Archive for August 2012

Locatable by Handyoten

Friday 31, August 2012 on again a good, even authored with Verve article, this time for mobile phone surveillance by Constanze Kurz. (Recently, I got just the suspicion that it deliberately more often than before in this sense reader binding, ruffördernde posts set as they appear just in the competition barely, and if so, not in quality. It's not like that the people of the FAZ could not write properly you should or want to -. apart from a mostly clean-compliance with formal style -. too often do not)

The author concludes her piece for so hearty:

"Particularly striking is the argument of the prosecutors in parliamentary hearings, when the topic radio cells query arises. Here is regularly called not a specific legal basis for the far-reaching measure or discuss a legal clarification, and certainly not with independent control.

Instead, it is simply called for confidence that the police would already sensitive and economical with the big club investigation. In view of reported numbers affected in Dresden, Berlin and elsewhere seems to demand this trust as the slogans of the banks, as they were selling toxic waste mortgage bonds and decrepit property funds to unsuspecting small investors. "

Whoa! - Legislative and executive branches are asked whether their conduct with respect to electronic surveillance in the explicit comparison with the gambler banks, knock out the debt from any madness still more for themselves and their large clientele. Where it goes, until the bankruptcy.

Constanze Kurz makes every Lesfähigen clear (it does not say it so directly, but clear enough) that only an idiot who have still not understood what's going on, his cell phone with him on a demo that irgendwaws to do with politics could have, in a cool club, where perhaps traded in drugs (in which not?),. to a lovers' on the neighborhood, where a riot is announced, actually everywhere where something was, is or would arise

I take my time as a concrete example. (more ...)

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Stuttgart OB-election: Parties disposed of

Wednesday 29, August 2012

For a few days in Stuttgart is the upcoming election OB zuplakatiert sake.

Something completely new, I've never seen is that you can not see emblazoned on one of my previously carried out poster to face the candidates a party name.

What with the two candidates for SES collection and left, for the CDU, FDP and CDU, may still be reasonably comprehensible, is evident in the candidate of the SPD and the Greens - other, I saw other? - Not easily.

Obviously wants before the Stuttgart no politician standing for a party.

All candidates seem to feel their own parties as a clear negative publicity, to be ashamed before the citizens for this.

The common central Schwabe was thus once again extremely progressive, forced such bigwigs in his adaptation to the new zeitgeist.

A mayor is needed even in the Nachpostmoderne: But who needs more parties?

I guess the CSU if they still humor possessed could, in Stuttgart loosely hanging a few hundred posters of one of them, held the lower body half as blue and white dachshund, on lampposts, and neither the clerk's office yet anyway noted the political rivals some of that. ( more ...)

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Circumcision Debate: foreskins in the face?

Tuesday 28th, August 2012

Holy crap.

But even here in the literal sense.

If the medicine was already been as far as here, at least in the medical journal in 2005 described, they would have me on my fire accidents forty years ago may further breeding products from cut dahinverpflanzt Babyvorhäuten.

This forum is a participant expresses this as follows:

"Foreskin as skin grafting., 30 Mar. 2010 11:14

Doctors have found that foreskin is a very good quality and very elastic skin. Really too good to be ensorgt after circumcision as hospital waste.
What you think, ask foreskins as transplant skin available?

Only one catch could have the matter. How will react well, a circumcised for religious reasons man when? After a serious accident and need for skin grafting, just a foreskin was used as a skin transplant "

Another there:

"In the U.S., it is common practice that expectant mothers the foreskin of her unborn baby already at the hospital in advance of the child to be born will sell."

That's nice. (Whether this is true with the U.S.? Here it is a link.'s speech is also purely for cosmetic purposes.)

I would really saupeinlich if I was circumcised and they had me fabric of other people Dödelchen demolished without anesthesia and runtergesäbelt, then later just put his face. (more ...)

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Riddle end

Monday 27, August 2012

Four times to equal zero waste.

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Where is math Mater?

Monday 27, August 2012

We need to find the mother of all zeros. The actual math Mater.

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Merry New Math

Monday 27, August 2012

I think I've probably at least partially out.

(The Vorrätsel see contributions " Math is frn 'garbage 'and the comments on them.)

Since there is not nothing, can not be zero for nothing.

Therefore, they must for even the tiniest What are.

Am I now an endless series addierter zeros, so minuscule Wasse, so it will generate an infinite succession all real numbers to.

A simplified representation is thus zero times infinity (depending on the thickness of the applied infinity) each real number (more ...)

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Direct herunterkanalt

Sunday 26th, August 2012

He in his own tankard

Weis stupid before, anger

Stuck the cheroot

Then he himself then einergeust

What he

To spew bestow

Tobacco fibers operating in the throat.

As not loving

In a land not too far away Napfe. (more ...)

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Math is frn 'garbage

Sunday 26th, August 2012

I do not even remember the math.

Once apparent that zero 0, which might still be. You can see that right away if one looks.

