Feminism is installed to European women to make themselves a spacing from silly gebärunwillig and ultimately gebärunfähig. He also wants the men up to frustrate and gaga, like, yes, certainly, part of the program, of course: but the former is clear his Hauptbehuf.
Archives for the month of June 2013
Force from the other contempt
Sunday, June 30, 2013This is one of the most difficult disciplines, I know.
To draw strength from the contempt which befalls one, from the contempt.
Alone with the good old Despite it's because not enough.
The likes a well preserved somehow; but he does not draw power.
The energetic transformation that must hinbekommen here is, really, otherwise I avoid the word, transcendent.
On the one hand, of course, once the contempt to digest as such; then take relentlessly where it touches; then, where it wants to go; and then it is just beginning.
The anger is to take out of the body as the spirit; Ciphers, mantras, sayings are to decipher; a real mental balance thing is to make; the natural counter-contempt is to keep the measure; a first laugh does not.
Next is to move from reactive to active thinking. For one, what makes a good thing a bad minded.
And you lose right now, again, not the measure. (more ...)
Konstantin hamburgt the Old Watt
Saturday, June 29, 2013'No, the Mercantile you will not easily grab the Hamburger', Constantine said, as he squashed the second fish sandwich and be Flens had emptied his gaze on an ugly skyscraper fell on the red in large letters stood: THE SALIVA .
'Oh,' he thought to himself, 'now you're so unexpectedly landed visavis from saliva, and by time the sun shines in Hamburg. A sign. '
Constantine's hunting instinct erbob. Dorten, going about daily in this scheusäligen palace of the letters desecration and -verschleuderung, allwo so many useless inflated Fanten the art of brainwashing, its sole behalf, was the place that he must be the hamburgers spoil the laugh at the stupid Munich.
A plan was needed. The thing wanted to be well considered.
As he saw near a chip shop, allwo he said, further, targeted customer to gain that mental asylum over the inmates to what the more likely to succeed him accomplish saying pleased, he sintemalen by he approached, there saw some figures that accurately looked like, how the sort of hacks and -finkinnen imagining, still reading the last advantage of the Elbschlick.
So completely out Jever ordered a bit to make a stupid and random. (more ...)
Friday, June 28, 2013If the least respected of the best things to do, one is often a good way.
Konstantin learns Hamburg
Thursday, June 27, 2013Konstantin woke up quite early, addressed to some extent, made at the front desk computer for a few second hand shops from, went through Hamburg identifying appropriate wardrobe for one who wishes to be suitable in the merchant city for high, low, and normal stacking.
The first store, Connie's slug, was of rather too geckenhaftem range; but he found there after some browsing after all, an inexpensive Scots scarf, alswie a pair of purple patent leather shoes, which he indeed did not know what they should suck, but told him an inner voice that could get him still in useful in his undertakings.
Afterwards, the Hanse-Best-Price-Pops, allwo one of those incomparable beauty blond Hamburg, about his semester, service did, that he hardly knew how to condition on the trouser and jacket search alone, befell's him as follows.
"I Daaf döhm Lord helföhn?" She finally asked him kindly in wunderschönstem, bright, northern German chant in black ankle boots, knee-length lime green skirt and glossy dark blue satin blouse, so that Constantine saw how beautiful buds thrive not just in sunny Breisgau to bloom, but also among the most nieselregnerischen heavens.
"Uh," Konstantin said - he hated it, a set to begin so - "wofern me heal woman boss here, certainly adept to advise a small business man to appropriate Behosung and Bejackung, it would be my gratitude and prompt like pay reasonable dress allergernst certainly. "
Constantine was immediately clear that he had exaggerated significantly with its inflated chatter, expecting a juicy Riposte, but the Hamburg clerk, where a Münchnerin would have watched two seconds puzzled, perhaps hingegrummelt do something Unprofessional right to let himself, except for a brief but very neat acting extremely fine frown, say nothing, the patient looked at the type and size calm and said:. "If the Lord wants to sit down for a moment, I'll give him ma 'n bushes wat beisammentun" (more ...)
Krabbelikrabbela: Dear Magnus is here!
Thursday, June 27, 2013I was thinking too much, told me yesterday when beers a good friend, I want to be, instead feel more. Apart from this statement to first shut up. I held her, submissive, as well as possible.
That was funny. (It was also funny otherwise. Later I was allowed, it was not just a beer, even a bit of what to say.)
Yes, exactly: I'm going to advance my unnecessary tracts no longer think up here, but simply sensing. Folds determined Upper sander. Krabbelikrabbela: Dear Magnus is there.
My children, I could certainly not simply sensing, as all the upper sensing others without, not even conceive of, as I made them, but very comfortable with feeling, and, yes, also jointly decided intentionally so wisely. (more ...)
