Archives for the month of May 2013

Angelina Jolie postscripts at Friederike Beck

Friday, May 31, 2013

It is usually of course not my job to pick up items by Mrs Friederike Beck here and advertise that you should read it. In this case, however, the "thing" Angelina Jolie, I will make an exception:

The author works clear out that and how an obviously severely mentally disturbed woman - Friederike Beck assumed it wide ignorance as to what they inflict on whose objectives in use - stylized for now real, not just cinematically-fictional heroine, for a tool umfässlichen agenda makes, even more, of interconnected agendas.

Adding up everything Beck cites, the result is a veritable, grauses horror scenario. A heavily auto-destructive woman gives, for the CFR and other Gutmenschenorgaisationen like the UN and medical corporations, world mass media the Taktgeberin, as courageous champion of human will and self-discipline on the weak flesh, infirmity and death.

Perfidious, merciless, a man can hardly vernutzen. (more ...)

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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Abandonment as betrayal as contempt make a own on the force.

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Absolute double-talk (IV)

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Anyone who reads attentively the first three parts, this will easily recognize: The absolute double-talk lives of two complementary factors; alleged victims, if they wished to act in this respect, like, submissive to their advantages (which, however, also can quickly be detrimental to him if above new decisions are taken, or because there too many people then it is sufficient ) make appropriated, and the linguistic definition of power of those who direct the media.

He also survived by his absoluteness, his almost inviolability.

Also by the cowardice of the people, any kind defamation of course.

And moreover, in addition to the direct or indirect profiteers, the fact that a majority of followers do not notice, do not want to remember, to what extent he caught him mitbetreibt him.

On one hand, comparisons about each place-like pulling measure, on the other hand actually intruding comparisons tabuisierend, he pulls his brutal, bloody trail. (more ...)

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Absolute double-talk (III)

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Another absolute doublespeak reigns when it comes to the holy wars "of the West". But it is known, is deepened another time.

This intrinsically connected is of course the double-talk, wherever it goes against China and Russia (smaller evil I leave now before time outside).

There'm bad, very bad, to freedom of expression and human rights, and democracy deficits are quite terrible. (more ...)

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Absolute double-talk (II)

Thursday, May 30, 2013

A case of absolute Doublespeak we find also in the context of religions and the words "respect" and "tolerance".

I do not want that male children may be garbled in Germany legally in the sex part, so desfalls intentional serious bodily injury must be committed to protection commanded minors, so I am "intolerant", I show lack of respect for two "world religions". Some then lay still the accusation of "racism" to Judaism although lineage committed or conditionally, Islam did not.

I once had the police at the door, was that of a caring neighbors summoned the officer and the officer lay my two boys a little grin bringing to the threshold, apparently unhurt, just keep them from entering without a search warrant in my apartment because it in Indeed, but only when the two were fighting without end, had come to noisy references from my page.

That obviously nothing was out of the roar of my hand, happen, did not change the fact that I got missed with two children a forced appointment at the Youth Office, provision, the two officials, my crabs thought seeing by both the meantime laughing, had to achwas, all fours, just not me, where I fortunately on an understanding lady came, however, in turn, provision had to keep one year on a kind Watchlist me.

If I had my boys mutilated genitals, so that the Indicating hinwiederum would have been no problem, a master Disrespectful-Intolerant. A Muslim hater and anti-Semite.

Ebensoso: No one should be discriminated against because of his race, etc., says the Basic Law. Boys should be blended, not girls. Women and migrants with or without a German passport are already set preferred in many cases. Who but a job ad on, in which he (and it was that he was not paying attention only in the formulation) a man, a German, looking to fall quickly into severe water. The so-called family ministry called exactly: "Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth" ("and against men" is, in fact, at least not explicitly here).

Freedom of speech is propagated. But at the University of Cologne already watching an entire Guardian about the fact that "gender neutral" Newspeak is enforced everywhere.

The woman officer of the City of Stuttgart (not just this lousy Swabia nest) is also the Equal Opportunity Officer. Under the heading "Men Supervisor (r)" finds only those Zürcher, who was sacked soon.

Too bad Lady Before Zuger interior that not only is your gender lousy voice, but you can not make it in the literature, as desired, to bring women seriously in the forehand.

