With 'Guttenberg' tagged articles

Koch-Mehrin: In such a short time?

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Silvana Koch-Mehrin, according to the Karlsruhe Administrative Court on 80 pages 125 times were wrong, which is why (an appeal goes) it was rightly disallowed the Doktortiel.

I'm sorry, but I trust the lady of such power as little as their Atlantik-Brücke colleagues Guttenberg whose Diss. (more ...)

The President and the guys from the bridge

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Now it is always funny around the President.

His friend Maschmeyer want right in the Lower Saxony state elections 42 700 euros from his Privatsschtulle for an ad campaign for Wulff's biography "Better the truth" (hehe!) Have issued, without telling him anything about it, these learned something from it. (The dubious Urlauberei here and there and dunnewo we propose here sometimes.)

And so, after the money was indeed negotiated for Wulff's cottage by the entrepreneur Geerkens, also check for sufficient, but of course came from his wife, why Wulff will have had no business relationship with Geerkens and have thus the Lower Saxony state parliament in this respect also not lied.

Have "Well, it is great, some they must have paid: - Imagine times before, to write a book, and suddenly dive lots of advertisements for it on, and they say simply - unless you realize nothing about it because that was not me, I know. Who was it and why, is what I'm'd better not worry: the main thing it has laminated any type. Bingo. "

Now it is once again faced with the choice whether you want to keep the Federal President for a swindler or a completely negligent simpleton.

But probably comes both. (more ...)

Guttenberg the Netzshrek

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Guttenberg is doing now, as back met by Defence Minister, in Brussels on a cyber warrior. As Honorary Advisor, of course.

He wants to support dissidents and bloggers who try their luck in the network in authoritarian states. (He could give me the same times what transfer into your account, I do not need his expertise, but the money from the EU would be good.)

He has his expertise, therefore, he says that he indeed particularly so who knows how the powerful, even a US-elect as he can, einheizen via network. Very convincing.

I can not imagine what I knew everything, if I had refueled nine months thinking in America to me. My brain had time full tank really. When Uncle Heinz at the Urzapfsäule. (more ...)

FAZ, Guttenberg and networks

Friday, December 02, 2011

The FAZ speaks relative to Guttenberg now of "networks".

The socialize indeed be quite legitimate.

However, only by those in the Upper Franconian province.

From the crucial networks, transatlantic, as my colleague Friederike Beck "The Guttenberg Dossier" in her book described catchy that actually explain the meteoric rise of the "lies Barons", reportedly there still nothing.

As far as if one is on Lower Main apparently but still not venture out of the cover.

It's no surprise.

Not only the Federal Presi belongs with it.

Guttenberg: North American cripple pear

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Zu Guttenberg said he was a Frankish Weather fir.

He is a North American cripple bulb.

And she has still not noticed.

Tragic case.

Guttenberg with the Germans protect their stupidity and their ego: It is that simple

Friday, February 25, 2011

Almost the entire press is wondering now about why a majority of Germans seems to stand to the brazen liar, cheat and thief intellectual property Guttenberg.

I mean, to have solved the mystery.

The people want is simply not admit to what they have been misled for a blender and vain fops: It is that simple. (more ...)

Guttenberg an alien?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The fraud is variously demonstrated, but that's not sufficient evidence to substantiate the not yet unsubstantiated allegations of fraud had taken place.

To argue like this, people have studied for years Rechtsverdreherei, is, alas, also a PhD, of the absurd by even more, to those that came, which quashed all such long-standing dilemma coup-like.

It was the Baron, who explained that a fraud he could not go out because he just could not go out from him what is scientifically irrefutable and, moreover, every claim in this direction a Communist impudence.

Thus, the fronts were straightened: Everything you said, but no longer is good, you did not say in earnest; everything others said and you could need, they just had made a very first.

When Baron we can learn to time travel.

Dr. Kutscher

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The question is however, how the federal government will hold one of his doctoral thesis therefore written embarrassed of personal and or political greed out, not just really like recognizable even written, so that the highest academic crime committed and copyrights violated, knowingly, from the obvious lower motives.

Zu Guttenberg, becoming a symbol of excess and greed. He was also so already pulled the climber from existing levels.

The stupidity fascinating about it. How can the third German coach servant to America a few little luxuries fallieren university so that he may no longer need to soon? (more ...)

Guttenberg FAZlige future

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

In the FAZ and the NZZ you Guttenberg is due not pleased.

Like the NZZ see it as a disregard for copyright infringement and, also separately nor as an affront when the christian social German defense minister would wicking away of all reference to God in constitutions in its spring, so it is for the FAZ yes really tricky.

As they continue to praise those who depreciated the preload of his "thesis" simply in the newspaper? (more ...)

Guttenberg: When I do not care!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

After all, the dashing-gelled defense of Dr. Freiherr zu Guttenberg has not written the introduction to his dissertation on the IMAGE, but at the FAZ.

For so much trouble, text level of experience and goal-oriented thinking should let him retain his title summa cum laude, of course, especially if he also by the Neue Zürcher Zeitung abkupferte instead of VIEW.

The other things he may have represented as his are, certainly all of honnetten people written so that the Minister has determined acted honorably and farsighted. (more ...)

Among colleagues

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Extraterritorialsubservient and Defendarreferatssubservient face a huge brownish swamp.

