With 'depleted uranium' tagged articles
Thursday, January 17, 2013
The Medical Journal today seems an urgent call to resist the use, even for worldwide ban on uranium munitions.
It is also spoken by reports that this weapon was used against Gaddhafi troops in Libya.
Already on the occasion of the Libyan War I threw the - so far as I know, never clearly answered - question on it.
To confirm this clearly or to deny, however, is not so easy as to see if mosquitoes flying around the desk lamp. Nevertheless odd because it would be too difficult hinwiederum where you wanted because, certainly not. (more ...)
Tags: ban on uranium ammunition , medical journal , Deadly Dust , France , French Foreign Legion , Frieder Wagner , war , Mali , dust of death , uranium ammunition
Filed under geopolitics , cruelty , war , lies , media | 2 Comments »
Monday, April 18, 2011
It is, Gaddafitruppen have used cluster munitions in recent days.
I can not verify this, but even if it were true, the question remains as to why the "allies", especially the United States, to press ahead with this subject, where it is common knowledge that the US and Israel, these weapons for years on a large Insert scope itself.
Are so sure that they themselves never ever come to the test?
That the question on the used ammunition could not be extended to the question uranium ammunition? (more ...)
Tags: uranium ammunition
Filed under geopolitics , cruelty , war , lies , media | 7 Comments »
Tuesday, 05 April, 2011.
Who cares for the issue of uranium munitions found here updates, with references to important sources.
Amazing that I have nothing mitbekam in fact before reading this article, the crash of a US fighter jets on April 1 in the Palatinate, in the national sheep media anyway.
Effenberger author assumes that it was for the Libya mission specific "Warthog" with uranium ammunition stocked. (more ...)
Tags: war , uranium ammunition
Filed under geopolitics , cruelty , war , media | 2 Comments »
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Here is alleged that the NATO put in Libya uranium munitions.
The Iranian agency PressTV reported it , but of dubious source.
Although you have to - unfortunately - strongly suggest that you do not waived in this war on the most effective anti-tank weapons, but the unequivocal detection is not performed my knowledge. (more ...)
Tags: uranium ammunition
Posted in War | 15 Comments »
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Poor Bill Gates wants to save the poor little children by missed them all cell phones and vaccines.
For this, he has even become a beggar .
"I am a beggar now," said one of the richest men on the planet and keeps the joke probably still turned out well.
Every child should first be registered and then get strapped a mobile phone to the jaw, day and night, so that not only his brain irradiated neat, but it can be vegiftet also time with mercury (thimerosal) and squalene, even before his stomach has learned Monsanto -Genmüll to digest large enough to sufficiently death dust from depleted uranium breathe his lungs and his liver is poisoned with Corexit.
A rather conceived plan for a beggar. (more ...)
Tags: Bill Gates , Squalene , Thimerosal , uranium ammunition
Filed under English Section , geopolitics , flu | 1 Comment »
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The German Army has ordered another vaccine against swine flu, as was ordered for the rest of the population in Germany.
It was already known for a while. But now has come out as it differs from the standard preparation: no adjuvants, ie additives.
So no squalene as a potentiator it. But there is also talk that not even preservatives were accepted. They would be, in particular, the mercury compound thimerosal (more ...)
Tags: Adjuvans , Bundeswehr , Golfkriegssyndrom , Impfkritik , Impfstoff , Quecksilber , Schweinegrippe , Squalen , Squalene , Thimoseral , Thiomersal , Uranmunition , Wirkungsverstärker
Filed Under flu , war , media | 4 Comments »
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Now has come out that Obama has not ordered much more extra love peacekeepers to Afghanistan when he told us.
The man is in for all its peacefulness and with all the courage and the hope that he will donate the world, including personally modest as almost bashfully that he even conceal how much he for world peace abfordert America in reality: the noble patrons and donor did not want to even know or even mentioned.
Apart from the fact that I believe only one Nobel Peace Prize is not enough in this case, now the Pope needs to do what to do (more ...)
Tags: Dalai Lama , Diskarnation , God , heresy , Obama , Pope , Rothschild , uranium ammunition
Filed under democracy , geopolitics , idiots cabinet , war , media , satire , voice murder , language death | No Comments »
Friday, October 09, 2009
A good choice: The man who has greatly expanded the wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan and the not finished in Iraq, Guantanamo continues to operate, the Patriot Act was in force, Iran constantly threatens war and covered it already performs against Israel in his wars Palestinians and Lebanese has always supported, can shoot a massive scale uranium ammunition to poison all the peoples and lands permanently contaminate, this man has the war Nobel Prize truly like no other deserves!
Tags: Nobel Peace Prize , war , Obama , uranium ammunition
Filed under The daily commentary , geopolitics , idiots cabinet , war , media , language death , language death | 1 Comment »
Tuesday 08 September, 2009
Earlier, I led on the Hammelburger marketplace a discussion with the Left Party-direct candidates of my Bundestag constituency and then in more detail, one of his companions, who, though I had the candidates applied vigorously against myself by distinguished among other Nazi fascism, however knowledge, understanding and fair weiterdisputierte.
If I were a bit younger, predisposed something conspiratorial, know how to do something, my blog with relevant statements were not already available and I had time, I could well imagine mitzutun it to infiltrate the Left Party or, sometimes positive expressed to bring to reason. (more ...)
Tags: Frieder Wagner , war , the Left Party , dust of death , uranium munitions , choice
Filed under federal elections , democracy , war | No Comments »
Saturday, May 16, 2009
According to various reliable sources today landed overnight on the Bilderberg Hotel in Athens a UFO.
Since it probably arrived unannounced and to make matters worse still a huge floureszierendes banner reading "DEMOCRACY NOW!" Duke behind which, strangely enough, could be read by every observer in his native language, opened CIA special units immediately fire with heavy weapons, whereby uranium munitions should have been used.
By tracing the projectiles flew through without any damage to returning to the attackers fall in a wide arc as tungsten balls on the feet so that the cries and whimpers of the elite troops was down to listen to the beach. (more ...)
Tags: democracy , uranium munitions , futile barrage
Filed under democracy , financial crisis , Satire | 2 Comments »