With 'gay' tagged articles

From lying Toleranzschiet and delusion cramps

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The delusion spasm persists. No wonder, as it should be.

I'll start with the word "discrimination" to.

This is now any kind of distinction in once been a human called, negative, as evil.

All are somehow equally well, only those who are different, who are evil.

I want every sick religion without contradiction "tolerate" "accept", condone, even if it says, teaches its followers that I belong to an unbeliever in hell, lebicht, or after my death.

I will not discriminate, so different from heterosexuals and homosexuals. How is that? Not only that, they are different, they are, at least in nature, against procreation. THE should I regard as equivalent? The Deibel I'll do.

I respect homosexuals as human beings individually. I have met very nice. I am strictly against any persecution of homosexuals. It is their choice. But I am also strongly opposed, say this every homosexuals that their way of life was regarded as equivalent. The fact it is not.

I have nothing against Jews. And a certain Jew, who, as a Muslim also believes what is written in the Torah, respectively, the Koran, I discriminate against inalsoweit that he himself in crudest way people in the good and the evil, believers and non-worthy, retires. Yahweh and Allah: For me, there is nothing but submission and hell.

No: Previously, I have no respect. Am I a full Goofy, nor to respect the fact that you can see me in this way as a damn?

The individual, if he decently, I respect very much. But not the religion that condemns me basically. Am I a Endblöd? (more ...)

Homosexuality - Is this a good thing?

Monday, April 30, 2012

Now a CDUler named Dieter Schmidt plate has expressed the opinion that gays and lesbians are sick. The most important thing for the time being on the "case" here .

Natural (?) - - So that the man has drawn outrage upon himself, he should resign, apologize, etc.

Not just because I write at zeitgeist me some Zeitgeist is so far not matter that I do not mitmache everything I should. Also, do not do so.

I do not know if gays and lesbians in the classical sense of the word are sick. All I know is that their orientation in the sense of maintaining a family, a people of mankind is aberrativ. (more ...)

PETA: vegans can come to the doctor

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I will deliberately not installing a still image to an extra animate to be here now , this video of an animal protection organization called "PETA" to watch (claims to be the largest in the world), which is a - at least partially - suggesting positive side effect of the vegan diet to the extent they lead the young Beau to such mega libido and hypersexuality power that he bespringt his paramour almost up to the medical emergency.

I really do not now if I should find that funny. (more ...)

Gay sex in the trenches

Sunday, October 11, 2009

"Do not ask, do not tell" - do not ask, do not tell - so is since 1993 the scheme for gays in the US military; So you may be gay or lesbian, but not open.

Obama now has the election campaign, like so much of what he does not want in reality, should, riff, promised to change that for the purposes of homos (more ...)