It is usually of course not my job to pick up items by Mrs Friederike Beck here and advertise that you should read it. In this case, however, the "thing" Angelina Jolie, I will make an exception:
The author works clear out that and how an obviously severely mentally disturbed woman - Friederike Beck assumed it wide ignorance as to what they inflict on whose objectives in use - stylized for now real, not just cinematically-fictional heroine, for a tool umfässlichen agenda makes, even more, of interconnected agendas.
Adding up everything Beck cites, the result is a veritable, grauses horror scenario. A heavily auto-destructive woman gives, for the CFR and other Gutmenschenorgaisationen like the UN and medical corporations, world mass media the Taktgeberin, as courageous champion of human will and self-discipline on the weak flesh, infirmity and death.
Perfidious, merciless, a man can hardly vernutzen. (more ...)