Archive for the month of January 2012
Tuesday 31 January 2012
On where anyway all the time readers comment censorship and manipulation takes place so blatant that I wonder why there ever try any people her journalistic accident, I was just about this article , the Armenians Murder in the First World War and the ratio of the Turks to erörternd, so far - relative - delete original editorial justification for each:
"Real Load
25/01/2012 at 17:48 clock
Second [...]
Please refrain on relativities. Thanks for the editorial / mo.
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"Please do not use qualifying statements" (the little "i" is now mine): Since it is natural to ask what could have been here in perspective. About the mass murder of Armenians against the actions of Mao held? Stalin?
And not every weighing is also a form of relativism? (more ...)
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Tags: censored time , time censorship
Filed under Democracy , idiots cabinet , media , Nice , word poison | 6 Comments »
Tuesday 31 January 2012
Beautiful it is when you see the light go out of the blender into the eyes of their disciples rest flickering.
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Tags: Blender
Filed Under Aphorisms | No Comments »
Monday 30 January 2012
Funny about the whole Zores for the Protection of the Constitution is that it now comes under pressure from left: Augstein, Prantl, Left Party, etc.
One might almost have sympathy with this remarkable service that is supposedly "blind in his right eye."
What are they doing? Some carry their own workers from the Volksverhetzungsgerichtshof to Mannheim? Bußpilgern according to Marx and Lenin Hausen?
Convert to Islam?
A re-training as a certified conspiracy theorists take?
Plunge into the mouth of the Federal Trojan?
Public eat floppy hats?
Atonement afford their excesses sake, how well it is just mitsoff at the NPD?
Directly from the CIA to hire?
The BKA sweep the floors?
To work as an exterminator?
As Unpersonenschützer?
Goal line in the district league?
No, no, all such would be contrary to human dignity and thus violating the Basic Law and thus against our Constitution, which is not. (more ...)
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Tags: Protection of the Constitution , Verfuselungsschatz , conspiracy theorists
Filed under Democracy , German , Cabinet idiots , satire , linguistics | 7 Comments »
Monday 30 January 2012
If people finally say what everyone says it violently scolded reasonable for a long time, it may perhaps be heard and taken seriously.
This fate seems now to suffer the judgment of the Constitutional protection. Rather, have been overtaken by Bubi Jauch to.
The most important details are in this satire on SPON (finally I can praise the mirror sometimes!) summarized well worth reading.
Quote ("you" are meant to VSler):
"When you first have to make, unfortunately, your former boss Peter Frisch. As a former president of the office he has managed to betray official secrets. He did not want him. He really had within its means trying honestly to face up to protectively in front of you. He betrayed that you are a "political intelligence" that is controlled by the employer out of politics. "
Yes nu.
What every decent left, right and not a bare living behind the moon completely banal experiences, now his ennoblement by Jauch and SPON.
But whether this really helps? (more ...)
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Tags: Danger Brown , NPD , constitutional protection
Filed under Democracy , vermin , media | 1 Comment »
Friday 27 January 2012
Even I, dear Mr. Augstein guess that very constitution, as you do.
But it just is not really a constitution. And no, that gave the German people themselves.
Furthermore, and that I think it would be just one day by the German people confirmed as such or in accordance with Article 146, a new, real, I led a recent discussion with someone who me "For God's sake, just no referendum" held out.
His reasons were pretty convincing. (more ...)
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Tags: constitution , Jakob Augstein , constitution , constitutional protection
Filed under Education , Democracy , German , geopolitics , gender , media | 16 Comments »
Friday 27 January 2012
"What is the role today of the constitutional protection? It protects not the Constitution. It protects the conditions (above) ruling. "
To this remarkable and quite true statement comes on Jacob Augstein SPON under the no less remarkable title of "The Basic Law is left."
He refers to that property required according to the Basic Law, means of production are socialized, and that the Federal Republic was a "social" state and makes fun of on this basis, the observation of parliamentarians from the Left Party by the Constitutional protection.
Dear Mr. Augstein, I call you now even a few "right" statements of the Basic Law: (more ...)
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Tags: constitution , Jakob Augstein , Constitution
Filed under Education , Democracy , German | 2 Comments »
Friday 27 January 2012
The Chinese are, reasonably, among the peoples of the earth to occupy the most powerful of course. You may bring wisdom, but do not want to just senseless above all other.
