Archive for the 'flu'
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Poor Bill Gates wants to save the poor little children by missed them all cell phones and vaccines.
For this, he has even become a beggar .
"I am a beggar now," says one of the richest men on the planet and keeps the joke probably still for success.
Every child should first register and then get strapped a mobile phone to his cheek day and night, so that not only his brain irradiated neat, but it can be vegiftet also time with mercury (thimerosal) and squalene, even before his stomach has learned to Monsanto -Genmüll to digest large enough, sufficiently death dust from uranium munitions breathe his lungs and his liver is poisoned with Corexit.
A pretty clued up plan for a beggar. (more ...)
Tags: Bill Gates , squalene , thimerosal , uranium ammunition
Filed under English Section , geopolitics , flu | 1 Comment »
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I'm starting to get the impression that people fear less the guillotine, because to be called "conspiracy theorists".
The word seems to disable all thinking on head pressure. (more ...)
Tags: The actual Depp
Filed under Education , Democracy , Geopolitics , gender , Goebbelse against Hitlers , Grausamkeit , Grippe , Krieg , Lügen , Medien , Nachhilfe , Sprachmord , Sprachwissenschaft , Verbesserungen , Weltnetz , Wortgift | 13 Comments »
Saturday 09 October 2010
I am tired of twenty reports, set thirty videos here, showing how the Gulf of Mexico is still being systematically poisoned with Corexit. Simply make if you are interested in the matter.
Just as the U.S. war machine will die their own soldiers at their own uranium ammunition, is what happens to the poor devils who seek their Seegrab for BP on boats and on beaches shoveling its own grave.
Hardly anyone takes notice. There, as here.
If in a questionable Stuttgart rail project is pulled, then go Green, left, and honest conservatives on the road; good thing; but what else?
The positive aspect of such developments at Stuttgart 21 is that citizens begin to wonder how things stand in the state of Denmark. Are thus open for further questions.
I prefer now distributed in Stuttgart palace garden (more ...)
Tags: human
Filed under Education , Corexit , democracy , financial crisis , geopolitics , gender , flu , lies , media | 5 Comments »
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Finally, the swine flu is here.
My son (11) rolls around behind me totally verfiebert on the bed, glows, crows, when he's not eating bananas (who still hungry, which is usually still jumps the devil and the Pig of the shovel) "TNT", breathes a little heavy and will probably be back tomorrow healthy.
I've been wondering if a vigorous bloodletting against the boiling blood is effective in that it already again tonight to beat up his little brother pithy able, this lack of exercise but then discarded; Leeches unfortunately we have not in the house; and if I give him hot whiskey with honey and it comes out, then I have the youth office at the neck. (more ...)
Tags: swine flu
Filed Under flu , Satire | No Comments »
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
We live in the house idiots.
A flu, known as swine flu, which was weaker than any "decent" normal flu, was systematically blown around our ears until that had just happened to nothing and the sheep media as the "responsible" politicians finally necessarily prefer their SCHANDMAUL to held.
Now it gets really serious, oil and Corexit without end, and the same whose "job" it almost seems only to be still, to complain of bearing loss, stupid bloggers to investigate as good as not as the real oil disaster is there.
What should I think of as a rabble?
Should I gently admonish finally decency to do their job again? (more ...)
Tags: Corexit , idiots house , oil spill , media sheep , swine flu
Filed under Corexit , flu , idiots Cabinet , Media , Tutoring , oil spill | No Comments »
Monday, June 28, 2010
I discovered in my fridge überwintertes a swine flu virus that looked as if it could still infect a geezer dangerous to such a degree that it would have to be conducted on the day to the toilet once more.
There was good advice, of course, initially expensive, because the plague police in the house that I wanted because not. (more ...)
Tags: swine flu
Filed under cruelty , flu , Satire | No Comments »
Thursday 03 June 2010
The Luxury Hotel Dolce near Barcelona was today asked by the Spanish authorities quarantined.
An acute outbreak of flu Alien examines the images there, which meets Berger home.
As readers of the London Times eruierten, the virus of extraterrestrial Humano-reptilians was, as observers, transferred.
The highly contagious pathogen leads to epileptic seizures, paranoia, megalomania, (more ...)
Tags: Alien flu , Bilderbergers , pandemic , madness
Filed Under flu , idiots Cabinet , Satire | No Comments »
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Now comes a guaranteed terribly boring subject.
Be any gray back still remembers the swine flu?
Was not the story, Al Gore sheep media moderately faded against itself in polar bear cub cuddling on the melting floe?
