Archives for the month of April 2012
Monday, April 30, 2012
Now a CDUler named Dieter Schmidt plate has expressed the opinion that gays and lesbians are sick. The most important preliminary to the "case" here .
Of course (?) - - So that the man has drawn outrage on himself, he should resign, apologize, etc.
Not only because I write at zeitgeist me some time spirit is so far no matter that I did not mitmache everything I should. Not even this.
I do not know whether gays and lesbians in the classical sense of the word are sick. I just know that their orientation in the sense of maintaining a family, a nation, of humanity is aberrativ. (more ...)
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Tags: Guido Schmidt plate , Lesbian , freedom of expression , gay
Filed under Democracy , gender | 18 Comments »
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Together with my wife, who was an excellent, characterized by the best tradition of Baden cook, I looked now and the lessons of a master named Alfons Schubeck on TV.
We stood him well, that he understood some of the fish preparation, but otherwise it was noticeable that the boss almost all sauces preparations first (or a little later) tomato paste anschwitzte, often powdered sugar.
In ensued a debate, which is why the the was doing so brought a unit indelible taste in his sauces.
She said once completely dry, that against the Tomatenmarkanschwitzen basically nothing is wrong with that good Badenser the cooking but only do if nothing decent in the house was, except for a few residues, onions and spices.
From there she called the Maestro also because only the Tomatenmarkanschwitzer. (more ...)
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Tags: Alfons Schubeck , cooking , nicks , nicknames
Filed under Art , Beautiful , linguistics | No Comments »
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Some commentators put "Shit Storm" even in quotes, I have omitted the title at "Anti shit storm" times.
Many have already taken the shit storm, many have become afraid of it. Companies, artists, writers, politicians, athletes, journalists ...
In the network of the mob's going on. From a legitimate form of protest is increasingly cyber-bullying, Netzhatz by target persons plague and cholera are required to the neck, covered with any slander, often spiced with violent fantasies, thinly veiled calls for real vigilante justice, without measure and limit.
Probably initially left with little alternative but to react with an anti shit storm if you do not want to remain inactive because of legal means is often little to nothing, and even to reach the still too slow. (more ...)
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Tags: shit storm , shit striker , Shit Storm
Filed under Education , vermin , media , linguistics , world power | No Comments »
Friday, April 27, 2012
If you bring just good nerves, which can here read, which is the circumcision of boys for a kind of mutilation.
Imagine times but rather a large brandy next to the computer. You want to do namely. (more ...)
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Tags: circumcision
Filed under gender , cruelty , lies , religion | 15 Comments »
Friday, April 27, 2012
A first-person shooter game called "Crysis 2" has sparked a political controversy, since it won the German Computer Game Award 2012. The whole drivel this is here summarized well.
The blast at the whole debate is that the FDP now against critics of the award of "Killer Game rhetoric" talks, which was not helpful, the SPD refers to the use of the term "killer game" as doubtful with respect to a differentiated debate, the Greens even of a throwback to "old trenches" talk.
Yes Jeu! Where would we go there when angry conservatives a game in which you ballert by sämtliches rabble of neosteinzeitlichen Manhattan (that is, as I understand it, the meaning and appeal of the game) in altgestrig-discriminatory way a "killer game" call, So nasty as what it is. (more ...)
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Tags: Crysis 2 , FPS , Killer Games , Culture Award , voice monitor
Filed under Idiots cabinet , art , linguistics , word poison | 16 Comments »
Thursday, April 26, 2012
From a jolly aging hippy Hurzgranatenerzkiffer I learned that he managed bestzeitig, more or less out flying in the Kommies because he repeatedly at meetings away for a Drag and afterwards even laughed accordingly amused by the presented Ereiferungen.
He may show "bourgeois tendencies": So this devastating verdict was whether his conduct.
That was dunnemals and in such circles a similar caliber, as though he had been accused of having 2012 at the Annual General Meeting of Goldman Sachs sang the Internationale and demanded the total expropriation of all board members, as Inter Nazi. (more ...)
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Tags: 68 , Inter-Nazi , Black Afghan , World Revolution
Filed under Satire , Nice | 1 Comment »
Thursday, April 26, 2012
The spirit was willing, but the flesh was tough.
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Tags: aphorisms
Filed Under Aphorisms | No Comments »
Thursday, April 26, 2012
The suggestion of an all-encompassing, undiagnosed mental matrix to create one.
It has succeeded in bringing many people there that they are not even sure if her shoe is a shoe and they actually harm the just. It also wants to be a projection Shoe yes.
So does the thing because, as desired: Who does not trust their own perception, is the easier not to believe in something Checked, is culled so.
So the world is measured for less on their own actions and experiences, but in speculation, the fish is in the net. (Yes, this is now redundant, but I say it rather doublestiched.)
Everything wants to "Higher Powers" indicate great cosmic currents, I know what the main thing is, you do not understand themselves as more than as ant, but dessenthalben like as a hero, karmic envoy, as long as you only mitameist therein.
They are therefore, those matrix. It forms the reality of power weights but only from within the districts of religious believers to them. Far too many phenomena remain there in a way pushed aside, which says everything about it. (more ...)
