Archives for the month of November 2013

I know why

Friday, November 29, 2013

I know why I accreting very much in terms of decomposition at Goethe and Lessing.

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Money and economies without the crazy

Friday, November 29, 2013

The crazies will eventually, perhaps soon, need to realize that money even without works, makes more sense than ever, and all the factories and all the people from whom they imagined, they generously, do the work of God on earth verrichtend, financed to have without their notes simply are still there, it all except them step by step is always better.

I will pay them no psychiatrist and Niederknechts- and standstill drugs. Even if they, had made their own logic, deserves. No prolonged hospital stays. It will give me no benzodiazepines, Haldol no, not even a bottle of wine.

Honest work may help them to reason, or not.

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A dream of a colorful new stories

Thursday, November 28, 2013

The day before yesterday night, it occurred to me the sequence again only when I raised a Abiaspiranten something to tell of stories yesterday, I dreamed that someone gave me, smirking, whether my blasphemous estates to the effect that it could now probably no longer a high-class work of this type of text present, at least I knew nothing about it, that this kind occurred in recent decades, with dry grin a thick book into the hand, even stapled colorful, each of the many colors ostensibly standing for a younger Such literature.

As it now times often in dreams so I can the Before and the After no longer together, I only know that I the tome so surprised how skeptical, however if the seriousness of the Aushändigenden reckoning on legitimate Beschämtheit who accepted.

It had to be probably fifteen to about twenty short stories by various authors.

Unfortunately, I found in the further course of the dream no leisure, at least to read only one of these works.

I can not say whether the just me but only fooled so.

I must strongly suspect now unfortunately.

My helpless wishes should this scene have set in motion.

After all, I liked the not bad with the colors.

Each successor of Boccaccio, Cervantes, Kleist, Storm own light refraction.

While not super original or anything new, but that comforts me something about the inaccuracy of my sleeping day working away.

It was a pure psychological projection.

Pretty sure.

All right.

Anyone who brings me a book, I will give generously of one.

It must then be not even colorful.

Read only.

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Monotheism is a chimera

Thursday, November 28, 2013

There are no real monotheism. At least among the Christians. But the Jews and the Muslims have never realized. It always needs capped auxiliary gods. Time angels, saints times, times the Mother of God, jinn, whatever.

All mendacious substitute for a polytheism or animism.

It may be that here and there one out there who can handle his homemade monotheism.

The postulated universal spirit. Ultimately, a diffuse pantheism. Everything is God. Durchströmeter divine spirit.

But this is all somehow matter, just a game. But then again not.

Because there are those who do not wish to follow this, the apostates, the evil. They do not want to admit that they are part of that universal spirit.

The most they themselves created. Who else?

Nobody knows something basic, but everyone claims times just going to come hell.

The best thing I find it when I is held that with me so it will not go always as straight because I did not believe in this and that.

Since it is not that me learning and work are enough. The fact that I even own daily new worlds erschüfe. The least interested me.

Together, the three "major" monotheistic religions are so crudely and laughable at the base, illogical and inconsistent that it terrified the sow, she knew to deal with it or interested them something.

Everywhere orders, commands, curses.

What a conceptual poverty.

The only people that monotheism has really brought something, the respective priests. The still live well of him.

He must indeed, since on the one hand, such a fascination, on the other hand not quite understand, are constantly mediated. On that the desired comfort occurring.

True monotheism ends up back in animism. Everything is God, divinely inspired, the universal spirit.

This would be sufficient, you could throw away all the unholy books.

From there you would be, at best, again the shaman.

But that's not enough money and power, which is why the whole seizure continues.

What all talk so much?

If there is only one Allgott what is there to talk about then?

Then the thing would be obvious, right?

But no, but no. So simply we want it but we do not.

God's will will indeed daily, achwas be reinterpreted as ever at any moment.

What a bad literature!

What a pathetic logic!

How do since the Katz bites its own tail!

Oh dear.

I end now.

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Choking on the tolerance

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

You will choke on the words tolerance yet.

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EU-tolerance dictatorship: Religious delusion? From where?

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The EU's Black Propaganda always takes bizarre forms.

On the downright absurd targeted tolerance totalitarianism I have already referred in another place, that will certainly do so again, wants me today but address the question how safe the people to build a completely open dictatorship here have made obvious, actually are to what extent they believe it will be that they have so success, also what drives them, why.

Sometimes I think that thinking about a factor not to succeed.

It MUST be easy, so no need to that.

In this respect they are like religious fanatics.

