Archive for the 'Education'

What does this teach us a false quote by Goethe

Thursday 03 April 2014

The history of this post I put here are known.

Two things in the matter are interesting.

First, that even - or especially? - Shortened, torn out of context quote Goethe but to - in my opinion - quite relevant considerations led.

Secondly, we have learned along it, how careful one should deal with quotations.

Jermain it took just a collection (You dessenthalben enough ashes scattered upon your head, dear Jermain!), And I took it, the quote judgmental, though it seemed so strange an angle, then hinwiederum simply by his side.

It is Jermaine's credit that he then precisely nachsuchte that the fraud was uncovered.

So we both did at first, though not wollentlich, Goethe wrong, put things in the world, as attributed to him in consideration of the original passage could not withstand.


That will be a lesson to me.

What I could not say anything ...

Friday, March 28, 2014

I do not know how it is, as a state school teachers with three month paid vacation a year, continued pay in case of illness, paid health insurance for the whole family, pension benefits, where appropriate, a disability pension to work. Moreover, the power of the grading system, no matter how professionally and socially incompetent, the possibility of not having to fight a bad mood by all means, at any time to let on that you a have today. And with tenure, at any perquisites, as long as you do not slaps student molested secretes too radical ideas.

That sounds almost as if I were a private tutor, always in uncertainty principle, socially irrelevant, envious, and sometimes I am too.

On the other hand: My literary activity alswie they be found here, I would have never been able to afford as verbeamteter teachers.

Even just to say that I do not follow around 9/11 the official Mischief, bring me quickly in heavy water.

How much less I would be allowed to write runes, about Aleister Crowley, Islam Critical, by the Bilderbergers (even when it officially did not exist, the claim that they exist as a "conspiracy theory" was), Skull & Bones, Goethe and Lessing ekler Masonic ideology, the plans of Albert Pike, even from the planned destruction of the white race in Europe.

From Brzezinski Doctrine, by breaking the Lisbon Treaties, by the conformist sheep media, the occupation status of the Federal Republic of Germany, which, as yet somehow Germany, simultaneously UN enemy State of the questionable numbers of victims of the bombing of Dresden, the (substantial) part of the Zionist German Pseudo rights, Genderasterei, the Old Testament as a book of obscurantist horror that men discrimination (when the men are not Muslims or Jews or whatever noble, so at least darkness), the Lazarus syndrome, the arson of Nobel Peace Prize Obama, the first black US Chairmen with white mother's consistently crazy Nazi comparisons, the climate hoax, the possibility of massive negative influence Alien, the fact that Germany not only has no peace treaty, but also - according to the Basic Law itself - no makeup, hereby constitutional protection as the Constitutional Court absurd heard of the term here, probably not by a due, radically altering drugs policy, chemtrails, by clearly covered by the highest circles Kinderschänderringen, MK Ultra, psychologists Mafia, the Methylphenidatmafia, the prescribed madness ADS, no, probably not once the fictional colonial history of German-Südschwitz would have been to tell.

And, the list had enough, certainly much more. (more ...)

Opposition, rather Jermain!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

When estimated Jermain FOUTRE le Camp there is a nice list of citations for writing and the writer.

Alone, the Goethe quote that he chose the title, is not my consent: "The state of the writer tells the true reader at once completely with."

And it's not because I know how loyal readers, despite its undoubted skills and services, no sovereign admirer of Goethe'm much do detest what he has done.

The set is from my own experience as along my knowledge of other literary work just is not right. (more ...)

New offer

Friday, 07 March 2014

Training courses for bored high degree mason.


Monday, February 17, 2014

Well then, it's moving what it is about.

German big companies begin to protect their employees from their pain-speaking people.

A sick or dead people is just not a good employee.

From the upcoming aristocratic revolution

Sunday, February 16, 2014

It's all in the head.

In business, the bankers are the masters of the world, the work of God verrichtend by creating anything real.

When it comes to information in the world network, the administrator, distribution, and Verhunzer Verzwunzer shall destroy more than those who actually provide information.

Even the semi're most electrical box fuzzy feels itself measured on a veritable productive artists such as Hermes Trismegistus.

Whole skyscrapers full of trolls, Abschakale, Hacker: As the masters of this world.

That will not last. (more ...)

Not yet Allah Google

Saturday, February 15, 2014

By the Google me under Image Search to Magnus Göllerlifte still assigns a picture of Hitler, while the other search sequence is still ridiculous and irrelevant, I was told very firmly that I could never let sit on me that I should, no, I had the "Report abuse images" in Google, at least notify the better send the same email a juicy, even better, with lawyer threat.

