With 'freedom' tagged articles

From the Jenseitsfältigen

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Overall - I can see the currently playing at the reading of Montaigne's Essais - to me are the thinkers prefer that rarely or never take thought beyond death.

The reason is simple: the beyond speculation may well even be a fun game, but lost his way quickly deflected in unguter way too easy not only enthusiastically filing jointly, how much more so the mob, the essence, the locals, from fatally.

Instead of expediency kidney about possible Jenseitse, as it is fitting to consider a luxury, the life besides holds when the struggle for existence is not immediately put down the fearful and-half this cheaper on a kind of preparation compendium of obtaining Jenseitse.

That they do with the spiritual as well as physical Sklaventume in this world available alswie a soldier's whore bar every mind, how should those Jenseitsfältigen become aware, wofern them not always shown something else?

It does not matter, ultimately, whether a Jenseitsfältiger pulls his high hopes from an established or a syncretic self-made religion; he always separates already a part of himself for "Over", the "Higher", the "Blissful" from, so that he here a disabled person, who thus makes his life as a servant feed. (more ...)

From Schuldenlug, of repression, of cowardice, secret societies and aliases idiots

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Probably the Tragikomischste, which I'm not sure if this word really carries it, certainly not only for a Schwaben, if it means he wants some games create something decent, as he is constantly in mind, at least try, which is do so, he wants his anus put off those who produce nothing, produce, except stupidity and money from money.

As much as a sometimes angry, even may oppress, especially when approached with from the closest environment to one that is the first commandment means that you do not let that account be bitter. People are so conditioned. (more ...)

Women and Philosophy

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

One should not consider philosophy unfit women.

This is a not-to-maintain prejudice in fact.

However, they have very often, if not usually, a not inconsiderable problem with the sports spirit, which you should bring to philosophy.

Far too much self-interest prevails, too humorless.

The just been a sword-wielding, nothing Masculine impressionable Amazone seemed safe, sat merciless blows, the Met was bleeding heavily, but was made itself aware of the reason of his hurt, just yet returned, only those just-used sword broke it, and yet is of the fun of the other side very often do not fast longer.

Offended a versa.

This may take time every philosopher, but where it shows more effect, it is clear that he is no match for the thing overall.

I know people who think that philosophy is not a whole of women.

I strongly disagree violently. (more ...)


Monday, August 20, 2012

Since little information here applies to nothing else applies, it is already more now.

No, the Nachwuchse Part XXII it is not: the stewing still happy, until golden brown in the pan.

Now there is already a hit show anarchic free full.

Here we observe, among other things, that the Blasenblubberer of anything are "critical theory" but in reality not an apologist criticized practice.

Also, because we live in Rose slopes and beds us at Lily hedges that we have long learned to fly.

We are the world. (more ...)

Not even six centilitres

Tuesday 01 May 2012

For the Walpurgisnacht I have brand new thinking about freedom. What they are.

And I'm pleased maintained that I am freer than previously thought. Since the work on this inevitable following day still continues, I will report it.

Almost bull, tumb to call because I had complained of lack of freedom, too little attention given to how it then stand to those of my fellow men.

Suddenly I saw a Asenreich in which I freely. What I can not say I allow myself all still free to think.

Since the own other reality may groan times, strike, torment; the accidents of all kinds never lacked it anyway; angry and scornful glances, Schandwort and malice: What does it matter! - In my kingdom, I do not even sacrifice them six Zentiliter moderate Swabian Riesling. (more ...)

Freedom and word

Friday, March 30, 2012

Freedom is to be taken literally.

ACTA Emilenses: Preventive questions to Mr Gauck

Monday, February 20, 2012

Emil Knöpfle has a few questions for the upcoming highest priest of the Republic:

Now what about the freedom, Mr. Gauck?

Monday, February 20, 2012

The FDP has won their Pyrrhic victory. She fell on the Chancellor unprecedented way in the back by suddenly the candidate supported against whom they preferred the unfortunate Wulff two years ago. To what extent this will also cast shadows on the new federal president remains to be seen.

Mrs Merkel does not forget. This is probably the worst defeat for her, since she is Chancellor. Will the FDP no traffic light, for it, anyway, when they should not create in the next parliament, it is not necessarily sufficient for the majority, probably comes the "big" coalition.

One can say of Mrs Merkel much, but certainly not a lack of will to power. It will sharpen the knife until they are sharp enough.

But the Greens and the SPD will probably still be surprised. Your Atlantik-Brücke President should namely not only stand for the US-specifications, such as the EU accession of Turkey to the weakening of the former, especially in Germany, which come in handy to them, but also for the U.S. war policy, anti-Russian and anti-Chinese attitude, the demand of human rights everywhere except at "friends" such as Saudi Arabia, neoliberalism, social cuts. For all the freedom, such as the USA they mean. Using body scanners, secret detention, systematic torture, indefinite arbitrary detention of so-called "terror suspects" and "potential supporters of terror suspects," the whole civil rights freedom program just (more ...)

Mystery and freedom

Sunday 09 October 2011

Each secret places with the freedom.

Pope stupid cheeky

Thursday, September 22, 2011

"Just as religion requires freedom, so also requires freedom of religion": that is, the Pope said to the Germans.

This is stupid naughty.

Even if, based on the first part of the sentence is so generous this to be understood as a plea for religious freedom in the sense of free exercise, refrains that each religion is a form of at least the mental bondage caused (I know I would now once again not to say is just my humble opinion), so only tried the favorable interpretation, is the second part: stupid rude.

Since when has the freedom just a religion, or the religion itself requires?

And, if so, which one?

No matter which one?

No matter how liberal is the religion? (more ...)

About the Art for Freedom

Sunday, 03 July 2011

Without any Arg go to bed: high art.

Without Arg stand up: freedom.

Aphorism Weißnichtmehrwieviele

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Laugh at Defeats: So freedom begins.

The real names Ritter

Friday, July 30, 2010

The foundation of the Order of the Knights real name is hereby done.

As religious founder, drew inspiration for the introduction of this healing device from the dispute, which according to the local font "aliases Fritzen in the network" went, I refer anyone who should covet recording, first go to the views expressed there motives for true-fated network knight to bring mind.

Gallant Codex: (more ...)

Aphorisms 117

Sunday, 09 May, 2010

L est Nietzsche! - And you can get rid of all the "isms" you.


Monday, March 22, 2010

The first courtship songs resound.

Most of all I now grabbed my backpack, marched first four kilometers to the highway entrance, as executed the thumb in the spring air, I decisively only there if I probably would first try to the south or the north's, where perhaps, completely ready, where very different come out, if for a longer "lift" with an interesting stranger would give, just let me drive two weeks by the Republic to bivouac where it turns out to sleep under the open sky, wherever possible with campfire and fresh wild wild garlic in Alutopfe, a simple Red Bouteille here, only with a pad and pen to compose a little, to be woken by the moisture of the dew and the calls of songbirds to tie up the satchel again, on a remarkably beautiful places just three days stock aufzuschlagen, roam the area, move out to take in a nahegelegnen village new material, so modest as free evening to fall asleep with a view of the dying embers, everything and nothing to do, without telephone and e-mail box, lost in Lower Lusatia on a lake or on top of a low mountain ridge, in the morning even sunk in shallow water or Valley fog looking, musing on new actions and futures, the little aufzubuckeln with a sudden jerk in sudden Entschlusse, the thought of having it delay me for two days to Berlin or Milan, immediately following, laughing (more ...)