On the other hand, they have very cool translucent, completely abgezockte types in their ranks, for example, a Jean-Claude Juncker.

But even from this example wonders just this, why that is so amazingly safe imagine in their committed and planned to continue until the end atrocities.

Again and again I wonder if there reigns a sort Zombietum, a programmedness of which we have not yet really recognized. Why turn such a nice subcontinent as Europe in a prison camp, rush at the end to chaos?

Yeah, Ordung from the chaos that we already know.

How to keep this order?

Who wants to live in it?

Yes, sometimes I get the feeling that these people are actually externally controlled. How strunz drunk on their awful idea. That it actually does not even own them to power, but in fulfillment of a sacred, a practically divine order.

Yes, I know the silly chatter of Goethe and Lessing, I have heard of Albert Pike's plans as of those of a Coudenhove- Kalergi: somehow enough for me not everything.

How will you because there are a total swamp against the rising powers of China and Russia? Should not it? Is it really about sacred job to move everything to the wall? Think not you?

You think probably in reality not much. It is believed. This kind of fanaticism is usually national or religious. Or both. An EU-nationalism, growing out of the people can be awakened from it, the can but, with all due respect, probably long lubricate ass. Religion? What? Which one should kindle the enthusiasm? The religion of the total tolerance that clearly goes against the majority, at the end against all minorities?

The concept is completely diffuse.

There are strong indications that the brain scrubber are themselves brainwashed, do not even know what they are doing. You know, for some reason seem to only do they have to do it, that it, as indeed repeatedly emphasize "alternative" is.

From what hell feel at risk, they could reasonably last of such a disastrous driving from? What are they, so animated, as they believe they are, in reality fear?

That Yahweh or Allah or both or both in personal union, a few aliens, hieniedenstieben, they burn forever, they wofern this is not work done Great Work?

Anyway, I see now, more cautious, I guess here a prescribed collective madness.

I can not explain it to me simply different.

It is good if one destroys families.

It is good when people totally confused and scared is.

Well, it's when they finally played incites by seeking them to take ownership of each and every identity.

It is good if you already poisoned the children with amphetamines.

Million adults remains are the hemp banned worst psychotropic drugs.

It is good if one stirs panic over terror itself hires terrorists.

It is good if you lead wars of aggression and whole countries destroyed is.

Well, it is if you ban incandescent bulbs, while aviation fuel tax exempt and you are flying in private helicopter to the heated pool of something distant neighbors to discuss there about climate goals, and about how the skin into the pan, which find that odd.

All this is good.

And much more.

Not that my examples or even the breath went out, but I will not now bored of madness.

These people, no doubt.

No: It's all good.

Above all is probably good that they do not doubt.

We know from the history of religious madness, that doubt is the cardinal sin.

Yes, I have no clear solution.

On the basis of all the symptoms but I must regard as most likely that it is an induced religious or quasi-religious delusion.

Do you have a better idea?


The now any comparisons with the Soviet Union (in the sense of what is planned), "EUSSR" are by no means completely made up of air.

They want, in turn, forced, create a new man.

Only: Communism, Leninism-Stalinism whether or Maoism, was based on a reasonably coherent ideology that at least temporarily able to inspire the masses.

In what the EU crazies start, really schwurbelt everything up obergröbst.

Free speech and always keep his mouth shut, no democracy and participation, tolerance and total intolerance to be one.

We have therefore decided that they thus fail even faster.

Logically, wofern there is one, seems very likely.


There is some evidence that these people therefore promote Islam in Europe so vehemently and want to hear any more criticism of it, because he simultaneously argued for tolerance and stands as an example the concept of total intolerance.

So you get used to advance. Hehe.

Of course there are other reasons. But that is planned for the future clearly - and for the current agenda - probably very much in handy for.


Addendum November 29

It may be also promised a reward of a special kind.

Does not matter if no one gets to receive, if they can not be issued.

The main thing is the morons running.

Have been that way.

This is not much more money and power.

For many followers, of course, already.

Otherwise it is on a different level.

Since I'm pretty sure.

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The Michel is not a German (III)

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Michel, as we know him as a symbol of German, not even building a scaffolding to the second floor.

The only area and commandment which he is able to look halfway, is his bed. Perhaps he also finds his beer bottle without it being required of Anglo-Saxon tuition.

The Michel is always "German angst" plagued by the. He could indeed have misplaced his nightcap, did not find his slippers.

In short, he is a Übele joke.

There is enough evil caricatures, not only from war, against us so.

Actually, he lolls around and just babbles in his incomprehensible language something under his breath, but then sometimes meaningless rebellious, and he has just to get again a powerful on the mouth.

