Paul Craig Roberts turns once again.
From financial scams on the transformation of the US into a presidential dictatorship under Bush / Cheney, then the Kennedy assassination by the CIA to 9/11 as nano-thermite explosives expert performance ranges of the bow, which he in his new article "How We Lost Our Economy, The Constitution And Our Civil Liberties " (How we lost our economy, the Constitution and our civil rights) biases.
Who holds the man for a spinner or a "conspiracy theorist", which is by normal means well itself beyond help.
And almost every day I wonder how long the 9/11 state crime shall be maintained in the official version.
No one ever even halfway seriously concerned with the collapse of the three buildings, not only has the brain of a sea urchin, can be made to believe bullshit that is dished out to us by governments and their media to sheep.
The generally peddled lies Story (the means to disagree, as a madman or even public enemy to stand) is an unprecedented (well, restriction, there are comparable ...) proof of the almost limitless power in the hands of a few, tamed by any democratic Kontolle.
9/11 but should also be the biggest mistake this hybrisbesoffenen bandits have ever committed.
Because the burden of proof that the three buildings were blown up professionally (the preparations must have lasted for weeks, one day you can do that never ever) is overwhelming.
It has committed this directly leading into the Third World War mass murder plot in boundless arrogance in a time when numerous cameras and camera phones were distributed among the population, so that you can seize not so many movies, could eliminate as many witnesses, the evidence still would have been too out of the way.
Too stupid to lie: It acts as though the pupils of Albert Pike would be the wrong century, still in the good old days that Erzfinsterlings mentioned, since it this means yet nor was how the world network where the information obtained with the speed of light can spread.
Alsomit these people are not only profoundly vicious, but also fabulously megalomaniac and ultimately dumber than a decrepit, hirnverfetteter lap hamster.
That we are ruled by such a completely ludicrous the fate of humanity manipulative participating in the hands idiots, but this begs us all a bad light.
People who were to be called satanic still a trivialization meant there could even turn the corner against the Hinkfuß after all, any time an exorcist or even that Hebrew Jesus, lead ahead of us, as if they had our tricycles handlebars and saddles unscrewed and we also tied his feet amputated and the brain.
And in fact will help us against those not a priest, because of the Vatican belong to them; and that that Jesus died on the cross of the powerful, is at least times the history of the beliefs of his followers.
Nevertheless, those people will fly up in the not too distant future, those people who are called by many still "Illuminati", even here - I must once again emphasize - verblendeterweise, better, darkened example, because they shun the light like the devil literally the holy water.
Your days are numbered.
I just do not know how long it will take.
But I bet six bottles (I should have said 666?) Location champagne that until then go no more into the land of five years.
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Tags: 9/11 , Obscurati , Caig Paul Roberts , Sheep Media
I can only agree with the content of this article.
Who still believes the 9/11 terrorist was a stop,
must read a fan of the newspaper and regularly!
Or should I write better Bilderbergers newspaper?
Who has set itself apart with 9/11 Buildings Aircraft Videos ..
which one really needs no other bullshit in the brain
to blow!
One thing is already clear, we are going a complete shortly
Experience system collapse, then I hope that the warmongers
and the German mendacious policy being hunted to the devil!
We would be pleased if you, on our Homepage
leave positive news would, and join us!
exactly the same.
it is also time for: sweep before his own door.
Europe and Germany are not identical. we are since decades rumgeführt on the nose and robbed in all situations and for a fool. of a COMPANY.
Federal Republic of Germany is not the same as Germany.
Federal law is not German law
Federal Republic of Germany GmbH,
Owner of the Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany
(Formerly "seat of government" - 1989 by BRD management for West Germany)
(Including the West German Finance Agency-GMBH is incorporated eigenstandig)
Solution: (card)
For some time, there is the German Office for Human Rights, which grants constitutional passes for German and those who were born here. In contrast to the FRG this office has a local authority and therefore has sovereign rights.
I think, too, that it is an "inside job". Nevertheless, what about the many years until today not been made public, it will not in the future. The truth is long clear, there will be no new "findings" add. No, this topic will never be public. Because there are enough people who ensure.
@ Beate
Unfortunate that you can take courage.
How do you benefit?
The convenient right on resignation?
Beate And the other of course.
Such short and good texts simply print. Write another 1-2 FilmtipPrograms it and then distribute. In bus stops, supermarkets (Seeking / Offering) professional and high schools and other well-visited places.
One or the other will make his thoughts and even see the corresponding films. Loose Change I found on the subject best.
Since texts here people from different areas to reach such a broad mass. It might also be one or more others.
