That the so-called MSM media, the classic sheep media reader comments censor what it's worth, is also known as little surprise.
Less well known but somewhat surprising, at least at first glance, how many massively censor "alternative" portals, nachlöschen, lock.
I myself have had similar experience, but heard again and again very credible the fact that I'm not the only colorful dog whose objections are apparently not so rare perceives alswie the horse apple on the white tablecloth.
We are talking here of course only of contributions, the extent of free speech in Germany legally, the operator has thus not protecting himself as the commentators, and of those that do not contain exaggerated insults or vulgarities or so off-topic, perhaps only to advertising purposes, just purely arbitrary, simply because the operator does not fit the content, the Light of the world can not see network.
Witziger- or sadly, as one might see it often seem just so not squeamish deal operators, especially the rant loudly about media manipulation with their own clientele.
What of the ox shall not (to denounce in the media sheep), this is probably the Jupiter bargain.
Jupiter texts can in fact have no gross inconsistencies, the reader notices a Jupiter, sure.
It seems actually to go to a kind of nimbus of Gurutums: you have to can be easily criticized by every running up Schlunz.
Often it may be shrewd calculation: this commentators I shoo rather equal, or teach him Mores.
On the whole, it is but one way or another, to a modulation of the herd to followers.
One has, as measured by the real or supposed benefits, usually little harm in it. Because few dare to know to effectively defend themselves, to spread the myth, whosoever where what. Many are too cowardly, others want to be a traitor to possibly put himself in an oblique light by the reflection of the Guru trailer almost certainly in the direction goes, the Censored had just misbehaved accordingly.
And also: "The man does make good, important work, we must not tear myself!"
So stigmatized is fast that which points to censorship, and not the censor.
But too many fig. Again and again I read the whining, one was there and there was already censored sound whenever. Why then is he always go back and try their luck each time to the smaller, again?
Can he not rightly zuwenigst suspect that happens to others as well? That if probably the most comment anyway anonymously, then censored nor will, alsomit published opinion deliberately interfered with, you (almost?) Must already speak of a kind of black Bude, on whose prosperity he was as Unterstmöchtegernadept, he nevertheless at the end conducive involved?
It is often enough apparently, also just another guru who is close to the operator guru, or the guru is to be doubted that the lever is folded.
People who act in a way which I definitely do not want to be governed instead of those who currently see them at the helm, I will in no weighty responsibility. Because they are responsible not. And best of cowardice or blind allegiance. Otherwise, from the "real" base motives.
The user must judge it.
You can in fact choose to not only comment, but on other sites and from their experiences censorship, quite specifically, to report.
This seems already increasingly occur.
More of it.
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Tags: Sheep Media
@ Burma
Like I said, I have no doubts about your own ability to defend. But sometimes it's just better if the site operator de-escalated a bit. So no cause.
It fell out on a hero. Or the image as you wish.
Somewhere still buzzed the initial topic of censorship in so-called alternative media around, almost as if Abirrnis led the guideline, and then was still noticeable how much hero worship have potentially just something to do with censorship. One thinks of people like Lenin. My dear swan.
Along either worshiping or skeptical attitude clashed, more or less hard, two successive fractions, where the matter with Jean Ziegler was exemplified each in their own way.
And, no, it was not only the teasing. Here bemaß one of the other lack of sense when there mental fog were diagnosed, and it was not even in clearer words saved.
And now the strange, really worth mentioning, where all the discussants themselves but seemed almost stand right in many other perspectives, at least otherwise quite a lot of understanding for other positions Hiezu and apply to not just knew cumbersome.
Are we all love people ', not perhaps common in the "Ziegler-case" (I call them now so) gelatscht?
Well, maybe it was not bad, that we are there first purely tapped. If yes, as far as I know, none 'nen foot from or is just on the way to the furrier.
Ultimately, it's about sunk program loops. Also this.
Yet again briefly to the core issue.
Censorship, as defined by me in the article is to disclose mercilessly.
I can, as always all alone under real names, here not make the lonely avenger Censored: The user must judge it, and blogs like this and others may as well add thereto their part.
Oh, I'm afraid that was a sermon.
So now prefer first Amen.
