The delusion spasm persists. No wonder, as it should be.
I'll start with the word "discrimination" to.
This is now any kind of distinction in once been a human called, negative, as evil.
All are somehow equally well, only those who are different, who are evil.
I want every sick religion without contradiction "tolerate" "accept", condone, even if it says, teaches its followers that I belong to an unbeliever in hell, lebicht, or after my death.
I will not discriminate, so different from heterosexuals and homosexuals. How is that? Not only that, they are different, they are, at least in nature, against procreation. THE should I regard as equivalent? The Deibel I'll do.
I respect homosexuals as human beings individually. I have met very nice. I am strictly against any persecution of homosexuals. It is their choice. But I am also strongly opposed, say this every homosexuals that their way of life was regarded as equivalent. The fact it is not.
I have nothing against Jews. And a certain Jew, who, as a Muslim also believes what is written in the Torah, respectively, the Koran, I discriminate against inalsoweit that he himself in crudest way people in the good and the evil, believers and non-worthy, retires. Yahweh and Allah: For me, there is nothing but submission and hell.
No: Previously, I have no respect. Am I a full Goofy, nor to respect the fact that you can see me in this way as a damn?
The individual, if he decently, I respect very much. But not the religion that condemns me basically. Am I a Endblöd? (more ...)