Had also thought about the Real to put Saturn or similar NEN NEN stick in TV.
I just think that we are running out of time, so we should act.
Reporting is one thing, it must be brought to the masses
I meant to spread glue.
Such creative activist as she needs this world. And I'm serious. The idea with the stick I find so good that I will probably treat me. The T € Uronen few of these are worth it.
Never say never.
Pleasing example to prove your resignation as a mistake?
Beame you back in thought ten years. Then say that Pearl Harbour or the Gulf of Tonkien "inside jobs" were. They will treat you just as we now treat the opponents of the official conspiracy theory about 9/11. Today, ten years later, it's official, the two actions are contrary to the former official versions expired.
The weak point here is that this is added without consequences.
Consider us as gray cells of the collective memory of the world!
Also the stored long in the subconscious, may at any moment return to the fore. Thoughts are not to kill. Therefore, thought criminals in this country outlawed far more (in relation) and pursued, as millions of scammers or child fucker.
There is a reason, because the powerful fear them so unpleasant thoughts, like the proverbial plague.
And one should not be deceived them, for example, that we bloggers enjoy quite a bit of freedom in our criticism. If it is really dangerous for those with deadline is funny. And one should not forget that we represent as a kind of desired valve for popular anger and equally desirable symbol for this is that in this country there is such a thing as respect for human rights. We are a politically tolerated calculus. An intentional compromise of sovereignty grace. And yet the FRG has more political prisoners than it had to have the GDR. The victim total social ostracism for crimes of opinion not included.
Our ancestors have fought and we have to fight. We are guilty of our descendants. It is the natural struggle for survival in the evolutionary process.
@ Lucifer-Lux
Thank you!
More of this type please comment any time!
(My phone number is listed in Contacts.)
@ AD
1A would be if you were to do that.
I consider out head and name, and will befleißigen me to deliver even more.
From internal sources, I learned that on RTL 5 minutes before the "stop" all fiber optic cables had to be kept free without giving any reason, without notice.
In addition, videos that have been tampered with.
@ "Acquisition Scout
This is my last warning: If someone points here on his blog or other sites of interest, so that's ok, wofern it is not too flat and penetrating.
But simple advertising a for-profit company I need not comment definitively.
The third time, I will delete your entry immediately.
If you want to switch paid advertising here, so you can use the zeitgeist Admin certainly happy to help.
And the rest is a murmur, you possessed to such sensitive topics as 9/11 information "from internal sources" always questionable.
This crime and all the others that have been perpetrated by the so-called background government will be informed and remaining gaps, it never has a doubt existed.
The Revelation virus spreads and no one can stop him, until everything is cleared up. Heads "roll" abound! The political landscape will get a completely different face. Although this time is very traumatic for the normal population, but then the earth show up in joy, freedom and justice.
@ Sophocles
Beautifully said!
Your words in all ears!
Magnus Wolf Goeller:
I like to give you the phone number of the former RTL-employee, then you can do it all myself and many other more to discuss with him.
Have a nice weekend
Alexander E. Cupp
Super comments, especially the tips on nonviolent resistance. Who knows everything the broadcast? RTL has recently filmed a docu-soap with me around the corner and since then I've just called out a bissel times the website address clearly, loudly and clearly. Was kind of funny to see how one of the editors (?) Standing around the there, has made it clear large eyes. Such actions can really something move and the idea with the leaflets (one can well just once "forgotten" a stack in the web (LOL) I will implement try to have something soon. Wish you all much success in the fight against the false "50s". Peace ,
"I just do not know how long it will take."
Not for long!
"But I bet six bottles (I should have said 666?) Location champagne that until then no go five years more into the country."
The number 666 I think, basically is rather something positive, it is only us thrown out of the madman virtually anywhere before the eyes and since they are the current "ruler", we should therefore think that so something bad must be connected. The sum of the digits of the number 666 is 9 and this is the number of a good thing. Has for the Mayas (te) this number a special value, the Germanic tribes (runes), it is also and at the Christians it is so, because 9 is almost the cornerstone, which was indeed rejected by the builders, but then to its proper place has been moved, and what is best, through his own fault of crazies.
The number 666 multiplied by any other number, as follows checksum always the 9 at the end.
9 = 1260 (checksum) = means after the book of Daniel in the Bible: A period and two times and half a time. Because the lunar calendar of 360 days per year, the formerly had validity, are the 3.5 years. This is exactly the time, began to preach in the Baptist Jesus from the baptism of John until the day of his resurrection.
