With 'Emergency' tagged articles

National emergency due to weak flu

Sunday, October 25, 2009

US President Obama has declared a National Emergency yesterday because of the swine flu.

Now forced vaccinations, Masseninternierungen and others, still further measures by the authorities are possible: the American Constitution is de facto suspended.

The less the virus proves to be really dangerous and the less people show vaccinations, and is known the more about the dangers of vaccines to the more violent the government propaganda.

But this is no longer merely propaganda.

The matter is now being addressed as a rule of war.


PS: squalene (not approved in the US) has since been frequently mentioned as an active amplifier in Pandemrix (GSK); about his specific hazard and the connection with the Gulf War Syndrome to my knowledge appeared in the sheep media but still nothing. The mercury compound thimerosal as a preservative, however, there came increasingly virulent into disrepute.