Otherwise unheard and unobserved feeling, says Westerwelle remarkably sober: "Look, Gutti, so a large, pacified, poppy-growing free zone mitohne Hindu Kush and xenophobic homophobes looks."

Then zu Guttenberg: "Wrong, you Kollalleralschaden. This is an opium depot of the CIA. "

News from Defendarreferatssubservienten

Monday, February 15, 2010

Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg, etc. of and was recently asked what he thought as dope in the hair gel about?

This pöbelesk profane expression did not tolerate the Frankish baron of course and said he appliziere suprazerebral brillantinäre semiviskositionelle coalition and Köhäsionssubstanzen to Behufe the indiskriminösen stabilize its Schädelkalottenprotuberanzen.

Bravo, Mr. Extraterritorialsubservient!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I have just heard in my Bavaria radio that we are in Afghanistan, according to Foreign Minister Westerwelle from today in an "armed conflict under international humanitarian law".

The smart Bonner has therefore say quite in keeping with his Rhenish cheerful nature and at exactly the right time of year and write 18 (!) Wasted syllables for what "was" the Americans called the Frenchman "guerre" and not completely fallen to the Laberrübe German as monosyllabic war.

Soon this word artist is probably not well explain he was gay (more ...)

The enemies tributary

Saturday, November 14, 2009

I just read an article of the Guardian to take again the was (the thing as such has long been known) that the Afghan Taliban and other warlords levy hefty tolls for virtually all US-logistics-transportation, which are Alleweil paid good and if not constitute the main source of income for this one.

100,000 NATO soldiers did not even create, to earn 300 miles of the Afghan main road from Kabul to Kandahar itself, let alone the supply route through the Khyber Pass and other important traffic routes of the country.

I would like to know in this context, how much of my money, the Bundeswehr, it was far below the Trantüte young or now under the jagged zu Guttenberg, has paid monthly to the enemy tribute or paid to the shithouse paper to pork rifle (more ... )

Guttenberg: America's Sergeant

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Now the Kissinger-Atlantic Bridge-pupil Freiherr zu Guttenberg is so German Minister of War.

At the beginning of next year already expected the Germans announce a further surge of Strahlemann due to the upcoming conference on Afghanistan in accordance with American wishes; I am already excited to see what a fine figure he makes as to which verbiage he will present to what grin.

After all, we may indeed join now for a Nobel Peace Prize in geostrategic U.S. war against Iran, Russia and China and of course for the new gay foreign minister, who wants to defend democracy brand Karzai, women's and gay rights in Afghanistan, so the donkey driver not to us come and ban the Taz and the Christopher Street Day. (more ...)

Till Gutterwelle

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Guttenberg and Westerwelle say they want to cut taxes after the election.

Till Eulenspiegel was himself a moderate and promised the Erfurters only that he wanted to fly down from its cathedral, which he then immediately admitted at trial, despite all efforts not to prevail.

Who is the Baron?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Guttenberg has now declared that if it hurry and extremely complicated issues not sufficiently Expertise is available in a ministry, it is plainly necessary to consult external specialists.

That may indeed be true for the advice, but the same for an entire financial market bill an international law firm which works primarily for financial market players, fully instruct, that's something else.

If the ministry of all these things themselves understood nothing, then it should be closed first. (more ...)

Krüner war

Thursday, August 20, 2009

After some consideration, I have come to the conclusion that a black-green coalition with a narrow majority could be a very fair solution in the new Bundestag.

Guttenberg, the aristocratic hero from behind franc remains, sitting on debt and tax reduction promise, while Trittin, the quick-witted Bremen Town Musician, the Germans his lyrical kindling for the eighth year ("bring in China Luck") war in Afghanistan as a knight-errant of reason, as Bänkelsänger of loyalty and honor, may offer graciously as Troubadour German valor and German blood.

So just get the right people what they are entitled. (more ...)

Baron of The City

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Lord of Guttenberg was a bill for the control of banks, bypassing his ministry from a bank law firm headquartered in London, the second largest of its kind in the world, execute and was then so stupid, with firm logo to send the draft to Members.

I think it's great of course, when German finance laws are written the same of the City of London, then there is at least no trouble, and the City know first where things are headed, it may get there that way.

I am also sure that McDonald's, Kellogg's and Coca-Cola nutrition education, especially for younger fellow citizens accept and that the safety monitoring for children's toys is conveniently assigned to a Chinese agency. (more ...)

Charlemagne True

Sunday, July 26, 2009

I'm the Black Baron

Great and slim and slender

Meet Always the tone

One of Bismarck's my wife

Know the Kissinger also exactly

My ancestors were in the resistance

Were not green the Adolf

Look here and see my light

How's breaking on the Reichstag

'm So bold

The new big Karl von Franken

I am also faithful to the Church

CFR's her name, is new

People, you may thank me

I'm the hero of the economy

Exaggerating the banks across the field

So they take the money

Have mercy with the poor

For man as long as he strives

He falls, wrong and Community

Even the dumb left

So, what unwashed

No money in the pockets

Stink everywhere

The stupid mass

Find me class

Drum Chancellor I can

Do not know yet when

Does not matter

I'll get the post

At your expense

Full legal

I am scheduled for Washington

Whether you cry or whine or trant

'm Black as over Obama

Germany also needs his drama

And, alswelches not bad

Even my birthplace is real!