Everyone knows the phrase: I am the Alpha and the Omega, I am the beginning and the end. All fonts in the world to go back to a single copy which has been in the area where there is now Israel, developed. Sets A and O times in thinking about each other, or writes the letters times on the stack on. Then out comes the sign of chaos (Punkersprache: anarchy).
What about the name "GOD" from? In handwriting is on the G usually still such a small tick down. Bends the written in cursive letters G even in thought is just, dan from this "snake" which makes up the G, a T. T is the short form for TAU and stands among the Christians of the cross on which Jesus died. T is also the symbol of the Babylonian deity Tammuz, a very nasty that time Comrade. Now further, from the G is therefore still a T, then you write the name of GOD so TOTT. TT = the symbol for Pi (number of the circle; Pi stands for the zodiac sign of Pisces).
Draws times on paper: A T with the bars at the bottom (ie the wrong way) paint on please, please extend the longitudinal line up to twice as much. The two other T, paint on the beams to the outside and then connect their "feet" with the dash of the first T at the end. At the point above where the feet of the three T coincide, since the O hinmalen from God. Result: The cross, as the sun and use it to sell us as a sign of Jesus, but exactly the opposite of Him means, namely death and destruction.
Jesus has to do with the cross as much as heaven with hell, namely NOTHING.
As in Ireland, the gospel of Jesus was preached by a man, means "Zamna" whose name, he was then allowed to destroy all the snakes in the country. As a symbol of Christ, he then took the three-leafed clover. This beautifies the flag of Ireland, as everyone knows.
But everyone knows that this particular Zamna had something to do with the Mayans?
Was Zamna possibly this white-haired teacher Quetzalcoatl the Mayas, who has promised, as Jesus did come back someday?
The idea of having the Mayas of paradise and how they have painted it, similar to my opinion, the enormous interior of the temple of the Jews: A hall, a hall, then a curtain separating the Holy from the Holy of Holies. Where the Jews the ark of the covenant is with the 10 commandments, at this point is located at the Maya a cross.
The Mayans worshiped the serpent, specifically the rattlesnake. This has on their skin a pattern that is reminiscent of squares. The temples of the Mayas are square below, the Egyptian also and if you aufmalt the cross in three-dimensional form, then this results in a pyramid.
The square seen differently, produces the Swastika. Can you own by google, who does not know what that is and it is of fundamental point of view nothing evil, it was made only to. Because the square is the symbol of perfection. The new Heavenly Jerusalem, from the Book of Revelation tells is, foursquare, yes, it even has the shape of a cube and even that must be a symbol for something, what makes the end, but at the same time the beginning of all things.
In the beginning God created 1.Mose 1.1-3 heaven and earth. Und die Erde war wüst und leer, und es war finster auf der Tiefe; und der Geist GOttes schwebete auf dem Wasser. Und GOtt sprach: Es werde Licht! Und es ward Licht.
Wir steuern derzeit auf ein absolutes Chaos (Tohuwabohu) zu, den totalen Zusammenbruch von der Gesellschaft, dem Wirtschaftssystem und möglicherweise auch von allem anderen. Entweder ist das ganze eine Fleißarbeit der Verrückten “Herrscher” dieser Welt hier, oder es steckt wirklich der Plan eines überirdischen, übersinnlichen und allgewaltigen Gottes dahinter. Wenn das zweite der Fall ist, dann können wir gar nichts dagegen tun. Aber für die Rettung unserer Seele, dagegen kann der einzelne sehr wohl etwas tun. Mag das doch alles stimmen, mit diesem Datum des 21.12.2012? Wir werden es höchstwahrscheinlich noch lebendig erleben. Vielleicht sollten wir einfach das endlich zu tun anfangen in sehr großem Stil, was Jesus gepredigt hat: Nächstenliebe!
“Seit einiger Zeit gibt es das Deutsche Amt für Menschenrechte”
Ich habe mir das mal angesehen und auch an anderer Stelle davon schon gehört, und dann begann der Berichterstatter an anderer Stelle plötzlich vom kollektiven Bewußtsein usw. zu faseln. Meine innere Stimme rät mir zur Vorsicht, auch weil auf diesem neuen Ausweis auch schon wieder Sterne zu sehen sind, die mich sehr an den „Chaosstern“ – (Sonnenanbetung) – und an “Chaosmagie” ( ) erinnern. Vom Regen in die Traufe, nein Danke! Oft lösen sich selbst große Probleme ganz von alleine, man muß nur vollstes Vertrauen zu dem richtigen Fürsprecher haben. Bisher bin ich immer noch vor jedem Unheil bewahrt worden. Und wozu Angst vor der Zukunft haben?