The will you, as long as men left no prohibition on writing, in five hundred years of the "Girls' Day" and sponsored by the Family Ministry creative writing courses for women, single award prices, regardless of frippery, not create them.

You do not even notice that your damage much more with all this shite your wards, than those against whom ye rise. (more ...)

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Absolute double-talk

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Prime Minister David Cameron reportedly said that the killing of a British soldier on the street in London a few days ago was also an attack on the Muslim communities in the UK who had the country been so much.

If we let anyone's guess how much what quality was.

Now what a politician said after a clearly racist justified murder, was, after which the offender publicly proclaimed triumphantly that he had the Ni ... r executed on behalf of the Aryan race, which had made a stop on all patriotic white-skinned Germans?

The never would get a foot on the ground, could probably be lucky if he'd sentenced, in addition to its media execution, not sedition would come to court and.

Of course, what else, and the chopping off of hands and heads in Saudi Arabia has nothing to do with Islam. Nothing objectionable, may have to do with Islam. So the logic of those who say Islam as religion of peace and tolerance and as kulturbereichernd welcome, my, he belonged to Germany.

Or, just imagine, the police had shot a right-wing radicals in self-defense, and afterwards there was, as recently in Stockholm, triggered by its supporters or sympathizers, day-long violent riots with countless arson, the police are reluctant, if any, engages.

What would happen is a politician meadow after a clearly politically motivated murder of a Turk points out that the vast majority of NPD members and voters were living peacefully in our midst? (more ...)

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Konstantin in Stuttgart (II)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Magnus awoke a little earlier and had breakfast concerned, bread, butter and Käs together with a roughly sliced ​​ham, Flädlessupp and corn salad with onion and tidy breakfast radish, this one probably reasonable pancakes placed.

That might also Konstantin like, a glass of white Burgundy should not be missed, because it was decided also to make breakfast equal to the midday meal, alswelches when such great deeds funny, alswie the core of Swabia Stan, commonly called Stuttgart, from his eingesumpften inertia Dionysian joy recognizing to throw.

It was clear that Magnus was very biased as Schwabe, Konstantin as non Schwabe of the other terrain but not necessarily safer than the former, so that you really almost inevitable tricks, all still one walking in the afternoon in the castle garden and rear at the babbling chess players spent, finally, as it were, to enter the safest part of the uncertain parts of Stuttgart introductory and inspirational, to "pre-heating" as the estimated M. The name them, the natives Stammbeiz entered.

So far just sat the narrow romantic poet, as always musing, schorle drinking and smoking at their place, a few Usual and Unusual lounged right around bored. Counter, two glasses of beer.

"Well, here you have at least his rest!" Konstantin quipped after eight or ten minutes, the whole seeming tragedy considering. (more ...)

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Of aliens and the believer Addiction (II)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Just returned a common opinion on the subject of extraterrestrials in the comment strand to " From aliens and the believer addiction ", as follows uttered by the estimated reader Anonymous, again:

'Only once, I think everything ramblings of "aliens" for stupidest stuff.'

I imagine, for the sake of simplicity, relevant to this posting part of my answer again one:

"Why the weighing of the theme aliens must be all gibberish and nonsense, she will not reveal to me, however.
Rather, I think it is completely logical and reasonable that people deal with it; for much more intelligent in any event, as easy to wipe this kind Fagestellungen from the table.
Just You, as a scientist, would have us see clearly that the probability to the effect that the earth is the only inhabited by intelligent creatures halfway place in the universe tends towards zero.
One can of course say that one the whole, as long as you have taken yourself no Alien or clear evidence of the presence of such here or elsewhere provided, simply do not care.
Many hook the thing off so easy for themselves. Like any hold as he wants. But I do not think that's wise.
For I think it is entirely inappropriate when people along this thing does not want to waste, do all to deal with it as Spinnner or mentally less well in a sack. "

We want the bow still stretch a little further.

We first put the case that people who comment on this or a similar condescending on the subject, neither consciously nor unconsciously work on behalf of fraudulent Alien, also any government, or are otherwise constrained in no specific agenda directly personally.

What moves now, so take a rigorous, vollverächtliche attitude? (more ...)

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Inexpressibly vindictive

Monday, May 27, 2013

My non-religious feelings are inviolable, but now I ask also, just so unspeakably vindictive, that no more to hurt them even try themselves.