More he is not, he has not.

He is most times stupid naughty. Then you fry him again about one, and is well again for a while.

So he is puzzled because in his brain shrinkage in front of him, so he always wonders about the improperly stored in his view of things.

He understands that just will not, why money always grows out of money, he always loses when he does something real.

In his half-baked world, yes, in which work did pay off.

Not just for money's sake, that it not so important, but pleased him both that well the created Caution'd met with, if only the incentive sake of others, even the righteousness sake, and whether perhaps thereat extended capabilities and resources, yet to create better.

Here, after all, not to starve.

No, Michel, for which I am currently writing is, not Michel.

He likes hot or Rudolf or Randolf Rainer.

Or Friedrich Heinrich or Hermann or.

Even still he is named William.

Michel but he does not.

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The Michel is not a German (II)

Sunday, November 24, 2013

I do not want more of the various functions of the Archangel Michael, as they were assigned to it by Judaism, Christianity and Islam, kidney expediency here.

At least most of them have with the German national character, it wofern one is seen from the outside at least, it is permitted to see one from the inside at least one negative to do little to nothing.

Just look at trying out phrases to the vernacular.

"I'm not the Michel!"

"Want me to make your Michel?"

"Find yourself another that makes you the Michel!"

The Michel is therefore a good-natured Depp, one which can be exploited exorbitantly, a relish getriezter servant or slave.

Dozy, always a little confused, helpless, stupid.

Nationals even incapable of thought.

Well: Be this image sunk until today.

It is also not altogether inaccurate. Aspects are permitted.

But since only show the negative aspects.

Not only the spirit of invention is lacking, and the desire for freedom, the creative joy, the philosophy, the courage and bravery. The fracturing, the weigher as the adventuring. And more.

Therefore, I will break even this.

I do not know exactly how, along which name.

Perhaps there are three names, or else it is none, rather than Michel.

Who wants to continue Micheln that will do that.

For me it has ausgemichelt itself.

Anyway, for a long time now but again very different.


Of course I know that so does not break a picture overnight.

Anyway, usually: if not done quite extraordinary.

Somewhere out there is but one, perhaps even some who understand what I posit why I accreting it.

And if not first, so I'll just continue alone.

Moment: Jochen seems to have understood me already in the first article, at least to a considerable extent.

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The Michel is not a German

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Michel is not a German.

A real German would have the devil if the had, strangely enough, but made it to the sky, there bound, or done, at least not thrown to earth from now on there can torment people.

Therefore, the German can not wake up as Michel also.

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Again, a church, a Crawl

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The whole esoteric and magical theories, of which I have heard, read, with whom I came in contact, have a hook.

I'm not talking about the notorious craving for the respective "spiritual" leaders who Geheimhalterei and Lügerei outward, the whole useless paraphernalia, the clamped crude Initatiationspraktiken and such more questionable.

No, it comes that everyone at all times very different "function" can, as specified by any doctrine. And so well that the respective "Master" rather no longer compete.

And no matter whether these masters only a shaman in the central African bush, or whether he was the Chief of Skull & Bones, Skull with Cochise in hand.

Learning is now times more valuable than praying and speechify.

Self to itself is stronger than any retreat.

Yes, I also had masters, as a stonemason and as a linguist.

But those were not magic Fritzen. They could their stuff.

There are other - for me - undoubtedly spiritual energy fields that our exact observation and description elude so far.

However, this also under the control of any wannabes, and may they have practiced so long and hard up halbbeinige whole phalanxes of their disciples for it.

Consider only the literary mind awareness of the works that are presented by this kind of people.

What we see since, typically?

First, an overload of texts with any relevant terms that never quite defined, thereby exalted above all, untouchable.

Then bad style. Insonderheit in the sense that not only the redundancy too much, but that also stands out besides the obvious Sultry Right, the omission of significant, at least in contexts substantial, striking.

Had I, for example, an Indian guru before the shotgun. A very untypical existentialist pessimism (UGKrishnamurti).

United recorded. Some good observation. He was not even a cult around himself.


Nowhere the art.

So again a loser. Ultimately, even a chatterbox.

I mean now that the question of the concept of art a kind of litmus test for every religion, philosophy, esoteric Assembly and so on.

Since all the fun with the whole Döns and listen to drivel that is very fast.

As it is, their true colors.

Since it is important to show what kind of person you are.

As soon debunked merely swollen breasts, Western postmodernism are eastern divan esque Metaästhetiken not long ohngeistig hand.

