Archives for the month of May 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Soon to schockiernde images are printed from the tumor horrors on Zigattenschachteln to deter even more effectively.
The German Medical Association finds the class, because negative emotions are helpful.
The really need to know what is healthy yes.
The idea is of course great, but as always it lacks our Lebensvergällern significantly Konsquenz.
On any car you should in fact a highly recognizable, dying polar bears baby auflackieren, because of Klimakillerei.
German petrol at the pumps meter large posters should be required to show the flood victims from Asia and drought victims in Africa. (more ...)
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Tags: cars , beer , emotions , movies , chocolate , election posters , cigarettes
Filed under Democracy , Satire | No Comments »
Friday, May 29, 2009
Rafael Seligmann writes in his essay mirror under the title "The Stranger in Us" subtitled "religions must be intolerant" (!!!)
The paper, which based on the scandal surrounding the Hessian Culture Award (see article "Funny Hesse Hampeln" , "Durchgegrifffen tapped" and "Bravo, Mr. Kermani" ) treats of the problematic relationship between Judaism, Christianity and Islam overall very balanced and worth reading, has his thesis above for the three Abrahamic religions and clean after throwing de facto sämtliches Freimaurertoleranzgeschwafel since Lessing's Nathan smooth overboard, but without the fourth column of Abrahamitismus to expose concrete and explicit.
Well know pagans, Hindus, Buddhists, agnostics, atheists, etc. since the advent of Muhammad, that the third Abrahamic religion attempt takes its place in the three thousand year old tradition of intolerance and see it as no breakthrough knowledge of the Lord Seligmann.
However, that ALL religions should be intolerant, some as one of the usual Dreistigkeiten will feel.
Mr. Seligmann mentioned namely no single religion other than THE THREE, then only those having considered to universalize his Opinion for all worldviews.
I now selle the Lord first no malice or trickery, much less that the writer highly educated might have about never heard of nichtabrahamitischen religions.
Then, however, lack the ability or the will to reasoning but significantly. (more ...)
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Tags: Abrahamites , Freemasons , pagans , Nathan , Seligmann , mirror , tolerance
Filed under Finger exercises | No Comments »
Thursday, May 28, 2009
The old and new Federal President is faced with a serious suspected for some time: He'll go now so in his role as "citizen king" in that he merely wanted to still be popular.
And by popular until populism is the way not far, even with a former IMF chief.
And populists, those are potentially dangerous.
In fact, the man has dared example, to call for the direct election of the president by the people, ie more direct democracy. He can not benefit from it, because he is already elected for the second time, which he makes in the eyes of other politicians probably particularly suspicious myself.
In addition, Horst Köhler comes as a refugee child from about as far down as Gerhard Schröder and had to learn in the most difficult way something, and since he could indeed just starting at the age again to think of the weakest members of society and perhaps even equal to that of the opposite gruesome vassal wars for to turn Americans. (more ...)
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Tags: President , Köhler , Schwan
Filed under Democracy | No Comments »
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The Palme d'Or at Cannes Film Festival is awarded.
Hardly surprising that as best film, a strip was excellent, the sheer perverse and fascistic German (the children should already be so!) Had the subject, as original times before the Nazi era, as proto-Nazis, so to speak.
As best male lead actor a Ösi was excellent, the - you guessed it easily - was a crazy SS officer and -Schlächter.
Best Actress - you might not guess's now so easy - a woman was awarded, the self-mutilated in a work of art with the great name "Antichrist" naked.
Nazis are in the case of exceptionally well not here.
But at least she stammers in the FAZ interview anything of Nietzsche therefore.
So fulfilled Anti German statutory minimum.
If almost only kinky Nazis, Kinderschänderfilme be awarded priest and bloody self Castigation sex Obscure Horror Ante in Cannes, our politicians should at least not more surprised when frustrated young person shooter games up to the real rampage.
Whether uranium "Dick" Cheney soon for once Iraqi children dead is ... see, George Bush it zuguckend even besorgend and thrilled by Obama to clap your hands, while Henry Kissinger fondles his neck? (more ...)
