With 'Google' tagged articles

Google and Facebook: Of the child molesters of the NSA unwittingly abused?

Friday, March 21, 2014

Google and Facebook (paraphrased): "We, the ones were abused by the NSA, without realizing it."

The top NSA lawyer (meaning): "You knew exactly what is going on, you played good."

Here I have to say now, that of the three notorious liars latter with probability bordering on certainty once telling the truth.

Who so damn stupid and obvious lies like Google and Facebook, who has a problem.

If Google and Facebook collapse, but also the NSA has a problem.

Because then everything becomes more difficult, more complex, more expensive.

Such a beautiful symbiosis between the private sector and the biggest secret in the world: That would be too bad if that does not work anymore!

So only theater thunder?

Yes. But no. (more ...)

Beautiful as it rotates

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The maligned as verfolgungswahnumkrallt have proved the Prudent and they reviled as reality volatile. Nice that the world is still turning.

From the upcoming aristocratic revolution

Sunday, February 16, 2014

It's all on the head.

In business, the bankers are the masters of the world, the work of God verrichtend by creating anything real.

When it comes to information, the world network, the administrator, distributor, Verhunzer Verzwunzer and apply those more than those who actually deliver information.

Even the semi're most electrical box fuzzy feeling, measured even on a veritable productive artist, as Hermes Trismegistus.

Whole skyscrapers full of trolls, Abschakale, Hacker: As the masters of this world.

That will not last. (more ...)

No meadow stock?

Saturday, October 26, 2013

These data morons Google & Cie my well still, I did not realize what they are doing. Or, they could do so at will. Sorting, censoring, forgery, Zersocksen. I'm you.


Know Google, what you're doing.

Saturday 06 July 2013

So, dear Google.

Now let's talk Tacheles.

What do you do now if you type "Magnus Goeller" in you is a joke.

Almost only zusammengeklaubten shit shit You show the people after the sorting until recently was still quite bearable.

I have too much written about the NSA and their sub-valances?

So it gets. For as shit did not see this from in years. And my lyrics are just as drastically abgefackt like anything.

Do you think about, I need a data center, to realize what is happening to me since grade of yourself?

With all my merits for your algorithms, for which you previously belohntest me good?

How far have you already runtergelistet me, huh?

To you I come. (Even for this set, then you'll probably need one that still understand him.) (more ...)

An old acquaintance as CEO and SEO

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I just got on the net - sought an old friend, and of course found the last few years in the main professions (though perhaps not -behufe) works as Google Verarschungsberater - via Google.

He f ... so t speak for any money for Google, so by feeding him what eats it works for its customers.

So, as it stands, I know him from before, he proposes not only foam but it works well (wengstens mostly).

He was twenty years ago in various fields clearly better than at least the observable rest (apart from my now deceased wife and me of course).

I, however, since I run only my small side, given his knowledge of the technical functioning of search engines, which he studied for at least twenty years, to me, to his intelligence knowing what he was out at such a time able to never zutrauend, the effect only to be able to look in the vicinity of his now acquired skills, perhaps knows something - it sounds unlikely, but it could be - what he so clearly not to. Better said: He will always know, but I could be him but theoretically and practically superior to a point. Not technically. Philological. Hard to say; some indications, however.

His own side, he wanted to keep it, I strongly suspect he never sat on the Google Verarsche. He knows that all too easily go wrong. Is it time for customers next to it, so have just been unlucky.

He's probably like back then, in turn, at least one of the best. THE store should run. (more ...)

"Smallest text snippets"? What is it, Mr. breaker, Mr. Bundestag?

Friday, March 01, 2013

"I told him that he was an asshole and he should shut up now."

The above snippet (. Eng snippet, specifically by Google & Co. used text snippets to the forward line on linked pages) includes 15 words. (more ...)

From the expertise of Google

Thursday, February 14, 2013

I always feel quite assured of the experience here, that even "nerds" of the first hour hardly have a plan of how Google actually works.

The reason is that they do not think multi-layered and are not able to read properly. You are talking rubbish. And think weak. Both are related logically.

Many of them think seriously, they could Google with bits & bytes, using all sorts of tricks to outwit cheaper. No, Kinners, try the thousands every day: How stupid the world leader in web search is not.

I do not know how many programmers I would need your stupid tricks is to further instruct the only salaried philologist, that it. Well as at the level where I competently, legally screened

Well, but I could only German, probably not entirely, partially also English, afford. With five hundred men, but (I set to philologists), each perhaps, we are generous, $ 200,000 a year, the computers are always there, so limp $ 100 million, almost petty cash, I would not have any, but the essential and also yet most of your Sottisen world under control.

Well, the programmer also still cost what are, as they have indeed learned something decent, a little more expensive, slower as well, so we round unkleinlich on half a billion, that your not so easy fooled me. I have it all, because I am the world leader and wants to stay there. What have I else to do? - Yes, added a few other things; but this is sufficiently important that I do not covet it.

Google is undoubtedly what is rightly called a "data octopus". What, however, he should be otherwise? This however is his business. (more ...)

LSR (LRS?): Power protection and Sheep Press

Saturday, December 01, 2012

"Arab Spring": The journalistic Unsachlachwort of Western geopolitics in recent years.

It did not correspond to the thing and was from the beginning ridiculous.

They cheered, now looks a bit silly to Egypt, while wisely not much reported from Libya, we turn sets in the dirty game in Syria to radical Islamic forces: This is the German Sheep Press.

She can be safely-slavishly harnessed to the cart an agreement with the Islamic Gulf oil monarchies agenda of the West to overthrow the relatively most secular Arab regimes; and: Already living in Iraq hardly any Christians in Egypt and Syria, where they still form significant minorities, it heats up tremendously. Where are the good run there?

