Archives for the month of March 2012

21:12 .: The day is near!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

I have the thing out now: with the end of the world.

You will have perhaps already noticed. Eben allda where I do, usually proven averse to the talkativeness, the long sentence up to the final battle, namely here, overcame me in recent articles, a certain tendency towards explicitness, even vivid clarity that is only by NEADS to explain (the Naherkenntnisadsdstringenzsyndrom) .

NEADS occurs in such violent form only rarely. For me at least, only when I was on the verge of solving large puzzles.

In this case, it was about the apocalypse at 21:12. this year. This dog Ling has made me to create quite a bit. His camouflage was one of Zhuge Liang, a Sun Tsu, Tao Te of Kings worthy. Because the apocalypse is a world rise in reality. Yes, not only "to" instead of "in", but also "a" instead of "the". So he used a nifty Doppelstrategem.

The A world that will rise because, at that winter solstice is that of the ES. The Final socialism '. In ES there will be neither Taiwanes 'still Tungus' Tünnes still peeling more: Only a people. My Garden of Eden will be the world power. (more ...)

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News from the network idiots

Saturday, March 31, 2012

As I thought of the disease and severely - chronic acute -'m infested remains for me little or nothing, because even ponder such reasonable remuneration of artists, spiritual workers as a whole, is to recover in the network age.

It wants to go on a general cultural tax for "clicks", say many. This is also nothing more than usual, where the tabloids would just bought more than the BBC, though, that's life, to produce the latter is undoubtedly requires more effort. Just bad luck, as everywhere, for the one who makes something clever. (more ...)

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Smoking in the hole!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Smokers are the worst. First, they produce deadly carbon gas plant growth, and then they die frechoft not even before retirement.

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Money driver

Saturday, March 31, 2012

You know "camel driver", "warmonger", "slave driver", "debt collectors", jetzo even money drivers.

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From Missing and children

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Now my children are gone. To her sister. More precisely, her half-sister.

For days I was happy "times to have my peace". (more ...)

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Net freedom? Pirates? Idiots?

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Net freedom? What is this strange thing?

States that censor the network world, we all know that. Even not all, however, know or become even thought about what all there should not be said. The interested just level the "Pirates" also obviously not. Because if something can not be said in "our freest state in history on German soil" (probably you could say even more than today under Roman occupation, you guess about it), then that itself says the daring pirate, yes probably have a reason.

Because the network freedom he wants to free booties, it affects only the interesting prey. So that he gets everything very cheaply or for Umme what fits in his flat head.

Courtesy of Tanja Krienen I ask, as "Earcatcher" (geilet word, wat?) The following comment, which it to my article " Basic Income with condition brought "here, continue Introducing again a: (more ...)

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Freedom and word

Friday, March 30, 2012

Freedom is to be taken literally.

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Said nothing

Friday, March 30, 2012

I will now times, exceptionally, otherwise yes if my always simple, catchy, any intelligible language everyone understands me immediately fully, a little cryptically.

I could search the scandal. Here, in my home town. What the Ami calls a "showdown". Namely, when some gentlemen do not recognize this here and now or soon and not even about morphic fields.

I have first all the drawbacks, the worst possible cards. Completely clear. But one must me for speaking my whole verifiable Vita, well trust that you me better when it applies, should dare do a lot more than one, this can be extrapolating to trust me.

"Magnus Goeller giant shit" - This award, formerly behind my back spread against me, but the Perpetrator and its lackeys further brought down in its consequences as well having me, rings out to me today in the ears; and who do not pay attention now, where it wants to become a roar that maybe he would be glad he should only declare bankruptcy, as the inventor of the award later, without my active involvement, happened. (more ...)

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Basic income with condition

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I just re-read in a just-started discussion about new control models, a modified economic system with unconditional basic income for all.

First: Who are "all"? Are "all" all foreigners who have managed somehow to Germany, or, lured them here somehow accomplish their put up tents? In all the discussions I've got so far in this respect to the face, this question was simply excluded. I feel not only as an indictment, but also as disingenuous, if not dishonest.

Furthermore, does not sting the argument that the people worked, if they had an unconditional basic security, then yes, all voluntarily, bravely and cheerfully. This contradicts all experience of life. Many times might work for a few hours black, to afford a new flat wedding can and otherwise just lounged on the couch and on the streets around. Or, if you introduce a very hard Monitoring State of undeclared work immediately punished with prison, filed just a few hours regularly.

Nor do I see who still diligently for hergäbe morning to clean four toilets at night to work on the highway in road construction, in the foundry, etc.

The to argument that that these people then just had to pay accordingly good, does not sting. This approach one considers only a little more detail, and you will readily recognize the hollowness.

Also all the bills on which the models, indicating that directories an unconditional basic income, considering the current social spending, would easily affordable, are milkmaid bills. Proceed namely all assume that the workers still achieved the same surplus that must now serve it. (more ...)