There were no priests, who built the magnificent Gothic domes, but these were stonemasons. Understood the obvious more of the golden ratio and other essential principles, as the Bible garbled Laber Sacks, awarded the contracts.

Bach's music is not Christian. No Japanese is because Christian Bach.

Otherwise: Although one God, but to a lot of Archangel, the Mother of God, djinn, devils, lots of irrelevant and somehow hinwiederum but very important accompanying rabble. Highly important. Ugh Deibel.

Yes, I did not see all this nonsense for a long time, so I might have to Speiben.

No wonder, when you look at the, reason that many gifted refuge in a rationalism that is not significantly better.

Now there is suddenly nothing more, except the already explicable.

Again, a church, a Crawl.

Perhaps the defining aliens are really reptilian.

That fit.

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World Chess Championship: From Magnus Carlsen's remarkable speech after

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The new world chess champion Magnus Carlsen said at the closing press conference in Chennai in India some remarkable.

He was very nervous in the first three games, I always thought he would, since it relates to the crown, to do something special.

Then he changed his mind and said to himself that he must do what he usually always make it easy.

From then it was gone.

A quite transferable wisdom.

Themselves whether the importance of the magnitude of the task can not be deterred, simply unmoved retrieve everything you learned, you can.

Carlsen also said, to the effect asked that if there was somewhere where a type of small psychological warfare, he did not realize at least none of it (I do not remember if there a small smile played around his mouth, but that does not matter).

And, also funny, especially since very interesting, he was still asked what he intended to do for now after the press conference.

Twice asked, he said no, he did not know that then you'll already see.

If we start times from the fact that Carlsen has not cheated - it did not look so, for he hesitated each short as one who thinks - so he had actually not even on the day that his victory already by means of a draw 'was safe with white, even made a thought about what he would do in the evening after the press conference.

So he had no little victory celebration in the head, some debauchery, a small reception, anything.

And thus no unnecessary distraction.

How to become World Champion.

This young man probably does not even know, or even yet, how mentally clarified he is 22 already.

I think this has only partly to do with his experiences as a chess grandmaster.

I know this, as indicated above, not the extent as healthy instinct, scarcely reflected, expressed, or do you have wisdom.

My guess, at least in significant part, on the latter.

That is, perhaps, as a Emmanuel Lasker (the self in old age, when he was clammy, the world chess elite again fearing taught). Nor to things other capable than "just" playing chess

We hold it again: When make even the most difficult task of his life so far just do what you can, and do not think about what comes next.

This could come from Confucius.

Yes, dear Mr. Carlsen, I knew while in principle yes, but you have me it illustrates again made clear.


It strikes me as an even more that the attitude Magnus Carlsen is wholly at odds with what. Esoteric circles in common practice Almost a dogma.

There is usually taught that it is conducive to the state after the Langerringen a success already imagining in advance. The strength the force field, self-confidence, energy.

I have always fought against it. Sure, I've already times a cool beer or even collection Deres presented after a good performance. But always very gehaushaltet it.

Carlsen has not only become world champion because he is so good at chess, but because he, he gave it to yes, finally got himself under control. In the best sense.

No Would not Herbeiimaginieren, but simply make.

If other in the monasteries and the lodges and the Betzirkel and other "magical" schools.

In order to have as Nietzsche put it, then just learned to sit there in faith mountains where there are none.

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World Chess Championship: Magnus Carlsen Maximus Magnorum

Friday, November 22, 2013

The last game of the World Chess Championship 2013 was a long thrilling battle: until finally only the two kings were on the board.

Particularly noteworthy here is that Magnus Carlsen as he could easily secure a draw in the Springer final, multiple even, so the tournament would have been terminated if his previous victories in his favor, but continued to play to win, thereby risking because Anand finally settled with his counter-attack on the kingside not slouch, but still lose the game, thus giving the reigning world champion again a chance of title defense.

I will praise at this point once the commentator Bernd Schroller of, commenting on the games live, the human not let miss out.

I have the scarce mode with just 12 scheduled games already criticized; Schroller writes today during the final game of this:

"I think the history of this tournament has shown that a heading on only twelve games is actually too short. After two defeats in rounds five and six Anand was under a huge pressure, he had to take a big risk in the episode. But the chances of a comeback in such a small number of rounds are low from the outset. "

Worth mentioning is also that the young new world champion played by his own admission very late against computer. He had just worked a long time with his books.