Your accusations against Jochen tea tree more likely to take on you ...
Each of the Ziegler-bashing operates, and has not even read a book by him, is simply an idiot, especially since he claims to far-fetched things that are completely of thin air and have no serious basis. Ziegler's a POEser left-wing extremist, is therefore best gekreuztigt, ne is clear. :-)
Which of his books you have read?
I would like a list of you, thank-sai, otherwise you certify me only the thesis that you are a Desinfoagent. :-)
Ps. Oh, and if you want to tell me something other than the presentation of the required above list, so you know where you can find me. :-P
@ Topic
Magnus Goeller has to be high and respect, because he here purely censored nothing, unless it violates the fundamental rights. I might here bring ne very long list of sites that have censored me, and this blog belongs guaranteed not to - on the contrary.
"... Where all the panelists seemed to almost stand still right in many other perspectives ..." Magnus
Yes, there were a few clashes, but I still see the commonality than what divides us. A discussion should actually serve to make himself his own position clear and I managed instance. The word "stupid" I would take back, but nothing else.
I appreciate it very much if you do not drop out in the first defiant. That's why I like the Dude, as I know by his articles and comments, even if he ejects some expletives. Sometimes it's just not different ...
New German economic news also censored. The next portal that I boycott ...
@ Dude
I thought in the meantime already on a bulletin board in the network, a kind of pillory, where censored texts are struck in context, so that one can defend himself, who regards its extinction as justified or such of technical or other reason out disputes .
Who should keep that under control, but are press law, no idea.
A eV, perhaps?
If the paid me properly for media work, I try to like the mucking.
The censoring in the alternative media still feel relatively safe; the reasons I have described in the main article.
Running around the thing but not (anymore). But what regards the German political platform (pro-Israel, anti-Islam) PI, so the complaints about censorship are there in the network already legion. Freedom of expression? Only the desired.
Other forums are free, but you often white but also that one, not even a completely objective manner, the fingers must not lay deeper in certain wounds without being censored or soon completely blocked.
Should one where you know that, even "join"?
I think it's case by case basis to decide. If we avoid all portals, the censor occasionally arbitrary, then we'll talk soon both probably only alone or even with the yokes and the Jermain.
The thing is one piece by piece on the carpet and broken.
Above all, never sulk. It's unto Their karma to have censored me.
@ All
General strategies should be developed quite. But the sporadic exchange, then yes usually consists only of temporary unused assertions that are so or so passed believed or not believed, not enough obviously.
The thing is quite tricky. You will have to work locally because a considerable extent. The task is extremely important. Who cuts when, how, where, what freedom?
Answers to these questions are eminently political answers.
So this is not a pocket game here, also once "alternative media" to look to their sense of freedom back.
I myself am a site owner, have censored several thousand comments in almost five years, with all the controversial issues here, not even purely due to an agreeable contents, only a few times from concerns to protect the author, or because someone over measure verbally attacked a subscriber or apparent only product advertising had penetrated the trash filter.
I will not make the Inquisitor, as just such a site operators.
This does not mean that I did not pursue the discussion on the topic. Even after the end of this addendum.
The bulletin board I think ne super idea. Unfortunately, the WP page is already occupied. would still free ...;)
Unfortunately, I have to comment on NDW not saved because I have since commented for the first time ever, and I had this page up now highly valued, which was naturally to be expected in any way so that the critical comments censor ...
But I see it positively. On censorship media like I can do without, especially since it can be assumed that there targeted disinfo is also scattered ...
And thus I have the New German Business News debunked by its own experience. :-)
"If we avoid all portals, the censor occasionally arbitrary, then we'll talk soon both probably only alone or even with the yokes and the Jermain."
How admirably. ...
Thomram of bumibahagia But you can also take in this short list, and Jens Gloor and Marion Mansour ( ), most probably like Martin Bartonitz and the Swiss Forum ridiculous that I no longer call here but you recognize determined. ;-)
Maybe a few more which I do not know enough ...
Otherwise, it will slowly indeed closely in the "alternative" portal world ...
Sorry, questionable, sad ... thank God I am in pause mode clown because I laugh about it anyway. =>
Note also my quote of the week.