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Why women praise gays

Monday, March 26, 2012

When pubs conversation, we came again to the subject of gays and why so many straight women in their presence so often so much better felt than in the hetero men (I had almost said "normal men", but that no longer is said today yes so ).

My interlocutor, a patente, seasoned, experienced, for decades married mother of two long adult sons - the husband was also present - stressed, as I have heard it many times, once again, how polite and nice and helpful and courteous and gentlemanly, etc. gays against women are just, at any rate the most, as opposed to the standard hetero bully. Since women are just feel good because she was being treated decently, and especially not permanently turned on an angle from each Seckel.

This view have me by now so many women - a thoroughly conservative in this case - something like above, also I read The same also very often that I will put no fundamental doubt more to it, as I approach instead, and this is an endmost, rare phenomenon. (Although I've also heard women talk about it empfänden it among gays as not too long bearable.)

Two aspects of this still came to me but then on the way home but in the mind. (more ...)

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Monday, March 26, 2012

I've just heard it again, this strange radio intonation, which seems to occur more often especially when prepared rehearsed reports and reports and annoys me at times impressive. (more ...)

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Tolerance joke

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The worst joke of all jokes today is the tolerance joke.

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L'art pour l'artiste

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Art often arises only, only, only just right then, when the artist by creating his work, do not think about the rest of the world, but (almost) only to yourself.

He is a doctor himself by creating. The only doctor who can resist him the word poison the usurer and the connected mind screams to help their writers and the masses.

Meanwhile, he is angesichtig often helplessly, unless he helps himself. (more ...)

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From the beauty

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Beauty is a strange thing. Time it disappears, where you do not pay attention to it, sometimes they will thereat jealous and runs one after.

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Singer Zag

Sunday, March 25, 2012

It seems like as if the musician's lute sound no longer trusted and the poets of his word power.

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Where did all the wisdom?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Lately I'm showered so generously with wisdom that I sometimes have wished me an umbrella against it.

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From the lying Säuslern

Sunday, March 25, 2012

I now want to address something very important. I speak so softly and gently and incessantly that no decent person should interrupt me damitten. You may only interrupt speakers who speak loudly and clearly and also to take a break. But I'm not loud and clear and breaks I do not. Because I have all kinds of moral demands, what with honest dealings among people arrives. (more ...)

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Indirect False Flag / Indirect false flag

Saturday, March 24, 2012

I mean, that in the previous post be formed puzzle has been solved by readers Dude incredibly simple way. (more ...)

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False Flag Reloaded

Friday, March 23, 2012

Let's look at the term "False Flag" / "False Flag", which has come in recent years greatly in fashion, sometimes in more detail at:

English Wikipedia:

"False flag (aka Black Flag) operations are covert operations designed to deceive in seeking a way did the operations appear <br> as though They Are being Carried out by other entities."

In German (not quite identical):

"He (the term" false flag ", n. Mine) refers to a company that is ostensibly carried out to conceal the identity and intentions of the actual author of a third party."

Well, what are false flag operations, which are classic ones understood by everyone.

But what about a variant that is now subsumed by many also including: namely, that, for example, a secret political assassination, acts of terrorism, etc. does not execute itself and pushes the matter to an opponent in the shoes, but still much risk free, behind exaggerated , swift going on. (more ...)

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Hypocrisy and Terror

Friday, March 23, 2012

While filibustert of current events on Islamist terror in Europe again, there's no tomorrow, you have just been overthrown in Libya in cooperation with Al-Qaeda and similar groups, a largely secular regime and working on the same goal with the same people now in Syria, where Christians and other minorities, yet safe, already left the country in large numbers or already sitting on packed suitcases.

The worst joke in this whole farce is of course the talking doll-like repetition of the claim that violent Islamism have absolutely nothing to do with Islam. Of course, the proof is still the land of the guardians of the Holy Places: Saudi Arabia.

The country in which not only apostasy punishable by death, our best Arab friend, financed known worldwide for decades the spread of fundamentalist Sunni forms of Islam. Everybody knows that. But it does not matter.
That settles the fact that the German Foreign Minister's husband leaves home when he goes there.

At the same time whining here about Islamophobia and racial discrimination, that the camel rind crashes. It has everything method. (more ...)

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Why terrorist acts

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Firstly, I want to on the previous article " Terror benefits Sarkozy "refer, whose knowledge I am providing here.

Let's look at certain rituals. Especially those that you normally should not criticize.

French President Sarkozy ordered after the murder of a Jewish teacher and three Jewish school children at a national minute of silence in all schools. I do not know that anyone would have dared to speak up against it. This is certainly not only because no one likes will surely draw the expected charge that he would bring Jewish victims too little compassion and respect contrary; but also because the questioning of such events is practically already become a general social taboo.

But I ask. (more ...)

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