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Filed under Geopolitics , gender | No Comments »
Friday 27 January 2012
Was there ever an "American people"?
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Tags: American People
Filed Under Aphorisms | 1 Comment »
Thursday 26 January 2012
Now, Iran has announced that the EU, the 1st at the latest July will introduce no more Iranian oil, in turn, immediately turn off the tap.
On SPON it is today:
"The transitional period was agreed to give mainly the economically depressed southern European countries the opportunity to look for new oil suppliers. Should Iran decide now itself an immediate halt in supplies, this could be for countries like Italy, Greece and Spain to the problem. "
Since then it pulls on the muzzle, because nierderzuboykottieren of how the other does, this still leaves a supposed period of grace that we are actually themselves because they have no other supplier for a - mind you! - Has essential commodity, and that is just so bold and say, well you, you heroes, we provide but not the same.
O sancta simplicitas! What are these Hutsimpel in the EU? Keep the Iranians for stupid? (more ...)
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Tags: Hutsimpel , oil embargo
Filed under Geopolitics , idiots Cabinet , War , Lies , Media | No Comments »
Thursday 26 January 2012
We do not need any more evidence.
For Germany, the €-Vergeiselung enough for the United States Act of Detention.
The dictatorship is there.
But still people are not accustomed to this, they want to perceive those mainly not, they still choose to read the same parties and recorder switched Sheep Press, staring Jauch.
Hence, the question arises as to the next steps. (more ...)
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Tags: Bilderberg , think tanks , Joffe , Merkel
Filed under Education , Democracy , geopolitics , war , lies , media | 3 Comments »
Tuesday 24 January 2012
Some of my verbal ejaculations Filiorum I can not play at all. It is the sheer madness bläkende. Affected slightly by an abundant impotent Swabian vomiting virus which, although they made school disabled, but unfortunately no means confined to bed, I have now for two days of a good einpubertierten and anpubertierenden Goeller's Maniakalen in the house, so strife, bicycle, yelling, squealing, brawl, false alarm ever, pure, that I am only going there on my own resilience surprised to be still kill any heart trouble.
Again and again I zerschallen noises, as if the Don had been the most powerful transorinocoischen Tapirzucht the general annual young buck castration in order, the novices from the neighboring monastery of San Grito from the attack dogs of the bodyguard of Don Cocainón would be made, while Thor's hammer whistled, had a very the Caucasus are comminuted in seconds into the Black Sea, to the primal scream of a Shaolin monk who just enderle interred the last corrupt general of the imperial court, squeaks, verqueres Gebäbbere, dementes Gegrumpf, chants, in short. an apocalyptic scenario chases the other (more ...)
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Tags: education
Filed under Education , Gender , satire , Nice | No Comments »
Tuesday 24 January 2012
Since I was really aware of the subject and has developed there after the highly recommendable articles of the operator is already an interesting discussion and I want to "double content" avoid as far as possible, I present here, so to speak, as bait, Only my last comment about this one. # comment-493
"24 January 2012 at 14:27
After I: I made (my correction of the original commentary is missing there) about PIPA and SOPA now a bit more knowledgeable, I realize that having to do with the defense of traditional copyright law is limited, but in fact a potential threat, and real means of power should be developed that goes beyond the past and Today.
It smells like censorship powerful weapon.
Even the threat of access, via Google and the server, for example, all so-called "whistleblower", that linking to such ("peddling": is that enough?) Is potentially fatal.
Fatal is also, in my view, to know that through such outdoor activities that uplift and confirmation that mean we should like to share everything I feel about my position between censorship and monsters "Pirates" literally crushed.
Establish the latter fact a consciousness that the theft example of your or my side absolutely feed gives moral justification, that promoted it, while all the Digihelden, as already mentioned, crawl toward the Great continues to bullies they are.
As for the relationship between large and small yet further than the last years in power was already shifting in favor of the former.
That the power pirates, in a way - consciously or unconsciously, probably most - acting as stooges of big business and, indirectly, the tough censorship, they probably still say no. In that sense it's become clear to me and only in the course of this discussion. Therefore I will probably put the cart before the idea again and as soon as this comment is activated, alerted by my side on this link here. (All texts are so well by us. So we have not "gepeddlet".) "
Because of the importance of the issue I am called more comments, of course, are welcome here, but as to the fact that anyone who sets this in this page, expressly agrees to this, unless the operators of this wishes also to its side to see published unchanged.