What the philologist fun
Thursday, June 27, 2013The Place of trolls is one of the most challenges in the network.
Why do we circumcise boys
Wednesday, June 26, 2013It curtails boys to one hand physically, mentally and sexually traumatizing and thus to make the other part for the purposes of this interminable Community systematic compensatory aggressive. Why else? What is everything else chatter? This program is obvious. That it now times to a considerable extent works well. You lie to me not too stupid.
Democracy? Where? In D? In the USA?
Tuesday, June 25, 2013Sometimes I wonder - the consequence is also expressed in the previous article " Absolute American Freedom: Hail Obama "from - how in Germany, so a Satrapenstaat the USA, woselbst state murders on suspicion the law (NDAA), or even just there, still possible to talk about "democracy", if you want to be taken seriously, not from the outset look like a moron (in classical Greek, as in the modern sense).
Of course you can choose pretty much likely not niedergeelektroschockt in a torture prison to land without charge or to take preventive shot or erdrohniert, quite legally, by holding the flap. Choosing as such is thus not abolished, and there are even parties that you can choose, if one just statesmanlike boring.
You can also choose whether you want to be listened to, or not. Who says nothing, will not be intercepted. Who does not send Epost, they will not read undesirable. Is quite simple.
Who does not want to stink, just not the farts and does not sweat and does not eat garlic. Is quite simple.
We have total freedom of choice. How well almost never, since democracy invented. (more ...)
Absolute American Freedom: Hail Obama!
Tuesday, June 25, 2013All Men, Every Individual Can Rancid, Anywhere, Now
get, in the name of the United Suspicious Authorities, duly
Flagellated, ransacked, Erased, Exterminated, Droned, Orderly Murdered
(For verification of the above Said read the NDAA.)
Is not the installment of seeking a caring, wise form of government worth another Nobel Peace Price?
Hail Obama! Hail!
Thou, Brother of Brothers of all Fathers, have brought` ultimate democracy!
Finally, everyone is equal before the Law!
Thou couldst even order thyself be taken out by the Feds, if deemed thinking of cooperating with forces might also did conspire with people did know people did Possibly seek contact with terrorist suspects!
O Holy Man Saint! Yea: The world haileth thee, Fulfiller of All American Freedom!
Any one man who dareth befoul the righteousness of the Republic will subsequently find absolute justness!
This is bliss! (more ...)
Lessing's shameful lies dirt
Tuesday, June 25, 2013Lessing glorified in his parable of the rings the Masonic lie. Each equal lied and thus equally happy. Dirt. Trash. Lie.
From our "national epic"
Tuesday, June 25, 2013Goethe's Faust is ultimately a selfish, narcissistic, pompous, conceited, ruthless, greedy, gehabsüchtiger, futile, vain, brutal, gossipy blessed, stupid and greedy scabby little schmuck.
From the "positive thinking" as a cowardly subterfuge
Sunday, June 23, 2013One hears many places, not only in very fragwürdsam esoterically influenced circles, it is indicated for the relief of the personal condition and location as well as of the times all over the planet, that as almost always keep his mind only on positive, beautiful, edifying, Lieb Full should not pay as much as possible of horror and evil.
I think that here spread a massive misconception.
The bad things do not disappear by thinking only of the good.
No, can you give them even more so its course.
It therefore hardening off wisely.
So you bury not constantly thinking of all the terrible and every injustice in the world, but do not sit well that on that viewing beautiful pictures, listening to Bach, the imagination of happy states or even the thinking back to those alone things and raise life.
How should one because, alone time can remedy this, a scourge effectively by shooing the same all thoughts of cause and mode of action?
Here is a belief in vogue that ultimately the Wegducker, figs, transfigured into the seminal philosophers.
"Philosophy" I call this deliberately not, for there reigns not the love of wisdom, but for those cocoon, to seclusion, to displace the reality of life. In the extreme case, a retreat into a pernicious, hypocritical selfishness, a cold that disguises itself as heat.
I grab a shot right now at a glaring example. (more ...)
As the Western Allies lose the Third World War (II)
Sunday, June 23, 2013How do I in Erstbeitrage " How the Western Allies lost World War III setting out ", it does not look like as if the three active major powers, the USA, England and France it is on the road to victory, why, because it's not obvious drain to ask (not that I would be the first posing this question) what the global puppet masters Bilderbergers et al. actually intend.
(The Third World War was officially started with 9.11, paradoxically, by the second not finished: Germany has no peace treaty, remains UN-enemy state, but must, gracious, as you are as to participate in the Third on the side of good).
Many "conspiracy theorist" now believe that when confronted with the proposition that lately might not "go according to plan" could run in two ways, with both lines of argument mix sometimes, it run just yet, "according to plan" (or, "that" had so many plans in store that could go wrong, what may).