The result is a very level-headed, amazingly mature position player rather strangled his opponent slowly by accumulation of tiny advantages, because such as the unforgettable Mikhail Tal to put regularly the board on fire and overthrow the adversaries in vornab hardly assessable complications to him then spectacular strike down.

Carlsen could dominate the human world chess for a long time.

Maybe he really occurs even at times against the best computers.

I'd find it great.

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Magnus Carlsen: Will he make the calculator?

Friday, November 22, 2013

I wish that in Magnus Carlsen, a man would be grown, which could compete with the best chess programs and the so fed supercomputers that consume three million times as much energy as he.

So that there are long sheds until the computer out of sheer frustration finally dies just yet.

Carlsen, terrific finished him in a difficult endgames, rook endgame, or knight against bishop, perhaps even two knights and three pawns against queen, finally, mercilessly, in their own way ahead.

That would be a feast!


In a split second billion variants against a few! Good luck Magnus!

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World Chess Championship: "Vishy" Anand as a true sportsman

Friday, November 22, 2013

I read today (yesterday) afternoon that Viswanathan Anand after his third, unlucky defeat against challenger Magnus Carlsen, and he has only a marginal chance (he would have all three remaining games win in a row) to defend his title, is have entertained even longer after the games on the board with the young man from Norway.

"Vishy" is a true sportsman.

Two titans my deepest respect as the highest.

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Save pharmaceutical industry! (II)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

We must also reform those stupid religions. It must be clear that going to hell, who does not go to the doctor every two weeks at least.

Since, where is believed in reincarnation, must be made clear that in the next life at most a cockroach with congenital multiple Hüftschaden and chronic bronchitis is, who does not adhere to this rule.

Leek plants are generally prohibited. In the light bulbs finally went. Finally mercury in the lamps. Exemplary.

It is also essential that is already taught in elementary school, parents who send in stomach ache or diarrhea their children to the doctor immediately, immediately report to the authorities.

In addition, the total Grippeimpfzwang must be found. And: No more inoculant without thimerosal and squalene.

Speaking of children: Every child has ADHD. Or have you ever seen a good child all the time?

It also includes last more polonium in tobacco products. Why do people smoke it?

Important at all reasonable measures but is that life expectancy is not too much decreases. Any chronic disease should last a long time. The sustainability principle must apply Alleweil.

Benzoic acid is in all foods. Also good emulsifiers. And benzodiazepines.

Glass bottles are prohibited. Uneconomical. Plasticizers include in PET bottles.

Who - for example - his child against stomach ache makes a fennel tea, heard over the unauthorized practice of a medical profession in court, deprived of the custody logical.

Health insurance must finally fulfill their duty. There must be no more contribution Discounts for Healthy. Again: Why do we have the EU?

The word "healthy" is to make the non-word. It must be made clear to everyone that this is just a pointless semantic construct.

Who does not go to the doctor when he sprained his ankle or a headache, is a potential suicide. What else. Closed So.

Even the word "malaise" belongs repaid. No one is just so merely uncomfortable.

Those who still dares to feel just uncomfortable, which is to medicate as a paranoid conspiracy theorist.

Anyway, everyone has to be considered as a paranoid conspiracy theorist who does not change his diet to microwave ready. Microwave eventually kills germs. Who does not know, accept, and the help is only in the closed.

Oh yes.

The necessary Angänge are many.

But still lack the right commitment.

Even some doctors do not take their pills.

The are all equal in the closed.

And it was only the Exempels sake.

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Save pharmaceutical industry! Totenabgabe und Strafsteuer für Gesunde!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Almost even more pity than with the poor banks that we have to save regularly in order to survive, I have with the pharmaceutical industry.

In Germany, for example, we completed the sale of antidepressants - as I read just - can not even whole to increase by half from 2007 to 2011. Nevertheless, not even two billion daily doses a year.

After all, when amphetamine - the kids drug - Methylphenidate one came in the last 15 years, probably from kilos to tons. A drop in the ocean, however.

Really disgraceful that you have the beer and the wine is not forbidden in this drab questionable situation.

Millions more went to the doctor, where they finally belong, this overdue measure would finally implemented. Why do we have an EU?

Some psychiatric hospitals, also are chronically understaffed, even the damn patient rights, especially against medication, were strengthened at least theoretically. This can make an already scared.

Even the Novartis share faltering now. It has risen in the last year degrees times from 46 to 58 euros! Who sac but also should be able to live on it?

Will people not finally rapidly sicker, so it might make smaller manufacturers soon deathblow straight.

