Here the almost forgotten Norbert Blum has presented an old wise piece, finally a talk in my mind.
I will not even install quotes now: It may seem the brunt of the text intact.
The madness of our capitalism 'is revealed here mercilessly, that he, glittering cloaks, not even in front of small children makes halt, the program is called, even to sacrifice him this unconditionally.
Parents are just stupid enough to beget offspring and thereby supply these as self-pay for further utilization bottom line out of all proportion. Of education they understand anyway less than the state-approved educator who know how to educate at least equal to six or eight of Nachwüchsigen politically correct rather than just maybe two not quite in this sense, what with more than desired.
Women - are they all stupid? - Sold you this recipe as their liberation; absurd one could hardly do it.
And in the economy, many are so incredibly stupid that you can not believe it, you would not see it. (more ...)