Jakobus 4:14 Und doch wißt ihr nicht, was morgen sein wird! Denn was ist euer Leben? Ein Dampf ist es, der eine kleine Zeit sichtbar ist und darnach verschwindet.
@ Josef
Die 666 hast Du in interessanter Weise interpretiert.
Was den Maya-Kalender anlangt, so will ich nicht zuviel dazu versprechen, aber es folgt wohl bald eine Interpretation meinerseits (was die Psychoenergetik anlangt).
Mir scheint, dass Du in Symbologie erheblich weitergekommen bist, und ich begrüße es ausdrücklich, wenn Du Dich hier dazu einlässt, auch wenn ich selber nicht immer Zeit habe, jede Querverbindung zu prüfen.
Wenn Du wissen willst, was der Ober-”Satanist” Crowley dazu sagte, empfehle ich Dir ausdrücklich sein “Liber 777″, möglichst im Original.
Sodann natürlich “Oding-Wizzod” von Gerhart Heß, zu den Runen, erschienen im Knaur-Verlag.
Wenn Du's dann ganz doll treiben willst, liest Du Guido von List.
Ergänzend vielleicht ein wenig I-Ging in der Wilhelmschen Übersetzung.
Annemarie Schimmels “Vom Mysterium der Zahl”, das einen sehr guten interkulturellen Vergleich sehr kompakt darstellt, ist sicherlich auch kein Lektürefehler.
Es gibt noch viel zu tun auf diesem Gebiet.
@ Karl-Josef Malo
“Die Zahl 666 so denke ich, ist im Grunde eher etwas Positives…”
Sehe ich auch so. Die 6 scheint ja erst mal einfach die Materie zu symbolisieren. Erst der Missbrauch durch die Überbetonung der materiellen Macht hat negative Auswirkungen.
Ich finde die Interpretation sehr interessant, dass die einzelnen Bestandteile (6en) für Materie, die Gesamtheit (9) jedoch für Geist steht. Erst wenn man den Menschen auf das Materielle reduziert (symbolisiert durch 666), entsteht die Bestie.
Hier habe ich einen weiteren interessanten Aspekt gefunden:
“Die 666 hat jedoch einen überraschenden Bezug zu unserer Existenz. Wir alle haben organische Körper, und die Grundsubstanz der organischen Materie ist der „Kohlenstoff“, Zeichen C, der auf der Periodentafel der chemischen Elemente die Ordnungszahl 6 hat. Das bedeutet: Ein Kohlenstoffatom hat 6 Protonen, 6 Neutronen und 6 Elektronen.”
Aus: Ist 666 eine „böse Zahl“?
@ Magnus
Thanks for the book suggestions.
You've been right in saying that there is still much to do, but do not you think that we should start on earth better with our remaining time here than to waste for Satanists?
If we then both are in heaven times, then we still have time to laugh about the trash that has been written by madmen.
@ Föhnix
"This means that a carbon atom has 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons." "
If you should hear me, that it has somewhere banged hard in Germany, then I've found the key for it to accomplish a meltdown in vivo after introduction of 666 in vitro. We'll see you in eternity.
@ Josef
This "crazy" as you call them, unfortunately anhiero dominate a large part of the symbol fleet.
Why we - should deal with but its lowered gas guzzlers here below earnestly - not full time.
And we want not only to know the world in its present constitution, if we find ourselves laughing in heaven yes.
@ Magnus
Look Magnus, if you so the writing above and others and I understand the hidden meaning in it, then we must also have been more than fairly recognized the world in its present constitution. And then those people like you and I and others of our species belong to that group zweifelllos already here:
John 15:19 If ye were of the world, the world would love its own; because ye are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
It would interest me also, as you imagine the sky. Furthermore we can chat but also another time
3 x 150 kilotons needed the earthly executor of Lucifer. Maybe the Port Authority's fault that a nuclear explosive device under the foundations had to be built because it would otherwise have been no permission to build this tower bunker. May exist under the Sears Tower in Chicago, a similar installation.
@ Third truth
More detailed information would be welcome.
But like yet.
See, for example:
A Russian nuclear physicist named Dimitri Khalezov explains how this was done technically with deeply placed beneath the foundations of nuclear mines.
There is also a German-language documentary on Youtube:
It deals with the suggestive videos with the alleged aircraft, as well as on the nuclear demolition of the WTC building 7 and 1/2.
ps: According to D. Khalezov is the snap shot of the sensationalist mainstream media, the term "ground zero" to propagate as a Trade Mark for the location of the incident, an embarrassing error in the dramaturgy, as he comes across the breakdowns as nuclear detonation. The accidental acquisition of the unique concept by incompetent media chatterbox is then laminated so that new dictionaries that came out after 9/11, hurry dilute the unambiguous meaning with Larifarierklärungen by, for example, a cluttered room with "Ground Zero" may be referred to.
