Archives for the month of October 2012

In Mali!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Now you want to Mali.

Because of pöhsen Islamists there.

At the same time their brothers send it to Syria.

If the thing was not easy to solve, if the Islamists from Mali would have bought right out to Syria?

Instead, they have been bought into Pakistan, Libya, elsewhere.

Wherever the supply is not so easy starting.

Oh, now I understand the matter.

In Mali, there would soon be no more Islamists, managed to get a few thousand to Syria.

That would be but a bit goofy. (more ...)

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Hardly a knapsack wears heavier because of the poor poet's mailbox.

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Suddenly women looking for men?

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Theorems about gender relations are able to interest me naturally again or amuse.

The other day meant a serious interlocutor, the whole thing revolves from about 40 to the 45th

From there should and would do first of all the girls look after the boys, and not vice versa. (more ...)

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Bilderbergers: Steinbrück as B-Movie Actor

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Bilderbergers are pretty overrated.

Instead of that they could do any mischief their Sozenkanzler-in-law, Steinbrück, the Bundestag as a deputy who he was and she told him to fully talk for a few Peanauts any subalterns.

Well, the lecture tours of the "can-Chancellor" may have shown some sense in terms of the probation ritual and familiarization; but at the end it would have been wiser simply to give him the good million so. (more ...)

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What circulates the world

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ohn wife no blowing.

(The just occurred to me during a Dionysian-inspired strand to comment.)

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Why Jesus only covereth his chastity

Monday, October 29, 2012

I have already mentioned several times, but will pick up again.

The front Publiko öberststärkste all attention would be given strength grenades where you (doomsday) poured money (or gold), Sex, Jesus, scandal and disaster in a Büchs.

Greed, instinct, faith, indignation, horror: Who all knows how to pack in a story, is the master of all classes, the Master of all bottles.

Let's try that once.

It was just before Armageddon. Jesus was pretty burned and the Magdalene had not rangelassen him for days. Peter had even weggesoffen him all the wine. He was pissed.

As a sutler came peddling ass the way, all sorts of colorful ribbons, cords, copper chains and other trinkets.

"Jewelry and adornments for lonely hearts! Jewelry and ornaments f ... "

Bams as he lay. That was Jesus now but scorn too much. (more ...)

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Chaste tree fruit (II)

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Earlier I was almost the beer stuck in the throat.

One who knows, meant for the enjoyment of the chaste tree only if I would give me the tofu in beer, I would certainly supplied with phytoestrogens not bad.

After the initial shock, I thought about jumping act moderately, meekly, that woman even today stand on androgynous men.

"Well, then do '! If you still get a high! " (more ...)

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Coffee: Göllers Dreimalbrühmethode

Sunday, October 28, 2012

So now I do sometimes - it's Sunday, and time conversion - a Solution Center.

Do not worry, it is not a diet recommended once a convent spice; it's simply about coffee.

From the aberzwölfzig preparation methods I will show you mine. (more ...)

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New York Times "enthusiastic" for Obama

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The most influential newspaper in North America, some say, the world, the New York Times yesterday in an editorial of the title " Barack Obama for Re-Election advocates "in a remarkable way for a re-election of the incumbent U.S. presidency.

The article concludes, after various policy fields and processed each Romney judged the worse, Obama's successes out deleted (sometimes one would have wished for more of it), so:

"For synthesis and many other Reasons, we enthusiastically endorse President Barack Obama for a second term, and express the hope did his victory will be Accompanied By a new Congress willing to work for policies did Americans need."

(For these and many other reasons, we support President Barack Obama excited for a second term and express the hope that this victory will be accompanied by a new Congress, the policy for the Americans needed to work willing.)

Now, while it is tradition that the NYT clearly pronounce shortly before the election for a presidential candidate (see box left in the original article, where each supported candidates are listed), and yet the word jumps "enthusiastically" (enthusiastic, excited) in the last Set the eye. (more ...)

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Alone, one Kleist!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

All the time: "We are so few!" - Alone, a Kleist!

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Of the levels of language

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Heaven Hebrew hell English, German thinkers.

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From the old new Agora

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Yesterday I sat with a noble, educated, no bawdy jokes as fine jokes averse man together, the knowledge and awareness of linguistic nuances and registers as I at least want to call extraordinary.

So we came for the German language as such or the present condition and Behuf same. A dispute arose. Jovial, the beers, but committed, violent, discharged directly.

He said the complexity of the German language is untenable; Conjunctive, complex sentence structure, it was yesterday; no longer wanted to learn something; hardly any German, foreigners, immigrants certainly not; no wonder it is that English has become because of its simple grammatical structure, world language; one has to face facts and adapt in this direction; it was now times the way of the world. I fight another, even to want to start a renaissance of upscale German language, a futile, if not ridiculous, though perhaps noble, but clearly lost, senseless fight. (more ...)

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Chaste tree fruit

Friday, October 26, 2012

"Chaste tree fruit": Yes, they do exist, and the botanical normally not completely unstudied blog author learned it only on the so-called "monk's pepper".

