Faz.net on again a good, even authored with Verve article, this time for mobile phone surveillance by Constanze Kurz. (Recently, I got just the suspicion that it deliberately more often than before in this sense reader binding, ruffördernde posts set as they appear just in the competition barely, and if so, not in quality. It's not like that the people of the FAZ could not write properly you should or want to -. apart from a mostly clean-compliance with formal style -. too often do not)
The author concludes her piece for so hearty:
"Particularly striking is the argument of the prosecutors in parliamentary hearings, when the topic radio cells query arises. Here is regularly called not a specific legal basis for the far-reaching measure or discuss a legal clarification, and certainly not with independent control.
Instead, it is simply called for confidence that the police would already sensitive and economical with the big club investigation. In view of reported numbers affected in Dresden, Berlin and elsewhere seems to demand this trust as the slogans of the banks, as they were selling toxic waste mortgage bonds and decrepit property funds to unsuspecting small investors. "
Whoa! - Legislative and executive branches are asked whether their conduct with respect to electronic surveillance in the explicit comparison with the gambler banks, knock out the debt from any madness still more for themselves and their large clientele. Where it goes, until the bankruptcy.
Constanze Kurz makes every Lesfähigen clear (it does not say it so directly, but clear enough) that only an idiot who have still not understood what's going on, his cell phone with him on a demo that irgendwaws to do with politics could have, in a cool club, where perhaps traded in drugs (in which not?),. to a lovers' on the neighborhood, where a riot is announced, actually everywhere where something was, is or would arise
I take my time as a concrete example. (more ...)