I beg your pardon? What should I do?


At the company, the German free tutoring takes many years for me, me for me initially quite weighed (as I said, until recently, little was objectionable to the classifieds), now treated as a Unterpariah of Netzsubprekariats?

Should I beg these wayward giant squid about? (more ...)

The stupid search engine

Monday, February 10, 2014

That stupid search engine now has stress. I see it her directly. Do not ask me how or why.

The idiots have provisionally abandoned

Monday, February 10, 2014

So it goes again.

There is nothing more to say.

Accrued comments I give, including my own attempts now simply free.

Matrix already half keel up

Thursday 06 February 2014

I belong to any secret society.

This may believe who wants.

In support of this statement, there is nothing but my speeches, which probably already spent around 10,000 in the net.

Enough of the pre-exercise.

The "Matrix" wants me to talk.

However, not so. (more ...)

Alice in Goldmanland

Monday 03 February 2014

No, I think this rumor that could be it.

Namely, that Alice Schwarzer some ladies Officer at Goldman Sachs will.

For a long time the bank suffers so at their macho image.

Black is now on sale.

Why should not slam the God-yourself there?

Holds nor any of the stupid for that?

Rhetorical question.

The sympathy of the bank will soon blow each measurement scale. (more ...)

Of Kenaz, Google and the rest

Sunday 02 February 2014

Looking at it runic, once again, so that no one will understand what I'm saying (great camouflage what?), So just fighting one aspect of Kenaz against the other.

Namely the knowledge to art.

It seems as though the knowledge would be completely overpowering; but this is deceptive; the art is in fact more agile.

Also, most far too narrow and flat heads to begin with all the knowledge and sensible and beautiful. If anything, it makes them empty, impotent.

Everywhere there is around, grinning cheekily at, too often useless.

The Art hinwiedrum bored as much pain behind the phone.

Hello! Haaalloo! Hey man! (more ...)

Not for long

Sunday 02 February 2014

There will be quite different.

The boy, already with 13 or 16 full of fear, somewhere in an unfortunate situation of a pain Phone photographed for the mockery of the rest of the net to land, will notice something.

Namely, that the joy nor the spontaneity not even heard the street a US-Germany GmbH. (more ...)

Matrix: Here is counted differently (II)

Sunday 02 February 2014

I am annoyed by the Ersttext.

Too shallow, too bland, too vague since.

Who wrote that? (more ...)

Just look like an artist!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Last night I received good advice.

This was honest and just too, well meant.

In short, asking me to talk and act more as an artist, especially externally, in appearance, in terms of what today is called "outfit".

So it was a better marketing myself.

Allzuvorschnell I drew this a little ridiculous.

Whether I should totally shaved ape than half hinunt strutting the King's Road as to the better visibility on the vanity fair? - Approximately so I answered.

Whether I should make me even more because the Kasper, just as as if I was not already the already and would look like this? (more ...)

Allda fear worn out with dancing

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Actually otherwise almost always more or less speechless and devastated, but I draw hope.

There are two companions who love to share my madness with me.

No: There is no street dog licking me the foam from the last beers.

There are two such innocuous-unknown conservatives that it does not even mind them something when they are held here and there for just stupid.

You do not even afraid to be seen with me.

This is real nachpostmoderne bravery alone.

But not enough. Even without asking me again and again they try to excel at Losheit. (more ...)

Thousand Dead Trolls

Sunday, January 19, 2014

No, of course I have not killed a single troll. Thousand certainly not. Only a few discarded.

I imagined even more often, I did work as a troll, properly remunerated for.

Then I imagined I would meet someone like me.

I then realized that I not only did not want anyway ties do, but also regularly must inevitably lose out wofern the Betrollte his business only three-quarters as good as I understand.

Understand the Betrollte his business, he is always at an advantage. (more ...)


Thursday, January 16, 2014

I have, though often pointed me to the possibility prompted even, long resisted against it, even to also make an appeal for donations to support my work.

I hereby so jump to the effect on my shadow.

Under the Dotted will continue to stand with every post, what you see now.


"Never donation to an organization that lives in a bigger house than you yourself." (AC)

The three of us live on 81 square - because the classroom actually nine less.

Do you have more than 24?

Magnus Goller - Volksbank Stuttgart - BLZ 600 901 00 - Kto 580 280 13.