The officials can not admit that police officers and firefighters who churned clueless in the rubble, later died of radiation sickness therefore. Only a few could be saved with a bone marrow transplant.
The pulverization of 2/3 of the Twin Towers and the complete disappearance of WTC7 is technnisch only be explained by a thermonuclear explosion (see descriptions in the documentation). The nuclear mines had probably used the power of a Hiroshima bomb more times, but since they were fired tens of meters in the rock under the buildings, the effects were relatively small. So at least it must have costed the real culprit.
@ Third truth
Hammer Excessive material.
Thank you !!!
Especially the mysterious deaths of the attacks can be explained only with the radiation sickness afterwards. As an example the case of a police officer of the NYPD is called (name is mentioned in the documentary), who sought no protection in the piles of rubble for evidence, while fellow FBI running around with hermetically sealed radiation protection suits. He got leukemia shortly thereafter and could escape death just because he got a bone marrow donation. The official story denies these cases and inventing other reasons why so many people have died indirectly and only turned time after the attacks. It is also known that almost all rescue dogs died in the radioactive debris after use. The week-long afterglow of debris, or the molten rock is typical, according to D. Khalezov for an underground nuclear explosion.
@ Magnus
"Nevertheless, those people will fly up in the not too distant future, those people who many still" Illuminati "are called ..."
You are mistaken, my dear friend, as far as the Illuminati, but rather the savior and not evil. The Freemasons are rather those that will bring the devil himself. For, as was said of this type in Norway again, this Freemason, this murderer, who has on his conscience about 70 young people, Brevik, or something like that ?!
Why was he doing as wild as these young people go?
The answer: The Vatican (translated means: The ancient serpent, who is Satan and the devil) knew that the time angebrochenwar that the seventh seal of Revelation should be opened. Good thing si did not know who it would be open. NOW it's too late to even kill, because the ark of the covenant in the sky, which has already geöffent and soon is RAPTURE! I'm telling the TRUTH!×304.jpg&w=540&h=304&ei=dKSfUN_iCYqohAfI5oCQBg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=214&vpy=284&dur=873&hovh=168&hovw=299&tx=167&ty=93&sig=110472823481817072219&page=2&tbnh=126&tbnw=230&start=15&ndsp=16&ved=1t:429,r:16,s:0,i:120
This is the New Earth in the Book of Revelation is the speech!
And look sometimes on my blog - brand new! - The seventh seal! - It's done! - And all that without nonsense.
The constellation is the new home of painter born of the spirit people. I hope you count this, because I would like to have there as a conversation partner like you here.
Greetings, Haschmech
PS No, I'm not durchgknallt, I have a completely gesinden Spirit in me, because the two worms in my head, those familiar with brains, who knows that the very inside inside it is quite something wound that looks like a snail shells. These are the two worms, snakes actually, who then survived on the ark with the flood and so it was that she's not yet been a suitable means deluge to remove evil from this world here. So to speak, in the Ark of the worm was inside. Noah has mitegnommen from each animal and also of the snake, two copies. These snakes had Lois (Satan) and Eurike (devil) chosen as cladding for lifeboat ark. But that Noah should have notice, but he did not. God has not made a mistake, sondetrn the error was once again in a human. So far, very good day and hopefully still a good trip soon. Ah one more thing: That the history of the snakes relates to the curse is lifted through the Redeemer of mankind. Dr was announced long ago by John and Jesus about the revelation. Who wants to get rid of the worms in his Kof, easy to tell the two snakes at the same time: Soft Satan, then they cowardly pig disappears. Of course, but one of them is the right faith, namely to Jesus Christ, our Lord and God of all!
Entwückung into the constellation painter ?? The You do not think you. How should this go rapture of Outfit? Do you think on 21.12.2012 You'll look just dematrialisieren so, to then be materialized on nem Picturesque planet again, or come UFO's that you chauffeured there, or God materialized, to suddenly enter Reiffen itself in the quantum computer, or obsolete Jesus from you, so you then fly like Peter Pan to Malan? And what about the other people? Then all will be raptured, or only a few, such as those which Jesus as God more than they selsbt there are looking at? And where come the world warmongers? Are also taken, or come then to eternal purgatory ??
Questions, questions ...;-)
But honestly ... I'm a little worried about you ...