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Tags: matrix , zerichen
Filed under General , Philosophy , Religion | 13 Comments »
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Seventy percent of our young Maiden, FORSA determined in a survey , according to FOCUS , would rather forego sex than their mobile phone.
But this also means that there is still almost a third of our Girls (it's Girl's Day in D; here it comes, that girls are more interested in technology finally) sex find horny as her mobile phone. These are probably the last urtriebigen goats in the country, those with the gebärfreudigen pool. (more ...)
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Tags: ears massager
Filed under gender , Satire | 6 Comments »
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
I repeat: there is for almost three generations no big new art more.
This applies to anyone who is not able to change it, but how much more those which have not even been aware of. Still did not do not worry about the implications of the possible fact. Never thought about why this might be so.
The art scene in this regard is still one of the blanksten blind fish.
Even old hands relativize everything. Earlier it was just different.
There are reasons why we do not have much more art for almost three generations.
The first task is to figure out it.
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Tags: art
Filed Under Aphorisms | 18 Comments »
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
As we have found out to a point far beyond utmost clarity, the abyss of misunderstanding progenerates freely in our world, weening Itself informed anywhere, on anything, anytime.
The systematic undervelopment of competent readership skills forms the basis of that.
Let's not be equivocal about it: Sure there are the conductors of the MSM, And They quietly have clout; but the crux of the sake is a lack of will, wisdom and subtlety on the part of the many; even on the one of many of the few.
On many things we are not Supposed to know, grasp, connect, it is a mere mass of dead alleys, sidepaths, red herrings, esoteric and spiritual deviation did puts major landmarks in its crap; and, of course, "Truthers" may even be paid disinformants, sheer agents. (more ...)
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Tags: chaos at work
Filed under English Section | No Comments »
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
9.11 is a gaping wound. The nightmare of sheep media.
The official story of the collapse of the three towers is so outrageous that everyone remembers who thinks just a bit. So it's not easy. Or, all explanations are not suitable.
The difficult task that now falls to the sheep media, is that which constantly to portray adventurous allegations against all known physics and all common sense as incontrovertible facts that one forgets Newton wants under the apple tree out and Wieland call in from the forge as witnesses whose supertemporal laughter to hear.
The absurd explanations for almost three in fall velocity perpendicular coinciding in itself reinforced concrete buildings are now legion; alone, it remains stubbornly, are simply not on.
I've often wondered how long we have to watch even be this wrong-headed spectacle that the impossible is trying to position itself as the only possible one, everything is actually in contrast, portrayed as Possible crazy fantasy.
Yes, and of course drives me to the question of how stupid the MSM journalists who play there really are. Faith itself, a reinforced concrete building would be something like on thin plastic threads like a tower floor by floor suspended pancakes, which then coincided to a pancake lumps? Pylons, several inches high steel wall, first penetrated by thin aluminum, then, whether a fire, suddenly with a monkey Pip rundrum exactly the same time and to the bottom right one after the other portions crumbles? Who believes this crap? Journamisten?
Maybe you should worry about such people also do not have to worry.
But it's also again not entirely irrelevant, because anyone who thinks what he dished out, and who is not, so lying directly.
I wish I distributed the following questionnaire. (more ...)
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Tags: 9/11 , journalist , Journamisten , sheep Media
Filed under geopolitics , war , lies , media | 7 Comments »
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Today WELT ONLINE related to an article on 9/11 (title: "Why the United States may not have planned 9/11") from the conspirators window, which is remarkably poorly made and sloppy.
I want the individual Specimen blocks, the shoots, the author here does not list all of them, wonder rather (first was in the article still made to the 9.9., What the editors then coyly changed, as the laughter in the comment strand followed), how to on this controversial issue such a simpleton - or bad liar - can order on Springer's battleship.
So in the comment strand also not lacking in addition to the usual Antiverschwörungstheoretikerkram of mocking up insulting way because of entlarvendem contradiction, so that the fall in the sense of the author's faithful not only argumentative-content behind (they wofern ever argue), but also numerically in the minority position .
So read mostly incorrigible spinner just the contrary they tory world, or is it just the industrious commentators, so that this impression is deceptive?
Why tear the world here so botched their edge on? Which happens just like that? Praktikantentag? (more ...)
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Tags: 9.11 , Kellerhoff , sheep media , Selbstverschafung , world
Filed under Idiots Cabinet , war , lies , media , world power | No Comments »
Sunday, April 22, 2012
U.S. researchers want to have found that there are in our brain not only a Gottort ('God spot'), as has been long speculated, but that several areas to work together if the person is spirimäßig it. And obviously can damage in the right (ego) side of the brain, especially the right parietal lobe, if the Divine Providence did not provide such per accident injury, also induce pray or -meditieren.
"He (Johnstone, NB. MWG) found did the Participants with more significant injury to Their right parietal lobe Showed to Increased feeling of closeness to a higher power."
(He found that participants showed a more significant violation of their right parietal lobe, an increased feeling of closeness to a higher power.)
