We must also reform those stupid religions. It must be clear that going to hell, who does not go to the doctor every two weeks at least.
Since, where is believed in reincarnation, must be made clear that in the next life at most a cockroach with congenital multiple Hüftschaden and chronic bronchitis is, who does not adhere to this rule.
Leek plants are generally prohibited. In the light bulbs finally went. Finally mercury in the lamps. Exemplary.
It is also essential that is already taught in elementary school, parents who send in stomach ache or diarrhea their children to the doctor immediately, immediately report to the authorities.
In addition, the total Grippeimpfzwang must be found. And: No more inoculant without thimerosal and squalene.
Speaking of children: Every child has ADHD. Or have you ever seen a good child all the time?
It also includes last more polonium in tobacco products. Why do people smoke it?
Important at all reasonable measures but is that life expectancy is not too much decreases. Any chronic disease should last a long time. The sustainability principle must apply Alleweil.
Benzoic acid is in all foods. Also good emulsifiers. And benzodiazepines.
Glass bottles are prohibited. Uneconomical. Plasticizers include in PET bottles.
Who - for example - his child against stomach ache makes a fennel tea, heard over the unauthorized practice of a medical profession in court, deprived of the custody logical.
Health insurance must finally fulfill their duty. There must be no more contribution Discounts for Healthy. Again: Why do we have the EU?
The word "healthy" is to make the non-word. It must be made clear to everyone that this is just a pointless semantic construct.
Who does not go to the doctor when he sprained his ankle or a headache, is a potential suicide. What else. Closed So.
Even the word "malaise" belongs repaid. No one is just so merely uncomfortable.
Those who still dares to feel just uncomfortable, which is to medicate as a paranoid conspiracy theorist.
Anyway, everyone has to be considered as a paranoid conspiracy theorist who does not change his diet to microwave ready. Microwave eventually kills germs. Who does not know, accept, and the help is only in the closed.
Oh yes.
The necessary Angänge are many.
But still lack the right commitment.
Even some doctors do not take their pills.
The are all equal in the closed.
And it was only the Exempels sake.