I want at this point but finally pick up a umranktes of much speculation and conspiracy theories of all kinds subject that I have not explicitly dedicated to me: aliens.
Despite innumerable allegations, rumors, alleged or truthful reports and UFO sightings by no means absurd in itself, uninteresssante, especially optionally irrelevant for mankind is subject for decades (at least since Roswell!) In a kind of dubious journalistic penumbra.
Which is precisely why you should even and especially now first read if you are one of the hard skeptics who normally automatically roll his eyes when ever this issue is being addressed. (more ...)
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The FBI is involved in attempted terrorist attacks with, apparently from A to Z, provides even the (alleged) bombs and a (non-functioning) rocket so, and then the Granatenstümper-Mitdelinquenten be arrested by want to place the dummy and get 25 years jail. (read more ...)
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A young old friend (the friendship is still young, he bit older) said recently, a Dionysian evening choosing to laugh so if you can, as we had previously given us, which is probably the healthiest in the world.
I will therefore now but also his parable to death publish here without asking (I provide his name when he's allowed me, even after): (more ...)
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Like as if Mother Earth suddenly all their resources to it sat to leave us this built and operated by incurable psychopaths plants fly around the ears. (more ...)
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I just read an article in the multiple of "Super Foods" the speech was how teragesund this (they were not specified, but the English I luckily understood) a thought.
Now I finally know why I even live with my other Lotter change.
It's like winning the lottery.
I do not know why I'm still alive, I think it would probably not for long. (more ...)
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In talking about the ever more winding, irrwitzigere problem, what is because nowadays guests could still carefree serve up for dinner, I learned yesterday, the French Figaro've written some twenty years ago, one should at any Mahle Append two guaranteed hungry students to as host to sit not scrupulously sheer dissatisfied poking faces alone einschaufelnd what was cooked with love.
Let's start with the simplest: What do you do when you invite eight people, and two of them - God, or his own care giving, that's knows in advance!- When eight invitees are two BWA vegetarian?
Anzwingen all vegetarian food, let iguanas meatless for two? (more ...)
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It has many, just informed and educated people now housed there, that they crave a big cathartic catastrophe, the world financial perverts and warmongers could be eliminated from the out alone.And they will survive themselves naturally.Perfect brainwashing.
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After me the power God still looking kilo per secondary was now sometimes gracious, I bring Him not represent my Bodensee victims.
This consists in the fact that he at least have to make anhiero not soon for me and I to him after sending this message from jetzo not a single bit will invited to request more.
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Just because I was just too off the evening already in vogue, some abundant drunken young men - two girls seemed purely acoustically determined also the bottom of the lake at the Grölerei dabeizusein - having längers heard clearly, they came home ascend, I alswo sat and just barely sit over, finally I bestaunend owls, and those two BWA shouted suddenly erzlaut: "Germany's Next Top Model fotze" (more ...)
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The story I - until a few minutes - would have to talk about the first two days of my mobile Internet connection Aldi, which brought me to the veritable cry, now I can not tell for two reason considerations yet.
First, I think the story probably no one, and secondly I do not commit myself to a company with sales in the billions to, if I can only present my observations and, in addition, no reliable evidence.
In any case, once the thing works like a charm.
The sky suddenly sent an angel, and everything was good.
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I go here at such Netzabsturz- and Bitbettelstock that I am now trying push through my thanks for your unlocked the toughest exams recent comments made on this desperate way.
Perhaps I yet to outsmart the Bitfresser again.
But as soon as I have again my local Super Turbo engine, I'll give him back at the local tests viciously.
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I woiß jedsd that do draußa ergendwo to besa Bidfresser hoggd, where the mi verarsche wants.The mua abber en Zukonfd freezing uffschdanda.I identify jedsd still zwoi daeg nemmlich already faschd elle his Driggs.
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