A fraction is that China and Russia just also part of the great global cabal, ultimately only a long fatigue war is being waged between apparent enemies, to wear down the goals that mankind until they willingly, peace's sake, a fascist world government to accept zurechtverelendet and -geschossen.
The other faction believes that it the Globalistenbanditen was plentiful no matter whether the United States fall into chaos, the EU and the world financial system identical with, no, that was even taken into account, because maximum chaos is the Target, the downward spiral should all pull with it, so that at the end of the ruins just that fascist world government could be established.
We see that both notions, as already indicated above, overlap to a considerable extent. (It remains here mentioned that some suggest or assert that the world government then should serve as Satrapenregierung only. I leave this speculation here now first of my considerations outside before a secret behind all pact with Außeridischen.)
You can not now technically powerful aliens as the main actors "play", so both theories are still on shaky foundations. (more ...)
Jesl, Heinz, and Rudi Gulgi (and Magnus)
Saturday, June 22, 2013My dear Lord Gesanksverein.
I was just short on an esoteric side, where it teeming with "dirty chakras" and (unlike the author of course) incompetent "channeling teachers".
Now I must not miss again a bit inflated shit shit out babble, although somewhat more conventional, so I'm not quite out of practice.
I met Jesus in a dream, Rudolf Steiner and my last incarnation, the Heinz, finally Gulgi.
Jesl was quite tidy and friendly, but seemed, in contrast to Rudi, who still did not get his grundgriesgrämige face completely under control, although he very scratched, slightly depressed, while Heinz almost without end so annoyed that he had indeed so hard that from me something better than going out of it, and it was from me after he had included forty years in a Buddhist monastery for me any mischief, become just that notorious Zwunzlallbacken, which he must now be angesichtig.
By Rudi fell into a sanktifikanten stupor, before I could even ask him if Heinz because not doing something wrong to me, appeared suddenly Gulgalinetta on, only a moderate flame on the left epaulettes amulet, saw me with her lindwurm green, short-stalked, as always well maintained Schauodromen and said: ". Magnus, let's not tip the sauerkraut juice" (She calls my beer always so; she does not like hops.) (more ...)
Hard sacrifice for the nation and fatherland
Friday, June 21, 2013The things in Südschwitz over themselves just a little bit.
Colonel Hart Holtz ordered me unequivocally.
He was about my conversation with "special leader Rüb" (he really called him that; military rank which has Rüb after today's Bundeswehr nomenclature, like hard Holtz know) customer; Rüb have raged that now felt already Kolonialdorfhilfsschulunterstmeister, in military matters, even unasked, to be able to make a thick trousers, to be allowed to verwagen thought to ask the German raison d'état to the test.
"Goeller (again he spoke to me so präponderant, as I do not like plastered it), you know that I alswie Your Courage Your teaching alswie earnestly do appreciate your tending to Überlosigkeit mouth; of course I also know with what forces maintain conspiring here eagerly; also assume that you are in it a flawless base of your intentions ago südschwitzer Patriot; the result of your appearance at the Golden Ox is that I get now attached to Mrs. Sergeant Major Ariane nail, the sneaking around everywhere and stupid asking questions, as though they had lifted this entire site in one day furie standard with bare hands out of the sand. That they do not already checked on my desk might auszuerfindenden cheap brandy, is all. "
Something I had to think, that was clear.
"How does she look, the woman rod box?" I asked, a spur of the moment following.
"What is this, you abverkopfter Halbschwachmat?" Barked hard Holtz, clearly not in the plan.
As hard as hard Holtz had never felt offended. But I took it as a good sign and said first time only that I was thirsty, because if there was nothing to drink for a discussion of this scope, so that a tongue would stick in the throat.
Although Hart Holtz was still almost to burst, but he noted, because stupid he is truly not that I seemed to have a sort of plan, so finally blared: "pilsner or wheat?" - Whereupon the boots-man two of the latter, received in well cooled bring to command, executed alswelcher, fast, fittingly became the first calming sips.
"Colonel, let's face it, very quiet as it looks, the woman rod box?" I insisted.
"It's been like," grunted hard Holtz, "at least not worse than you."
"Well, that's ever was. How about going for a bit Sororisierung? It is here indeed been to seven of dark. "(Hart Holtz has two grown-up children in North Goofy, so you have time have known what a woman is 45, although only one seventy, but his blue-gray eyes pierce through Titan, and he is a Picture of a man who pulls when he once again feels like it, the young soldiers march during the performance from that which no longer know where they are thrown together or even just what they're called.)
"Goeller, you're a sly übelst Swabian-hinterfotziger becket! What do you want to sing to me since! "The colonel said, still clearly agitated, but drank it be wheat beer.
"For you have but why not a mediocre soldier may be, would you be buried not only in your books and the uselessness of Philosophei."