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Tags: aliens , Brad Pitt , Cannes , Dick Cheney , George Bush , Hitler , Hollywood , Obama
Filed under Finger exercises | 1 Comment »
Monday, May 25, 2009
I'm not a big believer esoteric Weistums; Only because I saw absolutely set such too often. Two things are for me but got stuck (unless of course the runes).
I think that there is something like a belly brain and a center about three inches above the skull.
The blind brain in men's already widely recognized. I mean, incidentally, that a female counterpart exists.
But back to the abdominal brain: I just know that I made some of the biggest mistakes of my life when I did not hear it, bad mistakes. One or the other would have cost me a hair life. I believe that this is not only an issue for Chinese and Indians and those who want to believe them without reservation. I've learned in the context, yet all the more that people just are not the same. This may relate to the question of race as well as that of the individual.
Unfortunately, I have not even met a doctor who had even the question really understood.
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Filed under General | No Comments »
Sunday, May 24, 2009
It's a Sunday evening in May, sunshine, warm, everything.
I should be outside having the Officially okeyed three half-beers, and be totally glad about being alive.
Instead, as You have june aforethought, I'm kind of bothered.
And it would even be indecent to Directly write about the immediate cause for this; ran thus I have to circumambulate the trouble.
It is one, as You june have anticipated, of truthfulness, of loyalty.
There With So it is a story of might and weakness. (more ...)
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Tags: lost , respected
Filed under Democracy , English Section | No Comments »
Sunday, May 24, 2009
A few years ago the term "information elite" the buzzword of the zeitgeist.
I want to record it again.
We then understood to mean that someone is internet compatible and can quickly click around the world network and therefore have more plan than the rest.
Now that every fifth grader can do that, the concept is so well become obsolete.
Meanwhile, the info elite is otherwise made.
It consists of the people who have not only learned something myself and retrieve information quickly and filter, but the know above all of the things that they do not want to know. (more ...)
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Tags: data backup , data storage , data dissemination
Filed under democracy | 1 Comment »
Saturday, May 23, 2009
This year's Bilderberg meeting near Athens has been externally very harmonious end.
No journalist, of the few who were there, to my knowledge, was beaten by security forces, kidnapped, tortured or killed.
But wait, no, a few press people were kidnapped but because an arrest and to-Wache- guide for no reason legally legitimate is not only criminal coercion and threats of violence, but de facto and de jure but just a kidnapping is.
I was not there, but These kinds of "legal" kidnapping allegedly took place, of course, without consequences for the perpetrators. (more ...)
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Tags: Ackermann , Bernanke , Greenspan , Queen
Filed under Democracy | No Comments »
Saturday, May 23, 2009
I've been thinking, the CIA, the Mossad and MI6 to call me, if they did not pay me a decent fee for it if I have extra stupid for them, guaranteed harmless, but good presentable terrorists bred.
I wanted verargumentieren them that they are the dangerous indeed quite knew to use itself, as is well known, but I could provide as a sovereign subcontractors in terms of absolute top terrorist safe.
But justament this afternoon complained my sons, the idea hardly born that the world network is no longer reachable.
And now my phone is also flat.
Since I have my phone just given, I called the Telekom from a payphone, and they confirmed to me somewhere with her was at a node what lazy, so it would not at home at my clutter.
As you begin but to become a little paranoid. (more ...)
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Tags: CIA , control , MI6 , Mossad , Schäuble
Filed under General | 1 Comment »
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I just heard in the 16-clock-news my Bavaria radios that the terrorists in New York who wanted to allegedly commit bomb attacks on Jewish institutions and shoot with Stinger missiles aircraft, said to have been infiltrated by an FBI agent.
The've sold them for their goals completely useless, absolutely harmless explosives and rocket and missile launchers dummies, which no one ever could have been injured.
Rakenten so to speak, funny backpacks and sneezing powder. (more ...)
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Tags: New York , Obama , Osama , Stingers , terrorist
Filed under Democracy | No Comments »
Thursday, May 21, 2009
A real review of the movie "Inglourious Basterds" by director Tarantino Star I will possibly late filing.