At that time, before the Varus battle? (more ...)
Tags: Al Gore , swine flu , squalene
Filed Under flu , idiots Cabinet | 3 Comments »
Saturday, March 27, 2010
The latest - and hopefully not really last - article by Paul Craig Roberts:
He writes therein, inter alia:
"The Council of Europe is Investigating the drug companies' role in hyping a false swine flu pandemic in order to gain billions of dollars in sales of the vaccine.
The media helped the U.S. military hype its recent Marja offensive in Afghanistan, Describing Marja as a city of 80,000 under Taliban control. It turns out did Marja is not urban but a collection of village farms.
And there is the global warming scandal, in Which NGOs. the UN, and the nuclear industry colluded in concocting a doomsday scenario in order to create profit in pollution.
Wherever one looks, truth has fallen to money. "
Tags: Paul Craig Roberts
Filed under Democracy , English Section , financial crisis , flu , war , media | 1 Comment »
Tuesday 09 February 2010
I have them. It is in me. Me alone it is due, that not millions of people have verröcheln miserably.
For days, my nose is running, as she plants a serious triathlon training. The swine flu has obviously realized that she has a chance only in the body and at the location of a semisubprekariaratären scribbler and his thereat only moderately heated study room to do their work.
As swine flu Christ, who has taken the virus cross for all of humanity to himself, I feel an almost global-warming religious horror; You can not imagine what kind of a feeling, about ten to thirty-three swine flu viruses, so the entire planetary inventory to destroy all alone himself.
Like as if I as a Tera-Leonidas modern times, (more ...)
Tags: idiots gate , swine flu
Filed under Flu , War , Satire | No Comments »
Monday, February 08, 2010
Where is she? Who stole it? Was she kidnapped? Did she hiding? Does she have an invisibility cloak? Has Al Gore eats them, or was it Pachauri or Ed Miliband? Was she sold into slavery? Live it as a concubine in the harem of a Saudi prince? Is the world but hollow and they fled into the earth? Emigrated to the Aldebaran? In the Takla Makan? To the bottom of Lake Baikal? (more ...)
Tags: Depp gate , gate idiots , swine flu
Filed Under flu , idiots cabinet , media , satire | 1 Comment »
Thursday, December 24, 2009
The Federal Health Minister cited the swine flu virus at year-end crisis call to Berlin and wants damages: "Because of you, I sit on million doses! You have simply not delivered! This is sheer breach of contract! "
Then the virus easily excited: "I did my best! I know exactly that I in Germany in recent months, at least three million people have been infected successfully alone! Only, your German is indeed stupid people just do not go to the doctor! "
Then Rösler, already with reddish spots on the face: "What were the great for infections, please? All Pillepalle, you loser! Hardly Dead! Only people who would croak soon anyway! This is now my flu, do you understand me, you bastard buck! " (more ...)
Tags: swine flu , Christmas
Filed Under flu , media , satire | No Comments »
Thursday, December 17, 2009
I have just learned from a reliable source arctic that the SWINE INFLUENZA now infects the walruses pandemic, because it can harm the most people so little.
Rumors that the WHO had hurried along to obtain the paltry H1N1 virus somehow alive, or that some climate deniers could be behind that seek so to conceal the immanent Schwitztod of animals, yet were confirmed.
Rather, it appears to be a smart ecological alternative behavior of the pathogen, which has probably lowered down via Copenhagen to Greenland, Siberia and northern Canada.
So I revise my previous entry: The walruses may be saved under any circumstances!
Tags: Climategate , flu , Climategate , Copenhagen , walruses , WHO
Filed Under flu , idiots Cabinet | No Comments »
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
For days, the whole of humanity dies of swine flu, and I hear nothing more of it, because all competent journalists are either dead or gone to Copenhagen Climate Conference killer or both.
If this continues, then we notice something neither the fact that we all die, nor even that the world goes down.
Hopefully we still says at least someone that we urgently against all these dangers ought to be vaccinated.
Tags: Climategate , flu , vaccination , climate gate , climate killer , swine flu
Filed Under flu , idiots Cabinet , Media | No Comments »
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I survived the swine flu, and my sons are doing well just because they have today bought from their pocket money eagerly Mickey Mouse comic books and Yu-Gi-Oh cards without breaking the go.
How do I know this? - A teacher of my Great (soon eleven) summoned my son yesterday whether his cough determined that he had swine flu (I had runny nose, Katarrhartiges and sometimes ears pulling from last Monday, on Thursday / Friday, there were inconsistent symptoms in children).
