With 'Angelina Jolie' tagged articles

Angelina Jolie postscripts at Friederike Beck

Friday, May 31, 2013

It is usually of course not my job to pick up items by Mrs Friederike Beck here and advertise that you should read it. In this case, however, the "thing" Angelina Jolie, I will make an exception:


The author works clear out that and how an obviously severely mentally disturbed woman - Friederike Beck assumed it wide ignorance as to what they inflict on whose objectives in use - stylized for now real, not just cinematically-fictional heroine, for a tool umfässlichen agenda makes, even more, of interconnected agendas.

Adding up everything Beck cites, the result is a veritable, grauses horror scenario. A heavily auto-destructive woman gives, for the CFR and other Gutmenschenorgaisationen like the UN and medical corporations, world mass media the Taktgeberin, as courageous champion of human will and self-discipline on the weak flesh, infirmity and death.

Perfidious, merciless, a man can hardly vernutzen. (more ...)

A Exsexuelle? (An Exsexual?)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

In the comment string to "Mrs Nittit" asks Rainer Grzybowski:

"Angelina Jolie - is now a Exsexuelle?"

In fact, so far does not seem politically and linguistically correct term for those found to be amputated from their sex voluntarily.

Rainer, You hit the nail on the head. Admirable, it can be said hardly. A neologism for the future.

Then we'll do it right now but also engsächsisch, for the dictionary:

"At Exsexual is a person did willfully and with success Has ordered healthy sexual organs to be removed preventively."

Mrs Nittit

Thursday, May 16, 2013

I'm sorry, but now it reached me: Mrs World Big tits has a precaution so scared can saw off their healthy Möppel. To Mrs Nittit. Applause from Publiko. Awe. Attention. Model for all women. Decadence in the final stage.