Love greeting from Dude
@ Haschmech and Dude
Since astronomy is not my specialty, I did not know until just do not think there is a constellation of painters (Pictor).
As is just a kind of "super-Earth" have been discovered, then told me the engine.
Better yet: Right next to it is, as I then also noticed that the constellation Dorado (gold fish, swordfish), where it would like from the name even better to me at least.
Perhaps we are so soon after all neighbors.
Gerade sehe ich, dass es dort sogar den Tarantelnebel, einen größeren Emissionsnebel, gibt.
Emissionsnebel, das geht bei mir runter wie Öl.
Gülden neben dem Maler sitzend, als Spinnentier, das rausnebelt…
@ haschmech
Ich schließe mich übrigens, mal im Ernst, Dudes Besorgtsein an.
Jedenfalls drehe ich, wenn Du durchdrehst, nicht mit.
Solltest Du aber in dürren Worten erklären können, wieso wir das sollten, höre ich es mir gerne an.
@ ALL!
Watch for signs in the sky outside AND also on television heaven !!!! Both were created by a massive SPIRITUAL Illuminati size, and just like that, out of nowhere. HE IS ALWAYS WITH US, in our mind, unless it is firmly believed in Him, because it is the old and love God, who is the Spirit. He has a son born of the Spirit, and all the world knows as JESUS CHRIST.
It is announced especially currently during the commercial breaks the RAPTURE CONSTANTLY by flashes of light and color and statements of performers who will follow shortly (as the Illuminati make that this way and not another also works, I do not know yet, but I can guess what - this is something in the book of CARL SAGAN: ... and ye shall be as gods "). Believe in GOD THE SPIRIT AND in his Son Jesus Christ, AND without hypocrisy here! - Then you have the eyes to to see and to hear the ears to order!
Also on the feature films, as now only times eg the very old film "The THING" - NOT the reamake thereof, or as the Indiana Jones films - Attention! there will be no fifth part of it more - in the last part of the Außeridischen play the main role !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!
The Illuminati Card Game ONLY were much longer ago than where it was then announced four parts of the Indiana Jones movies, and ENGEL NOT lie! Where do you think is or if you think otherwise relates to the designation ILLUMINATI?
Everybody is talking always of the Illuminati - and, you have seen one in real life before?
Or something else, because the future planet of women, EARTH 2, where there will be no more men - has been ever let umoperieren on earth a woman to a man? The other way around but many times.
In man the ANIMAL MAN and the infected, the it is on the new EARTH NOT GIVE MORE. The tails are all left here!
The remake of "The Thing" comes from the violence-loving Masons).
The following relates to a very, very old fight that before there was Eden already in "heaven", so soch the garden, has begun:
For example, the Illuminati also talk to us via the television, the computer, etc., which have been invented by these beings in TRUTH for the people especially, that it has been devised by which, so that as many as possible can still be saved by God, which the great Spirit is Father of us all in "heaven". You may not take quite as literally the "Heaven" as a place! The Spirit is in us, if we want to and through faith in HIM - GOD.
Currently running very many zombie movies and series and Vampierfilme and series, bloody, violence only so bursting with dirt - yes, so soon this earth will look like here! Have a good time, if he or she WILL stay here. - CATCH ON TO BELIEVE - It is still not too late!
Revelation 21: 8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone; which is the second death.
Just said on television someone that GARDEN, which only can be meant the EARTH is totally destroyed in TWO DAYS. SIGNS SIGNS we get on at the time. Attempts to recognize and interpret !!!!!!!!!!
The 21.12.2012 is the WRONG date. Lois Satan and Eurike, Whore of Babylon, you devil - Depart BOTH IMMEDIATELY! SAYS THE and everything will be fine!
Read the letter of Paul to Timothy:
2 Timothy 1: 5 because I hold the memory of your unfeigned faith that dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am assured that in thee also.
Das hat der Paulus damit gemeint, als er aufschrieb, er wäre schon mal im Paradies gewesen und wüßte aber nicht, ob im Körper oder nur im Geist. Ich könnte ihm jetzt die Antwort geben: ES WAR IM GEIST! Erst geht es nur über den Geist dorthin zu gelangen, aber es gibt auch Träume, die Realität werden können. Darn zweifle zumindest ich jetzt nicht im Geringsten mehr! Der körperliche Tod ist NICHT das ENDE! NOCH längst nicht!!!!!!!!!!
Nehmt DAS SIEGEL AN EURE STUIRN AN!!! UNBEDINGT, wenn ihr leben wollt, und das dann auch für ewig. – Denn die LETZTEN, die werden die ERSTEN SEIN !!!! “……und werdet sein wie Götter” (Carl Sag an) – Ich sage es ja schon an!