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Of aliens and the believer addiction

Monday, May 27, 2013

By far the most popular narratives to aliens in common is that each species or races with much at least humanoid also trains claims or conceived.

For this purpose, there is no rational reason.

Why should aliens resemble us?

Well, one could postulate that only those varieties wanted to come here aliens who find there similar looking one, the rest have no interest in us.

That sounds to me also very naive. Why you should not care about intelligent or less intelligent people, the very different set up than yourself?

Where did all the ants and algae and fungal researchers here below?

It is, therefore, once again, very likely to act one founded on self-love as to stupidity from hubris projection. (more ...)

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Bilderberg 2013: Terroreffen with Schmackes?

Monday, May 27, 2013

As regards the scope and agenda of this year's Bilderberg meeting in England, was first referred to Armin's page: weltverschworung-2013-in-10-tagen/

However, a passage from which I want to take in here again, because it is particularly noteworthy. Armin writes:

"Already the Mayor of Watford has concerns, says that the activists are violent. This is surprising, because in recent years it has never come by the activists, bloggers and journalists to violence - on the contrary., The information was always on top "


'"The Mayor of Walford, Dorothy Thornhill looks with mixed feelings on the conference, ask yourself whether this is a good thing for the city. She said: "I have my doubts, because this attracts people that may cause violence and public disorder and be."

"Watford's Elected mayor, Dorothy Thornhill, said she Had mixed feelings about Whether the summit was a good thing for the town. She said: "I have my Concerns about it: because it does attract people who can and do cause violence and disturbance." '

Armin has here even translated yet, so to speak mildly, by futuristically rendered "do cause violence", adopted from the present indicative.

Where, in fact, white woman mayor, that this time people are attracted, causing the violence, as if that was safe, they were already there? (more ...)

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From Schuldenlug, of repression, of cowardice, secret societies and aliases idiots

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Probably the Tragikomischste, which I'm not sure if this word really carries it, certainly not only for a Schwaben, if it means he wants some games create something decent, as he is constantly in mind, at least try, which is do so, he wants his anus put off those who produce nothing, produce, except stupidity and money from money.

As much as a sometimes angry, even may oppress, especially when approached with from the closest environment to one that is the first commandment means that you do not let that account be bitter. People are so conditioned. (more ...)

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From Blogger to Laller and Loller

Sunday, May 26, 2013

There is hardly anything Idiotischeres as an article that seeks to explain its own article.

But first to the explanatory article is not a real article, but rather a Beinaheaphorismus. (Aphorisms we may not explain well known.)

I wrote under the title "From Blog to Lall":

"Blog is stupid. Drum Lall his name. "

This is about sovereign and sustainable applied sociolinguistics as a serious Defendolinguistik necessary, rigid precise Bello linguistics.

(Note also to the following Kommentarstrang: )

Moreover, in principle, an important, often little attention stratagem. That fact, which reads: "Ridiculed? Set more than one better! " (more ...)

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From Blog to Lall

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Blog is stupid. Drum his name Lall.

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Konstantin in Stuttgart

Friday, May 24, 2013

Unannounced rang Constantine - he knew that here at his good old friends completely in the order -. Magnus' door

"Yes heidenei, Konschtantin, Bua that you oifach so reischneisch!", So that welcomed him, "long et gseha, Sacrament!" By hugging each other warmly.

"Come rei, hogg the erschdmol noh. Willsch a beer, odder en Woi? Hosch Honger? I han noh a guede Leisasubb doh. The isch moving gwärmed. Odder en Breggel cheese, and a Schengabrod? "

"Well, as a pot of beer would be right. Let's eat later. We do first thing to be godfather thirst. "

By the two pitchers hastily filled, we initiated and took a good swig, Magnus said, "Yes, verzähl, wia kommsch off oimol doher? I han dengd, you wärsch vo Wirz castle offm Wäg to dera Hamborger Seggel. "

"Yeah, well, Magnus, you know how it is. I was first in Freiburg, on the Feldberg, also in Rottweil, afterwards a few days, I wander on the Alb the gloom a little out of his head. "

"Jo wa, s bischoffi Freiburg with Dr. Gerlinde gwä? How gohd's rer noh? Driabsenn, guys, do sechsch wa, wa isch los? "

"Gerlinde has become a Hans. To care for them. And it is difficult in order. "

"Oh dear. Shit abber au. "

Both were silent for a while. (more ...)