After all, a small ray of hope, the hemp prohibition still holds to some extent. Just imagine what would happen if that too would fall. Hemp is way too cheap than that the people should give him instead wirtschaftsförderlicheren drugs. Pull hemp is easier than cabbage or tomatoes. Fürchterlich, denkt man nur daran, dass das jeder dürfte.

Wie viele Ärzte wären da von Arbeitslosigkeit bedroht? Wie viele Apotheken gingen Pleite?

Und erst die Psychiater. Am Schlusse würden sie vor lauter Verzweiflung noch Scientologen. Oder Schlimmeres gar. Womöglich gleich Terroristen. Recht fähige wohl obendrein.

Selbst die Kampagnen, jede Woche zu einer Vorsorgeuntersuchung zu gehen, greifen, zumal bei Männern, nicht wie sie das sollten. Wo man doch bei jedem, wenn man nur gut sucht, etwas findet!

Die Leute, viele jedenfalls, sind schon ein arges Gesindel. Tut mir leid, dass ich so deutlich werden muss. Sie lassen die Wachstumsindustrie an sich einfach gnadenlos verrecken.

Knoblauch fressen die, Olivenöl, saufen einfach Rotwein. Saboteure. Volkswirtschaftsvernichter.

Manche von denen waren gar jahrelang nicht beim Arzt. Denen scheißegal, wenn Ärzte unter der Brücke leben müssen, Sprechstundenhilfen auf den Strich. Sozialschmarotzer. Drecksgesocks.

Ja, die Situation ist zum Verzweifeln.

Wie soll die Industrie denn von etwas Pflaster, Panthenol- und Jodsalbe leben? Das reicht nicht einmal für die beiden ersten Wochen im Jänner. Deibel aber auch.

Wenn es was brächte, wäre das ganze Geschmeiß abzuschaffen.

Dummerweise aber ist wer tot ist nicht krank.

Da hat die Natur einen verhängnisvollen Fehler gemacht.

Es braucht daher eine permanente Totenabgabe.

Und eine Strafsteuer für Gesunde.

Otherwise it is not.

Valium und Ritalin in die Krippen!

Haldol in die Kindergärten!

Kein Schulbesuch ohne Antidepressivum!

Kein Job ohne wöchentlichen Arztbesuch!

Keine Verbeamtung ohne medikamentöse Psychotherapie!

Verdammt nochmal!

Irgendwie wird das doch hinzukriegen sein!

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Religion: Ohne Umschweife

Mittwoch, 20. November 2013

Religion ist schlicht von der Todesangst getrieben. Wer hier nichts kann, der braucht Gott, ein Jenseits noch dazu.

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Blogs: Wieso in (!) den Kommentar kommentiert?

Mittwoch, 20. November 2013

Eben sah ich – dort nicht zum ersten Male – , wie ein Blogautor, den ich ansonsten meisthin sehr schätze, weshalb ich hier auch seinen Namen nicht nennen will, in die Kommentare seiner Kommentatoren zwischendreinkommentierte.

Das halte ich nun wirklich für eine grobe Unsitte.

Wenn er antworten will, kann er das doch gesondert oder im Anschluss an den jeweiligen Text tun.

Allein schon, dass der Kommentator Entsprechendes seinerseits nicht kann, also mitten in den Text des Autors hineinkommentieren, schafft ein durch nichts zu rechtfertigendes Ungleichgewicht.

Nein, eine derartige Manipulation, Missachtung von Kommentatoren, kann ich keineswegs gutheißen.

Man darf als Lehrer, Aug' in Aug', auch mal den Schüler unterbrechen, klar.

Einem Kommentatoren aber in den Text hineinzutexten: Das ist für mich unanständig.

Abgesehen davon: Es zeugt von mangelnder Souveränität. Gepaart mit Überheblichkeit.

Mir ist das immerhin noch nicht passiert.

Ich verbäte mir das auch gründlich.

Selbst wenn es dafür voraussichtlich mal wieder Sperre setzte.

Also das vornehme Wort für Vollzensur ausgesprochen würde.

Wahrscheinlich sähe man es so: 'Sie müssen hier ja nicht kommentieren, wenn es Ihnen hier ob dieses meines Gebarens oder insgesamt nicht passt. Gehen Sie doch sonstwohin. Ich brauche Sie nicht.'

Oder man hat, so mag es auch sein, noch gar nicht darüber nachgedacht, was man da macht.

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Wie wird man ein Meister? (II)

Mittwoch, 20. November 2013

Ich brauche noch etwas Schlaf, wenigstens Ruhen, rede also jetzt nur kurz zu dir.

