"Global War and hunger Porn on the way to Fat City": What this text is concerned, it is my first, whoever has him actually written.
A "must read", as the Anglo-Saxon likes to say.
I will limit myself in this case comment on it, to quote a few passages and add my German version.
"Were you up for it anyway, you who bring the unwilling world to the doorstep of war globally? You who are arranging the tableau, like a dinner table for the damned, ferrying ships bound for salvage, to be evidence in yet another false flag, waving red blood above the burning bodies of the duped and deluded who went into combat for bankers. The pens move and the weapons fire. Iran Has done nothing to you. Their restraint HAS BEEN admirable. In the mountains, ordinary human beings are skiing. They are walking through the pistachio orchards. They are dreaming Their individual dreams, within the parameters of the collective dream. They are people like you and I. They have children, families and friends. They are not making was. We are. "
(Did you get it anyway before that you bring the recalcitrant world to the brink of World War III? You who prepares the table, like a Nachtmahltisch for the damned, the rescue certain ships sending out, in turn prove sake false flag, the blood-red over the burning bodies of the battle drawn for bankers cheated and deceived blows. The springs move and fire the weapon. Iran has done nothing to you. Their restraint is admirable. In the mountains ordinary people skiing. You walk through the pistachio gardens. They dream their personal dreams, within the framework of all common dream. They are people like you and me. They have children, families and friends. Do not they go to war. But we.)
"The most powerful agency for calculated is death and destruction is the fundamentalist Christian right. Their sanctimonious, demagogic preachers, whip them into a lather of self righteous hate, manipulated and inspired by the very ones who committed the crimes did others are blamed for. "
(The most powerful organ for calculated death and destruction is the fundamentalist Christian right. Your hypocritical, volksaufhetzenden priest whip in a foaming self-righteous hatred, operated and instilled by just those who committed the crimes with which others are accused.)
"Their missionaries go off to Africa, Where They paint sugarwater under the eyes of starving children, so did the flies will there country falling on the photo-op. They are the merchants of hunger Porn."
(Your missionaries go to Africa, where they emphasize sugar water under the eyes of starving children, so the flies land during the photo session there. They are the merchants of hunger pornography.) (more ...)