"Well, sir, I think we understood each other. Intelligent diplomatic solutions are always the best. Why, in dire need, very altruistic, not officer, to protect their own men, the pure fulfillment of the military mission, against a horizontal aide? The boot-Manni did not bring so surely. "
Hard Holtz silent. For his long relationships. Finally, I said to my extreme insubordination and insolence towards even to see a half-smile playing around his side of the mouth.
"For today, I'll save myself the classic shot in the neck. A nine-millimeter is too good for you, Mr. Goeller. "
"Well then, for now probably discussed everything," I said still, and hard Holtz Wunk me somewhat pensive, from his office.
German-Südschwitz: From the first round with Rüb
Thursday, June 20, 2013After the first pothead crisis was resolved amicably in all südschwitzerischen reason, first of all went his gait; our school - uh, Zenzis school - in Buschhausen had even garnered a commendation from North Goofy lobes tired for "Outstanding Contribution in the Care of German Classicism at secondary schools", which indeed surprised us, as the works of Freimäurer Goethe and Lessing not unilaterally with us be discussed, so that we were almost inclined initially to fear a cunning, possibly to the extent that they wanted anverspenden us a klimaunverträgliche school teacher, or else put a wrong against us, which has so far not reject the good fortune under any pretexts to have shewed as necessary.
But then Olli called.
"Magnus, the bush is burning."
This expression is here what is called in common spaceships Red Alert.
"The OK?" I asked. (This is the Chief Commissioner of North Goofy, so to speak, the governor here, next to the Supreme Hart Holtz.)
"No. 'll Give you three guesses. "
"What is it now? We let the Protection of the Constitution in peace, the BND makes long been practically no trouble, the BKA has anyway not in the mood to us what burns it this time on? "
"Magnus, not on the phone. When can you be here? "
I realized that the bush was burning really.
"If I cancel the afternoon session, in about two hours."
Nearly two hours later I was in Ollis Villa in Freiberg, he served erzstarken mocha.
"Well, what is it?", I asked, me to a rotation.
"The MAD rotates through. And the hard Holtz is so close to it. "
"Like what want this night watchman because at one time?"
"Any moron in North Goofy says to want to have noticed that Hartholtzens soldiers already serving beer soak and also too good customers from the edge Kurt and his men. It seems seriously to be set to do not only have daytime zertrocknen our protection force in the dust of Südschwitz, but also, for final felling, not only bad move them Mittagspausen- like the Feierabend joint, no, prohibit seriously at threat of dishonorable discharge. This madman. "
The course was hard, unexpected March (more ...)
From Vergammeltsten and the Goddess
Thursday, June 20, 2013The story is probably true, but that is irrelevant in this type stories. Why H. she also twice me - or was it three times? - Has told.
R. had as H. and the other students Gammel was a booth with common shithouse at the hall, and R. by far the Vergammeltste of all.
He had more than half an tin of sardines hardly ever in the hut, and when he opened the door, it was normal that he stood in a stripped-down, anverseichten old underpants. (more ...)
Force from the other evil
Thursday, June 20, 2013There are basically two kinds of wickedness.
The one that they provoked themselves, incited by their own wickedness or other malpractice, has earned so to speak, and the other, the one innocent befalls originates only from the other.
In the second type of malice, it is possible, if one left, monitoring and skilled enough to transform it into a restorative power.
So that the Vicious one helps unwillingly. (more ...)
How Tunwörter arise
Wednesday, June 19, 2013I admit that I've been - or still - was easy betüttelt, such as the North German (of, so I replied, was only by chance a north-east coast Cobby) maintains the posh express, especially if those a little one has a wife already in tea when I recently at night, it was already light, the homecoming jokes still was asked about my short, so robust as many years eingespeckte Bavarian Gamsbockslederhose plus announced, tugging at her, even tearing, to underscore my speech clearly hand becoming: "THIS pants host. If ever a pair of pants hoste around the world, then. These pants host, as any trouser pants can. "
Why it should be no more Israel in ten years?
Wednesday, June 19, 2013In Turkey are circulating - openly expressed by President Erdogan - a lot of conspiracy theories to the effect that the recent riots were incited by foreign powers. (Even against Lufthansa and thus Germany, because of a planned new airport competing.)
To independent and strong Turkey has become, you leave yourself in any direction the muzzle connect, what does not fit all possible Altmächten in the stuff. (UN, NATO, EU, USA, England, Israel ...)
Well, quite possible that you could have helped along from the outside in case something Turkey.
It lacks, no matter whether this is not the case or, but not without a certain irony when the forces to Erdogan interference in the internal affairs of Turkey complain, as they do not incite Demons aunts itself, but en masse smuggle terrorists into neighboring Syria, train, arm, offering them even retreats.
Whether we probably why, in the Sultan offended styles, demonstrators called terrorists? (more ...)