So far I seem to erörternswert a few things.
A participating in the Nazi butcher-actor known Jewish orgy of violence, according to the British "Guardian" open his long-cherished, here lived out as Nazi Totprügler sexualistischen fantasies. (more ...)
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Tags: Dresden , Goebbels , Hitler , Hollywood , Japs , Tarantino
Filed under Democracy | 3 Comments »
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I just saw an election infomercial and was pretty sure that they could only be of the SPD, but not quite.
And lo and behold, she was of the CDU, which only lit up but, as you were the Chancellor angesichtig.
The whole spot is quite formidable made on social and justice and to the left, with a touch of europaseligem patriotism which expresses itself through an ever-looming federal flag with a "WE" on it.
A concrete message, except that Europe was great (I also think like me except my home, the North Sea islands just as well as the Italian Riviera, when I get there there times) was not otherwise be heard.
But I would also not expect otherwise in a war party against the other factions like the SPD, the Greens and the FDP is afraid and wants to incapacitate us by the Lisbon Treaty nor on. (more ...)
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Tags: Afghanistan , federal election , Merkel , Müntefering , Schröder , Steinmeier
Filed under Democracy , The daily comment | No Comments »
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I try again to clarify it a little.
Who "the reader" writes is either recruiter or journalist or children's book author or someone who wants to sell his books necessarily.
Here something else takes place.
"Uninhibited - Uncensored" The idea does not even come from me, but I liked it, so I took the motto.
But what does that mean?
This means that I seek here to breed no clientele who, whether Muslim, Jew, Christian, pagan, agnostic, atheist, Hindu, Buddhist or sonstnochwas can expect to always by the expected and in various forms reliably satisfied Aufgegeigte therein be that once a practiced writes something they want to hear. (more ...)
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Tags: agnostic , Other , atheists , Buddhists , Christians , Pagans , Hindus , Jews , Muslims
Filed under General | No Comments »
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Although neither the trailer nor respect Minister to Islam, I am for various reasons, I want to thank the Muslim Navid Kermani for his previous dealings with the State Posse to this year's "Hessian Culture Prize" my high recognition. (See also the article "Funny Hesse Hampeln" and "Through the spotlight, tapped" )
He refused to be probably the only real cultural workers despite the serious offense of the Christian side, he's not even really what made with a weight of only 42 herb autumn, not the internal dialogue with the two upper Christians and the Jews on this infamous history.
And he attacks simultaneously the most cowardly in this affair, the prime minister of Hesse, fearless as a "submissive" and wrote to him by FAZ: "Dear Mr. Cook, I hope you at least feel ashamed. Sincerely from the Catholic Cologne, Navid Kermani. "
Intellectually Kermani acts in any case the two old Christian clerics, such as the Catholic Mini Ster President vastly superior; (more ...)
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Tags: Kermani , cooking , corn , Lehmann , Steinacker
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Monday, May 18, 2009
It is in Hamburg at SPIEGEL clueless to in horror: In a huge survey test (comprising over 600,000 participants, so statistically ironclad proof) for general education students, there was a "dramatic difference" (also the title of the article) between the results of male and female respondents.
Although sport is also excluded and science were deliberately kept short so as not to discriminate against women already in advance (ie precautionary discrimination was the other way around operated aware), the MIRROR Panel to select the questions was occupied gender parity, the men knew an average of over twenty percent more of the questions correctly to answer than the women.
If the gender mainstreaming obsessed SPIEGEL editors have been thrilled safe when inverted (as openly admitted expected) result, it was now in an almost desperate hole interpretation. (more ...)
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Tags: gender mainstreaming , childbearing , mirror , science
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Sunday, May 17, 2009
I had long been of the (heavily depleted) uranium munitions , as part of which is fired by NATO and Israel for almost twenty years of their toxicity, both as a heavy metal, distributed to other than alpha emitters explosions feinststaubmäßig (nanoparticles!) .