It seems the sheep press but not particularly disturbing, as she has disgraced himself again. I think that's where now, if they perceive it at all, never mind.

Probably one hopes now on the new intellectual property right that you would so again in the forehand and it was raining manna from heaven.

If the pathetic thing goes wrong, what to anticipate, no one will so have wanted again.

It may also come to war, to the network wars. (more ...)

The long power protection Eight

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The new law is intended to protect power, yes, I wrote it already , the evening will be debated today, tonight, if you are still credited for the evening just after half past two.

Seriously (should not be 1 at several locations April): The Debate is set to 2.35 bis 3.15 clock.

The future of the German network should therefore be zerreichstagt after the eighth Pils, the sixth Prosecco, the eleventh cognac.

Apartments idea.

Whether it is a loo somewhere where you can sometimes smoke a joint in peace, in such a night shift?

It's actually the weekend (for Members of the German Bundestag Friday is usually included weekend), and you have (well, probably only a few - are more than thirty six hundred fools be there) then still of Halberder Dreie to fourth elder fours so do, like as if you had a job what: this can already kill one.

Is true you know, as usual, hardly what it is exactly, so not expecting too much of one, but it has since become somehow responsible and therefore inhäusig to this shit time, noticed in passing that there is still one with this stupid law could be quite a hassle, that again a whole lot of people who can neither know how to myself, as it will have an impact in practice, upset about it.

What do the people get upset count your eggs on? (more ...)

From the evil "Snippets" and its own search engine

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The evil "Snippets", which are small Lockschnipsel that Google and others cut from one text to give when linking an idea of ​​the content and approach of the stand on the tribute or extermination list of the major German publishing houses now.

I admit that I, when I see a highlighted search result to a separate text with the little beasts they electronically generated,'m not always satisfied; as a whole but I can not be objected; quoted me someone properly, what can I say about it?

So far, I certainly had to Google the impression that the Lockschnipsel not loving as at the bakery on the corner of hands have established, but were technically just yet created with some skill in the sense of the matter; The question now is whether this is really reprehensible.

At least I noticed it very quickly, it would fall on me soon, would the Lockschnipsel actually kick snippets. Other probably is. The talks around. Google wants that?

In fact, it revolves around the search engines that offer comparable steal, with some probability, somehow when Google that it crashes.

It would really be no mistake, a European, I say, at the EU-Sauhaufen to build a search engine of German private international as specifically German-speaking format. (more ...)

Intellectual property right and Lockschnipsel

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Here you can for tomorrow in parliament in the first reading previous planned new intellectual property right-official read: http://dipbt.bundestag.de/dip21/btd/17/114/1711470.pdf

I will not again take all Zweifelhaftigkeiten and confusion regarding the matter, which are not really being targeted also by the main challenger to Google, of course, certainly not from the system press itself, long position here.

Who was a privileged "Press Publishers" and who is not, who "prepare the content according to a search engine, because their business model is oriented in a particular way on access for its own value on publishing efforts." With the search engines comparable to those - who is this?

That the real author again play no role and level but the quote is at the tipping point ... (more ...)

When Google counts the word

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Google has not me (the company would be too expensive), but still some capable employees.

I am always amazed how people think they can piss the Google. (more ...)

What tells the VDZ there?

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Association of German Magazine Publishers to read an argument with providers such as Google with the French government, which seeks similar as the German, namely that search engines for their news links (perhaps all?) to pay on items whether their own generated from advertising revenue must, following :

"Ancillary rights for Press Publishers

Every day, in the German newspaper and magazine publishers thousands lavishly produced products but can be recycled and marketed in the internet age in seconds from third partial or completely taken over. This commercial use are the publishers defenseless against, because they have, in contrast to other plant intermediaries such as the film and music industry today no legal title to the fruits of their labor. "

That's as far as I know, but lied smoothly.

I can without express authorization assume no article completely, exploit and commercialize. I quote only.

I go over the Ziterrecht out, so just looking at the big publishing houses to commercial use by no means against defenseless. Because they have very well urheberliche property rights. You can admonish, desist, parts of a revenue demand, etc. (more ...)

Google is semantically

Friday, March 16, 2012

I have just heard - the theme will be here probably deepened, depending on what comes up and can still elicit - that Google now successively a "semantic search" wants to install in his machine.

I still do not know if I'll talk about soon be a billionaire, or obsolete. (more ...)

Sell ​​Google but not

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I retract.

I'll put my knowledge of the world's largest search engine does not sell yet. (more ...)

Google is allowed to play

Sunday, December 25, 2011

There are only two philosophers: the Goeller and Google.

Google vs EU

Monday, November 28, 2011

Google is always more democratic than the EU.

Mark my words.

Googlegeeks, Googlenerds and philologists

Monday, October 10, 2011

I have to laugh sometimes (it seems just to pile up), when I see how foolish even otherwise intelligent, well-written even people are trying to piss Google.

Like as if they were told there only buy full Blöds. (more ...)

Again Google: preliminary and final

Sunday, September 18, 2011

They are also without "googling" to electronic spying to the bone: I need not explain in detail.

Nevertheless, you have the power, if you know how to use it.

You have, if you are only ten letters, 26 high ten ways (without ä, ö, ü).

If you have a modest vocabulary of 10,000 words, you have the use of ten lexemes (if you all write correctly) basically 10,000 high ten ways.

Since each computer starts so slow smoking at. (more ...)

Google is not mighty

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Google is as mighty as your dog.

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