Welcome to the Black Empire

Thursday, January 16, 2014

In the meantime - it is this is not entirely new - is increasingly being hawked, the German National Socialists had anticipated the EU, designed something like the EU, and longed finally helped vigorously as they arise.

But they were obviously willing to lose on the back of her people the Second World War. Finally, there were socialists. Since the National is always advancing.

The Nazis have therefore lost the Second World War in appearance only. You now gain via Brussels.

What a Konkokt!

The war came after six years.

If you want to us Germans now even more so, the EU reindrehen behind your back, the euro, all the shite who served there?

Yeah, I hear it already trapsen, so after Scientologenmanier: German psychiatrists are to blame for everything.

And I always thought the Nazis were just trying to build flying discs that never flew.

After all, but what falls to me. I am specifically when I resist the EU introduce myself, but at least something similar to a noble Antifa.

You can not follow me?

Welcome to the Black Empire!

Because here is a Pike, there is crying Goethe's mind about him behind because, in the glimmer of laughs an avatar of Aleister Crowley over the tomb of Coudenhove-Kalergi.

Sticking on the wall also Elohim, what's left of them, sometimes they whisper to the mask of Aten. Always particularly liked when Isis does not delete it just is.

Gabriel is driving it, meanwhile, with all sorts of chimeras; the Saturnalia not a little; Jaguar in that there lies the spirit of Azkuatepetl.

And, behold, all they dance around small pyramids.

Except for me.

Therefore, I can guide you safely through the Black Empire.

Over there, they bet on it already, friends Pluto's how long to bet on the theory of relativity was still!

Here on the left you will see the players who rely on aliens. An even looser rabble.

If any one gets on the mouth, then you know that he has cheated stupid.

Normal loser does not exist here.

Do not forget you are in the Black Empire.

They wanted to see it.

Otherwise you would not followed me this far.

I told you so far shown only a small part of it.

Mehmet and Rudi (a summary)

Friday, January 10, 2014

The gay transgender Mehmet Ükcü has last Friday Rudi Brehme, who, "a fanatical Straight" that once was, as he outed himself, ecclesiastical geehelicht. The bisexual Protestant pastor of Bischweiler had tears in his eyes as he ("a sign," said Mehmet the press) was able to bless the miracle.

The father of his country, Mr. K. had himself represented by its Minister of Culture, but promised that this would feed event exemplified not only in the social studies books of the country.

"So even the primary school children will learn in the future, unlike yesterday and that marriage can be more than just something sacred between man and woman."

The Green parliamentary group has unanimously decided that the nonprofit "All are Mehmet" Foundation to call into being. (Rumor has it that she had not colluded with the SPD, to which, as we had been told earlier, behind your back "a reinzuwichsen".)

The FDP babbles, and the CDU knows how nowadays, nothing to say about the social modernization of the country.

The association "lesbians in the Southwest", however, has filed a complaint against the Minister of Culture and demanded his immediate dismissal.

"The Minister of Education has undoubtedly discriminated against female homosexuality in an intolerable manner, calling them, this all-male event celebrating, not even mentioned." Thus, the core set of reasons.

The association "Gay Muslims in Germany" expressed his outrage. Mehmet is a Muslim, then still grown Fatima, to suggest an apostate so, which had been used by the state government in the most perfidious manner to that Islam is obvious lifestyles intolerant. That the marriage had also taken place on a Friday, was another, more intolerable affront.

A real tirade came "eV other generals" from: "We can not understand why no Bundeswehr nationals in dress uniform, at least one woman captain or woman Sergeant Major, invited to the ceremony and was honored accordingly. Constantly being family, spoken by improving the acceptance of the armed forces, their better integration into society, but they are the face of this unprecedented scandal obviously just empty words. Around the world, we must bleed and die for those who marginalize us and disregard. For spiritual and moral traitor. "

Even the teachers' union was not entirely happy with the event.

Their spokeswoman, Frauke Himmelstoß said, rather indignantly: "We would have wished that the Minister of Education had loaded a couple of gay and lesbian teachers on the outing, even a few of those who are daily in the school at the front, publicity the to shake hand: That would be a real signal for all students and all colleagues have been. "

Also, some media engraving sparkled.

For example, the Stuttgarter Zeitung, in a feature article ("culture areas in the state under control?") By Timo Treitschke: "One puzzling in some circles in the southwest on, which is why the Minister of Education has not even set an official reception of the couple. Why were not you at least a little child and folk festival? "

The Frankfurter Rundschau: "There was a general invitation to the regional and national press, but not even a travel allowance for our editor Felicitas von Rosenberg. The greed drives the Swabians So even then, when it finally comes to social to be or not. "

A YouTube video of Google has been locked.

