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From a good cynicism

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Cynicism, where he did not have other pours, but about the speaker's own, is not uncommon at the bottom vain, begs nervigerweis recognition and sympathy, but is often also an effective self-protection. And works on top of that self-liberation.

Yesterday, an example in cooking and at the same time Bereden family of what is important, I asked my older to me to get my wine glass from the living room, so that I may not stick your tongue on the palate.

He did it without complaint, and lo and behold, it contained the juice of the grape might just four centilitres.

"What's that?" I asked, emptying it. "Why did not you also brought the bottle? Do you want your father died of thirst at the kitchen stove? "

So he also brought the bottle, and as I said, I nachgeußend spontaneously: "If it is so much time that I'm happy with the serving of thimbles wine, then at least you know that you inherit soon."

He did not laugh, it was well with him just another one of the unnecessary obscenities, which his producer and provider at any time too many secretes, but I liked it, my spirits lifted. (more ...)