With 'China' tagged articles

Absolute double-talk (III)

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Another absolute doublespeak reigns when it comes to the holy wars "of the West". But it is known, is deepened another time.

Thus intrinsically connected is of course the double-talk, wherever it goes against China and Russia (smaller evil I leave now before time outside).

There'm bad, very bad, to freedom of expression and human rights, and democracy deficits are quite terrible. (more ...)

Aliens research in China

Friday 09 December 2011

In China, the clocks are different.

Research is open , in a big way, with - at least by our standards - enormous public interest and also with substantial government support in the exploration of UFO phenomena and the possible presence of extraterrestrials, perhaps for thousands of years.

Are they crazy? (more ...)

Außeridische: Chinese without blinders

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

In China, where we know, only the dumbest people on the planet live, it seems to be here for some time to accept the UFO phenomenon and the possible existence of extraterrestrial very different, also open by the state and the media, as in our super enlightened West, where only ostensibly mentally less well, Spinner and obscurantist and intelligence (ie the terrestrial closest relatives) adopt the problem as seriously as their confused brains is just possible to see here .

Aphorisms 50

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Paradigm Shift: The ancient Chinese culture people rises, the young United States mixture from rising.

A Duke plays Emperor

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A few years ago, the then Federal President Roman Herzog was in China for a visit and beschwafelte and taught the host - as I recall, calculated on the Great Wall - over the measure and publicly because of universal (Western) values.

As he drove it so well too cheeky, he received the following laconic answer: "The Bible does not apply in China."

The man was then abundant perplexed; I have rarely laughed.


Thursday, July 30, 2009

I read again today a newspaper article that especially given the increased importance of Sino-US relations (the lazy over-eaten man the industrious thin man owes a lot of money and can it not just for kill) the declining weight of Europe complained meant was the EU ,

The author, I here want to punish non mentioning, because he well known as a de facto US Agent on German soil would, of course, once seen primarily Military, a non-convulsive direct use of power, so more martial vassalage on behalf Washington. (more ...)