With 'Martin Lichtmesz' tagged articles

Home schooling

Friday, December 21, 2012

On a conservative side - korrektheiten.com - I read about Martin Lichtmesz for education theme.

He then spoke of "homeschooling".

"Home schooling" never occurred to him well.

Good article, but as much German you can apparently not even there.

Forget the clicks!

Wednesday 05 October 2011

Armin reader on his side conspirare.net on Monday once again an example written by the illusions by which one seeks to make humanity to total dumbass.

(Facebook is the right time still a separate chapter, but not here and now.)

I am in any case already for the umpteenth time in recent weeks that an author - except Armin it was inter alia Martin Lichtmesz the phenomenon Breivik ("Norwegian Psycho") - basically just wrote down - well, of course, depending in his words - what was bandied about in my head, but I from inability or carelessness or distraction or some other reason could not grasp or tackled.

And there were also no extraneous, but fundamentally important issues. (more ...)