"Although Johnstone Studied people with brain injury, previous studies of Buddhist meditators and Franciscan nuns with normal brain function have shown did people can learn to minimize the functioning of the right side of Their brains to increase enlarge Their spiritual connections falling on meditation and prayer."
(Although Johnstone people examined with brain injuries, previous studies of Buddhist meditators Expensive and Franciscan nuns have shown with normal brain function, that people can learn to minimize the operation of their right brain to increase their spiritual connections during meditation and prayer.)
One can therefore, which is nothing new in itself, at least bring meditate or worship a temporary roof damage. (more ...)
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Tags: Gottort , brain research , brain therapy , spirituality
Filed under Education , Religion , Satire , Nice | 2 Comments »
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Under the significant title "Dear freely as just" expresses itself a Michael Seemann copyright in the Internet on SPON .
"Some people think that I am arguing against the copyright law, because I do not begrudge the artists. No, I do not begrudge the artists all the money in the world. But faced with the question: copyright or free Internet, I do not hesitate long.
If the Pirate Party does not dare I call it state: Beat the copyright from "- so elegant includes the man his plea!.
Soso, he treats us to do all the money in the world. So much we do not want. Workers and factory owners and decent policemen, teachers especially, are quiet even get some of it.
Parable not funny, because as someone who wants us emphasize our (potential) sources of income replacement - because of tangible compensation he reported nothing - so generous as our patron occurs?
Will probably mean that he wants to forbid anyone to throw us a few cruisers in the cap. And who has just slaughtered his rabbit who loves us like to throw a half Schrumpelkohl and two carrots in the artist remains ton behind Marienplatz, without the good citizens should be ashamed. Also used long underwear one particularly likes to take in the fall. (more ...)
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Tags: artist , Michael sailor , pirate , copyright
Filed under cruelty , art , world power | 1 Comment »
Friday, April 20, 2012
Now it's out: When the pirates there are two currents, the Wünschis and the Machis.
Since the Machis not even bring as much realism as the Greens, the fundamentalists, the Wünschi have to imagine that anything so despised as the reason to be a creature.
They have partially already begun, but I see coming, that since a Pöbelei will come up, as they have not seen this Republic.
Namely, while the fundamentalists of the Greens were well integrated socially in anti-fascist Teekreisen and Shared Assemblies, the Wünschi sitting alone at home on the computer and fires, when the time comes, as Loose Lone Gunman Wutbürgersalven into the world network, devoid of control.
The most open to represent an escalation currently seems, since you're as good as no program has, less the debate about right-wing extremists, but the woman question.
Many pirates were so long at sea, that they either never knew what a woman is, or have forgotten it, or they have not noticed what a woman is supposed to be today, or should talk like a man from her, or However, they have consciously the gills full of it, what else can I blow and therefore to rebellion.
"Sexist image of women": The battle cry has already fallen, with the pirates there Übele macho.
Since scratching of the rest, the half-gay, even at the codpiece, asks under what shady mob you may be out there; and all ships Looming the next Shit Storm. (more ...)
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Tags: feminism , woman female stayer question , Macho question , pirates
Filed under democracy , idiots Cabinet , satire , Beautiful | 13 Comments »
Friday, April 20, 2012
My name is Klaus Holzinger. I am 13 months pirate. I do not care whether I was soon sitting in the City Council Dagolfing, Dingolfing or Altötting main thing is that I come again to the people.
Since you no longer sail as a pirate today, but surfs, times are tougher than before. Where you could previously zusaufen in the horse latitudes days with rum, because today is the relentless surf, swell, spray the rough Netzsee, and to get still, as of old, full-Anglo-Saxon ships rather not zuquer.
In Neopiratischen that, as Altpiratisches also pretty open-minded Anglo-Saxon, there is therefore a saying that goes: "Download and aloft are two locations" (more ...)
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Tags: Neopiratisch , Pirate Party
Filed under Satire | No Comments »
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Under "Iranpflüge" and "Iran plow" is Google so far no real Iranpflüge, but only Iran Flights, otherwise than in Iran lie. Good Iran plow! Manicured Lugflug!
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Tags: Iranlug , Iran plow , Unflug
Filed under Beautiful , world power | No Comments »
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Now the beautiful air travel advertisement under the terms of Iran lie is gone. Hardly that they once praised. Google is pretty fast. Take some care, the care of all of us pretty well on.
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Tags: Zerwerbung
Filed under Lies , Media , Network World | 7 Comments »
Thursday, April 19, 2012
I found that when Google just under "Iran lie" still on my scribblings:
Display for iran lie Why this ad?
Iran Flights Online - Great online flight deals worldwide.
Book now with Qatar Airways!
Business Class from € 2199 - Sri Lanka from 525 € - Bali from 810 €
Business is business.
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Tags: ad for Iran lie
Filed under Beautiful , world power | 1 Comment »
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Grrrbrrlrmpf. Hmph. Trrrbt. Kmprrmrrt. Ntrfsst. Sqssst. Bcksmplt. Splt.
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Tags: aphorisms
Filed Under aphorisms , world power | No Comments »