With 'Steinbrück' tagged articles

Calling for a boycott of parliamentary elections (XII)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Steinbrück against Merkel only the chance that the wegkracht the FDP and he must perform his Bilderberger job B or C with the Left Party. An outside chance.

Not only that he is intellectually not up to her, her voice, for all phrases that they, too, threshing, the better.

Steinbrück has perhaps really set up only to lose, want him in the event of a grand coalition even as Vice-Chancellor under Merkel.

Diction default, it tries the large chain saw, but it's just one, with which one can ablummeln 1500 Watt, Chinese lollipops from the discounters, a few pine boughs.

As I said, I'm not for Merkel. Maybe better if this prevented Savings Bank Director drankommt, the truck shorter rather than longer painful moves to a necessary new ending. In it, he wants to be even superior to Merkel.

So I'm still not even for Steinbrück. How should I also only have a better idea which US-Satrap is the bottom line cause less damage?

The SPD is, like other parties also, now so nothing like moslem friendly as gay, so feminist and militarily interventionist, because of some Which just aufrechtzuerhaltender or protective rights. Saubande.

About the Greens I speak so well known as not. I was but the other day by an attentive reader pointed out, and he sought it out, I had been reminded about, I believed him simply, it was already late, that I have to those indicated times, you may not offend the rabble, by including it expects.

The FDP is irgendsoein Witzmichwasichweißnichtbiswohin wobbles just as much as possible around for the one that just comes.

The Union is already amazing; it has almost all conservatives and patriots systematically stripped, but there is comparatively good. The AfD has bestowed in no time as Punch event, faster even than the Piratioten.

The Left Party is a kind of modern FDP; one has violently anticlerical and gay and lesbian and feminist and secular weltallgleichmacherisch set forces umseiert simultaneously but Islam, in opposition to Christianity.

What bandits.

There is still the NPD. The Protection of the Constitution Party. Unfortunately, I have to doubt very much entitled to it, that the constitutional protection for true patriots and conservatives and liberals and libertarians and even real total socially responsible Sentient have much left. Each expertise speaks against it.

I will now times German and clear: "THIS is but a Scheißpuff!"

Everywhere on a clear preponderance of sycophants and traitors!

NO MATTER who you choose of which: They will sell you.

None of these parties also announces just what would do naturally in a federal election in their way any serious, namely stand up for Germany.

As I said, I do not expect the NPD now. The Constitution is the so-called protection.

The rest does not even have a donated hair from a ass crack in his pants. Freedom? Was not that Schiller, who knew how to spell the word yet?

And, no, I choose no chance to loose small party pointless protests.

I stand by my call to active boycott of the election.

Politics: Interview with "Harissa"

Monday, November 26, 2012

Luckily I have my first Pöhm been that of the Selt, now behind me.

Time, therefore, to write in prose something "trashy" or very Serious to process the feeling of liberation appropriate.

How about but to warp back to normal business, moved here with a mixture of both, so maybe garbage about serious things?

"Have you said that would Tirke aufschtelle rocket from Daitsche un 'NATO, but Tirke would shoot when Luscht have.

Pirate've wanted EU country, nothing more Daitschland.

The Stone Brick is rascal. But nothing geiebte. No Ausstahlung. KannNix make Leite frehlich. "

"Why can not Steinbrück make people happy? And Merkel, who makes the people but not exactly happy?

"Musstu understand the woman is' much more skilful, can not keep up with Stone Brick."


"The woman much geiebter in slot ear. Although Jingere has much more experience. "

"How is that reflected?" (more ...)

Volker Zastrow (FAZ) dissects the SPD Bilderberg Steinbrückerei

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Volker Zastrow, for me, without question one of the most brilliant journalists in the country, dissected at the Steinbrück Kanzlerkandidatenkür (but without the Bilderberg Vorkür, probably to mention actual freestyle,), the SPD, that it only is still a pleasure: herewith for me from given occasion is a must, here the praise. (more ...)

Prudence dictates that ruinous

Monday, September 14, 2009

"A year later

Why the world poorer by the financial crisis, but was none the wiser "

The SPIEGEL cover of today - and the accompanying story - is a typical example where you have to wonder what the journalists actually talking, of which "world" please?

The largest part of the world namely, almost all were in fact poorer, but the vast majority who did not see the madness before, have now become quite intelligent. (more ...)


Monday, April 27, 2009

Either at Commerzbank or the Alliance 3.9 billion euros are unceremoniously disappeared, namely the last quarter of 2oo8 loss of the latter sold the former Dresdner Bank.

Fortunately, this amount is already today a lummeliger pittance when it comes to banks, and also lacking in the balance sheets only a loss and no gain.

And since the Commerzbank now works for the Treasury, so for all of us, the deal should save the alliance by the way, so turn all of us, we can only be glad actually that you could because something had come up and the auditors had no objection .

Peer Steinbrück should take an example of the creative, he has bought there and also simply no longer post the public debt of Germany, then that would be gone too.

Is the man so slow on the uptake?