That once but twice zero is still zero should arise, but because a strong piece.

That one none can be, which has long been known.

That none but a few times and only a one of none, that in turn could only be a none that is just too bold. (more ...)

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The pedagogy of Praeternachpostmoderne

Sunday 26th, August 2012

In Praeternachpostmoderne is the port by an aperitif, Salatsilvaner, soup Riesling, Fischsauvignon, the veal patties breakfast burgers, and drunk too goose and cheese before and Parfait, already almost finished Peter alike still linger, for not yet extinct filter lots, next to Armagnac in intimate harmony, the Mocha homey, always present.

Life has finally begun to flow.

All festivals worship only the better flow. (more ...)

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The English Patient

Sunday 26th, August 2012

Sometimes I even begin to speak English when I think again, that there is one or no thing.

This is only logical, because English people talk really just to give his confusion whether the things a congenial expression linguistically.

The syntax of this language is usually already a cause for pity, but not enough, who else's vocabulary more closely studied noted difficult to see that not infrequently the semantic threshold is exceeded significantly.

You can always say things you did not say, and those who did not say that.

In language games, and after four pints and three gin and tonics that makes even quite fun, but overall carries here a rather dubious, too many in too many situations Kommunikanden too heavy shoe.

I draw myself, yes, from time to time to time I put value on it that I do, no matter how understood or not understood, not fully be described as responsible.

And so that no one has a chance against it.

Who wants to prove me because when I sent it begin, if I set the second or seventh word meaning, not simply try the homonym, in its fourth meaning, you sly Meier?

You can also write in English sensible things. If you really want it, and very consciously begins, one can formulate unambiguous sentences. Although this is when the situation is somewhat more complex, with, as measured by the Germans, connected mentioned syntactic disability alswelche forcing many tricks like, but can not prevent entirely, that a real,, Balanced in all thoughtful manner thought some but on a holographic imaging level of Lore stated to be probably would find a way Show.

One of the best jokes in my private treasure is why even the simple, so often asked question: "Can you speak English?"

I do not know how many times I would have ever about five syllables not so often laughed almost zutode, how about those.

The hardest thing is when a simple "Yeah". Says (more ...)

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A Tale from Teletherion

Sunday 26th, August 2012

First, know Yer language.

Second, identify Yer adversaries.

Then, their X-ray methods.

There Upon You expose their language and their methods.

That will, most likely, You bring in danger.

The best shield is constant word. (more ...)

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In Praeternachpostmoderne

Sunday 26th, August 2012

The previous post " Not Seller "was once again a reason to question what you are allowed to do or even how how funny.

This time it was not about the living dead to Fukushima or a shooting war, but to the global Finanzabranz.

Undoubtedly, it is always difficult to know such things, where reasonably draw the line.

But I think that we must defend the right of art, satire, with verve.

We may soon have nothing that is more easy to make jokes. Besides men, German, heterosexuals, Christians, carnivores, the FDP and a few people.

One can be slain, come to court and possibly to jail, or even ruining society. (more ...)

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Not seller

Saturday 25, August 2012

I will now also not seller. There are precisely no gefragtere goods. My camp is already full.

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Saturday 25, August 2012

The Sichentdenkerei is genetically-logically comprehensible, but still a form of data collected by long cultivation in an alleged escape peerage.

Well, even the Sichentdenker are tolerating, if they do anything to anyone.

However, there is not even the slightest reason to meet them bring forth a special reason why the respect they so encourage in their Selbstentdenken do.

You are already beschäftiget their darmit day long, with this goal, to help so why not do it and praise?

A decent man is not yet a monk nun. That's why I want to now times monastery. To where people learn almost exclusively, in any case essential to hinauszudenken from the rest of the world. (more ...)

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Goeller the plans to the monastery

Saturday 25, August 2012

Soon I go to a monastery.

Well, or maybe not.

Because if it is not the money for the travel expenses and a temporary replacement trusted Dad, it can work hardly.

I will also not only for parasitism over there.

Swabians are regarded as economically, but that they merely schmarotzten that they are told not to but because generally: from Breisgau to ascend to Usedom.

I want to go there, just make a good mutual business. (more ...)

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Saturday 25, August 2012

There may be a very significant lack of information, as far as secret techniques, it exists virtually certain.

But there is no lack of decisive political and historical information more behind which one could hide. You do not always know everything, to know enough.

It's just an excuse that we do not know enough.

The truth is that we make of our knowledge is not enough. (more ...)

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Friday 24, August 2012

I think quite a few mathematical assumptions for although in certain Rähmen useful, nevertheless still quite restrictive aids.

In magic, it's still too wild.

They lie out simple that it crashes.

Almost all professionals are charlatans.

A mathematician who can not calculate at least a normal integral quickly is quickly out.

In the Esos has almost nothing.

Wish I remember the movement and the case Bärbel Mohr.

Everything one could be just really wishing wish for. (more ...)

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