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"Food Riots": food riots

Sunday, January 16, 2011

In the following article is part quite well summarized what is currently running on the world food market:


From the massive speculation that helped the prices of maize and wheat in a short time to drive 60-80% upwards, but not a word.

And only pretty on the edge is mentioned, what the madness of Biospriterzeugung actually means (the EU so now with the new "Bio" gasoline still fired): eco-wellbeing for Green Spinner, hunger for the poor.

Estimated more than a third of U.S. corn production going in the Bioverspritung.

I have just been on a bottle of olive oil checked (soybean oil, etc. have similar caloric values): 819 calories per 100 ml it says; this means that a person can survive from condensing ago by quarter liter of oil one day.

So if you moved ten liters of biofuel, these are people forty days, basic food for a family of six for a week.

If you still considering how inefficient the production of biofuel is, especially from maize and oilseed rape (in the case of sugarcane, the balance is not quite as devastating), they just start a massive use of energy for machinery, fertilizers, pesticides, processing etc. is necessary, so you can those who know all this very well and yet represent active as a necessary and proper only be described as criminal.

Or you fall for a more apt term one? (more ...)