With 'Nietzsche' tagged articles
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Yes, I am repeating myself, but with intention. And not only.
Friedrich Nietzsche and Heinrich von Kleist are the masters of German syntax for me.
I know of our ancestors no one who knew how to bring ever so much so clearly, appropriately, complex and thereby supple in a sentence like these two.
Sometimes it's like as if the earth would tremble of a sentence.
Everything fits together and is in the right place. Nowhere stagnation, a fraction of the speech. Fully Executed mental power.
A tonality and rhythm, to compare with Bach; nowhere a disturbing element, a syllable too much; it flows and flows and flows and is then carved in stone. (more ...)
Tags: Kleist , Nietzsche , sentence structure , syntax
Filed under Education , German , Linguistics | 6 Comments »
Monday 03 June 2013
Reader Lisa has once again rolled me in a comment string a nut to crack on this page.
You wrote:
'And no, I would not call myself a "philosopher". This term is too ... mandatory. '
And moreover, for use with:
'Magnus, you're right when you say that I occasionally provoke, then, if someone participates to discuss the provocation. But it is not a strategy, but sometimes it seems necessary to revive a discussion. '
I assume first that Lisa not only, therefore, the term "philosopher" for the mandatory, perhaps not, because she is a woman.
In what way it could be mandatory if someone calls himself a philosopher, respectively philosopher?
In the sense of the fact that it is so in a systematic responsible for delivery (in the sense of systematic - strategic - approach as well as a deliverable system) only push? So freedom in action, expression, ultimately forfeited even in thought? Needless unwise attack surfaces would offer the opportunity to be of Gelahrten ridiculous?
After all, I already heard of one who in Heidelberg (herewith on one of the most prestigious philosophy departments worldwide) studied, a man whose mental abilities otherwise I really appreciate that Nietzsche had even been a proper philosopher, because he not a closed system . had presented such as Kant (Nietzsche once said, I quote now from memory, he does not trust basically all taxonomists ... But he also said: "We are the new philosophers ...") (more ...)
Tags: Lichtenberg , Nietzsche
Filed under philosophy , linguistics | 2 Comments »
Monday, March 25, 2013
I expressed myself here several times at this direction, do it now but even more so again.
When I say "spiritual" only hear the word, I have to watch that is not equal turns me brain stomach. Almost always, the term (as well as the noun "spirituality" to) hollow, and thus still more abundantly to a manslaughter word.
The non devoutly lauschet, scared resigns, reverently, as soon as it rings out, discredited the Profane, proves automatically that he if was not a Ohngeist even an evil one.
The word stands for the Esopolitische correctness, the verbal sense of the alternatives and good.
Hardly a dare against it, raising his head from the furrow. Too Quick to those reputation is moderately loose, a sub-human. (more ...)
Tags: Cervantes , heroes , brain stomach , Confucius , Nietzsche
Filed under Philosophy , Beautiful , language murder , linguistics , word poison | No Comments »
Monday, March 18, 2013
Meanwhile, I have almost no more on it, as desire to be.
The word donkey carries two "e". So a half. "Way" has two-fifths "e". What the difference between donkey and as already in this regard is just 10%.
And an "s" they also have in common. Of these, ie 100%. Way has a total of 75% letters of the donkey, and 60% of fashion.
It is certain that the donkey because can not help it. There were people who called him donkey. (In Swiss: "were called" Even closer to the donkey..)
What wonder that Nietzsche, shortly before he settled Consign (left!), Is said to have hugged a donkey. He probably saw a half-brother in him.
But still I have at best a potential problem. There is still stupid, I'm almost as far away from the wisdom as the donkey. Linguistic Beweisel fadür I have delivered. (more ...)
Tags: Nietzsche , Weisel , Wesel
Filed under Philosophy , Religion , Satire , Beautiful , linguistics | 3 Comments »
Sunday, March 10, 2013
A good teacher never shall be absolute. A good teacher learns and together with his students.
For him they are not only accessories, livestock, paying customers, plasticine. They are his companions.
A good teacher encourages the student's own thinking, invites him to a contradiction. He does not dumb replicants, tapes on two legs.
Neither teaching nor learning all the time only consist of joy and pleasure. Some things have to work hard, ground and polished to clarity that sparkles in the sun for long.
