With 'freedom of speech' tagged articles

What I could not say anything ...

Friday, March 28, 2014

I do not know how it is, as a state school teacher, with three months paid leave per year, continued pay in case of illness, paid health insurance for the whole family, pension rights, where appropriate, a disability pension to work. Moreover, the power of grading, no matter how professionally and socially incompetent, the possibility of not having to fight a bad mood by all means, at any time to let on that you have a today. And with tenure, at any perquisites, as long as you do not slaps student molested, secretes too radical ideas.

That sounds almost as if I were a private tutor, always in uncertainty, in principle socially irrelevant, envious, and sometimes I am too.

On the other hand: My literary activity alswie she be found here, I would have never been able to afford as verbeamteter teachers.

Even just to say that I around 9.11 not follow the official mischief, would bring me quickly in heavy water.

How much less I would be allowed to write runes, about Aleister Crowley, Islam Critical, by the Bilderbergers (already, as it officially did not exist, the claim that they exist, as a "conspiracy theory" was), Skull & Bones, Goethe and Lessing ekler Masonic ideology, the plans of Albert Pike, even from the planned destruction of the white race in Europe.

From the Brzezinski Doctrine, by breaking the Lisbon Treaties, of the conformist sheep media, the occupation status of the FRG, which, as somehow Germany, at the same time UN-enemy state, from the questionable number of victims of the bombing of Dresden, the (significant) parts of the Zionist German Pseudo rights, Genderasterei, the Old Testament as a book of obscurantist terror, the men discrimination (if the men are not Muslims or Jews or whatever noble, so at least dark-skinned), the Lazarus Syndrome, the arson of the Nobel Peace Prize Obama, the first black U.S. Chairmen with white mother, the constant, insane Nazi comparisons, the climate hoax, the possibility of massive negative influence Alien, the fact that Germany not only has no peace treaty, but also - according to the Basic Law itself - no makeup, herewith the Protection of the Constitution as the Constitutional Court absurd even by the designation ago, probably not from a due, radically altering drugs policy, chemtrails, a manifestly covered by the highest circles Kinderschänderringen, MK Ultra, the psychologists Mafia, the Methylphenidatmafia, the prescribed insanity ADS, no, probably not once the fictional colonial history of German-Südschwitz would have been to tell.

And, the list now enough, certainly much more. (more ...)

From the fate of the AfD

Friday 03 May 2013

What this new formation "alternative for Germany" is concerned, with which I have not yet addressed me specifically, but a little with the drumrum, so for me there is a clear nail sample with those who blew the pirates miserably, congruent namely selbige, stands on the large letters: FREEDOM!

After the freebooters, the first order came up to ask for network and information freedom, no longer even know how to spell this word, what's next?

Join now liberals, libertarians, conservatives, the usual flotsam and jetsam from everywhere also, together, and I read quite verschnupfte comments to the effect that one should there already be a little national or Patriot or even both, but please just a little bit. On immigration, many see no improvement of the AfD.

Another Einprogrammpartei, and she knows again not even in one point, as she wants to make it. After all, the one point is essential only indirect links with the theme of freedom of expression, as was the case with the pirates.

It will be interesting now how far the new party will be distinguished from "the right". It is in this exercise, the pirates do not have to meet after so far left out, but because they must go through, as it is already in the middle.

Can you circumcision of boys without medical indication as "arbitrary, intentional genital mutilation, hereby serious injury to a defenseless child" call AfD member, or should not it?

Can we uranium ammunition, say NATO wars of the last year, what you think?

To what extent can you turn against the neighborhood Erneuville talk as much?

Can we vote for a constitution calling for Germany, as provided by the Basic Law?

A treaty of peace for our country?

Children first parents? (more ...)

Of the two deadly sins

Thursday, April 11, 2013

It's always so beautiful to look at how your own child is gedankenmanipuliert. You grow so on and so cute at the beginning, everything sounds so beautiful and loving. Eben, freedom of expression, just that. Yet it is the zertretenste lie that because so rumkriecht and is composed of two deadly sins:

Opinion and freedom


The above guest post by reader Armin was initially part of a commentary on " freedom of expression guaranteed grenades default (II) ".

Armin was recently reunited with his side conspirare.net the net.

Michael Hanfeld (FAZ): Resisting self-censorship because of Islam

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Michael Hanfeld, the media critic of the FAZ has, in connection with the recent riots, murders, Embassy Escalades because of Mohammed film the thing under the title " Respect treated "in his typical level-headed way. However, not really consistent, as will be shown below.

