With 'Daily Telegraph' tagged articles

Go, Telegraph, Go!

Monday, December 06, 2010

You have the Daily Telegraph really get him "Eggs has" in terms of alleged global warming.

Quote from the linked article :

"What we are seeing here is one of the greatest collective flights from reality in the history of the human race."

(What we now perceive here is one of the largest collective evasion from reality in the history of the human race.)

Better way to phrase it hardly.

Naked climate swindler

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Once again, James Delingpole, Star Blogger of the Daily Telegraph, the climate hoax , whose latest Neusprechvariante.

Delingpole at the outset:

"President Obama's Science Czar John Holdren is worried about global warming. Having noticed thatthere hasnt Actually been any global warming since 1998, he feels it ought to be called "global climate disruption" instead. That way Whether it gets warm or colder, wetter or drier, less climatically eventful or more climatically eventful, the result will be the same: it can all be put down to 'global climate disruption' ".

(President Obama's Wissenschaftszar John Holden is concerned about global warming. Having thus realized that there really is no global warming since 1998, he says, they should instead be called "global Kilimastörung." So whether it will be warmer or colder, wet or dry, the climate is less eventful or more, the result will be the same: it can be all attributed to "global climate disruption").

Then he further reports of the propaganda efforts of the Air disturbed, publicly funded, to an anti-deniers conference and calls for incitement of demonstrations.

So he concludes: (more ...)