A teacher who has indeed captured all the essentials of an object, that account no longer prepared to the effect itself ever further to learn how this represent respectively detected, no good.
Nietzsche said, with him as a teacher of Greek in Basel the laziest still were busy. He had never had to impose a penalty.
Confucius shows that he taught according to each student. "D en route that does not exist!" Particularly in teaching! To hell with all taxonomists, with all methods believing teachers! (more ...)
Tags: Baghwan , Confucius , teaching , Nietzsche
Filed under Education , Philosophy | 21 Comments »
Sunday, March 10, 2013
A decent Weiser, ie one that is at all a will, no personality cult to tolerate wish for.
Nietzsche, who was one, not coined for nothing to me so far best and griffigsten motto to: "Looking for followers? Search N Ullen! "
Even Confucius despised each flattery and Schleimschleckerei. Students had engage seriously with their own thoughts.
That Baghwan, Osho today, but just as an example, since I a few days ago something was dealing with him, enjoying the adoration of His Holiness, they inspired, saw, if it was not pure vanity that drove him to a sense therein.
He falls out of the circle of the wise for me klariter out. (more ...)
Tags: Baghwan , Confucius , teaching , Nietzsche , UG Krishnamurti , Verzückungsdidaktik
Filed under Education , Cabinet idiots , lies , poison word | 2 Comments »
Monday 04 February 2013
That almost all fear of Friedrich Nietzsche have known. It is also clear why.
Before Heinrich von Kleist but, as I have found over the years, have pretty much the same people fear that make your pants before Nietzsche.
Now Kleist has never expressed so revolutionary philosophy, Nietzsche alswie doubt. So what has the just because he wrote very good plays and outstanding novels, I done so bad?
I think I know what. He has committed at least two cardinal sins. (more ...)
Tags: Kleist , Nietzsche , Shakespeare , syntax
Filed under Education , German , Beautiful , linguistics | No Comments »
Monday, December 10, 2012
The believer addiction is next to and with the death of addiction espoused the worst disease of a large part of all gifted.
A primitive, a fellah in the Nile Delta, the believer makes little addiction.
They have been taught to him, he will let his sons circumcised, therefore, on the Nile, perhaps even his daughters, but psychologically it makes him, comparatively, almost nothing.
He believed anyway to any shit shit that's set before him. (more ...)
Tags: Bruno , Cervantes , Confucius , Nietzsche
Filed under Philosophy , Religion | 5 Comments »
Friday 02 November 2012
My God, I'm glad, after three bonds that I'm just a secret agent, and not a secret agent.
For a true secret agent one is not at all really secret.
Can not be.
Since there are bosses, sometimes even bosses, more or less clear rules and orders, and you have to by the whole shite, one has to do, even self-pretend, at least outwardly pretend did you take it out of patriotism.
One can not even be seriously pissed at a colleague, for whatever rows when the one itself pulls the wool over my eyes.
Even in bed one must still be careful to wofern least, traditional, still pure must a agent that a hint not suddenly rammed in the back massage from one spike to the heart.
You ought to know but the writing. (more ...)
Tags: Cervantes , Goethe , literature , Nietzsche
Filed under Education | No Comments »
Monday, September 10, 2012
The philosophy is able to lead us there, that we learn zuhorchen itself.
That is, we read the self is said, and still wonder about it, listening to the strange own words.
We laugh of wisdom, perceive the beauty that since brought us the thoughts must have done!
And we know that we were themselves, the set up on the borders there is!
I understand now also Confucius and Nietzsche always better.
You have experienced this.
Alone: your equanimity I have not yet attained. (more ...)
Tags: Confucius , Nietzsche
Filed under Philosophy , Beautiful | No Comments »
Monday, July 02, 2012
Nietzsche spoke of the "immense consumption of nervous energy".
When one passes through permanent, immense mental effort gradually to new forms of conceptual association to a real change in cerebral functions, said in German, his brain remodels, we should not be surprised if between an otherwise unexplained physical fatigue occurs . (So you have not three nights, not even one night by drunk, ate good and well, and make it, though not bad and slept late, barely out of bed.)
Even to raise a pot may seem like as if an elephant drinsäße. (more ...)
Tags: fatigue , nerve force , Nietzsche
Filed under philosophy | 2 Comments »
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Leave illusions. Or abolish.