He writes towards the end of his brief analysis:

'With "Innocence of Muslims" it behaves like the Mohammed cartoons - the targeted scandal ignites the conflagration.'

And thus concludes:

'He meets relentlessly critical minds in Islamic countries and around the world - the writer Salman Rushdie or the Danish artist.

And therein lies the real scandal. A precept of prudence, it is natural to waive senseless provocation, not to mention the incitement to hatred. Who but the only encounter with the requirement of "respect," speaks of fear of confrontation of self-censorship the word. '

Although I disagree with him decided in one essential point, must question his position even purely logical. (more ...)

Islamist "friends" assassinate U.S. Ambassador

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Now was the U.S. ambassador to Libya in Benghazi, the stronghold of the revolution, assassinated by Islamists; his Libyan captors had fled during the attack (whether they sympathized with the attackers?).

Event should have been a Muhammad Satire film, in addition heiklerweise, using much was produced by Jewish donations and what did well, Muslim religious feelings hurt. Something you do not do now times. Freedom of expression does not need a man. Not even a Ami. (That the ambassador of the film was probably not involved, the self-righteous Muhammad was obvious matter.)

The United States in Libya just support the people against Qaddafi, who now massacred its ambassador. (more ...)

Pirates great power Beutschland

Tuesday 01 May 2012

The pirates have made it. Hold power and freedom of expression now cleanly separated. The former is desirable as absolute, what is it but the latter is not required. Because there are opinions that do not need a decent human being, therefore rightly be subject to penalty, which therefore actually considered pretty even no longer are, therefore, logically, yet offers total freedom of expression. I have believed from the beginning not for a moment the fact that the pirates would stand up for freedom of expression. As far too corrupt and cowardly for me appeared the ragtag bunch, since he reached a significant, consider size values. Since it is almost exclusively a side note, that one thinks artists it go better when you finally no longer enough paid, namely fairness, not at all. So no one can complain more. Every artist may namely live from there from the waste heat generated by the addition unfettered creative spirit swarm. Finally, he can devote himself entirely to his work and no longer have to think about money. The normal pirate has no children. That's why he gives his equal in a Nita (neol. From "nerd" u. "Kita"), where the virtual offspring is powered by a Korean robot with tea while he learns on the computer netspeak. There are cakes for lunch culture and not boy nor girl. Life is a whole clearly sorted. Man surfs and goes to sleep. The latter, the satisfaction of other physiological needs added, in the proportion of the golden section. In the evening, everyone has downloaded so much that he is really tired. So sleep is dreamless. (more ...)

Homosexuality - Is this a good thing?

Monday, April 30, 2012

Now a CDUler named Dieter Schmidt plate has expressed the opinion that gays and lesbians are sick. The most important preliminary to the "case" here .

Of course (?) - - So that the man has drawn outrage on himself, he should resign, apologize, etc.

Not only because I write at zeitgeist me some time spirit is so far no matter that I did not mitmache everything I should. Not even this.

I do not know whether gays and lesbians in the classical sense of the word are sick. I just know that their orientation in the sense of maintaining a family, a nation, of humanity is aberrativ. (more ...)

You kannsch but elles saga!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

As in the title, it rang me - this time in Schwäbisch - contrary perhaps two weeks ago for the umpteenth time.

Great excitement when I denied that there is real freedom of expression in this our beautiful country.

The course, there are not only not what concerns all doubts about the so-called Holocaust even any voiced. (more ...)

Nothing grasped

Sunday 06 November 2011

Yesterday me one tried to explain that one but can say everything in Germany today, what they wanted.

I probably did not understand him correctly.

Pirate Party: Freedom for "rights"?

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Many will have already noticed that I do not altogether too much thought of the Pirate Party.

And thus not of their entry into the Berlin House of Representatives.

zeitgeist-editor Thomas Röttcher sees it differently, see here its current contribution.

Suppose therefore to me, what the pirates could put on positives.

First there is that they consistently campaigning against censorship, against any form of those. (more ...)

The art of non-submission

Thursday 02 September 2010

Unfortunately I have to go no time and actually no desire to demonstrate, because it makes you feel slightly redundant and stupid, even ridiculous.

But this time it really worth while.

Since the arts and freedom of expression in the context of Islam in Germany is inwischen de facto abolished, criticism or satire can be life-threatening not only, but are probably on top of that prosecution, action is called for.

So here's an unusual, but logical and consistent idea for the brave. (more ...)