With 'secession' tagged articles

Martin Lichtmesz makes the AfD clear

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Who past scars here and still illusions regarding the "alternative for Germany" maintains to this article from the pen of Martin Lichtmesz should not be withheld.

http://www.sezession.de/40977/wie-the-afd-conservative heads-roll-laesst.html/3

Lichtmesz 'pleadings but also for all those interested who want to know how political character assassination works today. Namely under zealous aid of scattered power in the world slanders. Even by itself accordingly from the same side slandered. (!) (!) (!)

And again there are people who are indeed the complain, but "at least" a little anti-euro party would like to see in the Bundestag, a palace coup after the election to bring about longing, so that even those "dull Islam enemies" lists the party leader Lucke, afterwards to be honest, could mutate respected party members, in a powerful new structured party.

O sancta simplicitas! (O delirium sanctum?)

Weakness, thy name is not woman, no, you only camouflaged you, you're mostly male, is, in reality wannabe, either Illusionist.

"Norwegian Psycho": Lichtmesz dissects the phenomenon Breivik

Sunday 04 September 2011

Just me was the light-giving products "Norwegian Psycho" by Martin Lichtmesz the importance of the Norwegian bomber Breivik - admittedly a little late - into the net.

Because here had long Manfred Kleine-Hartlage issued a READ COMMAND before me.

So read EVERYTHING, and not just the end!

What Lichtmesz convincingly demonstrate the manner in which the seed Breivik well absorbed through the evocation of more Autochtonenfeindlichkeit and Migrationsgutmenschentum whose calculus sums towards disaster with diabolical precision foot: (more ...)