A young (extreme right?) Comedy troupe ("The Anonymous Anusse") - here several criminal charges of sedition - had movies on the web and the spread in the school playground at lightning speed.

Also of copyright heedless, the perpetrators had bawled to the tune of Helge Schneider's new hit, "What is going on in this country? All people anschwulen go, but I do not! But I have no queerness! Queerness I only like when it is far away! "

Cheeky Fortunately for these hate criminals, so lawyers that they should be tried as a juvenile yet. If they are not in right-wing extremist compounds are converted so good defenders like they can still bang out on probation.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Justice is working on a template, such as the distribution of the video, youth culture can be now found under special punishment.

Particularly problematic here: Also twelve- and thirteen-year-old, so criminal responsibility children, it spread masse. It must also fall playing punishable. And be especially considered whether the parents can not be held liable in this case, or lowered the age of criminal responsibility.

In Stuttgart government district is already biting meanwhile something on the lips. "Des was oifach sauschlechd vorbereided, son of man!" - Should the father of his country, in small groups, have very violent, growling his way älblerische.

Meanwhile, it is, enjoy the textbook publishers. You expect with new issues that will be replaced by more new spending.

The Minister of Education will have to learn. Two or three such media appearances, and he is sacked from the LV and afterwards sunk by his comrades in any Station hole.

I stay with my Unspiris

Sunday 05 January 2014

Yesterday I spoke at length with one that does have reasons to pursue quite inexplicably in my view, to feel.

The "cui bono?" canvassing, he came forward to speak, that it probably just give people who delektierten out to torment others.

The course is well known to me.

There are even people who believe that there is (alien) beings that energy basically from the suffering of others survived.

I do not know if such a thing exists.

There is some evidence, however, at least to some extent for it.

When I look alone, not only since I run this blog, but for decades before that, some people are like crazy when I spit them in their pseudo-spiritual soup, indicated at least in this direction.

They are angry, threatening and waving. Sometimes they prate even seemingly less dangerous launched because they think that's elegant, just purposeful. Or do not want to expend a lot.

Most of them believe, from experience, fixed to a full reincarnation of the individual. Those who do not believe in it (or any other belief), so long as he does not do too clearly an idiot. If it is but natural to the effect, we identified him, the more one, the other less than a kind of enemy.

As though he were dessenthalben the worst.

I have the faith anyway never understood: How can the only way shaken, how can so easily go overboard all noble Liebheit goals, just because a non mitglaubt?

And since you told me I was too weak in faith.

Hopefully I'm already like so weak that I spared the exercise just described.

Even the differentiation that not to believe in something does not mean to exclude it slips regular way of their thinking ability.

Often they do not pull on Nietzsche (Osho and the others take it alone is not sufficient, it seems).

On whose work I will not presume interpretive me now truly.

But who, if not Nietzsche, each clearly warned against the faith?

Also said: "THE way, THE there is not!" -?

Yes, the Friedrich Gummelt them already hard in the stomach, the Spiris.

At Crowley they usually dare ran certainly not at the Class A documents anyway. Even "Little Essays Toward Truth" would be rather too much.

They gather around cheaper, "channeled" material, after all, the "original" and mostly English.

From somewhere in the ether kömmt since her higher consciousness, schwurbelischwurbela.

It is initiated and that the rind crashes, the enlightened buzz and buzz, there you hardly get on.

True spiritual development as it ever really possible in the expansion of perception prefers to play as not so important.

It is also rather afraid of work. Where it is easy to inflate the jaws, as men come naturally love to go. But longer and more accurate over and over again to deal seriously with an object, no, that does not bring the Spirispaß so right.

Confucius they dislike most. The spoke so often so clearly about the importance of lifelong learning is that they probably exactly is crucial to the cookie. Sooo much work! Lifelong! A really bad Unspiri. At some point there must be good times, with enlightenment.

Confucius knew, that's still evil, not even real magic degrees. He estimated his disciples indeed, but such a fuss he did not draw on. He encouraged each according to its kind.

Again lousy unspiri. Without rank or title but everything is nothing.

What have understood least of all the Spiris is that you have to claim his place ahead of themselves. Find him, recognize him stand for.

Clear judgment, clear speech. That's the first thing.

In Nietzsche and Confucius.

In Cervantes nor is added a special game.

I stay with my Unspiris.

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