Even the most beautiful, most desirable woman who understood nothing but to little, big, beautiful blue eyes.
No chance to own bullshit.
Wines yes, no howling.
We do not cry. Even if we sometimes cry, even scream.
The former sometimes enjoin us our sense, the higher The latter reason. (more ...)
Tags: Men , Nietzsche
Filed under philosophy | 2 Comments »
Saturday, May 19, 2012
If one is gifted for, and does pursue, the writing of good novels, the question if he be writing "in our time" may be secondary. (It was, Certainly, not so for Cervantes.)
Not quite the same is true for authors of essays and satire.
If Their income is ok, Their reputation there with (or, mostly the same thing, thereby, at least, With Their wives and relatives) They june not even Consider the trouble.
Otherwise though, in the half-desert of some reception and little or no money earned, it is, at least for the better, more ambitious ones Necessary to ask: "Am I doing this righteously, Mainly, just for" our time "?
Or, is it not wiser, apter to this givenName fate, Merely to take up some traits of the ruling zeitgeist, now and then poking some swine-snooted, dough-sooted, picking them up nonchalantly to go for goals beyond the now?
Can we not, shoulderstand Not exactly we, who are the givenName leisure (or rob it somewhere) to write what does not even pay for wine and cigs, let alone rent and health insurance, give a darned sh .. on what is the latest babble of some petty politician, half-naked celebrity, pseudo-philosophical talk show nitwit, the bankster whores, the blatant "scientific" lies of the shallow waters of the "expert" circus of the bigshot plutocrat urinals? (more ...)
Tags: Beyond , Cervantes , Nietzsche , Zeitgeist
Filed under Education , English Section , Art , Linguistics | No Comments »
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Sometimes I thought, Nietzsche had left nothing more Tell value left. Because I was wrong probably times fortunately out.
Tags: Nietzsche
Filed Under Aphorisms | No Comments »
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Yesterday I read after a long time again some thirty pages in Nietzsche's Zarathustra.
What a light of simple German words!
How much wisdom in each paragraph!
And that mob freedom!
I must therefore well but the effect decide circuit valid to put this work on the Quixote and Shakespeare's plays. Anything else would be unfair. (more ...)
Tags: Nietzsche , Poetic Prose
Filed under German , Beautiful , Linguistics | 12 Comments »
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Nietzsche is after all the biggest so far.
I will not even dare me to attach the quote that rushed me straight back into the brain, to give only a literal example of him.
He was wrong and ran in himself not only from the known globe, became not only a language of power, the then but not nearly get yourself Less:. He dissected down to the last Gedankenknörpelchen and created whole new worlds of mind (read more ...)
Tags: Nietzsche , Swabia age
Filed under Education , German , heroes , art , philosophy , Beautiful , linguistics | No Comments »
Sunday, December 18, 2011
The sad-laughable-stupidest accusation I have ever, and not infrequently, be is me in my life was that I wanted to pointlessly save the world.
Sometimes it was only Germany that was rubbed me in this sense, as supposedly helpless-dreamy Tropfe under the nose.
Well, folks, what should I else want?
About a Golf with 180 hp?
A private helicopter with three chicks drinne?
Money that even the Rothschilds are pale? (more ...)
Tags: Glaubenshedonismus , Luther , man , Nietzsche , Religion , save the world
Filed under geopolitics , idiots Cabinet , philosophy , religion | 12 Comments »
Thursday, May 26, 2011
"Bad, that is cowardly!"
Even the language we used to have master thinker.
It is in fact the cowardice that drives people to wickedness.
Rather will the neighbors sued because of a too wide across growing tree, as against the warmongers dared a word.
Dear children still plugged in prisons, as the murderer. (more ...)
Tags: Nietzsche
Filed Under aphorisms , language death , insubstantial | 2 Comments »
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Nietzsche said: "My brain is sitting in my nostrils."
I recommend everyone to let that sentence sink in deep.
You have to smell lies and their jackals before you hear the Stealth and finally circled the whole pack visible.
Tags: Nietzsche , nostrils
Filed Under Aphorisms | 8 Comments »
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Normally compassion would have been to invent new again just for the Christians. But Nietzsche was strongly opposed.
Tags: Christians , Nietzsche
Filed Under Aphorisms | 14 Comments »