page even considered, would have eventually can be designed with any criminal seconds more, because who as an only calls consciously and deliberately, continues to roll even if he sees something is off. But who knows what is consciously and deliberately? (more ...)

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Google does not yet Allah

Saturday, February 15, 2014

By Google under my Image Search to Magnus Goeller still assigns a Hitler image, while the other search result is still more ridiculous and irrelevant, I was told very firmly that I should not be sitting on me, I should, no, I had the "Report inappropriate photo" in Google at least report the better send equal a juicy e-mail, even better, with lawyer threat.

I beg your pardon? What should I do?


At the company, the German free tutoring takes many years for me, me for me initially quite weighed (as I said, until recently was little to complain about in the classifieds), now treated as a Unterpariah of Netzsubprekariats?

Should I beg these wayward giant squid about? (more ...)

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Disk as evidence for the ... A.

Friday, February 14, 2014

If a guy like this Friedrich, who as interior minister a Lügenlakai the Amis, pierces to the SPD leadership that there are investigations into the possible possession of child pornography against one of its deputies, so that this can be warned and most likely will, so that was a crime.

Mommy has noticed all of the course again nothing ...

Course for Mr. Edathy presumption of innocence.

Had But police and prosecutors with him - but still, because of the stupid like a walking stick, or without warning - found such material as would apply to me the presumption of innocence still.

Do I know whether or not certain services have played the stuff on the hard disk to the man, without his noticing? Or if you did this only in retrospect? (more ...)

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Unequal siblings

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Intuition is a sister of the ratio.

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Only serious please write!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I will probably be back soon play theater.

Open stage, ten to twelve minutes solo performance.

Neither should it be a performance in strokes seal, but still a completely serious.

Still I'm looking for the core issue.

Since I have already fried the NSA last time, should this time forth something different.

Maybe I just play the almost despairing teacher.

In it I have experience.

With my face travesty? (more ...)

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Bermuda Triangle of Vernünfte

Monday, February 10, 2014

"Bermuda Triangle of Vernünfte": the pun brought me earlier with a student.

He has him by his own admission of his German teacher, so related it to his students, as he was now probably ended up with them right there (it is uncertain whether he actually "the Vernünfte" said or not but "reason").

The brave schoolboy now transferred the nice discovery in his homework on the Schmerzphon and how it affects its users.

He took her in any case intuitively at hand, because I had to explain to him that "reason" is not normally pluralized, so I just quite liked the one with the Vernünften here.

Black Hole of healths.

Abyss of knowledge.

Schlingschlund the Arese and Aphrodite.

Maelstrom of the joint.

Grave pit of minds.

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Mrs. Hendricks philosopher trumps

Monday, February 10, 2014

"Powerful contain" will be the new German Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks (SPD) in the EU voting for the approval of GM maize variety 1507th

Berlin appendix sets of Goldman Sachs & Co. So still falls a more extra-fine bullshit.

Soon you will be powerful not drink glasses and in court when charged with failure to assist, simply say that you've been watching but powerful.

I'm just not in the best forces in doing something powerful, but still powerful öberste in idleness tip.

In doing nothing nothing remains undone: The already said Lao Tzu.

In this respect we have for this woman minister dealing with a bona fide philosopher.

The Denkmalmeißler should ever begin to conserve their tools powerful.

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Mental space

Monday, February 10, 2014

Yesterday evening came in friendly talks once again the topic of "morphic fields" on.

I know for certain phenomena simply no better term, I meant.

Against it: The is but one part, established common, not inaccurate, at best it might lie in finding a German. (The one knows exactly how to appeal to me.)

"Form fields"? - Sounds a bit hampered, as the youth politically incorrect well commented.

"Formative fields" I like a little better, but I'm satisfied with it either.

Let us finally in the singular; that alone helps sometimes.

Perhaps the word is already rethinking "field" here. (more ...)

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The stupid search engine

Monday, February 10, 2014

This stupid search engine now has stress. I see it her directly. Do not ask me how and why.

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Strangely blessing

Monday, February 10, 2014

It may still be that the stupidity helps me.

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Monday, February 10, 2014

Rather weak as cowardly.

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The idiots have temporarily abandoned

Monday, February 10, 2014

So it goes again.

There is nothing more to say now.

Accrued comments I give, including my own experiments, now simply free.

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Dumb as a piece of Google

Friday 07 February 2014

As above it looks today erstseitig when "Magnus Goeller" enters into Google.

Not only do these weaknesses Mate company warns that my site could have been hacked, no, that's not enough, they joined me one more Hitlerbildchen at, schlichtemang because some guy has written something with probably very small range about me and to the Dolf sorted.

Was sorting my person at Google until recently still quite understandable, as it is now nigh imbecile.

Some things with which I have nothing more to do for 5 to 10 years, plus any external comments somewhere garnish the first few pages.

Previously, still referred to as important and current articles from me. (more ...)

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Tuition for Aliens: Na klar!

Thursday 06 February 2014

Not rumfurzenden aliens - I envy here - may actually.

German maximum due to student level but even still without the intuitive grasp of a good elementary school student.

Bad English anyone can.

Since you have probably dialed the wrong number in the number.

Spaceship Moderate control problems. Poor computer. All what we already know here. (more ...)

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Matrix already half upturned

Thursday 06 February 2014

I belong to any secret society.

That may believe who wants.

In support of this statement, there is nothing but my speeches, which probably already spent about 10,000 on the web.

Enough of the preliminary exercise.

The "Matrix" wants me to talk.

But not so. (more ...)

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