Wenn du es schaffst, wirst du einen Kristall aus deinen Händen wachsen lassen können, wie einst der Kalle Wirsch der Augsburger Puppenkiste.

Kaum einer noch wird das verstehen.

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Wie wird man ein Meister?

Mittwoch, 20. November 2013

My God! Welchen Hoffnungen gibt sich ein junger Künstler hin!

Soll man sie ihm, je begabter, um desto eindringlicher, austreiben?

Darf man das?

Ich kam – zum Glück? – noch nicht in die Verlegenheit, einen jungen Künstler zu betreuen, dem ich etwas zu sagen gewusst, der mich ernstgenommen, bei mir Rats gesucht hätte, allzumal im Sinne dessen, dass er meines Metiers.

Ich stelle mir den Fall aber jetzt mal vor.

Der Kerl ist 24, sehr begabt, es mangelt ihm nicht an Ideen, sein Deutsch zeigt schon beachtliche Züge, er werkelt und macht und tut, das eine oder andere Stück lässt schon Klasse aufblitzen.

Er ist überzeugt davon, dass er es schaffen wird.

Nun ergibt sich das Grundproblem. Das doppelte.

Was willst du schaffen?

Willst du gut schreiben, willst du Erfolg, oder willst du gar beides?

“Klar will ich beides!”

Darf man ihm jetzt sagen, soll man ihm jetzt sagen, dass er im unteren Mittelmaße viel mehr Aussicht auf Erfolg habe, denn wenn er den Weg zum Parnass ernsthaft angehen wolle?

Soll man ihm sagen, dass er schleunigst ein braves Mitglied einer Freimaurerloge werden müsse, um in den nächsten zehn Jahren mit einiger Wahrscheinlichkeit “etwas zu gelten”?

Er ist, wenigstens biologisch, schon ein Mann.

Nein: Um desto mehr er taugt, umso weniger darf man ihn schonen.

Es ist ihm klarzumachen, dass es mit der Kunst vielleicht nie etwas wird. Und zwar nicht nur im Sinne des Könnens, sondern allzumal in jenem des Erfolges, selbst und gerade noch dann, wenn es mit dem Können etwas geworden.

Handelt man anders, so lügt man. Es sei denn, man wüsste es nicht besser. Dann aber wird man besser gar nicht gefragt.

“Ab wann ist man ein Meister?”

“Ein Meister bist du dann, wenn du dein gelungenes Werk allein einzuschätzen vermagst. Wenn es für dich keine Rolle mehr spielt, wie sehr es von anderen geachtet. Wenn du der anderen Urteile zwar noch mit Interesse betrachtest, sie dich aber nicht mehr beirren können.”

“Und wie wird man ein Meister?”

“Du übst dich in deiner Kunst selbst, unermüdlich, und du übst dich in jener zweiten Kunst, jener des Urteils über deine Kunst. Des eigenen, gnadenlosen, unerbittlichen, unabhängigen Urteils.”

Du wirst es erleben, dass deine besten Versuche und Frühwerke am meisten gescholten werden, Zweit- und Drittklassiges hingegen gelobt wird.

Das geschieht in seltenen Fällen, um dir die Sinne zu verwirren: meist liegt es am mangelnden Urteilsvermögen der anderen.

Es gibt aber auch kluge Kritik. Deine Wahl guter Kritiker ist fast schon eine dritte Kunst. Manche entschlugen sich dieser weitestgehend, und fuhren nicht schlecht damit.

Und: Achte alle anderen Künste. Bist du Dichter, so rede mit Malern, mit Musikern, mit Schauspielern, mit Bildhauern, mit Sängern allzumal. Da schotte dich nicht ab. Schotte dich lieber noch von anderen lebenden Dichtern ab, denn von jenen.

Es gilt jeder Buchstabe, jeder Laut. Nichts nur ist zu gering, dass es nicht beachtet gehörte.

Schaue dir deine Werke immer wieder an. Drehe dich nicht einfach weg. Erspare dir keine Peinlichkeit des Erkennens deiner Fehlerhaftigkeit.

Ergebe dich dem Trunke ebensowenig wie den Weibern.

Gut ist es auch, wenn du ein Handwerk lernst.

Das schärft die Sinne. Das Praktische wird zum Leben gebracht.

Wandle Hoffen in Wollen und Schaffen.

Hoffen hilft dir nicht.

Und, klar: Studiere die Werke der großen Meister deiner Zunft. Over and over again.

Aber: Schaue auch da genau hin. Gar manches glänzt nur in der anderen Augen und Ohren, oft bloß, weil man das der Masse so beigebracht.

