From Sarrazinitis the Sarrazinose.
Archive for the month August 2010
Sarrazin Gensturz
Tuesday, August 31, 2010Now we explain the time-honored FAZ , why Sarrazin is now irretrievably done.
Berthold Kohler writes allda:
"31st August 2010
Who speaks in Germany by a gene of the Jews, which is beyond help. The term can all dams the dam break. That was "grist for the mill of racism and anti-Semitism," judged Vice Chancellor Westerwelle. The Vice President of the Central Council of Jews spoke of a "recourse to elements of the eugenics of the Nazi period." Since it uses Sarrazin also nothing that he - only known as an admirer of Jewish intelligence and for not accused of racism - its now scourged set two reputable studies on the genetic roots of the Jewish people will have taken. At this no one bothered, as the "Jewish General" reported on it. But when three say in this highly sensitive area like that is still not the same.
That should have known Sarrazin. "
Clearly can not formulate that we are dealing with an open two-class freedom of man.
Thank you, Mr. Kohler.
Sarrazin: In the Turn!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010It's the most magnificent eggs of the more popular Mr. Sarrazin gets to the more foam and roar the good and just.
In the Turn!
Lufthohheitsmörder !!!
We will, as far as I am active now times even as soothsayers, (more ...)
Sarrazin: J'accuse!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010I quote it by myself, as I just (with real name of course)'m out riding at the Sarrazin debate at a forum of the, because it probably belongs here too:
First of myself, because I win such fun at this unprecedented road show, that seems to me the serious consequences easy to lose sight angle, since the general donkey crying thus almost ohnkannt delektiert, in 5D; you laugh and cry tears she alternately, there is great emotion, the boards that mean the world, the wrong Komabatanten nailed to the Köppe, ascend !, Eselshochalmauftrieb early September, IA !, Zarathustra awaits your and you will probably with the ears Wash fresh ice! (more ...)
Sarrazin is not Hohmann
Tuesday, August 31, 2010The controversial full text of the scandalous Christian Democrat Hohmann read almost no one, and he was shot down by Merkel, excluded; now the SPD tries forget to remove Sarrazin from their ranks.
A dangerous game is the: Sarrazin's book will likely be read by hundreds of thousands, and if this man party legally processed, a German court has to decide whether and why a party exclusion in this case is justified or not justified at the end.
The laughter of the CDU over the SPD, however, could not last long, because a considerable extent true precisely their (former) clients much of the Sarrazin Widely used to, will therefore not turn the Sozen, but even more so on the Union .
Where then, especially as the disillusioned Social Democrat voters and FDP voters still equal with?
Eternally nirvana of non-voters? (more ...)
- - -
Tuesday, August 31, 2010The devil has retreated to the Chancellery and yonder hidden in the Pflaumendarre.
The devil
Monday, August 30, 2010Drilling through a thousand-page small print Bible to heart towards failed probably many a sword and some ungodly ball: alone, a new devil is going on.
This scratch and rodent ordered, as our limp, eats us with new litters the inventories to; but, how about stopping? (more ...)
Sarrazin: Never say what everyone knows
Friday, August 27, 2010I wanted the new "case Sarrazin" not actually do and say nothing about all the Krakeele; but one aspect calls me in my chronicler duty because of absurdity hard to beat.
Among all possible Sarrazin should have said also about that Turkish and Arab youth, especially in Berlin, considerably more problematic and less well integrated would on average, than for example Poles or Russians, and have cultural reasons, not least of Islam.
Some are alone whether this supposedly infamous, hateful, racist, anti-Muslim, by nothing at all assignable and baseless assertion seemingly crazy; to insults and historical comparisons are not lacking.
I suppose but honestly just this one statement out (more ...)
Real genuine Authentosemantik
Friday, August 27, 2010What I've taken about spontaneously on video, I will here something unschwäbischer as writing, outlining: the cult of authenticity (somewhere in the last 1000 articles I mocked me ever similar, but certainly different).
Even the word "authentic" self is somehow not quite authentic, at least in German, where it as three syllables foreign word against the monosyllabic "real" rather stilted, pomadig, wannabe acts, so inherently just runs counter to his senses.
But what does the poor advertisers, politicians or Schwätzschaumeister make, genuine, (more ...)
Oilbamas thick end
Friday, August 27, 2010Here you can read how super great by the oil spill really is. Also in this article . And here .
It says to a 22-mile underwater oil mixture tube in 1,100 meters Depth:
"The river of hydro carbons is currently headed southwest, towards Mexico's coastline. That Could cause a nasty international incident in a few months ... "
(The hydrocarbon flow is currently southwest, toward Mexico's coast. This could cause a nasty international incident in a few months ...)
Yes, it will be interesting: (more ...)
Lost property to the non-philosopher N.
Friday, August 27, 2010In his afterword to my Zarathustra edition Giorgio Colli writes: "This book therefore seems to originate from the area of the archaic forms of expression, and it is difficult to describe as philosophical work. A philosophy is to rule out manipulation of terms, which are the expression of sensible objects, while here express images and concepts neither concepts nor concrete things; they are symbols of something that has no face, they are germinating forms of expression. "
Now that we have it, and wrong, Signore Colli: If philosophy consists of manipulation of terms, as Nietzsche in Zarathustra can now truly no slouch, (more ...)
Cheap Platt
Thursday, August 26, 2010Good thing: BP sets up a $ 20 billion compensation fund heavy, the one Mr Feinberg distributed completely independently generous, so far as the destruction of nature must be quantified, probably only 1-10% of that pay what the company has done.
