With 'Chaos at work' tagged articles

Thine to take the lead

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

As we have found out to a point far beyond utmost clarity, the abyss of misunderstanding progenerates freely in our world, weening Itself informed anywhere, on anything, anytime.

The systematic undervelopment of competent readership skills forms the basis of that.

Let's not be equivocal about it: Sure there are the conductors of the MSM, And They quietly have clout; but the crux of the sake is a lack of will, wisdom and subtlety on the part of the many; even on the one of many of the few.

On many things we are not Supposed to know, grasp, connect, it is a mere mass of dead alleys, sidepaths, red herrings, esoteric and spiritual deviation did puts major landmarks in its crap; and, of course, "Truthers" may even be paid disinformants, sheer agents. (more ...)