Kind regards from another planet. :-D
Yes, there also already follows the supplement of the first addendum.
Let us remember first that censorship in alternative media rarest (and it is then also no, because the operator only protects his perhaps unsuspecting reader or and in any case itself, wofern of a fraudulent, against state prosecution) a political-criminal reason behind it, but it can be assumed that in at least about 80% of the cases it even eliminated bullying, well, then 70%, that simply the message that opinion, the criticism did not fit.
Ultimately, anyone who has anxiety about their opinion before his readers, the censored.
"Very few times from concerns to protect the author, or because someone verbally attacked a participant over the amount or manifest only product advertising had penetrated the trash filter."
For me it has been a single time. But that was quite clearly a very cunning elite Desinfoagent and unfortunately I had no time for a his gluey-sophisticated and ingenious blend worthy riposte that would otherwise be far too long to be of opposing, so I had to resort to this means. If I was not so time constrained, I would have made it anyway same NEN own item.
Was the way here:
"The opinion, the criticism did not fit."
Especially when these comments sound and happened to documents which clearly unmasked as the product of the operator that the absurdities in it would read each of the censored comment, open bite in the eyes ...
However, I make lately a whole, massively falling quality in terms of the research work, in the 'alternatives' fixed - insofar as they make it a waking and a conscious already almost easy to express corresponding assignable criticism ...
But if the Desinfogebaren appears obvious because of the critical commentary for anyone who suffers the portal, it usually is (to the news consumer to keep in rod) to those that rely more on quantity than quality, such a massive reputational damage that then hald - easy way - is resorted to censorship. Is very simple, little effort - and most readers are already already so degenerated that they no longer recognize the portal according disinfo able ...
World where you walk there?
@ Dude
One may, of course, when it comes to legal concerns (copyright, libel, incitement to crime, open threats, opinion crime, etc.), to be zag sometimes, too scary. So have not released what you might have been able to release or even need to. After considered. Or so. Know of one? This is not censorship, of which we speak.
@ Dude
Eben part overcut. Clear. This, of whom you write, but are most traps. And this fall: it is in fact yet to encounter.
On the other hand, when I pray consider, so I can see portals, which have thus to be a kind of grace, since they still do a pretty good job and it so far may not yet know better benefit of the doubt, but reformierfähig because potentially insightful, appear.
In any case, the printing is increased. Come to me since none of the pun, pressure never bring anything, since he could only create back pressure. Well, if that's true, then her with the impression that is already steeling myself!
Am I a Reptile? I'm going to pray in a Crawl? What schwurbelt and buzzing there? What green treated and spills in the murky ponds?
Wait: I have networks and slippers and Käscher. You can not escape me.
Yes, and the airmen of you, whether pterosaurs, birds or hexapod, which I have the simplest of means, alswelches an applied Fehlpeilung middle of the flight. Remembers you that.
Oh, yes, I admit, the topic makes me become fun again.
Thus the go.
"One may, of course, when it comes to legal concerns (copyright, libel, incitement to crime, open threats, opinion crime, etc.), to be zag sometimes, too scary."
This is for me no problem, especially since every commentator (clearly the imprint and recognizable us) for his statements in Leserbfriefen personally assumes full responsibility.
Is censored for me only in spam and obvious Desinfoagenten. Therefore, in me all that were already once unlocked editorial, comment without moderation.
"I can see portals, which have thus to be a kind of grace, because they do make a pretty good job and, in dubio pro reo, yet it may not yet know better, but reformierfähig because potentially insightful, appear."
're Right. The degree of attention, awareness and criticism (as well as reports of any censorship) but must then increase massively!
"Am I a Reptile? I'm going to pray in a Crawl? What schwurbelt and buzzing there? What green treated and spills in the murky ponds?
Wait: I have networks and slippers and Käscher. You can not escape me.
Yes, and the airmen of you, whether pterosaurs, birds or hexapod, which I have the simplest of means, alswelches an applied Fehlpeilung middle of the flight. Remembers you that.
Oh, yes, I admit, the topic makes me become fun again.
So can go that. "
That would almost NEN products own worth. ;-)
In all seriousness, the thing is also sporty to see. (Grade overlapped again.) People may remember is yes. Manche. Others will just continue to reap the suspicion that they deserve. Perhaps only then learn.
