Anyone who has a little bit involved with it, though do have long known that the sun so much with our climate wreaks (how is there only draufgekommen?), But this, at least not in our German sheep media landscape, until this morning against the CO2-climate liar lot helped.
But now the tabloids slammed headlines, against the background of a sun, on the second page in bold: "The CO2 Lie" - sub-heading: "Prestigious research team claims: The climate catastrophe is panic-mongering politics"
What was so far wasted only of small, confused, paranoid bloggers like me and a few starrköpfichten, heretical scientists as "crude conspiracy theory", namely, that here no holds sway science, but ice-cold power politics with all the means of manipulation, slander and exclusion, so demonization of critical voices, now finally has the mähsteamigste, uh, mainstreamigste all mainstream tabloids detected. And you announce tomorrow for a continuation of sassy. (more ...)