With 'phone-free zone' tagged articles


Monday, July 29, 2013

Earlier I commented on Jermaine's page


nachzitiert as below:

"These mobile phones are really a plague. I do not know how harmful the emitted radiation is that they are the people en masse to bring spiders but is crystal clear. Recently experienced a buddy of mine, as a young girl (maybe seventeen), daddelnd, full-rim ran into a lamppost, just before the oncoming tram. One student told me, when I told him that there are now give an app that the film from pre-fades one on display from the idiots part by front camera while running to the other stuff, so that look up to being run over, not more necessary. What is of course an illusion. Likely to die in Germany each year more people to mobile phone accidents than in ten years of terrorist attacks. How many children will especially not begotten, because the possible parents prefer to drive with their cell phones, which should be Legion. You would die quickly in dementia, which unfortunately usually does not happen, so the number of victims were in the millions. "

What you do with people who do not even walk down the street reasonable? Such self and other potential attackers?

In my family inn after all, everyone goes to the Gass' when a call comes in or he wants to sell one.

This is ever the beginning.

Better yet is what attaches Jermain: Who wants pure, must make.

So it is already in the opera and in schools.

We need more and more cell phone-free zones. A grass-roots movement of voluntary phone-free zones.

Not only in hospitals, where life can be directly threatened.

Especially in taverns, where intelligent people, there should be Komment off.

And, just like Jermain it cites, in private apartments.

I'm considering to do the same thing. Although I do not know how my teenage student clientele - it's just my business a home - will react to it, whether I strokes and denunciations provoke in such series as I can not afford it.

For us, the whole family of three is in any case (the children have long known what a mobile phone is) handy free. Anyway, as good as. Only in rare emergencies I grubbele me irgendsoein part out (has not happened for a long time).

I had an electrical engineer than English students, it's been almost ten years had the phone as German sales manager of an American group very much with the phone. There simply was no other way. Den, a total non-esoteric, you ought to hear cursing times.

"War t a. To the gossips From one hour a day you wobbles the turnip. The first thing I for this job (he was already on pension age too) make is this fucking shit mobile throw in the garbage. First official act. "

In the car, the engineer his phone always installed in the trunk, a line for intercom had put forward in the cockpit, to the fucking thing not only not have the ear to have, but not once in sixty or eighty centimeters distance. This brave man had to tell no one that the radiation intensity decreases with the square of the distance, so every millimeter counts.

Once I met a non-paranoid people, so it was this that had struggled up through the main school and Spätfachabi and to study in leadership positions in the industry. He was also convinced that he is not overly sensitive, even with respect to this matter is not that the other idiots just do not know or realized what she antäten itself.

Consider that if you as a fucking thing to the ear hangs, holding the emitter just a few inches away from the brain. Harder it would be just yet, he stuck right in the middle. The brain as a kind of docking station for your mobile phone. Apart. Since the brain currents flow only as the sow.

And: Why exactly should a private citizen be "always available"?

What the people have for purely fried because of a delusion?

Am I the fire brigade or the police? The August of the Seppeline?

"Smart", what really derived from the words pain, but then (not the verb!) An adjective meaning a remarkable shift towards "clever" (glue), sent WIEF, has taken intelligent, returns the phone to its original meaning.

The smartphone is the turbo for the restlessness that, "multiple tasking" is "cool", for Hirnabsterben in Sauseschritt provides.

It reflects no more, you krattelt and babbles and daddelt.

The Common thing is that the resulting pain somehow, even only in the long term, occur, are also not associated with the Schmerzphon, because that can not even be responsible.

The more it hurts so to be be called on the people and Schmerzphon data sought relaxation and the more, the addiction takes just yet. And the radiation dose.

Since the people are trying out, as Jermain, a Zigarettchen smoke, or a joint, even a little bit thinking, rather than with this most insidious of all available private and common Elektrokasterei yet to blow the last good line from the upper story.