Hoffentlich reicht das jetzt auch aus!
Eben sagte im Fernsehen wieder einer: Letzte Rettung!
Alles was passiert, kann genau so gut wie in einem Nu passieren, wie auch ein paar tausend Jahre lang dauern. Denn für den großen Geist, spielt Zeit überhaupt keine Rolle. Denkt mal darüber nach, bitte!
MALO (bedeutet aus dem sumerischen übersetzt: Der nach dem Orion Ausblick hält – Genau dort auch, dass wusste ich bis vor zwei Tagen selbst nicht, befindet sich das jung entdeckte Sternbild Maler. Dort ist die ERDE 2. Im Internet finden sich Berichte dazu, informiert Euch selbst darüber. Ich malte die neue Erde in Rosa auf Grün und das OHNE vorher gewusst zu haben, dass es dort dann nur noch Frauen geben soll. Und ob nurv Frauen oder nur Männer, ist ja “O” wie “O”. Aber mit dem Tier kam die Sünde in die Welt und Männer haben nun mal so'n Ding an sich.
Ja, ich bekam von so einigem Wind in letzter Zeit.
Johannes 3:8 Der Wind weht, wo er will, und du hörst sein Sausen; aber du weißt nicht, woher er kommt, noch wohin er fährt. Also ist ein jeder, der aus dem Geist geboren ist.
Hat mir immer sehr gut gefallen, dieser Vers, und auch die Idee, die er MIT RÜBERGEBRACHT HAT !!!!!!!
Schöne Grüße an alle, die den richtigen Geist in sich haben!
Noch ein extra Hinweis_
“ob nurv Frauen”
Das war kein Tippfehler! Denn seht (habt die Augen dafür!) mal wo das R auf der Tastatur ist und wie weit weg das V wie (LEBEN hebräisch) davon ist; und wovon spreche ich denn hier uim Euch aufzuklären, dass der GEIST immer mit den Seinen ist! IMMER!
Planet der Frauen; Frauen, woraus das Leben kommt, ob in körperlicher Art oder in geistiger Art. Ja, unser aller Gott ist ….. na WAS denkt Ihr wohl?
Sein Versuch Männer dazu zu nehmen, kann als zootal gescheitert betrachtet werden. Seht euch doch nur das Tier an, der die Hure Babylon ist.
Erich von Däniken hat doch Recht gehabt!
Menschen alleine, bringen so etwas wie die Pyramide nicht alleine fertig! Die Wissenschaftler haben bis heute die Geheimnisse dieses Bauwerkes nicht entschlüsseln können; oder auch was die Sphinx davor betrifft. Die wissen ja noch nicht einmal, warum der Sphinx keine Nase hat. Katzen oder Schlangen HABEN KEINE vorstehende Nase. Der kleine Kopf kam erst später als Ersatz für etwas anderes auf den dafür viel zu übergroßen Sphinx, um die Menschen in die IRRE zu führen. Denn der Einzige, der nicht will, dass die Menschen wieder zurück ins Paradies gelangen können, dass ist SATAN, der entweder in Schlangengestalt oder in Raubtiergestalt daher kommt und SATAN, bestehend aus zwei Wesen, ist der größte Täuscher und Lügner der Welt; und lie ist der auch ganz und gar nicht. – Ja, ein wenig Angst habe ich schon jetzt, mich so öffentlich gemacht zu haben. Es sind schon andere Menschen wegen viel weniger von Satan, was – “Sag noch EINMAL WAS!!!, dann BUMM, BUMM, BUMM!!!” (Pulp Fiction) – den Körper angeht, umgebracht worden. Das wollte ich auch jetzt, wenigstens einmal öffentlich gesagt haben.
Das Pentagramm ist in Wahrheit gar keines und auch nichts Böses. Not at all! Zieht man die Linien davon länger durch und nimmt unten das obere Rund vom Gesichtsfeld hinzu, siehe dazu das Buch von Carl Sagan “….und werdet wie sein wie Götter.” – Dann hat ihr Segel oben und unten die Arche Noah. Ich kann sie Dir schicken Magnus, die Arche als Zeichnung ähnlich eines Pentagramms meine ich. Die andere Arche zur zweiten Erde, die müssen du und andere Menschen euch schon von Gott dem Geist schicken lassen, aber das dann auch ganz real und nicht nur im Traum.
PS Ab jetzt ziehe ich mich wieder zurück, Interviews werde ich irgendwem keine geben! Die Welt mochte mich vorher nie, also soll sie mich und meine Familie auch jetzt GEFÄLLIGST in Ruhe lassen.