"It" sorted already.
The most embarrassing of the whole thing is so, that most are from the censors discussed here no agent, not in Staatsbehuf, but as vermeinen, their things best autocratically rules.
Man charged censorship with censorship. This is then responsible citizens. He must now namely mitzensieren.
But it is not as pitch-dark, I mean, like us friend Dude bring here again and again to Hinblicke makes the perennial effort because everything crumbles and crumbles at Blödsinne, where he not only, and where he also for or who else to grab.
A friend, yes, dear Dude, oh no, not again of the tuition students.
We have already started cleaning up.
Since it appears as an 'alternative' censorship medium was again found:
Understand Ps. Please not wrong. The ultimate freedom is of course not censored, but is in the link, which portal this behavior apparently creates the day ...
My above statement of 18:00 is now obsolete, since the comment was only until now stuck in moderation. The same scheme as for my comments on Karl Weiss, although this since suppressed my comments even much longer, even though it is proven to (he had in the meantime been published other articles and unlocked other comments) was present.
If the commentator refer not only to the content but also on the Autoribus, so he could better curl him the contents in reverse around the ears when he as a man or better than what writer vorschmeichelt Beautiful him about his other skills, and it was only surmising, so the probability that the public have the benefit of the commentary, is immensely increased.
And if a comment is not published, so he was but at least read by the person to whom you wrote it, or he would not even censored him.
Whether commemorate thenceforth two equal long or intense, is not known.
Wanted to write more, but my Kopf drohnt.
@ Jermain
"And if a comment is not published ..." -: Very nicely said!
The Censored like to know and recognize as vice versa censor the better.
At Terra-Germania, from current events:
That this site, like here
discovered, a Trojan horse is, I discovered myself recently. Thursday night I noticed in the Surftips on a link to the honey pot. I posted (under a different pseudonym) lack of a better "tag" under the article: "How to protect against drones appeared on the Internet"
So (about 2:00 clock) a warning:
"Guide to protecting troll hoax surfaced on the Internet:
As proven rats domain, you should remove from the Terra Germania Surftips, I think. "
The commentary also appeared, as after my first comment here forever, without being moderated in advance.
In the afternoon it I wanted to check whether the message has arrived. On the main page, only two comments were still given to the post office, which irritated me, and when I clicked it, I got no connection. Since I was in a hurry, and the page several times already made bitches, I moved the cold. Yesterday evening, then the item was deleted. System-submarine Terra-Germania as had linked in the sidebar.
Site operator "John Schacher" had neinen 130er process on the neck some time ago. He was acquitted. I remember also dark that he eventually has mentioned something about a young son, but perhaps that was just in a guest post on his blog. Otherwise I can this apparent paging (upright Truther, at least formerly, hand on it) of the Admins hardly explain. Perhaps there was also a hack. Anyway, I'm very alarmed. Please spread this info, that's really happened that way!
@ Electrocat7
I just still find that of 25 12, with the following comment:
Herzshen says:
December 27, 2013 at 02:01
Statement to protect against troll-hoax appeared on the Internet:
Terra Germania as demonstrable rats domain you should take from the Surftips, I think.
I now also. I do not understand, perhaps overlooked when scrolling down ... That with the other syntax is due to my bad memory, which is quoted from you meant the comment. How embarrassing ... I'm really sorry.
@ Electrocat7
The thing is yes now clarified so far.
However, I have already seen and heard that first free-switched, is then Deleted resurfaced.
If you want to feel confident and conclusive act, so you have to probably make so-called "screenshots".
To me it's already happened on an alternative medium that you nachlöschte, but not (all) to a certain extent made replies to the comments, me phantom. Whether the aufhalf the page, be gone. This absurd thing I have then not followed up, either journalistically or legally. (This was certainly also a basis for the latter.)
A next-censorship portal discovered:
In addition, because of its reasonable Copy paste journalism wimmelts and even local vending.
Pathetic type.
Extended [...]) I now will serve as a written article in myself and I (on 28.12.2013) on Magnus Göllers article "censorship" alternative media ": the users have to [...]