Und: Wage etwas. Nicht immer, aber immer wieder. Versuche dich auch einmal an einer Sache, die du dir noch gar nicht zu können zutraust. Wenn es schiefgeht, halb schiefgeht, was nicht unwahrscheinlich, so betrachte es als Gehversuch. Meister fallen nicht vom Himmel.

Irgendwann siehst du ein Sandkorn oder einen Tabakkrümel, und es erwächst dir daraus eine neue Idee, womöglich eine große, weit tragende.

Lerne, Ideen lange in dir zu bergen.

Wende dich nicht einfach vom Hässlichen, vom Bösen ab. Um Großes schaffen zu können, musst du auch das erfassen, genau kennen.

Man wird dir erzählen, das sollest du nicht. Du sollest nur das Schöne sehen. Die dir das erzählen, sind Toren oder Verführer.

Und: Setze auch dein Bauchhirn in Gang. Fühle.

Mehr weiß ich dir einstweilen nicht zu sagen.

Morgen fällt mir vielleicht noch etwas ein, das ich in der Eile vergaß.

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Konstantin in Leiptsch schon engagiert

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Nachdem Konstantin so gut geschlafen hatte wie seit Wochen nicht mehr, einem kleinen kräftigenden Spaziergange durch Leipzig, begab er sich zu einem Isswasundsovielduwillstfrühstück.

Das tat, trotz des ausgezeichneten Gänsebratens am Abend zuvor, noch einmal not.

“Wirklich merkwürdig”, dachte er bei sich, “dass ich nach so einem Abendessen anderntags nochmal einen Hunger habe alswie ein Wolf. Die Hamburger und der Speichel haben mir wirklich hart zugesetzt.”

Also folgete Schinken- auf Käsbrötchen, nicht Ei noch Butter noch Senf noch sonst ein Vorhandenes ward geschont, bis dass der Ranzen endlich wieder wirklich feist spannete.

Nun besahe Konstantin Leipzig sich bei Tage. Auch eine Stadt, der schwere Wunden geschlagen worden waren, die aber ganz fidel schien, zumal die Sächsinnen.

Gegen Viere, nach einem ersten Biere, einfach auf dem Bänkchen in die Luft genossen, beschloss Konstantin, die Zeit nicht länger verstreichen zu lassen, endlich seinen letztabendlichen Zechgenoss, den Berthold, anzurufen.

Dessen wohl um achtzehnjährige Tochter war am Apparat. Leicht schnippisch frug sie nach Konstantins Berechtigung, ihren Herrn Papa fernmündlich anzugehen.

Konstantin, nicht faul, entgegnete, dass der Berthold gestern Abend sehr wohl noch einen rechnungsfähigen Eindruck gemacht habe, indem er diesen Anruf geladen, die junge Dame möchte ihre Torwächterfunktion deshalb als richtig angesetzt aber gleichwohl zügig beendet begreifen, ihren Alten, wo möglich, in Bälde beiziehen.

Daraufhin spurte Elli Rüb. Der Papa kam.

“Rüb, guten Tag.”

“Hallo Berthold, hier ist der Konstantin. How are you? Ich plauderte, einladungsgemäß, gerne mal mit dir über dein Theater, was sonst so in Leipzig.”

“Ach, der Konstantin. Lass' mich mal überlegen. Ich habe heute noch einiges an der Backe. Aber heute Abend um acht, da könnten wir uns im Kreuzkeller treffen, da gibt's prima rustikales Essen, und der Wein stimmt auch. Findest du das?”

“Na klar. Es wird ja wohl selbst in Leipzig keine drei Kreuzkeller geben.”

“So ist es. Also bis dann.”

“Bis dann.”

Konstantin war etwas überpünktlich, kam also schon viertel vor acht, der Keller war ein echter Keller, bürgerliches Publikum. Er bat darum, erst bestellen zu dürfen, wenn sein Genoss käme.

Berthold traf auch zum Zeitpunkte ein, man gab sich die Hand, lachte erstmal, bestellte auf des ersteren Empfehlung hin zunächst den weißen Hauswein.

“Was esse ich hier denn am besten?”, frug Konstantin, indem der Wein gekommen.

Na, wenn du's fleischig willst, mal kalt, dann die Wurst- und Schinkenplatte. Ansonsten die Käseplatte. Auch nicht zu verachten. Warm empföhle ich den Rinderbraten in Starkbier-Pfeffersauce. Da hat noch keiner gemeckert, der einen Arsch in der Hose hatte.”

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