With 'ESM treaty' tagged articles

Federal Republic of Germany: Bring on the GmbH!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Yesterday I was in a beautiful ceremony, there was a lively conversation with two nice ladies said yes, about politics.

As we came out that Germany had no constitution, which we agreed three said the one after she objected that the Basic Law was in any case only worth as much as the victors attach great him laconically: "What also need we have a Constitution, but we have the NSA. "


In fact: What Basic Law, including even a real constitution, where it already NSA monitors that we behave decently German?

Now there are people who think that the FRG was in any case in reality a limited liability company, which is a limited liability company.

If the conclusion that, and continued to the usual € 25 000 Share capital, so we would have to make public debt as well as the ESM people expropriation madness not too worried: We share over a beat, 2 400 000 euro cents by 80 million or so to 0.03 cents liability coverage per citizen.

That would be really manageable for everyone. Not even royalty liberating special rules for the socially disadvantaged, so that empires would have up to 0.15 cents liable appeared imperative mitmenschlich there.

Should we still be no GmbH, this is changing quickly.

EU banking Stan or Europe!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I have just read again how all the time already, Sayings of Oberwirtschaftsfuzzies which amount tenor after on anything other than what we constantly by our Recorder party politicians listen: Only "more Europe" (that is to say, more Eurozentralismus, Euro bureaucracy, less democracy ), more up sovereignty could help alternative was what probably otherwise now.

So if you have done something wrong, you have it exactly in the same direction only still make inverted, so that everything will be better.

Again, cut off a piece, and still too short.

The methodology is fully transparent: First you knowingly controls into crises, to which then still demand more and gubernatorial Commissioner dictatorship to supposedly single solution and enforce.

Who wants to tell me that skidded as all himself only in that could not so different, it was just fate, for which I have possibly even a tired smile: must not be politically sane probably a completely brainwashed by the sheep media spiritual existence result.

We are here German played at the worst of all European nations verschaukelt and on the wall - if need be, one is likely as those unspeakable Joschka Fischer, the Nazi-club: if the Germans about Europe for the third time within a century to destruction wanted to overthrow? -; I am surprised but still at the naivete of the French, Spaniards, Italians, etc. to the effect that seem to suggest can be significant parts of the evil German low-wage workers would only pay all their own early retirement, etc., and everything would be butter.

Because these once proud nations will have to give up their national independence as well as we do, and if we, now, with the best intentions can not pay it off, the end is in site.

Then Brussels saving commissioners will descend in these countries over everything they find, the national parliaments finally there too talking shops for good alimentierte traitor, will the banks of the rest of what is available in new bailout, without which it simply does not have the stuffed throat. (more ...)

Of the struggle against the Beutelschneider

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Since yesterday evening Germany is provisionally abolished.

On how Upper Minister Schäuble remarked applicable, Germany after 1945 was never really sovereign, is through the ESM treaty now first, the SNB wofern not against it decides which is very unlikely, our people grasp, so are all of the EU-monster every debtor who somewhere in the euro area, pledged.

The Basic Law is repealed. Some like it even have on the shelf, do not - yet - read around unpunished is even quote it, but it is meaningless abrogat, only printed paper. (more ...)