Truly a wise and well networked managed company; there could even Goldman Sachs, although dazzling on typical clairvoyant timely sale of its BP shares having earned, but a little green envy get in the face, (more ...)
Silly reader, silly texts
Thursday, August 26, 2010In "? Google making us stupid" of 12 January I mentioned Nicholas Carr's essay in the Atlantic; now he has submitted a book: "The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains" .
The article "Is the Internet ruining our minds?" takes up the matter.
Basically it revolves around that millions of people wither especially in the field mentally, where many of them were anyway never very strong, the concentrated, multi-layered in depth thinking.
Carr predicts even that the writer will adapt to their vertwitterten readers as text snacks spin, (more ...)
The Great Unsystematiker
Thursday, August 26, 2010Recently I heard it again, the "argument", Nietzsche was not a real philosopher, as a Kant, Hegel or Schopenhauer, for he had indeed submitted no self-contained edifice not a real system.
Oh you fools sheep, three times her gates! (more ...)
Nietzsche metric
Thursday, August 26, 2010Yesterday afternoon I read a little in Nietzsche's Zarathustra around, and again I was struck by the unique linguistic rhythm which embraces one there.
Sure: Here there is no simple, classic syllable, uplift and reduction scheme; but I am convinced that this recurring, however complex numerical relationships, just what the distribution strong- and schwachtoniger syllables concerned, be present.
Who knows something about programming and has interest in the matter, I hereby invite one seriously, is for joint research to report in that direction with me.
While classic Italian Renaissance poets, Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio (more ...)
No Zoroastrian cult in Sils
Wednesday, August 25, 2010So yesterday I visited the site of action Friedrich Nietzsche in Sils-Maria: and will initially lose a few words about it, because I spot have turned a few small movies, if left intact, enter here soon, which give an idea of that strange angle, a some of my own observations included.
Yes, it is at an angle, the rear right on Tannhang between an old farm building and a fine hotel, stands there, a house rather rested for themselves, as if five quarters centuries.
Not one souvenir sellers, no Zarathustra-stand, no praying awakened in flowing robes, not a lone musician, not a terrorist nor a policeman, no donation box, no altar to the knees, not blind nor lame: (more ...)
Three New Nicks III
Tuesday, August 24, 2010Amanita is in trouble: A HorstM has promised her on the head, they play only games here and they would quite like a typical man 'over, who intends to have as a woman gerierend, only real men at the best.
Since the type does not give the impression that he could be fooled again, bärge him now as paranoid ridiculous and / or a little bit perverse to portray certain incalculable risks, so that to take into consideration, Amanita along a pun for the time being vermaskulinisieren to leave.
Gorg the third party, meanwhile, experienced a terrific time; it is him just managed to release one astrologer and a New Witch on a helpless ufologists, and incidentally he still has a Chemtrailer lubricated two hard defeatists on bread.
Meanwhile must Mast judges still under all sorts of dodgy pirate factions and lots of practice other Therefore overflowing, appropriate to mediate and afterwards to sow new discord, and he sees on the lookout also quite clear that The latter will not be accomplished without the former, if it be sustainable should.
We see here a typical problem: (more ...)
Three new Nick's II
Monday, August 23, 2010Where was I yesterday stopped?
Yes, because of the grip have the real names of people.
We must avoid at all costs, incurring a fashion movement among young intellectuals along the examples of old rabbits; the danger is not so small as it may seem at first glance, because lure the real names of people, cunning as they are sent so that they could their paths in the network Avantgarde make a name as a noble champion of honor and fame, fortune gain and wealth.
And we must be clear that we by no means to have no or hardly any candidate just because we do not know them by name. Previously they write where it gets tricky, with Nick, practically all, as it should be (Professional Linguistic analyzes also result in many of the most interesting content involved occurring under aliases Netzforisten very often the age group 25-35. way it should be.)
So they waste their potential for names and their energy to a substantial extent; no sudden calls in the evening and explained (more ...)
Three New Nicks
Sunday, August 22, 2010I could not stand my old Nick.
Since I have in my three network jerked new.
I feel better.
Since I'm going on my old Nick, I'm all against much more relaxed.
When I perform at the "reptilian freaks", I'm Gorg the third party.
When in the "ordinary seaman" (this is a blog about network security with many pirates), so I come on as a judge or mast sailing coasters.
When I visit the "Idle metaphysician" (blogging here and comment on any amount Tantra aunts, Esowatcher, Ufotiker, Konspirationologen and other boxes), I call myself Amanita that falls there not on, and also I keep most Blödel for a woman.
Gorg the Third - Mast judge / Sailing Coasters - Amanita: the three / four Nicks are so different (except, of course mast judge / sailing coasters, but they are indeed for the game on the same blog), that never an easy can it get the idea that they were of the same author.
So I can also be tracked very poorly across the blogs, because that's the most important thing.
If you notice anything? (more ...)
On to Sils
Saturday, August 21, 2010So tomorrow on the Upper Engadine, Sils-Maria and around to where the idea of Zarathustra Nietzsche hit like lightning.
Whether there will be there except the rich and famous St. Moritz and some hikers even to marvel at some real Nietzsche junk paragons, next to my questionable appearance traveling poet? (more ...)
Back to the Middle Ages: Germany's new trend towards large family
Friday, August 20, 2010Today I heard it again on my Bavaria Radio: a commercial, on "Bayern Munich. One family "ended..
Well whoops.
My family thus consists Rumenigge, van Chaaal, the evil Magath no longer a Frankosen with pants, maybe a new Brazilian woman Lahm, lawn mowers and ground keepers, franchise marketers, Seehofer's cat, a brewery, a Schuhplattelei and advertising conglomerate . (read more ...)