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Mendacious Obergranatenerzarschlöcher (II)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Again: the other writers or my texts for holding worthless, they do not read, do or link - why? - Steal on their side.

If I simply can take anything for free, where it just stands around, because one was so pointless to portray it, use it not only for myself but also for resale, it should be right. But before that I will smite this matter until that runs out to the hypocrites the destructive breath their art despicable lies.

What if one of them has a picture painted?

Can I just take it then, just canvas, frames and colors, maybe even pay for Brush Cleaner distance setting?

The museum purely traipse, of course, to pay wages without entering the museum make people so voluntarily, take a Renoir, at the output plunk down a Fuffi?

WHO IS HERE corrupt? (more ...)

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Mendacious Obergranatenerzarschlöcher

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Since nothing is worth what sets free a writer like me into the net, anyone can turn it into a business by simply steals. If in any case he can. Worthless to take without asking itself, pick up, was not a theft. Logical. And if I do not like, I am a narrow-minded, greedy, selfish, corrupt asshole. Assholes. Mendacious Obergranatenerzarschlöcher. Hypocritical and stupid to even imputed holiness. No one can own something of their own creative format, here. What wonderful. Cowardly, impotent rabble parasites.

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But resistance to therapy too!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

It may be quite healthy and useful when one is largely resistant to therapy. It does not make so many therapies, especially since no expensive and complicated, but rather creates what.

But I admit that I just again try one an Indo-Swabian so to speak. I rub my upper right side of the body, which makes me year after a serious fall still to create, with mustard oil.

The quarter-liter bottles cost affordable two-thirty, and after a few days of use, it is still almost full. I have a feeling that might do me without doctor something good, at least probably nothing too bad, and the fun costing almost nothing. From the psychological aspect of her at least that's ever very beneficial.

Maybe I'm sometimes nettles on it, which is at the very vain. Or consider the whole convulsion times naked into the full moon light.

For I am again become quite superstitious respect to the matter; what is called superstitious, it was strange.

I had all that crap trained quite intensely, to that I have a neck muscle, which I had not even known until then that the because of the clavicle centered laterally pulls up, so painful provided, suited me just to come that seemed at once , a free half-hour massage (I had never been to a professional massage) good to have.

Very brave since kneaded the expert initially my back, then the incriminating area. It rumbled and finally cracked and powerful, and immediately after the treatment, I had the feeling that I helped, even considered to come back, even paid.


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From the cowardly robbery miners in the network

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The text thieves in the network are virtually all - wofern to make any arrest - too cowardly to steal a full-text Springer or the FAZ, but do busily at comparatively defenseless, give even before, the victim of theft can still be happy that his work such will spread.

And if the author the way there, do not want?

The perfidious thing is that a blogger like me, nevertheless it wofern verbally or even legally take such measures, he wofern the theft at all will notice, is very easily portrayed as petty, zukurzgekommener villain. This latent threat acts mostly, is fully taken into account in the game.

The kids robbed you, the big one does not stir prefer to.

But Pirates ye be warned! (more ...)

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So beautiful that it must be true

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Some time ago I was on a lecture by a very witty and quick-witted, already octogenarian Lord, I know not more, as the title theme was, but it was also about generations and around aging. The man seemed almost to float above it all.

When asked how he, wealthy alone, his four children educated well geratenen long time, he said: "I have not brought up!"

For this he was laughing, splash out, in his mischievous way for his age unusually heavy, the whole audience, I spontaneously initially also laughed with.

Me but then remained but the laughter in his throat.

Because people believed him ecstatic that. Took his anecdotes a wonderful anarchic harmony to which were probably not lying per se, but most were able to map a partial truth, plain for all, at face value.

Against all reason people believed him, because they wanted to believe it.

It was just so beautiful that it must be true.

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From the morbid charm of mankind

Monday, May 20, 2013

The morbid charm in many ways the mentally how real versklavenlassenden humanity is not actually one, where you constantly would like to indulge in, but has considered purely artistic waiting, no small attraction.

Again and again one to the saying in the sense that man is a cross between gods with monkeys. (more ...)

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