With 'Pragmalinguistik' tagged articles

From Blogger to Laller and Loller

Sunday, May 26, 2013

There is hardly anything Idiotischeres as an article that seeks to explain its own article.

But firstly to the explanatory article is not a real article, but rather a Beinaheaphorismus. (Aphorisms one may not explain well known.)

I wrote under the title "From Blog to Lall":

"Blog is stupid. Therefore he hot Lall. "

This is about sovereignty and sustainable applied sociolinguistics as a serious necessary Defendolinguistik, rigid precise Bello linguistics.

(Note also to the following Kommentarstrang: https://unzensiert.zeitgeist-online.de/2013/05/23/verlogene-obergranatenerzarschlocher-ii/#comments )

Moreover, in principle, an important, often too little attention stratagem. That fact, which reads: "Ridiculed? Set more than one better! " (more ...)

From the "you know" as akin of "Er"

Wednesday 06 February 2013

I just heard a rehearsed on Youtube radio show (perhaps twenty minutes from one and a half hours), and it was not in fact so that the very eloquent respondents would never have said "uh", but what far more often, too often as pointless filler, conspicuous in his speech, drove usually in the middle of a sentence was "you know".

The phenomenon has long been known, and some usually somewhat inflated linguistically less well-off you have to it, despite its suggestive term bill semantics ("uh" or "um" means disabled when stressed aware only that the speaker just yet knows what he continued to say, but do not break, do not want to be interrupted), at least at first just as a weakness, bad habit, habitual, check off.

If the speaker now but one who acts otherwise, as though he knew what he says, obviously otherwise freely (in prefabricated speeches I've heard most times one as a real stylistic or just a never seen so many "you knows" for the purpose of conviction) talking, talking aware of precisely formulating, so I told this as clear criticism. (Wofern I suspected that he wanted to hear it then. Maybe, if not very likely.)

One may well wonder whether one of his "you knows" that constantly jumping into his speech (you know very well that the zuwenigst come mostly involuntarily), perhaps subconsciously more self seeks to convince them of what has been said, because even the other, the audience.

Viewed from this level here, come to the competence of the speaker quite different than those in doubt on a manifest chatterbox, a wannabe, a Dampfsabbler. (more ...)