With 'Announced violent protests' tagged articles

Bilderberg 2013: Terroreffen with Schmackes?

Monday, May 27, 2013

As regards the scope and agenda of this year's Bilderberg meeting in England, was first referred to Armin's page:

http://www.conspirare.net/w2/bilder-google-mountain weltverschworung-2013-in-10-tagen/

However, a passage from which I want to take in here again, because it is particularly noteworthy. Armin writes:

"Already the Mayor of Watford has concerns, says that the activists are violent. This is surprising, because in recent years it has never come by the activists, bloggers and journalists to violence - on the contrary., The information was always on top "


'"The Mayor of Walford, Dorothy Thornhill looks with mixed feelings on the conference, ask yourself whether this is a good thing for the city. She said: "I have my doubts, because this attracts people that may cause violence and public disorder and be."

"Watford's Elected mayor, Dorothy Thornhill, said she Had mixed feelings about Whether the summit was a good thing for the town. She said: "I have my Concerns about it: because it does attract people who can and do cause violence and disturbance." '

Armin has here even translated yet, so to speak mildly, by futuristically rendered "do cause violence", adopted from the present indicative.

Where, in fact, white woman mayor, that this time people are attracted, causing the violence, as if that was safe, they were already there? (more ...)