We need to be clear that the anti-white, anti-Christian, antiabendländische Monster, the EU today is called, after the Second World War was planned at least.
There are many indications that much longer puttering in the background to it.
Who speak out against every kind of racism there, are in truth even racists of the worst kind.
Whether their journalistic protagonists Broder or hot Augstein, who is called an the other an anti-Semitic Dreckschleuder: You agree that the white race in Europe belongs to the garbage dump, no matter by what means.
Constitutional violation, breach of contract, expropriation, hate propaganda, prison or psychiatry for dissidents, twisting all terms, first of all that the tolerance in the totalitarian intolerance.
I'll not bother to demonstrate here that this is so carefully planned and wanted. The examples of corresponding statements are legion.
Who this only addresses is a "anti-Europeans" (also this concept so on his head), "paranoid" (ie looking through), a "conspiracy theorist" (ie a realist), at least when he is not equal to branded a racist (again on the head) or even as a Nazi, so one Peoples lust murderer.
Islam, as a religion of peace and tolerance (!) Is used specifically, criticism or even rejection silenced, at least as far as this goes so far (one is planning to ban them entirely), socially marginalized, just as criticism of Judaism or the State of Israel, while Christianity every day may be ridiculed in any way incomparable. From paganism to mention. This is before everything Nazi.
But this is only a foretaste of those Super tolerance, which, as already said, already in planning.
It grinds traditional holidays, calls for new, for the immigrants, because of tolerance.
Many places also have the Sharia, even in milder form, tolerated or required their tolerance: because of tolerance.
Cartoons may not be shown (against Christianity and the Pope, all other well) if they relate to Islam or Judaism. Peaceful demonstrations are banned, while little or no followed violent attacks on election stands or events dissenters, promotes breastfeeding even on winding paths. All detectable, no booking air or invention of me.
By becoming aware of the electronic total surveillance (which needs it because of the tolerance) you have many people already so far set in fear that they no longer even trust, or at least feel fear about to open in the web pages, within the meaning of tolerant could be somehow intolerant. It is indeed registered with each click.
"Do you want the total tolerance?"
No, we will not even rhetorically asked if those people we want total tolerance.
Their total tolerance is in fact, as "more Europe" (ie less), no alternative.
So why even ask?
But you should ask yourself again: Why do they do that?
Now, many have realized that it. To uprooting and mass immigration to the unconditional Lohndrückerei and purpose of capitalism 'by the grace of Goldman Sachs et al goes. Therefore, anything to shatter so to entdemokratisieren (because of tolerance, hehe) that it is easier exploitable, controllable, that coercion, where the controllability then not quite so given, can be used necessary, without further in advance as part of the plan created. The people are at the end still begging to have a reasonably functioning police state, on knees.
The radical anti-white racism is based obviously on it (this is clear once the sayings of a Coudenhove- Kalergi on) that one is afraid of the white man.
More: Man dares to reasonably homogeneous white peoples to be able to successfully set against the plan to fight back. Economically, culturally and socially successful.
Therefore, the white race in Europe must be destroyed.
This is no "right" conspiracy theory. Lots of clear statements to be before.
But, after all: So horribly grand as the plan may be, by the same time national resentments between the European (residual) peoples are stoked mercilessly course, the course reduce only by a Super Europe, he is wise limited.
Namely where still a clear majority of white people understand to preserve its heritage and its sovereignty, things will go better than in the States or in the Super tolerance Toltaltoleranz-EU.
You will there see exactly how the total EU-tolerance is tolerated by Kulturbereicherern zutode by what is now already the case, already in schools teaches the total tolerance, the abolition of any genuine national and European identity. Especially white identity.
At some point you will have to run so many prison camps, need so much money for the military and police, are economically unproductive, that (remaining) white mass misery occurs.
If you do not then it manages to bring about a third world war, you can see all his plans fail overnight.
Not every white man is namely shoot at the white man, just because you have dressed him in a uniform.
And if you put only Muslims and Africans in the uniforms, the thing is more obvious and does not work for long.
The total tolerance lunatic will come to an end.
Desfalls it will cost many of them not only their power and wealth, but also the neck.
That seem but somehow still successfully displace.
Well: There are just misleading, particularly resolute to mad anti-white racists.
Understanding of which is not expected.
Now that the matter is already pointed in the banlieues and the suburbs and the suburbs on button, they make all the more, still merciless drunk of their total hubris. (Who knows what else you do in the tea.)
I am writing this now so clearly, because I reckon that may or may not be too soon. Many views are in the EU already punishable. These people do not shy away even from murder. Who has a different opinion, is for a terrorist. Of course, none of the good ones that you pay for yourself and forms and sent to Libya or Syria, but one of those who are fighting to last on and eliminate if necessary.
Should you ever so customer will happened from my suicide, so I was not sure. And if I end up in the loony bin and going down there for the full benefits medicated idiots, so certainly not because I had suddenly suffered an extended roof damage. And if I have an accident, then the probability is at least high that it was not. Do you believe that not a word.
Who burned all peoples and races for Behufe his plans, for the man is nothing.
Enter this text further.
It is best to print it also.
I beg you.
Addendum II
I give this text unchanged (without highlighting, internal mounting of foreign text or images or other elements, the beginning and the end clearly separated from any own opinion or comments before or after, and must indicate the name Magnus Wolf Goeller, first publication date and this blog as a source) to any unpaid reproduction and publication dates.