With 'language network' tagged articles

From Blogger to Laller and Loller

Sunday, May 26, 2013

There is hardly anything Idiotischeres as an article that seeks to explain its own article.

But firstly to the explanatory article is not a real article, but rather a Beinaheaphorismus. (Aphorisms we may not explain well known.)

I wrote under the title "From Blog to Lall":

"Blog is stupid. Drum Lall his name. "

This is about sovereignty and sustainable applied sociolinguistics as necessary Defendolinguistik serious, rigid precise Bello linguistics.

(Note also to the following Kommentarstrang: https://unzensiert.zeitgeist-online.de/2013/05/23/verlogene-obergranatenerzarschlocher-ii/#comments )

Moreover, in principle, an important, often too little attention stratagem. That fact, which reads: "Ridiculed? Set more than one better! " (more ...)