That, from the taste as from the Latin name "Vitex agnus castus" her (also such as the Szechuan pepper) can not be a real pepper was me (also because he otherwise would "Piper" must mean) immediately clear, as I was in the market hall for the first time to buy a pack of them last year and tasted soßenwürzend.

My negligence as a philologist, that I at this German and Latin names (agnus castus and I may yet) nachsuchte not matter what it was all about.

And lo and behold, this mint (sage, oregano, thyme ...: many of our spice and medicinal herbs are mint)? Actually needs to be used since time immemorial for menstrual pains but, menopause problems, takes its name davonher but that was said to him (is - I have no spy in the Vatican), he entgeile the man, the monks make chaste, as it is fitting. (more ...)

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"Shit Storm" ok, "shit storm" oweh?

Friday, October 26, 2012

I just read it, right in the headline of a major medium on the pirate Julia Schramm was whether a ungemeinfreien Book Release, swept away a "Shit Storm" on the net. (In the article without the quotes.)

Why dare - so far, so far as I saw it - no big medium, familiar enough, "shit storm" (again without quotes) to write down?

Is it because the translation would be so difficult? (Just kidding.)

No, you should not say shit yes in German. Does this mean it. It holds Although none of it, but it is said. (more ...)

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From the electrical box slave

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The self-determined person is now the one who takes along a cell phone only in cases of necessity, a Schmerzphon even if only for business imperative.

Nietzsche once said that anyone who had to work more than four hours a day (he did not talk of creating wool) was a slave.

When I walk through the city in mind, I will not be partout angebrümmelt from anyone if any trifling or mood or postponement, and certainly not when I'm sitting in the pub or play chess in the park.

I will also not holding me up to date app, no signal of any SMS, no mental Beiständer. (more ...)

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In the lies Arena

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Funny is it, watch as two BWA or even a plurality of vollügen Hucke and only so much dazuzulügen than necessary, so that the fun does not end too soon.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

In America

Yes, because

Met the two BWA Antifa.

The one not bomb enough

What a nonsense!

The other calls it deception.

Who selects one of those

Is already counted not quite

But after all, the brain lacks.

The gold men so and so

The Oberallcannern

With their Absaugscannern

If both oho.


That is democracy!

The visible thrived here!

Oh yeah!

No Bah!

Thus, because in Bäld 'the Amerikanes'

Saves him to be Chines'

Go to the polls

A two aufzuturnen.

After this there is a great feast

And another bad It's the most

Allen not already Feisten

Especially the dead rest.

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"Ask computing": Google's end?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

No, the title is not "n" lost, but it is the name of the new Franco-German search engine (he speaks to German as "Reschersüsch").

We have tested the page that will replace Google times through its paces and gave logical first the search term "Test".

The first three results were: "Le mot anglais 'test' ne peut pas ..." "The intergubernementale implementation of the Euro is a test for ..." "The test phase of the European banking and Media Union ..."

That was quite encouraging.

We then decided to use the term "lie" enter: (more ...)

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Mobilization of large publishers against Google

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

There is a war between the great French and German publishers (where the policy thus far predominantly follows) and Google, at least a kind of mobilization. (See also, by Marcel White " Google-war German media: The masks are now fallen "and me" What tells the VDZ there? ".)

Had Google not the giant that he is, with his often, to say the least, questionable methods, we could almost with the global network giants get sympathy.

Those who benefit most by the incoming about Google linking requests, want to Google now skim that he spread their content and earn it directly or indirectly. How untrue that is, Marcel White has (which will not make me comfortable in the pillory, because here I already Link to his article for the second time, Google ads next to it) so well worked out that I here want to practice no redundancy, but the reading of the whole article explicitly recommend and raise further questions.

How is the Titan who - quite credible - sees his entire business concept endangered unfairly, react when it gets tough? (more ...)

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Our gold is safe from us

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I know why almost all the gold the Bundesbank, to the extent it is even still there, located in the United States, England and France, where it is safe not only from the Russians, but especially against us Germans.

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What tells the VDZ there?

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Association of German Magazine Publishers to read an argument with providers such as Google with the French government, which seeks similar as the German, namely that search engines for their news links (perhaps all?) to pay on items whether their own generated from advertising revenue must, following :

"Ancillary rights for Press Publishers

Every day, in the German newspaper and magazine publishers thousands lavishly produced products but can be recycled and marketed in the internet age in seconds from third partial or completely taken over. This commercial use are the publishers defenseless against, because they have, in contrast to other plant intermediaries such as the film and music industry today no legal title to the fruits of their labor. "

That's as far as I know, but lied smoothly.

I can without express authorization assume no article completely, exploit and commercialize. I quote only.

I go over the Ziterrecht out, so just looking at the big publishing houses to commercial use by no means against defenseless. Because they have very well urheberliche property rights. You can admonish, desist, parts of a revenue demand, etc. (more ...)

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