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Tags: Peddling , PIPA , pirates , SOPA , copyright , censorship
Filed under Democracy , geopolitics , global network | 8 Comments »
Tuesday 24 January 2012
Hartz for aliens!
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Tags: aliens
Filed Under Aphorisms | No Comments »
Monday 23 January 2012
Strange that I've noticed in any German media, which the Guardian here reported.
After all, hundreds of angry Libyans should have stormed using hand grenades, the seat of the new transitional government in Benghazi and resolved.
A message that does not fit so well in all our information landscape. And over the separation from her beau Heidi Klum too marginal.
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Tags: democracy , Libya
Filed under Democracy , Media , substance it | No Comments »
Monday 23 January 2012
If you are reading this article, you get an idea of what is in the beautiful USA today democracy means.
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Tags: democracy
Filed under Democracy , lies , media | No Comments »
Monday 23 January 2012
Should this be "benevolent" aliens, they are probably a bit stupid.
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Tags: aliens
Posted in Aphorisms , Philosophy | No Comments »
Sunday 22 January 2012
Islam seems to eat now Nigeria.
But we know that Islam is a religion of peace, and therefore also with us is a cultural enrichment.
There are only a few poor, insulted, scorned, understandably Enraged, the massacre of Christians there. With the real Islam has nothing to do.
Yes, about as much as a railroad company with the laying of rail tracks. Since no one is ashamed of the acts of his colleagues. Or who? Is there one?
Geert Wilders, but still not right, so that even Islam is not a religion but a fascist ideology. (more ...)
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Tags: Islam
Filed under geopolitics , war , lies , media , religion | 2 Comments »
Friday 20 January 2012
I'm sorry, dear Sony. I know about the most decent and high quality of your products. But what I could perceive as the Saturn store in Stuttgart, is beneath contempt.
This is a 3-D television of her house, the most recent series, as I am assured by the seller.
How can you sell something?
I looked about fifteen minutes by these special glasses to give me all kinds of colorful Harry Potter, etc. to look at your trailer, so to speak, Lockfilme to German, but realized after only seconds, because that huge what was wrong. I tend not to spin especially for little things, especially when due to technical failure. I was under the impression that my brain to focus on the processing of optical signals, never knowing how, in such a semi-3-D is not in the least adapted, constantly had to work on the pain threshold. What a madness.
So I was particularly surprised not afterwards that my stereoscopic vision in the real world once was quite surreal too, I would not want to drive a car, not even a helicopter, not even, were so inclined all the lines and distances ( somehow there, but oscillating), I'd want the organs with cycling through the city. Only after about half an hour I had the feeling to finally be able to see how a Central European. (more ...)
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Keywords: perception
Filed under Cabinet idiots , media , snapshots | 4 Comments »
Thursday 19 January 2012
Writing is scribing and rates. Often follows the Ritz to the Council, it is often reversed. The writing itself is questioned, and always directed to the sound. As the most incorruptible of judges. How far it stands from the other word? Will it still be wiederholet once? Such a layer is less than the others? What are the paths to walk fast to nowhere? Do I want to ask for attention? Who? What for? I just crack myself myself? How many can I UNDERSTAND advise? Can I get hold of the help of chance? I see in every object in front of me that was not Incurred? Tastes of wine into new being pure? Bundling thousands Strubbelfasern suddenly into a string? Because even more a failure until the inspiration? Art for art? I serve? Am I Lord? What does the word? Demonstrates that loop healing, or is it self-bite? Are the audible overtones bright enough? Whispers it right? What about earlier writings? I am writing from? After? Back parts? Which enjoys an unseemly turn of privilege? What is in reasonable shape, but just that? Who do I just rather not mention? How many owls, eagles how much? When each of the two ravens? Should it really hurt? Will you now be quite fond of? Snake or an eagle? Scorpio? Mockery? Wages because of language emerge? Quickly reap praise, or cause long wrong? Stood fast at all? What?
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Tags: murmur , cracks and rates , Rune
Filed under Education , German , philosophy , linguistics | No Comments »
Thursday 19 January 2012
There seem to be two ways to introduce a dictatorship legalistic give: Either you make only the permissive laws, and then built to the tyranny or you can choose the alleged Nothandstreich, and does afterwards the permissive laws.
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Tags: Political dizziness
Filed Under Aphorisms | No Comments »