Eben sagte wieder ein Schauspieler, dass er sehr, sehr weit wegfahren wolle, obwohl sich dass zu dem von ihm anderen Gesagten irgendwie völlig unplatziert anhörte. Denkt an den Spielfilm “SIE LEBEN!” – Und doch waren sie irgendwie schlafend im Film, diese Menschen alle, wenn nicht sogar ganz tot. Jesus nannte damals die, die meinten sie würden leben, die Toten. Hört, HÖRT !!!! Sie KOMMEN!
@ Karl-Josef Malo
Ich hoffe mal, Du willst uns hier nicht verhohnepiepeln.
Obwohl mir das fast lieber wäre, als wenn Du an das glaubst, was Du da redest.
Malo heißt übrigens auf Spanisch “schlecht”. Auf Italienisch zufälligerweise auch.
Was denkst Du, was ich alles in meinen Namen hineinetymologisieren könnte, außer dem, was gemäß seriöser indogermanischer Sprachwissenschaft zweifellos drinsteckt?
Ich werde jetzt keine Kostprobe davon geben, da ich mich für gewöhnlich nur lächerlich mache, wenn ich gerade Lust dazu habe.
Haben Dich Außerirdische entführt und Dir einen Gong ins Hirn plantiert?
Vor ein paar Tagen hast Du noch getönt, dass Du kein Christ mehr seiest.
Und nun das Obige.
Wenn nichts Substanzielleres mehr kommt, sage ich einstweilen nichts mehr dazu.
Es sei denn, ich denke, dass dies noch zur Leserbelustigung taugen könnte.
Immerhin schreiben wir ja den 11. 11.
(Da Du ja bald vollends abzuheben gedenkst, kannst Du mir Deine brauchbaren irdischen Hinterlassenschaften gerne noch vorher vermachen; ich bin nämlich deutscher Patriot und bleibe hier.)
“Woher denkt ihr, kommt bzw. wenn meint Ihr betrifft denn sonst die Bezeichnung ILLUMINATEN?”
“…sie könnten als einzige die Gnadenlosigkeit, Sinnlosigkeit und Planlosigkeit des Lebens an sich verstehen, was sie zu Erleuchteten mache.”
Sollte besser heissen:
…sie könnten als einzige die Gnadenlosigkeit, Sinnlosigkeit und Planlosigkeit der inhärenten Selbstorganisation der Materie verstehen, was sie zu Erleuchteten mache.
Denn von Leben an sich haben diese kranken und bösartigen Psychopathen keinen Plan…
Leben ist Bewusstsein, und Bewusstsein ist Individualität, Willen, Weisheit und Kreativität.
Dude, ich hab da noch eine Frage zum Thema ewige Seele: Haben Tiere (und evtl auch Pflanzen) deiner Einschätzung nach auch eine ewige Seele?
“Haben Tiere (und evtl auch Pflanzen) deiner Einschätzung nach auch eine ewige Seele?”
Hundertprozentig nicht! Genausowenig wie Menschen eine Seele HABEN.
Aber ich bin mir sicher, dass genauso wie in Menschenkörpern, auch in Tierkörpern ewig SEIENDE Seelen, also göttliche Individuen, inkarniert haben.
Nur haben die in Tierkörper inkarnierten Seelen nicht so viel Entscheidungsfreiheit, wie in Menschenkörper inkarnierte.
Es handelt sich oftmals um ein Schwarm- bzw. Kollektivbewusstsein.
Nicht dass es dieses bei Menschen nicht auch gibt, aber der Mensch hätte eben auch die Freiheit eigenständig zu entscheiden. ;-)
Ja, so hab ichs gemeint. )
Beschmutzen wir dann nicht unsere Seelen, wenn wir andere Seelen aus den Körpern werfen? Durch Töten und Essen? Oder durch aus-versehen-auf-einen-Wurm-treten? Oder durch einen-Baum-fällen?
“Ich bin” und “ich habe” ist ein himmelweiter Unterschied…
Wie sollte man etwas, was nicht materiell ist, beschmutzen können?
Um etwas beschmutzen zu können, muss es ja stofflich präsent sein.
Die Seele ist also nicht beschmutzbar.
Essen und Insekten zertreten ist mehr oder weniger natürlich.
Beim Baum-fällen wirds aber schon komplizierter… ;-)
Mag sein, wir beschmutzen den Geist, mag auch nicht, ich weiss es nicht.
OK, das stellt mich erstmal zufrieden. )