Since the Bavarian schoolmaster has been diagnosed us and we are all Dreie already well on the way to the final recovery, I see a fortiori no reason, perhaps even to infect a poor country doctor or his more or less pretty receptionists in the way of consultation and so irresponsibly together with their families also direktemang more potential patients negligence or even maliciously strike down smirking at her end.
I have my sons explained that we were perhaps the only ones who have survived this usually fatal disease due to our Neanderthal genes; but that they probably would not be keen to not give at least a few playmates same chance.
That made sense to them; we therefore enjoy the perfect swine flu family peace.
Pandemrix, the WHO and squalene I told them but nothing, for therefore they are still too small.
Tags: Impfkritik , Pandemrix , swine flu , squalene , WHO
Filed Under flu , idiots Cabinet , War , media | 1 Comment »
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
That which is called by us the political center, is in truth the greatest threat to our communities, much worse than lefts and rights.
The so-called middle swallows everything: be it war for the Americans, guns gifts to Israel, Islamization, Air Koller, surveillance state, swine flu rip off, Finanzhaiwirtschaft, gender mainstreaming, Sprachvermanschung, opinion prohibitions child's soul desecration by original sin, children drugs, EU disenfranchisement, gay marriage, women in War, Internet censorship, dismissal because of a cold residual meat Klopses, millions of bonuses from tax money, Pharma rip off, starvation wages, corrupt doctors and accountants, stock market manipulation through the Plunge Protection Team, Genfutter, enemy states clause, Obama Nobel Peace Prize, criminalization of potheads, fuel from food, privatization of basic infrastructure, circumcision and shafts, kinderschändende priest, prohibition of words and symbols, defamation of displaced persons, falsification of history, blood and feces theater as an expression of high culture, boys discrimination, seed monopolies, discrimination laws, agents provocateur of the secret service, state-subsidized "anti-fascists" as Autoabfackler and throwing stones against policemen character assassination campaigns against dissidents, Verbachelorung our universities, a guilty conscience for every fart, botmäßige afraid of any propagated just crap, everything.
Just do not notice till you drop.
Tags: fear , starvation wages , war , police state , bans , defamation , censorship
Filed unter Bildmord , Demokratie , Deutsch , Finanzkrise , Geopolitik , Geschlechter , Grippe , Idiotenkabinett , Krieg , Medien , Sprachmord , Sprachtod | Keine Comments »
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The whole debate about Islam and Muslims in Germany drips only seems like hypocrisy.
A religion whose claims are unconstitutional in many parts is referred to as "cultural enrichment", whose followers are even expressly welcomed by the Christian German Interior Minister welcome.
Greens and Liberals especially, as a hypocrite as a textbook, falling over themselves against claims for tolerance; rather they lead war in Afghanistan, let compatriots bleed pointless in Central Asia, because they address these issues in the home measures against the oppression of girls and women. (more ...)
Tags: Christians , Islam , tolerance
Filed unter Bildmord , Demokratie , Deutsch , Finanzkrise , Geopolitik , Geschlechter , Grippe , Idiotenkabinett , Krieg , Medien , Sprachmord , Sprachtod | Keine Comments »
Sunday, October 25, 2009
President Obama has declared a national state of emergency yesterday because of the swine flu.
Now forced vaccinations, and other Masseninternierungen, yet further measures by the authorities are possible: the American Constitution is de facto suspended.
The less the virus turns out to be really dangerous and the less people show vaccinations, and is known the more about the dangers of vaccines to the more violent the government propaganda.
But this is not merely propaganda.
The matter is now addressed as a rule of war.
PS: squalene (not approved in the USA) has now been frequently mentioned as an active amplifier in Pandemrix (GSK); about his specific hazard and the connection with the Gulf War Syndrome to my knowledge appeared in the media sheep but still nothing. The mercury compound thimerosal as a preservative, however, there came increasingly virulent to talk.
Tags: flu , Impfkritik , war , emergency , Obama , Propaganda , squalene , squalene , Thimoseral , thimerosal
Filed under Democracy , flu , war , media | No Comments »
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
After all: The concept of thiomersal (Thimoseral) is now significant at last fallen as the mercury-containing preservative of GSK-popular preparation against the Pandemrix swine flu; also that earlier aluminum hydroxide was used as an active amplifier, I could now read.
Only the taboo word squalene for the new miracle amplifier I did not hear still. (more ...)
Tags: flu , Impfkritik , Pandemrix , squalene , squalene , Thimoseral , thimerosal
Filed under Democracy , flu , idiots Cabinet , Media | 2 Comments »