In recent days I looked again on the exact and therefore wants to refer to the inter alia Grimme Award winner Frieder Wagner, who has turned to films that I have not looked completely, however cutouts and interview snippets, finally getting all the detailed conversation with him, which I have so far the easiest among was called.
In this exceptional case, I recommend the interview, so far without his television or cinema - to have ("Deadly Dust dust of death") to the deadly uranium dust all seen.
He describes it absolutely credible and substantiated terrible and shows on YouTube images that I sometimes only hinhorchte and no longer looking.
Vast areas of Iraq and Afghanistan, but also many of their own soldiers have now been contaminated knowingly, this quiet man of 66 or 67 years should not only louder tell completely ludicrous lies that he could not afford without under a bus to be ruined or fall through lawsuits. (more ...)
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Tags: Deadly Dust , poison cupboard , cancer , radiation , dust of death , WDR , WHO
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Sunday, May 17, 2009
Our Savior Obama now has probably the greatest war criminal and torturer of the Bush Administration, General Stanley McChrystal, the Afghanistan commander made.
Who wants to find something closer on Wikipedia about this man (of course always questionable), I recommend the English-language page, as the German fairly soft rinsed comes along.
He was the right man "to get the job done", only their commander says the Saviour, for the protection of that general's torture pictures now of just decided not to give out because the people were particularly notorious, and some have even been convicted or dishonorably discharged, of course, do not. (more ...)
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Tags: Beria , torture , McChrystal , murder , Newspeak , Obama , Orwell , Stalin
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Saturday, May 16, 2009
The UFO did scared all Bilderberger In Their refuge near Athens last night (see load article ) Seems to have turned up again and shifted to a higher gear.
Henry Kissinger, Ben Bernanke and Tim Geithner are missing, and the CIA Has found no traces of them left.
This morning, Their suites werewolf wholly empty, even the furniture missing, not even finger prints of them to be found.
"It looks like They never had been here or anywhere", trembling Sgt-Major McRushmore told CNN. (more ...)
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Tags: Bernanke , Geithner , Kissinger , Sarkozy
Filed under Democracy , Satire | No Comments »
Saturday, May 16, 2009
According to various reliable sources today landed overnight on the Bilderberg Hotel in Athens a UFO.
Since it probably arrived unannounced and to make matters worse still a huge floureszierendes banner reading "DEMOCRACY NOW!" Duke behind, which, strangely enough, could be read by any observer in his mother tongue, opened CIA special forces immediately fire with heavy weapons, whereby uranium ammunition should have been used.
Through the Transparent flew the projectiles without any damage through to returning to drop the attackers in a wide arc as tungsten balls on the feet, so that the cries and whimpers of the elite troops was down to listen to the beach. (more ...)
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Tags: democracy , depleted uranium munitions , futile barrage
Filed under democracy , financial crisis , Satire | 2 Comments »
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The Bilderberger's now being together near Athens, Greece, have They never thought about the Possibility to get into a mental asylum Themselves there?
What if the people just did not let them out of Their brothel again and held them there, stopping the shipping of whores, champagne and the rest of Their commodities? (more ...)
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Tags: Bilderberger , No Whores , Salted Fish
Filed under Democracy , English Section | No Comments »
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Currently hosts the annual, as well as possible kept secret from the public, "Bilderberg" meetings near the Greek capital Athens.
The Bilderbergers are all powerful people of the world of high finance, politics, economy and media, the big worry about us make ordinary citizens.
They are just unfortunately quite paranoid loser.
Because they are otherwise just about all public persons, the round-the-clock care for our welfare and not be tired even to say, but unfortunately they can seem somehow all the wars that they themselves started, just quit, as the financial crisis, is valid for the same thing.
Normally, you would not have to make the five-star hotel just under guardianship, to help these poor megalomaniac and per occupant send in three psychologists, but without the direct security 5-8 elite brigades of all arms be consulted so that any task force, working for the mentally disturbed, the efforts of Doctors are not able to interfere surprise attack sensitive. (more ...)
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Tags: Bilderberg , healing , Pope , failure
Filed under Democracy , The daily commentary , financial crisis , Satire | 1 Comment »